From 538078747df4b6f566f58c884c157e88677402bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Timothy Carambat <>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2024 10:12:32 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Add vector search API endpoint (#2815)

* Add vector search API endpoint

* Add missing import

* Modify the data that is returned

* Change similarityThreshold to scoreThreshold

As this is what is actually returned by the search

* Removing logging (oops!)

* chore: regen swagger docs for new endpoint
fix: update function to sanity check values to prevent crashes during search


Co-authored-by: Scott Bowler <>
 server/endpoints/api/workspace/index.js | 133 +++++++++++++++++++++++-
 server/swagger/openapi.json             |  74 +++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 206 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/server/endpoints/api/workspace/index.js b/server/endpoints/api/workspace/index.js
index ada7f2fb7..2b0ad577d 100644
--- a/server/endpoints/api/workspace/index.js
+++ b/server/endpoints/api/workspace/index.js
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ const { Telemetry } = require("../../../models/telemetry");
 const { DocumentVectors } = require("../../../models/vectors");
 const { Workspace } = require("../../../models/workspace");
 const { WorkspaceChats } = require("../../../models/workspaceChats");
-const { getVectorDbClass } = require("../../../utils/helpers");
+const { getVectorDbClass, getLLMProvider } = require("../../../utils/helpers");
 const { multiUserMode, reqBody } = require("../../../utils/http");
 const { validApiKey } = require("../../../utils/middleware/validApiKey");
 const { VALID_CHAT_MODE } = require("../../../utils/chats/stream");
@@ -841,6 +841,137 @@ function apiWorkspaceEndpoints(app) {
+    "/v1/workspace/:slug/vector-search",
+    [validApiKey],
+    async (request, response) => {
+      /*
+    #swagger.tags = ['Workspaces']
+    #swagger.description = 'Perform a vector similarity search in a workspace'
+    #swagger.parameters['slug'] = {
+        in: 'path',
+        description: 'Unique slug of workspace to search in',
+        required: true,
+        type: 'string'
+    }
+    #swagger.requestBody = {
+      description: 'Query to perform vector search with and optional parameters',
+      required: true,
+      content: {
+        "application/json": {
+          example: {
+            query: "What is the meaning of life?",
+            topN: 4,
+            scoreThreshold: 0.75
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    #swagger.responses[200] = {
+      content: {
+        "application/json": {
+          schema: {
+            type: 'object',
+            example: {
+              results: [
+                {
+                  id: "5a6bee0a-306c-47fc-942b-8ab9bf3899c4",
+                  text: "Document chunk content...",
+                  metadata: {
+                    url: "file://document.txt",
+                    title: "document.txt",
+                    author: "no author specified",
+                    description: "no description found",
+                    docSource: "post:123456",
+                    chunkSource: "document.txt",
+                    published: "12/1/2024, 11:39:39 AM",
+                    wordCount: 8,
+                    tokenCount: 9
+                  },
+                  distance: 0.541887640953064,
+                  score: 0.45811235904693604
+                }
+              ]
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    */
+      try {
+        const { slug } = request.params;
+        const { query, topN, scoreThreshold } = reqBody(request);
+        const workspace = await Workspace.get({ slug: String(slug) });
+        if (!workspace)
+          return response.status(400).json({
+            message: `Workspace ${slug} is not a valid workspace.`,
+          });
+        if (!query?.length)
+          return response.status(400).json({
+            message: "Query parameter cannot be empty.",
+          });
+        const VectorDb = getVectorDbClass();
+        const hasVectorizedSpace = await VectorDb.hasNamespace(workspace.slug);
+        const embeddingsCount = await VectorDb.namespaceCount(workspace.slug);
+        if (!hasVectorizedSpace || embeddingsCount === 0)
+          return response
+            .status(200)
+            .json({
+              results: [],
+              message: "No embeddings found for this workspace.",
+            });
+        const parseSimilarityThreshold = () => {
+          let input = parseFloat(scoreThreshold);
+          if (isNaN(input) || input < 0 || input > 1)
+            return workspace?.similarityThreshold ?? 0.25;
+          return input;
+        };
+        const parseTopN = () => {
+          let input = Number(topN);
+          if (isNaN(input) || input < 1) return workspace?.topN ?? 4;
+          return input;
+        };
+        const results = await VectorDb.performSimilaritySearch({
+          namespace: workspace.slug,
+          input: String(query),
+          LLMConnector: getLLMProvider(),
+          similarityThreshold: parseSimilarityThreshold(),
+          topN: parseTopN(),
+        });
+        response.status(200).json({
+          results: => ({
+            id:,
+            text: source.text,
+            metadata: {
+              url: source.url,
+              title: source.title,
+              author: source.docAuthor,
+              description: source.description,
+              docSource: source.docSource,
+              chunkSource: source.chunkSource,
+              published: source.published,
+              wordCount: source.wordCount,
+              tokenCount: source.token_count_estimate,
+            },
+            distance: source._distance,
+            score: source.score,
+          })),
+        });
+      } catch (e) {
+        console.error(e.message, e);
+        response.sendStatus(500).end();
+      }
+    }
+  );
 module.exports = { apiWorkspaceEndpoints };
diff --git a/server/swagger/openapi.json b/server/swagger/openapi.json
index a849da028..230398ada 100644
--- a/server/swagger/openapi.json
+++ b/server/swagger/openapi.json
@@ -2056,6 +2056,80 @@
+    "/v1/workspace/{slug}/vector-search": {
+      "post": {
+        "tags": [
+          "Workspaces"
+        ],
+        "description": "Perform a vector similarity search in a workspace",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "slug",
+            "in": "path",
+            "required": true,
+            "schema": {
+              "type": "string"
+            },
+            "description": "Unique slug of workspace to search in"
+          }
+        ],
+        "responses": {
+          "200": {
+            "description": "OK",
+            "content": {
+              "application/json": {
+                "schema": {
+                  "type": "object",
+                  "example": {
+                    "results": [
+                      {
+                        "id": "5a6bee0a-306c-47fc-942b-8ab9bf3899c4",
+                        "text": "Document chunk content...",
+                        "metadata": {
+                          "url": "file://document.txt",
+                          "title": "document.txt",
+                          "author": "no author specified",
+                          "description": "no description found",
+                          "docSource": "post:123456",
+                          "chunkSource": "document.txt",
+                          "published": "12/1/2024, 11:39:39 AM",
+                          "wordCount": 8,
+                          "tokenCount": 9
+                        },
+                        "distance": 0.541887640953064,
+                        "score": 0.45811235904693604
+                      }
+                    ]
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          },
+          "400": {
+            "description": "Bad Request"
+          },
+          "403": {
+            "description": "Forbidden"
+          },
+          "500": {
+            "description": "Internal Server Error"
+          }
+        },
+        "requestBody": {
+          "description": "Query to perform vector search with and optional parameters",
+          "required": true,
+          "content": {
+            "application/json": {
+              "example": {
+                "query": "What is the meaning of life?",
+                "topN": 4,
+                "scoreThreshold": 0.75
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    },
     "/v1/system/env-dump": {
       "get": {
         "tags": [