/* * This is a custom implementation of the Confluence langchain loader. There was an issue where * code blocks were not being extracted. This is a temporary fix until this issue is resolved.*/ const { htmlToText } = require("html-to-text"); class ConfluencePagesLoader { constructor({ baseUrl, spaceKey, username, accessToken, limit = 25, expand = "body.storage,version", personalAccessToken, cloud = true, }) { this.baseUrl = baseUrl; this.spaceKey = spaceKey; this.username = username; this.accessToken = accessToken; this.limit = limit; this.expand = expand; this.personalAccessToken = personalAccessToken; this.cloud = cloud; } get authorizationHeader() { if (this.personalAccessToken) { return `Bearer ${this.personalAccessToken}`; } else if (this.username && this.accessToken) { const authToken = Buffer.from( `${this.username}:${this.accessToken}` ).toString("base64"); return `Basic ${authToken}`; } return undefined; } async load(options) { try { const pages = await this.fetchAllPagesInSpace( options?.start, options?.limit ); return pages.map((page) => this.createDocumentFromPage(page)); } catch (error) { console.error("Error:", error); return []; } } async fetchConfluenceData(url) { try { const initialHeaders = { "Content-Type": "application/json", Accept: "application/json", }; const authHeader = this.authorizationHeader; if (authHeader) { initialHeaders.Authorization = authHeader; } const response = await fetch(url, { headers: initialHeaders, }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error( `Failed to fetch ${url} from Confluence: ${response.status}` ); } return await response.json(); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Failed to fetch ${url} from Confluence: ${error}`); } } // https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/confluence/rest/v2/intro/#auth async fetchAllPagesInSpace(start = 0, limit = this.limit) { const url = `${this.baseUrl}${ this.cloud ? "/wiki" : "" }/rest/api/content?spaceKey=${ this.spaceKey }&limit=${limit}&start=${start}&expand=${this.expand}`; const data = await this.fetchConfluenceData(url); if (data.size === 0) { return []; } const nextPageStart = start + data.size; const nextPageResults = await this.fetchAllPagesInSpace( nextPageStart, limit ); return data.results.concat(nextPageResults); } createDocumentFromPage(page) { // Function to extract code blocks const extractCodeBlocks = (content) => { const codeBlockRegex = /<ac:structured-macro ac:name="code"[^>]*>[\s\S]*?<ac:plain-text-body><!\[CDATA\[([\s\S]*?)\]\]><\/ac:plain-text-body>[\s\S]*?<\/ac:structured-macro>/g; const languageRegex = /<ac:parameter ac:name="language">(.*?)<\/ac:parameter>/; return content.replace(codeBlockRegex, (match) => { const language = match.match(languageRegex)?.[1] || ""; const code = match.match( /<ac:plain-text-body><!\[CDATA\[([\s\S]*?)\]\]><\/ac:plain-text-body>/ )?.[1] || ""; return `\n\`\`\`${language}\n${code.trim()}\n\`\`\`\n`; }); }; const contentWithCodeBlocks = extractCodeBlocks(page.body.storage.value); const plainTextContent = htmlToText(contentWithCodeBlocks, { wordwrap: false, preserveNewlines: true, }); const textWithPreservedStructure = plainTextContent.replace( /\n{3,}/g, "\n\n" ); const pageUrl = `${this.baseUrl}/spaces/${this.spaceKey}/pages/${page.id}`; return { pageContent: textWithPreservedStructure, metadata: { id: page.id, status: page.status, title: page.title, type: page.type, url: pageUrl, version: page.version?.number, updated_by: page.version?.by?.displayName, updated_at: page.version?.when, }, }; } } module.exports = { ConfluencePagesLoader };