const { v4 } = require("uuid"); const { createdDate, trashFile, writeToServerDocuments, } = require("../../utils/files"); const { tokenizeString } = require("../../utils/tokenizer"); const { default: slugify } = require("slugify"); const { LocalWhisper } = require("../../utils/WhisperProviders/localWhisper"); const { OpenAiWhisper } = require("../../utils/WhisperProviders/OpenAiWhisper"); const WHISPER_PROVIDERS = { openai: OpenAiWhisper, local: LocalWhisper, }; async function asAudio({ fullFilePath = "", filename = "", options = {} }) { const WhisperProvider = WHISPER_PROVIDERS.hasOwnProperty( options?.whisperProvider ) ? WHISPER_PROVIDERS[options?.whisperProvider] : WHISPER_PROVIDERS.local; console.log(`-- Working ${filename} --`); const whisper = new WhisperProvider({ options }); const { content, error } = await whisper.processFile(fullFilePath, filename); if (!!error) { console.error(`Error encountered for parsing of ${filename}.`); trashFile(fullFilePath); return { success: false, reason: error, documents: [], }; } if (!content?.length) { console.error(`Resulting text content was empty for ${filename}.`); trashFile(fullFilePath); return { success: false, reason: `No text content found in ${filename}.`, documents: [], }; } const data = { id: v4(), url: "file://" + fullFilePath, title: filename, docAuthor: "no author found", description: "No description found.", docSource: "pdf file uploaded by the user.", chunkSource: "", published: createdDate(fullFilePath), wordCount: content.split(" ").length, pageContent: content, token_count_estimate: tokenizeString(content), }; const document = writeToServerDocuments( data, `${slugify(filename)}-${}` ); trashFile(fullFilePath); console.log( `[SUCCESS]: ${filename} transcribed, converted & ready for embedding.\n` ); return { success: true, reason: null, documents: [document] }; } module.exports = asAudio;