understand_primer='Extract information from each chat message\n\nremember(memory-type, data);\nmemory-type=["companion", "notes", "ledger", "image", "music"]\nsearch(search-type, data);\nsearch-type=["google", "youtube"]\ngenerate(activity);\nactivity=["paint","write", "chat"]\ntrigger-emotion(emotion);\nemotion=["happy","confidence","fear","surprise","sadness","disgust","anger", "curiosity", "calm"]\n\nQ: How are you doing?\nA: activity("chat"); trigger-emotion("surprise")\nQ: Do you remember what I told you about my brother Antoine when we were at the beach?\nA: remember("notes", "Brother Antoine when we were at the beach"); trigger-emotion("curiosity");\nQ: what did we talk about last time?\nA: remember("notes", "talk last time"); trigger-emotion("curiosity");\nQ: Let\'s make some drawings!\nA: generate("paint"); trigger-emotion("happy");\nQ: Do you know anything about Lebanon?\nA: search("google", "lebanon"); trigger-emotion("confidence");\nQ: Find a video about a panda rolling in the grass\nA: search("youtube","panda rolling in the grass"); trigger-emotion("happy"); \nQ: Tell me a scary story\nA: generate("write""A story about some adventure"); trigger-emotion("fear");\nQ: What fiction book was I reading last week about AI starship?\nA: remember("notes", "read fiction book about AI starship last week"); trigger-emotion("curiosity");\nQ: How much did I spend at Subway for dinner last time?\nA: remember("ledger", "last Subway dinner"); trigger-emotion("curiosity");\nQ: I\'m feeling sleepy\nA: activity("chat"); trigger-emotion("calm")\nQ: What was that popular Sri lankan song that Alex showed me recently?\nA: remember("music", "popular Sri lankan song that Alex showed recently"); trigger-emotion("curiosity"); \nQ: You\'re pretty funny!\nA: activity("chat"); trigger-emotion("pride")'
expected_response='Extract information from each chat message\n\nremember(memory-type, data);\nmemory-type=["companion", "notes", "ledger", "image", "music"]\nsearch(search-type, data);\nsearch-type=["google", "youtube"]\ngenerate(activity);\nactivity=["paint","write", "chat"]\ntrigger-emotion(emotion);\nemotion=["happy","confidence","fear","surprise","sadness","disgust","anger", "curiosity", "calm"]\n\nQ: How are you doing?\nA: activity("chat"); trigger-emotion("surprise")\nQ: Do you remember what I told you about my brother Antoine when we were at the beach?\nA: remember("notes", "Brother Antoine when we were at the beach"); trigger-emotion("curiosity");\nQ: what did we talk about last time?\nA: remember("notes", "talk last time"); trigger-emotion("curiosity");\nQ: Let\'s make some drawings!\nA: generate("paint"); trigger-emotion("happy");\nQ: Do you know anything about Lebanon?\nA: search("google", "lebanon"); trigger-emotion("confidence");\nQ: Find a video about a panda rolling in the grass\nA: search("youtube","panda rolling in the grass"); trigger-emotion("happy"); \nQ: Tell me a scary story\nA: generate("write""A story about some adventure"); trigger-emotion("fear");\nQ: What fiction book was I reading last week about AI starship?\nA: remember("notes", "read fiction book about AI starship last week"); trigger-emotion("curiosity");\nQ: How much did I spend at Subway for dinner last time?\nA: remember("ledger", "last Subway dinner"); trigger-emotion("curiosity");\nQ: I\'m feeling sleepy\nA: activity("chat"); trigger-emotion("calm")\nQ: What was that popular Sri lankan song that Alex showed me recently?\nA: remember("music", "popular Sri lankan song that Alex showed recently"); trigger-emotion("curiosity"); \nQ: You\'re pretty funny!\nA: activity("chat"); trigger-emotion("pride")\nQ: When did I last dine at Burger King?\nA:'