#!/usr/bin/env python3 # sijapi # sij.law # sij.ai # Monitors Tailscale, VPN, and sijapi server and Postgres status across multiple servers. # true # false # false # 15 # STEP 1: Update this path to point to your sijapi directory: sijapi_dir = '/Users/sij/workshop/sijapi' # STEP 2: Ensure ./sijapi/config/sys.yaml exists in your sijapi directory and contains your correct configuration. You can work off the template provided at sys.yaml-example. config_yaml = f'{sijapi_dir}/sijapi/config/sys.yaml' # STEP 3: Install 'vitals' (https://sij.ai/sij/vitals) in your server(s) PATH(s). import subprocess import json import yaml import psycopg2 import paramiko import shlex import tempfile import os import glob from urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning import requests requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(category=InsecureRequestWarning) # Clean up old temporary scripts temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() for old_script in glob.glob(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'swiftbar_vpn_*.sh')): try: os.remove(old_script) except OSError: pass # Ignore errors in cleanup with open(config_yaml, 'r') as stream: config = yaml.safe_load(stream) servers = config['POOL'] def run_ssh_command(server, command): ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) try: ssh.connect(server['ts_ip'], port=server['ssh_port'], username=server['ssh_user'], password=server['ssh_pass']) stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command) result = stdout.read().decode().strip() error = stderr.read().decode().strip() if error and "discover_other_daemon: 1" not in error: print(f"SSH Error on {server['ts_id']} running {command}: {error}") return result except Exception as e: print(f"SSH Connection Error for {server['ts_id']}: {str(e)}") return None finally: ssh.close() def check_health(ip, port): try: response = requests.get(f"http://{ip}:{port}/health", timeout=5, verify=False) return response.status_code == 200 except: return False def check_postgres(ip, port, dbname, user, password): try: conn = psycopg2.connect( host=ip, port=port, dbname=dbname, user=user, password=password, connect_timeout=5 ) conn.close() return True except: return False def get_sij_id(): try: response = requests.get("https://api.sij.ai/id?api_key=sk-NhrtQwCHNdK5sRZC", timeout=4) response.raise_for_status() return response.text.strip().strip('"') except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: return "API Error" except Exception as e: return "Unexpected Error" def flag_emoji(country_code): if country_code: offset = 127397 flag = ''.join([chr(ord(char) + offset) for char in country_code.upper()]) return flag return flag_emoji('us') # American flag for no VPN def gather_remote_info(server): vitals_output = run_ssh_command(server, f"bash -l -c '{server['vitals']}'") if vitals_output: try: json_start = vitals_output.find('{') if json_start != -1: json_output = vitals_output[json_start:] host_info = json.loads(json_output) else: print(f"No JSON found in output from {server['ts_id']}. Output: {vitals_output}") return None except json.JSONDecodeError: print(f"Error decoding JSON from {server['ts_id']}. Output: {vitals_output}") return None vpn_status = host_info.get('mullvad_exitnode', False) dns_status = host_info.get('nextdns_connected', False) or host_info.get('adguard_connected', False) country_code = host_info.get('mullvad_hostname', '').split('-')[0] if vpn_status else 'us' flag = flag_emoji(country_code) mullvad_hostname = host_info.get('mullvad_hostname', '').split('.')[0] if vpn_status else '' info = f"{server['ts_id']}\n" wan_ip = host_info.get('wan_ip', 'N/A') # Create a shell script that will be executed shell_script = f"""#!/bin/bash ssh {server['ssh_user']}@{server['ts_ip']} "bash -l -c '{server['vpn']} shh'" """ # Write the shell script to a temporary file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False, suffix='.sh', prefix='swiftbar_vpn_') as temp_file: temp_file.write(shell_script) temp_script_path = temp_file.name # Make the script executable os.chmod(temp_script_path, 0o755) info += f"{flag} {wan_ip} | bash={temp_script_path} terminal=false refresh=true" if mullvad_hostname: info += f" ({mullvad_hostname})\n" else: info += "\n" info += f"⋈ {host_info.get('nextdns_protocol', 'NextDNS') if host_info.get('nextdns_connected') else 'AdGuard Home' if host_info.get('adguard_connected') else 'Standard DNS'}\n" info += f"⧖ {host_info.get('uptime', 'N/A')}\n" return { 'info': info, 'vpn': vpn_status, 'dns': dns_status, 'ts_ip': server['ts_ip'], 'ssh_user': server['ssh_user'], 'vpn_path': server['vpn'], 'health_ok': check_health(server['ts_ip'], server['app_port']), 'postgres_ok': check_postgres(server['ts_ip'], server['db_port'], server['db_name'], server['db_user'], server['db_pass']), 'server_id': server['ts_id'], 'temp_script': temp_script_path } else: return None def index_to_braille(v1a, v1b, v2a, v2b, v3a, v3b): return (v1a * 1 + v1b * 8 + v2a * 2 + v2b * 16 + v3a * 4 + v3b * 32) status = 0 vpn_dns_status = 0 server_infos = [] # Check each server for i, server in enumerate(servers[:3]): # Limit to first 3 servers health_ok = check_health(server['ts_ip'], server['app_port']) postgres_ok = check_postgres(server['ts_ip'], server['db_port'], server['db_name'], server['db_user'], server['db_pass']) if i == 0: # First server if health_ok: status |= 1 if postgres_ok: status |= 8 elif i == 1: # Second server if health_ok: status |= 2 if postgres_ok: status |= 16 elif i == 2: # Third server if health_ok: status |= 4 if postgres_ok: status |= 32 server_info = gather_remote_info(server) if server_info: server_infos.append(server_info) if i == 0: # First server if server_info['vpn']: vpn_dns_status |= 1 if server_info['dns']: vpn_dns_status |= 8 elif i == 1: # Second server if server_info['vpn']: vpn_dns_status |= 2 if server_info['dns']: vpn_dns_status |= 16 elif i == 2: # Third server if server_info['vpn']: vpn_dns_status |= 4 if server_info['dns']: vpn_dns_status |= 32 # Convert the statuses to Braille Unicode symbols sijapi_symbol = chr(0x2800 + status) vpn_dns_symbol = chr(0x2800 + vpn_dns_status) sij_id = get_sij_id() # Display menu bar indicators: print(sijapi_symbol, vpn_dns_symbol) # Divide menu bar from drop-down menu bar: print('---') # Display drop-down menu indicators: for server_info in server_infos: if server_info: check_mark = '✓ ' if server_info['server_id'] == sij_id else '' print(f"{check_mark}{server_info['info'].rstrip()}") health_symbol = '●' if server_info['health_ok'] else '○' postgres_symbol = '◆' if server_info['postgres_ok'] else '◇' print(f"{health_symbol} Health {postgres_symbol} Postgres") vpn_path = server_info['vpn_path'] print() print('---') print() print() print('---') print()