To search for notes in multiple, different languages, you can use a [multi-lingual model](<br/>
For example, the [paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2]( supports [50+ languages](, has good search quality and speed. To use it:
1. Manually update the search config in server's admin settings page. Go to [the search config](http://localhost:42110/server/admin/database/searchmodelconfig/). Either create a new one, if none exists, or update the existing one. Set the bi_encoder to `sentence-transformers/multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos-v1` and the cross_encoder to `mixedbread-ai/mxbai-rerank-xsmall-v1`.
2. Regenerate your content index from all the relevant clients. This step is very important, as you'll need to re-encode all your content with the new model.
Note: If you use a search model that expects a prefix (e.g [mixedbread-ai/mxbai-embed-large-v1]( to the query (or docs) string before encoding. Update the `bi_encoder_query_encode_config` field with `{prompt: <prefix-prompt>}`. Eg. `{prompt: "Represent this query for searching documents"}`. You can pass a valid JSON object that the SentenceTransformer `encode` function accepts
## Use OpenAI compatible LLM API Server (Self Hosting)
Use this if you want to use non-standard, open or commercial, local or hosted LLM models for Khoj chat
1. Setup your desired chat LLM by installing an OpenAI compatible LLM API Server like [LiteLLM](, [llama-cpp-python](
2. Set environment variable `OPENAI_API_BASE="<url-of-your-llm-server>"` before starting Khoj