mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 16:44:43 +00:00
Remove useless icons in prompt bar Add chatMode column to workspaces that defaults to chat Add UI for toggle of chat mode with hint Update UI for workspace settings to match designs
213 lines
7.3 KiB
213 lines
7.3 KiB
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
// Uncomment the following lines and comment out the SQLite datasource block above to use PostgreSQL
// Make sure to set the correct DATABASE_URL in your .env file
// After swapping run `yarn prisma:setup` from the root directory to migrate the database
// datasource db {
// provider = "postgresql"
// url = env("DATABASE_URL")
// }
datasource db {
provider = "sqlite"
url = "file:../storage/anythingllm.db"
model api_keys {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
secret String? @unique
createdBy Int?
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
lastUpdatedAt DateTime @default(now())
model workspace_documents {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
docId String @unique
filename String
docpath String
workspaceId Int
metadata String?
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
lastUpdatedAt DateTime @default(now())
workspace workspaces @relation(fields: [workspaceId], references: [id])
model invites {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
code String @unique
status String @default("pending")
claimedBy Int?
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
createdBy Int
lastUpdatedAt DateTime @default(now())
model system_settings {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
label String @unique
value String?
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
lastUpdatedAt DateTime @default(now())
model users {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
username String? @unique
password String
pfpFilename String?
role String @default("default")
suspended Int @default(0)
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
lastUpdatedAt DateTime @default(now())
workspace_chats workspace_chats[]
workspace_users workspace_users[]
embed_configs embed_configs[]
embed_chats embed_chats[]
threads workspace_threads[]
model document_vectors {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
docId String
vectorId String
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
lastUpdatedAt DateTime @default(now())
model welcome_messages {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user String
response String
orderIndex Int?
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
model workspaces {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
name String
slug String @unique
vectorTag String?
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
openAiTemp Float?
openAiHistory Int @default(20)
lastUpdatedAt DateTime @default(now())
openAiPrompt String?
similarityThreshold Float? @default(0.25)
chatModel String?
topN Int? @default(4)
chatMode String? @default("chat")
workspace_users workspace_users[]
documents workspace_documents[]
workspace_suggested_messages workspace_suggested_messages[]
embed_configs embed_configs[]
threads workspace_threads[]
model workspace_threads {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
name String
slug String @unique
workspace_id Int
user_id Int?
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
lastUpdatedAt DateTime @default(now())
workspace workspaces @relation(fields: [workspace_id], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
user users? @relation(fields: [user_id], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
model workspace_suggested_messages {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
workspaceId Int
heading String
message String
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
lastUpdatedAt DateTime @default(now())
workspace workspaces @relation(fields: [workspaceId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
model workspace_chats {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
workspaceId Int
prompt String
response String
include Boolean @default(true)
user_id Int?
thread_id Int? // No relation to prevent whole table migration
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
lastUpdatedAt DateTime @default(now())
feedbackScore Boolean?
users users? @relation(fields: [user_id], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, onUpdate: Cascade)
model workspace_users {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user_id Int
workspace_id Int
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
lastUpdatedAt DateTime @default(now())
workspaces workspaces @relation(fields: [workspace_id], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, onUpdate: Cascade)
users users @relation(fields: [user_id], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, onUpdate: Cascade)
model cache_data {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
name String
data String
belongsTo String?
byId Int?
expiresAt DateTime?
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
lastUpdatedAt DateTime @default(now())
model embed_configs {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
uuid String @unique
enabled Boolean @default(false)
chat_mode String @default("query")
allowlist_domains String?
allow_model_override Boolean @default(false)
allow_temperature_override Boolean @default(false)
allow_prompt_override Boolean @default(false)
max_chats_per_day Int?
max_chats_per_session Int?
workspace_id Int
createdBy Int?
usersId Int?
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
workspace workspaces @relation(fields: [workspace_id], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
embed_chats embed_chats[]
users users? @relation(fields: [usersId], references: [id])
model embed_chats {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
prompt String
response String
session_id String
include Boolean @default(true)
connection_information String?
embed_id Int
usersId Int?
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
embed_config embed_configs @relation(fields: [embed_id], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
users users? @relation(fields: [usersId], references: [id])
model event_logs {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
event String
metadata String?
userId Int?
occurredAt DateTime @default(now())