const KEY_MAPPING = { LLMProvider: { envKey: "LLM_PROVIDER", checks: [isNotEmpty, supportedLLM], }, // OpenAI Settings OpenAiKey: { envKey: "OPEN_AI_KEY", checks: [isNotEmpty, validOpenAIKey], }, OpenAiModelPref: { envKey: "OPEN_MODEL_PREF", checks: [isNotEmpty], }, // Azure OpenAI Settings AzureOpenAiEndpoint: { envKey: "AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT", checks: [isNotEmpty, validAzureURL], }, AzureOpenAiTokenLimit: { envKey: "AZURE_OPENAI_TOKEN_LIMIT", checks: [validOpenAiTokenLimit], }, AzureOpenAiKey: { envKey: "AZURE_OPENAI_KEY", checks: [isNotEmpty], }, AzureOpenAiModelPref: { envKey: "OPEN_MODEL_PREF", checks: [isNotEmpty], }, AzureOpenAiEmbeddingModelPref: { envKey: "EMBEDDING_MODEL_PREF", checks: [isNotEmpty], }, // Anthropic Settings AnthropicApiKey: { envKey: "ANTHROPIC_API_KEY", checks: [isNotEmpty, validAnthropicApiKey], }, AnthropicModelPref: { envKey: "ANTHROPIC_MODEL_PREF", checks: [isNotEmpty, validAnthropicModel], }, // LMStudio Settings LMStudioBasePath: { envKey: "LMSTUDIO_BASE_PATH", checks: [isNotEmpty, validLLMExternalBasePath], }, LMStudioTokenLimit: { envKey: "LMSTUDIO_MODEL_TOKEN_LIMIT", checks: [nonZero], }, // LocalAI Settings LocalAiBasePath: { envKey: "LOCAL_AI_BASE_PATH", checks: [isNotEmpty, validLLMExternalBasePath], }, LocalAiModelPref: { envKey: "LOCAL_AI_MODEL_PREF", checks: [], }, LocalAiTokenLimit: { envKey: "LOCAL_AI_MODEL_TOKEN_LIMIT", checks: [nonZero], }, LocalAiApiKey: { envKey: "LOCAL_AI_API_KEY", checks: [], }, EmbeddingEngine: { envKey: "EMBEDDING_ENGINE", checks: [supportedEmbeddingModel], }, EmbeddingBasePath: { envKey: "EMBEDDING_BASE_PATH", checks: [isNotEmpty, validLLMExternalBasePath], }, EmbeddingModelPref: { envKey: "EMBEDDING_MODEL_PREF", checks: [isNotEmpty], }, // Vector Database Selection Settings VectorDB: { envKey: "VECTOR_DB", checks: [isNotEmpty, supportedVectorDB], }, // Chroma Options ChromaEndpoint: { envKey: "CHROMA_ENDPOINT", checks: [isValidURL, validChromaURL], }, ChromaApiHeader: { envKey: "CHROMA_API_HEADER", checks: [], }, ChromaApiKey: { envKey: "CHROMA_API_KEY", checks: [], }, // Weaviate Options WeaviateEndpoint: { envKey: "WEAVIATE_ENDPOINT", checks: [isValidURL], }, WeaviateApiKey: { envKey: "WEAVIATE_API_KEY", checks: [], }, // QDrant Options QdrantEndpoint: { envKey: "QDRANT_ENDPOINT", checks: [isValidURL], }, QdrantApiKey: { envKey: "QDRANT_API_KEY", checks: [], }, PineConeEnvironment: { envKey: "PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT", checks: [], }, PineConeKey: { envKey: "PINECONE_API_KEY", checks: [], }, PineConeIndex: { envKey: "PINECONE_INDEX", checks: [], }, // System Settings AuthToken: { envKey: "AUTH_TOKEN", checks: [requiresForceMode], }, JWTSecret: { envKey: "JWT_SECRET", checks: [requiresForceMode], }, }; function isNotEmpty(input = "") { return !input || input.length === 0 ? "Value cannot be empty" : null; } function nonZero(input = "") { if (isNaN(Number(input))) return "Value must be a number"; return Number(input) <= 0 ? "Value must be greater than zero" : null; } function isValidURL(input = "") { try { new URL(input); return null; } catch (e) { return "URL is not a valid URL."; } } function validOpenAIKey(input = "") { return input.startsWith("sk-") ? null : "OpenAI Key must start with sk-"; } function validAnthropicApiKey(input = "") { return input.startsWith("sk-ant-") ? null : "Anthropic Key must start with sk-ant-"; } function validLLMExternalBasePath(input = "") { try { new URL(input); if (!input.includes("v1")) return "URL must include /v1"; if (input.split("").slice(-1)?.[0] === "/") return "URL cannot end with a slash"; return null; } catch { return "Not a valid URL"; } } function supportedLLM(input = "") { return ["openai", "azure", "anthropic", "lmstudio", "localai"].includes( input ); } function validAnthropicModel(input = "") { const validModels = ["claude-2", "claude-instant-1"]; return validModels.includes(input) ? null : `Invalid Model type. Must be one of ${validModels.join(", ")}.`; } function supportedEmbeddingModel(input = "") { const supported = ["openai", "azure", "localai"]; return supported.includes(input) ? null : `Invalid Embedding model type. Must be one of ${supported.join(", ")}.`; } function supportedVectorDB(input = "") { const supported = ["chroma", "pinecone", "lancedb", "weaviate", "qdrant"]; return supported.includes(input) ? null : `Invalid VectorDB type. Must be one of ${supported.join(", ")}.`; } function validChromaURL(input = "") { return input.slice(-1) === "/" ? `Chroma Instance URL should not end in a trailing slash.` : null; } function validAzureURL(input = "") { try { new URL(input); if (!input.includes("")) return "URL must include"; return null; } catch { return "Not a valid URL"; } } function validOpenAiTokenLimit(input = "") { const tokenLimit = Number(input); if (isNaN(tokenLimit)) return "Token limit is not a number"; if (![4_096, 16_384, 8_192, 32_768].includes(tokenLimit)) return "Invalid OpenAI token limit."; return null; } function requiresForceMode(_, forceModeEnabled = false) { return forceModeEnabled === true ? null : "Cannot set this setting."; } // This will force update .env variables which for any which reason were not able to be parsed or // read from an ENV file as this seems to be a complicating step for many so allowing people to write // to the process will at least alleviate that issue. It does not perform comprehensive validity checks or sanity checks // and is simply for debugging when the .env not found issue many come across. function updateENV(newENVs = {}, force = false) { let error = ""; const validKeys = Object.keys(KEY_MAPPING); const ENV_KEYS = Object.keys(newENVs).filter( (key) => validKeys.includes(key) && !newENVs[key].includes("******") // strip out answers where the value is all asterisks ); const newValues = {}; ENV_KEYS.forEach((key) => { const { envKey, checks } = KEY_MAPPING[key]; const value = newENVs[key]; const errors = checks .map((validityCheck) => validityCheck(value, force)) .filter((err) => typeof err === "string"); if (errors.length > 0) { error += errors.join("\n"); return; } newValues[key] = value; process.env[envKey] = value; }); return { newValues, error: error?.length > 0 ? error : false }; } async function dumpENV() { const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const frozenEnvs = {}; const protectedKeys = [ ...Object.values(KEY_MAPPING).map((values) => values.envKey), "CACHE_VECTORS", "STORAGE_DIR", "SERVER_PORT", // Password Schema Keys if present. "PASSWORDMINCHAR", "PASSWORDMAXCHAR", "PASSWORDLOWERCASE", "PASSWORDUPPERCASE", "PASSWORDNUMERIC", "PASSWORDSYMBOL", "PASSWORDREQUIREMENTS", ]; for (const key of protectedKeys) { const envValue = process.env?.[key] || null; if (!envValue) continue; frozenEnvs[key] = process.env?.[key] || null; } var envResult = `# Auto-dump ENV from system call on ${new Date().toTimeString()}\n`; envResult += Object.entries(frozenEnvs) .map(([key, value]) => { return `${key}='${value}'`; }) .join("\n"); const envPath = path.join(__dirname, "../../.env"); fs.writeFileSync(envPath, envResult, { encoding: "utf8", flag: "w" }); return true; } module.exports = { dumpENV, updateENV, };