const { BackgroundService } = require("../utils/BackgroundWorkers"); const prisma = require("../utils/prisma"); const { SystemSettings } = require("./systemSettings"); const { Telemetry } = require("./telemetry"); /** * @typedef {('link'|'youtube'|'confluence'|'github'|'gitlab')} validFileType */ const DocumentSyncQueue = { featureKey: "experimental_live_file_sync", // update the validFileTypes and .canWatch properties when adding elements here. validFileTypes: ["link", "youtube", "confluence", "github", "gitlab"], defaultStaleAfter: 604800000, maxRepeatFailures: 5, // How many times a run can fail in a row before pruning. writable: [], bootWorkers: function () { new BackgroundService().boot(); }, killWorkers: function () { new BackgroundService().stop(); }, /** Check is the Document Sync/Watch feature is enabled and can be used. */ enabled: async function () { return ( (await SystemSettings.get({ label: this.featureKey }))?.value === "enabled" ); }, /** * @param {import("@prisma/client").document_sync_queues} queueRecord - queue record to calculate for */ calcNextSync: function (queueRecord) { return new Date(Number(new Date()) + queueRecord.staleAfterMs); }, /** * Check if the document can be watched based on the metadata fields * @param {object} metadata - metadata to check * @param {string} metadata.title - title of the document * @param {string} metadata.chunkSource - chunk source of the document * @returns {boolean} - true if the document can be watched, false otherwise */ canWatch: function ({ title, chunkSource = null } = {}) { if (chunkSource.startsWith("link://") && title.endsWith(".html")) return true; // If is web-link material (prior to feature most chunkSources were links://) if (chunkSource.startsWith("youtube://")) return true; // If is a youtube link if (chunkSource.startsWith("confluence://")) return true; // If is a confluence document link if (chunkSource.startsWith("github://")) return true; // If is a Github file reference if (chunkSource.startsWith("gitlab://")) return true; // If is a Gitlab file reference return false; }, /** * Creates Queue record and updates document watch status to true on Document record * @param {import("@prisma/client").workspace_documents} document - document record to watch, must have `id` */ watch: async function (document = null) { if (!document) return false; try { const { Document } = require("./documents"); // Get all documents that are watched and share the same unique filename. If this value is // non-zero then we exit early so that we do not have duplicated watch queues for the same file // across many workspaces. const workspaceDocIds = ( await Document.where({ filename: document.filename, watched: true }) ).map((rec) =>; const hasRecords = (await this.count({ workspaceDocId: { in: workspaceDocIds } })) > 0; if (hasRecords) throw new Error( `Cannot watch this document again - it already has a queue set.` ); const queue = await prisma.document_sync_queues.create({ data: { workspaceDocId:, nextSyncAt: new Date(Number(new Date()) + this.defaultStaleAfter), }, }); await Document._updateAll( { filename: document.filename }, { watched: true } ); return queue || null; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return null; } }, /** * Deletes Queue record and updates document watch status to false on Document record * @param {import("@prisma/client").workspace_documents} document - document record to unwatch, must have `id` */ unwatch: async function (document = null) { if (!document) return false; try { const { Document } = require("./documents"); // We could have been given a document to unwatch which is a clone of one that is already being watched but by another workspaceDocument id. // so in this instance we need to delete any queues related to this document by any WorkspaceDocumentId it is referenced by. const workspaceDocIds = ( await Document.where({ filename: document.filename, watched: true }) ).map((rec) =>; await this.delete({ workspaceDocId: { in: workspaceDocIds } }); await Document._updateAll( { filename: document.filename }, { watched: false } ); return true; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return false; } }, _update: async function (id = null, data = {}) { if (!id) throw new Error("No id provided for update"); try { await prisma.document_sync_queues.update({ where: { id }, data, }); return true; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return false; } }, get: async function (clause = {}) { try { const queue = await prisma.document_sync_queues.findFirst({ where: clause, }); return queue || null; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return null; } }, where: async function ( clause = {}, limit = null, orderBy = null, include = {} ) { try { const results = await prisma.document_sync_queues.findMany({ where: clause, ...(limit !== null ? { take: limit } : {}), ...(orderBy !== null ? { orderBy } : {}), ...(include !== null ? { include } : {}), }); return results; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return []; } }, count: async function (clause = {}, limit = null) { try { const count = await prisma.document_sync_queues.count({ where: clause, ...(limit !== null ? { take: limit } : {}), }); return count; } catch (error) { console.error("FAILED TO COUNT DOCUMENTS.", error.message); return 0; } }, delete: async function (clause = {}) { try { await prisma.document_sync_queues.deleteMany({ where: clause }); return true; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return false; } }, /** * Gets the "stale" queues where the queue's nextSyncAt is less than the current time * @returns {Promise<( * import("@prisma/client").document_sync_queues & * { workspaceDoc: import("@prisma/client").workspace_documents & * { workspace: import("@prisma/client").workspaces } * })[]}>} */ staleDocumentQueues: async function () { const queues = await this.where( { nextSyncAt: { lte: new Date().toISOString(), }, }, null, null, { workspaceDoc: { include: { workspace: true, }, }, } ); return queues; }, saveRun: async function (queueId = null, status = null, result = {}) { const { DocumentSyncRun } = require("./documentSyncRun"); return, status, result); }, /** * Updates document to be watched/unwatched & creates or deletes any queue records and updated Document record `watched` status * @param {import("@prisma/client").workspace_documents} documentRecord * @param {boolean} watchStatus - indicate if queue record should be created or not. * @returns */ toggleWatchStatus: async function (documentRecord, watchStatus = false) { if (!watchStatus) { await Telemetry.sendTelemetry("document_unwatched"); await this.unwatch(documentRecord); return; } await; await Telemetry.sendTelemetry("document_watched"); return; }, }; module.exports = { DocumentSyncQueue };