const prisma = require("../utils/prisma"); const { EventLogs } = require("./eventLogs"); /** * @typedef {Object} User * @property {number} id * @property {string} username * @property {string} password * @property {string} pfpFilename * @property {string} role * @property {boolean} suspended * @property {number|null} dailyMessageLimit */ const User = { usernameRegex: new RegExp(/^[a-z0-9_-]+$/), writable: [ // Used for generic updates so we can validate keys in request body "username", "password", "pfpFilename", "role", "suspended", "dailyMessageLimit", ], validations: { username: (newValue = "") => { try { if (String(newValue).length > 100) throw new Error("Username cannot be longer than 100 characters"); if (String(newValue).length < 2) throw new Error("Username must be at least 2 characters"); return String(newValue); } catch (e) { throw new Error(e.message); } }, role: (role = "default") => { const VALID_ROLES = ["default", "admin", "manager"]; if (!VALID_ROLES.includes(role)) { throw new Error( `Invalid role. Allowed roles are: ${VALID_ROLES.join(", ")}` ); } return String(role); }, dailyMessageLimit: (dailyMessageLimit = null) => { if (dailyMessageLimit === null) return null; const limit = Number(dailyMessageLimit); if (isNaN(limit) || limit < 1) { throw new Error( "Daily message limit must be null or a number greater than or equal to 1" ); } return limit; }, }, // validations for the above writable fields. castColumnValue: function (key, value) { switch (key) { case "suspended": return Number(Boolean(value)); case "dailyMessageLimit": return value === null ? null : Number(value); default: return String(value); } }, filterFields: function (user = {}) { const { password, } = user; return { }; }, create: async function ({ username, password, role = "default", dailyMessageLimit = null, }) { const passwordCheck = this.checkPasswordComplexity(password); if (!passwordCheck.checkedOK) { return { user: null, error: passwordCheck.error }; } try { // Do not allow new users to bypass validation if (!this.usernameRegex.test(username)) throw new Error( "Username must only contain lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens with no spaces" ); const bcrypt = require("bcrypt"); const hashedPassword = bcrypt.hashSync(password, 10); const user = await prisma.users.create({ data: { username: this.validations.username(username), password: hashedPassword, role: this.validations.role(role), dailyMessageLimit: this.validations.dailyMessageLimit(dailyMessageLimit), }, }); return { user: this.filterFields(user), error: null }; } catch (error) { console.error("FAILED TO CREATE USER.", error.message); return { user: null, error: error.message }; } }, // Log the changes to a user object, but omit sensitive fields // that are not meant to be logged. loggedChanges: function (updates, prev = {}) { const changes = {}; const sensitiveFields = ["password"]; Object.keys(updates).forEach((key) => { if (!sensitiveFields.includes(key) && updates[key] !== prev[key]) { changes[key] = `${prev[key]} => ${updates[key]}`; } }); return changes; }, update: async function (userId, updates = {}) { try { if (!userId) throw new Error("No user id provided for update"); const currentUser = await prisma.users.findUnique({ where: { id: parseInt(userId) }, }); if (!currentUser) return { success: false, error: "User not found" }; // Removes non-writable fields for generic updates // and force-casts to the proper type; Object.entries(updates).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (this.writable.includes(key)) { if (this.validations.hasOwnProperty(key)) { updates[key] = this.validations[key]( this.castColumnValue(key, value) ); } else { updates[key] = this.castColumnValue(key, value); } return; } delete updates[key]; }); if (Object.keys(updates).length === 0) return { success: false, error: "No valid updates applied." }; // Handle password specific updates if (updates.hasOwnProperty("password")) { const passwordCheck = this.checkPasswordComplexity(updates.password); if (!passwordCheck.checkedOK) { return { success: false, error: passwordCheck.error }; } const bcrypt = require("bcrypt"); updates.password = bcrypt.hashSync(updates.password, 10); } if ( updates.hasOwnProperty("username") && currentUser.username !== updates.username && !this.usernameRegex.test(updates.username) ) return { success: false, error: "Username must only contain lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens with no spaces", }; const user = await prisma.users.update({ where: { id: parseInt(userId) }, data: updates, }); await EventLogs.logEvent( "user_updated", { username: user.username, changes: this.loggedChanges(updates, currentUser), }, userId ); return { success: true, error: null }; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return { success: false, error: error.message }; } }, // Explicit direct update of user object. // Only use this method when directly setting a key value // that takes no user input for the keys being modified. _update: async function (id = null, data = {}) { if (!id) throw new Error("No user id provided for update"); try { const user = await prisma.users.update({ where: { id }, data, }); return { user, message: null }; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return { user: null, message: error.message }; } }, get: async function (clause = {}) { try { const user = await prisma.users.findFirst({ where: clause }); return user ? this.filterFields({ ...user }) : null; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return null; } }, // Returns user object with all fields _get: async function (clause = {}) { try { const user = await prisma.users.findFirst({ where: clause }); return user ? { ...user } : null; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return null; } }, count: async function (clause = {}) { try { const count = await prisma.users.count({ where: clause }); return count; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return 0; } }, delete: async function (clause = {}) { try { await prisma.users.deleteMany({ where: clause }); return true; } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return false; } }, where: async function (clause = {}, limit = null) { try { const users = await prisma.users.findMany({ where: clause, ...(limit !== null ? { take: limit } : {}), }); return => this.filterFields(usr)); } catch (error) { console.error(error.message); return []; } }, checkPasswordComplexity: function (passwordInput = "") { const passwordComplexity = require("joi-password-complexity"); // Can be set via ENV variable on boot. No frontend config at this time. // Docs: const complexityOptions = { min: process.env.PASSWORDMINCHAR || 8, max: process.env.PASSWORDMAXCHAR || 250, lowerCase: process.env.PASSWORDLOWERCASE || 0, upperCase: process.env.PASSWORDUPPERCASE || 0, numeric: process.env.PASSWORDNUMERIC || 0, symbol: process.env.PASSWORDSYMBOL || 0, // reqCount should be equal to how many conditions you are testing for (1-4) requirementCount: process.env.PASSWORDREQUIREMENTS || 0, }; const complexityCheck = passwordComplexity( complexityOptions, "password" ).validate(passwordInput); if (complexityCheck.hasOwnProperty("error")) { let myError = ""; let prepend = ""; for (let i = 0; i < complexityCheck.error.details.length; i++) { myError += prepend + complexityCheck.error.details[i].message; prepend = ", "; } return { checkedOK: false, error: myError }; } return { checkedOK: true, error: "No error." }; }, /** * Check if a user can send a chat based on their daily message limit. * This limit is system wide and not per workspace and only applies to * multi-user mode AND non-admin users. * @param {User} user The user object record. * @returns {Promise<boolean>} True if the user can send a chat, false otherwise. */ canSendChat: async function (user) { const { ROLES } = require("../utils/middleware/multiUserProtected"); if (!user || user.dailyMessageLimit === null || user.role === ROLES.admin) return true; const { WorkspaceChats } = require("./workspaceChats"); const currentChatCount = await WorkspaceChats.count({ user_id:, createdAt: { gte: new Date(new Date() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000), // 24 hours }, }); return currentChatCount < user.dailyMessageLimit; }, }; module.exports = { User };