# With this dockerfile in a Huggingface space you will get an entire AnythingLLM instance running # in your space with all features you would normally get from the docker based version of AnythingLLM. # # How to use # - Login to https://huggingface.co/spaces # - Click on "Create new Space" # - Name the space and select "Docker" as the SDK w/ a blank template # - The default 2vCPU/16GB machine is OK. The more the merrier. # - Decide if you want your AnythingLLM Space public or private. # **You might want to stay private until you at least set a password or enable multi-user mode** # - Click "Create Space" # - Click on "Settings" on top of page (https://huggingface.co/spaces/<username>/<space-name>/settings) # - Scroll to "Persistent Storage" and select the lowest tier of now - you can upgrade if you run out. # - Confirm and continue storage upgrade # - Go to "Files" Tab (https://huggingface.co/spaces/<username>/<space-name>/tree/main) # - Click "Add Files" # - Upload this file or create a file named `Dockerfile` and copy-paste this content into it. "Commit to main" and save. # - Your container will build and boot. You now have AnythingLLM on HuggingFace. Your data is stored in the persistent storage attached. # Have Fun 🤗 # Have issues? Check the logs on HuggingFace for clues. FROM mintplexlabs/anythingllm:render USER root RUN mkdir -p /data/storage RUN ln -s /data/storage /storage USER anythingllm ENV STORAGE_DIR="/data/storage" ENV SERVER_PORT=7860 ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "/usr/local/bin/render-entrypoint.sh"]