import React, { memo, useEffect, useState } from "react"; import OpenAiLogo from "../../../../../media/llmprovider/openai.png"; import AzureOpenAiLogo from "../../../../../media/llmprovider/azure.png"; import LocalAiLogo from "../../../../../media/llmprovider/localai.png"; import System from "../../../../../models/system"; import PreLoader from "../../../../../components/Preloader"; import LLMProviderOption from "../../../../../components/LLMSelection/LLMProviderOption"; function EmbeddingSelection({ nextStep, prevStep, currentStep }) { const [embeddingChoice, setEmbeddingChoice] = useState("openai"); const [settings, setSettings] = useState(null); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true); const [basePathValue, setBasePathValue] = useState(""); const [basePath, setBasePath] = useState(""); const updateChoice = (selection) => { setEmbeddingChoice(selection); }; function updateBasePath() { setBasePath(basePathValue); } useEffect(() => { async function fetchKeys() { const _settings = await System.keys(); setSettings(_settings); setEmbeddingChoice(_settings?.EmbeddingEngine || "openai"); setBasePathValue(_settings?.EmbeddingBasePath || ""); setLoading(false); } fetchKeys(); }, [currentStep]); const handleSubmit = async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const form =; const data = {}; const formData = new FormData(form); for (var [key, value] of formData.entries()) data[key] = value; const { error } = await System.updateSystem(data); if (error) { alert(`Failed to save LLM settings: ${error}`, "error"); return; } nextStep("vector_database"); return; }; if (loading) return ( <div className="w-full h-full flex justify-center items-center p-20"> <PreLoader /> </div> ); return ( <div className="w-full"> <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} className="flex flex-col w-full"> <div className="flex flex-col w-full px-1 md:px-8 py-12"> <div className="text-white text-sm font-medium pb-4"> Embedding Provider </div> <div className="w-full flex md:flex-wrap overflow-x-scroll gap-4 max-w-[900px]"> <input hidden={true} name="EmbeddingEngine" value={embeddingChoice} /> <LLMProviderOption name="OpenAI" value="openai" link="" description="The standard option for most non-commercial use. Provides both chat and embedding." checked={embeddingChoice === "openai"} image={OpenAiLogo} onClick={updateChoice} /> <LLMProviderOption name="Azure OpenAI" value="azure" link="" description="The enterprise option of OpenAI hosted on Azure services. Provides both chat and embedding." checked={embeddingChoice === "azure"} image={AzureOpenAiLogo} onClick={updateChoice} /> <LLMProviderOption name="LocalAI" value="localai" link="" description="Self hosted LocalAI embedding engine." checked={embeddingChoice === "localai"} image={LocalAiLogo} onClick={updateChoice} /> </div> <div className="mt-10 flex flex-wrap gap-4 max-w-[800px]"> {embeddingChoice === "openai" && ( <> <div className="flex flex-col w-60"> <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4"> API Key </label> <input type="password" name="OpenAiKey" className="bg-zinc-900 text-white placeholder-white placeholder-opacity-60 text-sm rounded-lg focus:border-white block w-full p-2.5" placeholder="OpenAI API Key" defaultValue={settings?.OpenAiKey ? "*".repeat(20) : ""} required={true} autoComplete="off" spellCheck={false} /> </div> </> )} {embeddingChoice === "azure" && ( <> <div className="flex flex-col w-60"> <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4"> Azure Service Endpoint </label> <input type="url" name="AzureOpenAiEndpoint" className="bg-zinc-900 text-white placeholder-white placeholder-opacity-60 text-sm rounded-lg focus:border-white block w-full p-2.5" placeholder="" defaultValue={settings?.AzureOpenAiEndpoint} required={true} autoComplete="off" spellCheck={false} /> </div> <div className="flex flex-col w-60"> <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4"> API Key </label> <input type="password" name="AzureOpenAiKey" className="bg-zinc-900 text-white placeholder-white placeholder-opacity-60 text-sm rounded-lg focus:border-white block w-full p-2.5" placeholder="Azure OpenAI API Key" defaultValue={ settings?.AzureOpenAiKey ? "*".repeat(20) : "" } required={true} autoComplete="off" spellCheck={false} /> </div> <div className="flex flex-col w-60"> <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4"> Embedding Deployment Name </label> <input type="text" name="AzureOpenAiEmbeddingModelPref" className="bg-zinc-900 text-white placeholder-white placeholder-opacity-60 text-sm rounded-lg focus:border-white block w-full p-2.5" placeholder="Azure OpenAI embedding model deployment name" defaultValue={settings?.AzureOpenAiEmbeddingModelPref} required={true} autoComplete="off" spellCheck={false} /> </div> </> )} {embeddingChoice === "localai" && ( <> <div className="flex flex-col w-60"> <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4"> LocalAI Base URL </label> <input type="url" name="EmbeddingBasePath" className="bg-zinc-900 text-white placeholder-white placeholder-opacity-60 text-sm rounded-lg focus:border-white block w-full p-2.5" placeholder="http://localhost:8080/v1" defaultValue={settings?.EmbeddingBasePath} onChange={(e) => setBasePathValue(} onBlur={updateBasePath} required={true} autoComplete="off" spellCheck={false} /> </div> <LocalAIModelSelection settings={settings} basePath={basePath} /> </> )} </div> </div> <div className="flex w-full justify-between items-center p-6 space-x-2 border-t rounded-b border-gray-500/50"> <button onClick={prevStep} type="button" className="px-4 py-2 rounded-lg text-white hover:bg-sidebar" > Back </button> <button type="submit" className="border border-slate-200 px-4 py-2 rounded-lg text-slate-800 bg-slate-200 text-sm items-center flex gap-x-2 hover:text-white hover:bg-transparent focus:ring-gray-800 font-semibold shadow" > Continue </button> </div> </form> </div> ); } function LocalAIModelSelection({ settings, basePath = null }) { const [customModels, setCustomModels] = useState([]); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true); useEffect(() => { async function findCustomModels() { if (!basePath || !basePath.includes("/v1")) { setCustomModels([]); setLoading(false); return; } setLoading(true); const { models } = await System.customModels("localai", null, basePath); setCustomModels(models || []); setLoading(false); } findCustomModels(); }, [basePath]); if (loading || customModels.length == 0) { return ( <div className="flex flex-col w-60"> <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4"> Embedding Model Name </label> <select name="EmbeddingModelPref" disabled={true} className="bg-zinc-900 border border-gray-500 text-white text-sm rounded-lg block w-full p-2.5" > <option disabled={true} selected={true}> {basePath?.includes("/v1") ? "-- loading available models --" : "-- waiting for URL --"} </option> </select> </div> ); } return ( <div className="flex flex-col w-60"> <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4"> Embedding Model Name </label> <select name="EmbeddingModelPref" required={true} className="bg-zinc-900 border border-gray-500 text-white text-sm rounded-lg block w-full p-2.5" > {customModels.length > 0 && ( <optgroup label="Your loaded models"> { => { return ( <option key={} value={} selected={settings.EmbeddingModelPref ===} > {} </option> ); })} </optgroup> )} </select> </div> ); } export default memo(EmbeddingSelection);