To search for notes in multiple, different languages, you can use a [multi-lingual model](<br/>
For example, the [paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2]( supports [50+ languages](, has good search quality and speed. To use it:
1. Manually update `search-type > asymmetric > encoder` to `paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2` in your `~/.khoj/khoj.yml` file for now. See diff of `khoj.yml` below for illustration:
2. [Install]( [Tailscale]( on your personal server and phone
3. Open the Khoj web interface of the server from your phone browser.<br/> It should be `http://tailscale-ip-of-server:42110` or `http://name-of-server:42110` if you've setup [MagicDNS](
4. Click the [Add to Homescreen]( button
5. Enjoy exploring your notes, documents and images from your phone!
You can bootstrap Khoj pre-emptively to run on machines that do not have internet access. An example use-case would be to run Khoj on an air-gapped machine.
Note: *Only search can currently run in fully offline mode, not chat.*
1. Manually download the [asymmetric text](, [symmetric text]( and [image search]( models from HuggingFace
1. Copy each of the search models into their respective folders, `asymmetric`, `symmetric` and `image` under the `~/.khoj/search/` directory on the air-gapped machine
2. Copy the khoj virtual environment directory onto the air-gapped machine, activate the environment and start and khoj as normal. E.g `source .venv/bin/activate && khoj`