mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 08:04:21 +00:00
Upgrade Khoj Emacs UX (#812)
- Open Khoj in Emacs Side pane Open Khoj chat, search in right pane to allow for ambient engagement - Improve Khoj Chat - Show online references used for chat - Make chat API call async to not block user interactions - Fix loading chat history, references in khoj.el chat buffer - Improve Khoj Search, Find Similar functions - Make calls to Khoj search API async to not block user interactions - Support Conversation Sessions - Create transient menu to open, create, delete conversation sessions from the Khoj Emacs client
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 378 additions and 139 deletions
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
:group 'khoj
:type 'number)
(defcustom khoj-default-content-type "org"
(defcustom khoj-default-content-type "all"
"The default content type to perform search on."
:group 'khoj
:type '(choice (const "org")
@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ NO-PAGING FILTER))
Set Content Type
("C-c RET | improve sort \n")
(when (member 'markdown enabled-content-types)
"C-x m | markdown\n")
(when (member 'org enabled-content-types)
@ -174,24 +175,12 @@ NO-PAGING FILTER))
(defvar khoj--rerank nil "Track when re-rank of results triggered.")
(defvar khoj--reference-count 0 "Track number of references currently in chat bufffer.")
(defun khoj--search-markdown () "Set content-type to `markdown'." (interactive) (setq khoj--content-type "markdown"))
(defun khoj--search-org () "Set content-type to `org-mode'." (interactive) (setq khoj--content-type "org"))
(defun khoj--search-images () "Set content-type to image." (interactive) (setq khoj--content-type "image"))
(defun khoj--search-pdf () "Set content-type to pdf." (interactive) (setq khoj--content-type "pdf"))
(defun khoj--improve-rank () "Use cross-encoder to rerank search results." (interactive) (khoj--incremental-search t))
(defun khoj--improve-sort () "Use cross-encoder to improve sorting of search results." (interactive) (khoj--incremental-search t))
(defun khoj--make-search-keymap (&optional existing-keymap)
"Setup keymap to configure Khoj search. Build of EXISTING-KEYMAP when passed."
(let ((enabled-content-types (khoj--get-enabled-content-types))
(kmap (or existing-keymap (make-sparse-keymap))))
(define-key kmap (kbd "C-c RET") #'khoj--improve-rank)
(when (member 'markdown enabled-content-types)
(define-key kmap (kbd "C-x m") #'khoj--search-markdown))
(when (member 'org enabled-content-types)
(define-key kmap (kbd "C-x o") #'khoj--search-org))
(when (member 'image enabled-content-types)
(define-key kmap (kbd "C-x i") #'khoj--search-images))
(when (member 'pdf enabled-content-types)
(define-key kmap (kbd "C-x p") #'khoj--search-pdf))
(define-key kmap (kbd "C-c RET") #'khoj--improve-sort)
(defvar khoj--keymap nil "Track Khoj keymap in this variable.")
@ -629,38 +618,67 @@ Use `BOUNDARY' to separate files. This is sent to Khoj server as a POST request.
;; --------------
;; Query Khoj API
;; --------------
(defun khoj--call-api (path &optional method params callback &rest cbargs)
"Sync call API at PATH with METHOD and query PARAMS as kv assoc list.
Return json parsed response as alist."
(let* ((url-request-method (or method "GET"))
(url-request-extra-headers `(("Authorization" . ,(format "Bearer %s" khoj-api-key))))
(param-string (if params (url-build-query-string params) ""))
(query-url (format "%s%s?%s&client=emacs" khoj-server-url path param-string))
(cbargs (if (and (listp cbargs) (listp (car cbargs))) (car cbargs) cbargs))) ; normalize cbargs to (a b) from ((a b)) if required
(condition-case ex
(url-insert-file-contents query-url)
(if (and callback cbargs)
(apply callback (json-parse-buffer :object-type 'alist) cbargs)
(if callback
(funcall callback (json-parse-buffer :object-type 'alist))
(json-parse-buffer :object-type 'alist))))
('file-error (message "Chat exception: [%s]" ex))))))
(defun khoj--call-api-async (path &optional method params callback &rest cbargs)
"Async call to API at PATH with METHOD and query PARAMS as kv assoc list.
Return json parsed response as alist."
(let* ((url-request-method (or method "GET"))
(url-request-extra-headers `(("Authorization" . ,(format "Bearer %s" khoj-api-key))))
(param-string (if params (url-build-query-string params) ""))
(cbargs (if (and (listp cbargs) (listp (car cbargs))) (car cbargs) cbargs)) ; normalize cbargs to (a b) from ((a b)) if required
(query-url (format "%s%s?%s&client=emacs" khoj-server-url path param-string)))
(url-retrieve query-url
(lambda (status)
(if (plist-get status :error)
(message "Chat exception: [%s]" (plist-get status :error))
(goto-char (point-min))
(re-search-forward "^$")
(delete-region (point) (point-min))
(if (and callback cbargs)
(apply callback (json-parse-buffer :object-type 'alist) cbargs)
(if callback
(funcall callback (json-parse-buffer :object-type 'alist))
(json-parse-buffer :object-type 'alist))))))))
(defun khoj--get-enabled-content-types ()
"Get content types enabled for search from API."
(let ((config-url (format "%s/api/config/types" khoj-server-url))
(url-request-method "GET")
(url-request-extra-headers `(("Authorization" . ,(format "Bearer %s" khoj-api-key)))))
(url-insert-file-contents config-url)
(json-parse-buffer :object-type 'alist)
(mapcar #'intern)))))
(khoj--call-api "/api/config/types" "GET" nil `(lambda (item) (mapcar #'intern item))))
(defun khoj--construct-search-api-query (query content-type &optional rerank)
"Construct Search API Query.
Use QUERY, CONTENT-TYPE and (optional) RERANK as query params"
(let ((rerank (or rerank "false"))
(encoded-query (url-hexify-string query)))
(format "%s/api/search?q=%s&t=%s&r=%s&n=%s&client=emacs" khoj-server-url encoded-query content-type rerank khoj-results-count)))
(defun khoj--query-search-api-and-render-results (query content-type buffer-name &optional rerank title)
"Query Khoj Search API with QUERY, CONTENT-TYPE and (optional) RERANK as query params
Render results in BUFFER-NAME using search results, CONTENT-TYPE and (optional) TITLE."
(let ((title (or title query))
(rerank (or rerank "false"))
(params `((q ,query) (t ,content-type) (r ,rerank) (n ,khoj-results-count)))
(path "/api/search"))
(khoj--call-api-async path
content-type title buffer-name)))
(defun khoj--query-search-api-and-render-results (query-url content-type query buffer-name)
"Query Khoj Search with QUERY-URL.
Render results in BUFFER-NAME using QUERY, CONTENT-TYPE."
;; get json response from api
(with-current-buffer buffer-name
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(url-request-method "GET")
(url-request-extra-headers `(("Authorization" . ,(format "Bearer %s" khoj-api-key)))))
(url-insert-file-contents query-url)))
(defun khoj--render-search-results (json-response content-type query buffer-name)
;; render json response into formatted entries
(with-current-buffer buffer-name
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(json-response (json-parse-buffer :object-type 'alist)))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(cond ((equal content-type "org") (khoj--extract-entries-as-org json-response query))
@ -673,16 +691,20 @@ Render results in BUFFER-NAME using QUERY, CONTENT-TYPE."
(equal content-type "org"))
(progn (visual-line-mode)
org-startup-folded "showall"
org-hide-leading-stars t
org-startup-with-inline-images t)
org-startup-folded "showall"
org-hide-leading-stars t
org-startup-with-inline-images t)
((equal content-type "markdown") (progn (markdown-mode)
((equal content-type "image") (progn (shr-render-region (point-min) (point-max))
(goto-char (point-min))))
(goto-char (point-min))))
(t (fundamental-mode))))
;; keep cursor at top of khoj buffer by default
(goto-char (point-min))
;; enable minor modes for khoj chat
(read-only-mode t)))
@ -694,24 +716,52 @@ Render results in BUFFER-NAME using QUERY, CONTENT-TYPE."
"Chat with Khoj."
(when (not (get-buffer khoj--chat-buffer-name))
(khoj--load-chat-history khoj--chat-buffer-name))
(switch-to-buffer khoj--chat-buffer-name)
(khoj--load-chat-session khoj--chat-buffer-name))
(khoj--open-side-pane khoj--chat-buffer-name)
(let ((query (read-string "Query: ")))
(when (not (string-empty-p query))
(khoj--query-chat-api-and-render-messages query khoj--chat-buffer-name))))
(defun khoj--load-chat-history (buffer-name)
(defun khoj--open-side-pane (buffer-name)
"Open Khoj BUFFER-NAME in right side pane."
(if (get-buffer-window-list buffer-name)
;; if window is already open, switch to it
(select-window (get-buffer-window buffer-name))
(switch-to-buffer buffer-name))
;; else if window is not open, open it as a right-side window pane
(let ((bottomright-window (some-window (lambda (window) (and (window-at-side-p window 'right) (window-at-side-p window 'bottom))))))
;; Select the right-most window
(select-window bottomright-window)
;; if bottom-right window is not a vertical pane, split it vertically, else use the existing bottom-right vertical window
(let ((khoj-window (if (window-at-side-p bottomright-window 'left)
;; Set the buffer in the khoj window
(set-window-buffer khoj-window buffer-name)
;; Switch to the khoj window
(select-window khoj-window)
;; Resize the window to 1/3 of the frame width
(window-resize khoj-window
(- (truncate (* 0.33 (frame-width))) (window-width))
(defun khoj--load-chat-session (buffer-name &optional session-id)
"Load Khoj Chat conversation history into BUFFER-NAME."
(let ((json-response (cdr (assoc 'response (khoj--get-chat-history-api)))))
(setq khoj--reference-count 0)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(json-response (cdr (assoc 'chat (cdr (assoc 'response (khoj--get-chat-session session-id)))))))
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create buffer-name)
(insert "* Khoj Chat\n")
;; generate chat messages from Khoj Chat API response
(mapcar #'khoj--render-chat-response)
;; insert chat messages into Khoj Chat Buffer
(mapc #'insert))
(when json-response
;; generate chat messages from Khoj Chat API response
(mapcar #'khoj--format-chat-response)
;; insert chat messages into Khoj Chat Buffer
(mapc #'insert)))
(khoj--add-hover-text-to-footnote-refs (point-min))
@ -727,6 +777,7 @@ Render results in BUFFER-NAME using QUERY, CONTENT-TYPE."
;; create khoj chat shortcut keybindings
(use-local-map (copy-keymap org-mode-map))
(local-set-key (kbd "q") #'khoj--close)
(local-set-key (kbd "m") #'khoj--chat)
(local-set-key (kbd "C-x m") #'khoj--chat)
@ -734,6 +785,13 @@ Render results in BUFFER-NAME using QUERY, CONTENT-TYPE."
(read-only-mode t)))))
(defun khoj--close ()
"Kill Khoj buffer and window"
(kill-buffer (current-buffer))
(defun khoj--add-hover-text-to-footnote-refs (start-pos)
"Show footnote defs on mouse hover on footnote refs from START-POS."
@ -763,49 +821,72 @@ Render results in BUFFER-NAME using QUERY, CONTENT-TYPE."
;; render json response into formatted chat messages
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer buffer-name)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(new-content-start-pos (point-max))
(query-time (format-time-string "%F %T"))
(json-response (khoj--query-chat-api query)))
(goto-char new-content-start-pos)
(query-time (format-time-string "%F %T")))
(goto-char (point-max))
(khoj--render-chat-message query "you" query-time)
(khoj--render-chat-response json-response))
(khoj--add-hover-text-to-footnote-refs new-content-start-pos))
(re-search-backward "^\*+ 🏮" nil t))))
(khoj--render-chat-message query "you" query-time))
(khoj--query-chat-api query
#'khoj--render-chat-response buffer-name))))
(defun khoj--query-chat-api (query)
"Send QUERY to Khoj Chat API."
(let* ((url-request-method "GET")
(encoded-query (url-hexify-string query))
(url-request-extra-headers `(("Authorization" . ,(format "Bearer %s" khoj-api-key))))
(query-url (format "%s/api/chat?q=%s&n=%s&client=emacs" khoj-server-url encoded-query khoj-results-count)))
(condition-case ex
(url-insert-file-contents query-url)
(json-parse-buffer :object-type 'alist))
('file-error (cond ((string-match "Internal server error" (nth 2 ex))
(message "Chat processor not configured. Configure OpenAI API key and restart it. Exception: [%s]" ex))
(t (message "Chat exception: [%s]" ex))))))))
(defun khoj--query-chat-api (query callback &rest cbargs)
"Send QUERY to Khoj Chat API and call CALLBACK with the response.
CBARGS are optional additional arguments to pass to CALLBACK."
(khoj--call-api-async "/api/chat"
`(("q" ,query) ("n" ,khoj-results-count))
callback cbargs))
(defun khoj--get-chat-sessions ()
"Get all chat sessions from Khoj server."
(khoj--call-api "/api/chat/sessions" "GET"))
(defun khoj--get-chat-history-api ()
"Send QUERY to Khoj Chat History API."
(let* ((url-request-method "GET")
(url-request-extra-headers `(("Authorization" . ,(format "Bearer %s" khoj-api-key))))
(query-url (format "%s/api/chat/history?client=emacs" khoj-server-url)))
(condition-case ex
(url-insert-file-contents query-url)
(json-parse-buffer :object-type 'alist))
('file-error (cond ((string-match "Internal server error" (nth 2 ex))
(message "Chat processor not configured. Configure OpenAI API key and restart it. Exception: [%s]" ex))
(t (message "Chat exception: [%s]" ex))))))))
(defun khoj--get-chat-session (&optional session-id)
"Get chat messages from default or SESSION-ID chat session."
(khoj--call-api "/api/chat/history"
(when session-id `(("conversation_id" ,session-id)))))
(defun khoj--select-conversation-session (&optional completion-action)
"Select Khoj conversation session to perform COMPLETION-ACTION on."
(let* ((completion-text (format "%s Conversation:" (or completion-action "Open")))
(sessions (khoj--get-chat-sessions))
(session-alist (-map (lambda (session)
(cons (if (not (equal :null (cdr (assoc 'slug session))))
(cdr (assoc 'slug session))
(format "New Conversation (%s)" (cdr (assoc 'conversation_id session))))
(cdr (assoc 'conversation_id session))))
(selected-session-slug (completing-read completion-text session-alist nil t)))
(cdr (assoc selected-session-slug session-alist))))
(defun khoj--open-conversation-session ()
"Menu to select Khoj conversation session to open."
(let ((selected-session-id (khoj--select-conversation-session "Open")))
(khoj--load-chat-session khoj--chat-buffer-name selected-session-id)
(khoj--open-side-pane khoj--chat-buffer-name)))
(defun khoj--create-chat-session ()
"Create new chat session."
(khoj--call-api "/api/chat/sessions" "POST"))
(defun khoj--new-conversation-session ()
"Create new Khoj conversation session."
(let* ((session (khoj--create-chat-session))
(new-session-id (cdr (assoc 'conversation_id session))))
(khoj--load-chat-session khoj--chat-buffer-name new-session-id)
(khoj--open-side-pane khoj--chat-buffer-name)))
(defun khoj--delete-chat-session (session-id)
"Delete new chat session."
(khoj--call-api "/api/chat/history" "DELETE" `(("conversation_id" ,session-id))))
(defun khoj--delete-conversation-session ()
"Delete new Khoj conversation session."
(let* ((selected-session-id (khoj--select-conversation-session "Delete"))
(session (khoj--delete-chat-session selected-session-id)))
(khoj--load-chat-session khoj--chat-buffer-name)
(khoj--open-side-pane khoj--chat-buffer-name)))
(defun khoj--render-chat-message (message sender &optional receive-date)
"Render chat messages as `org-mode' list item.
@ -829,38 +910,99 @@ RECEIVE-DATE is the message receive date."
(defun khoj--generate-reference (reference)
"Create `org-mode' footnotes with REFERENCE."
(setq khoj--reference-count (1+ khoj--reference-count))
(propertize (format "^{ [fn:%x]}" khoj--reference-count) 'help-echo reference)
;; remove filename top heading line from reference
;; prevents actual reference heading in next line jumping out of references footnote section
(replace-regexp-in-string "^\* .*\n" "")
;; remove multiple, consecutive empty lines from reference
(replace-regexp-in-string "\n\n" "\n")
(format "\n[fn:%x] %s" khoj--reference-count))))
(let ((compiled-reference (if (stringp reference) reference (cdr (assoc 'compiled reference)))))
(propertize (format "^{ [fn:%x]}" khoj--reference-count) 'help-echo compiled-reference)
;; remove filename top heading line from reference
;; prevents actual reference heading in next line jumping out of references footnote section
(replace-regexp-in-string "^\* .*\n" "")
;; remove multiple, consecutive empty lines from reference
(replace-regexp-in-string "\n\n" "\n")
(format "\n[fn:%x] %s" khoj--reference-count)))))
(defun khoj--render-chat-response (json-response)
(defun khoj--generate-online-reference (reference)
(setq khoj--reference-count (1+ khoj--reference-count))
(let ((link (cdr (assoc 'link reference)))
(title (cdr (assoc 'title reference)))
(description (cdr (assoc 'description reference))))
(propertize (format "^{ [fn:%x]}" khoj--reference-count) 'help-echo (format "%s\n%s" link description))
;; remove multiple, consecutive empty lines from reference
(replace-regexp-in-string "\n\n" "\n")
(format "\n[fn:%x] [[%s][%s]]\n%s\n" khoj--reference-count link title)))))
(defun khoj--extract-online-references (result-types searches)
"Extract link, title, and description of specified RESULT-TYPES from SEARCHES."
(let ((result '()))
(lambda (search)
(let ((search-q (car search))
(search-results (cdr search)))
;; filter search results by specified result types
(lambda (search-result) (member (car search-result) result-types))
;; extract link, title, and description from search results
(lambda (search-result)
(lambda (entry)
(let ((link (cdr (or (assoc 'link entry) (assoc 'descriptionLink entry))))
(title (cdr (or (assoc 'title entry) '(title . ,link))))
(description (cdr (or (assoc 'snippet entry) (assoc 'description entry)))))
(setq result (append result `(((title . ,title) (link . ,link) (description . ,description) (search . ,search-q)))))))
;; wrap search results in a list if it is not already a list
(if (or (equal 'knowledgeGraph (car search-result)) (equal 'webpages (car search-result)))
(list (cdr search-result))
(cdr search-result))))
(defun khoj--render-chat-response (response buffer-name)
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer buffer-name)
(let ((start-pos (point))
(inhibit-read-only t))
(goto-char (point-max))
(or (khoj--add-hover-text-to-footnote-refs start-pos) ""))
(re-search-backward "^\*+ 🏮" nil t)))))
(defun khoj--format-chat-response (json-response &optional callback &rest cbargs)
"Render chat message using JSON-RESPONSE from Khoj Chat API."
(let* ((message (cdr (or (assoc 'response json-response) (assoc 'message json-response))))
(sender (cdr (assoc 'by json-response)))
(receive-date (cdr (assoc 'created json-response)))
(references (or (cdr (assoc 'context json-response)) '()))
(footnotes (mapcar #'khoj--generate-reference references))
(footnote-links (mapcar #'car footnotes))
(footnote-defs (mapcar #'cdr footnotes)))
;; concatenate khoj message and references from API
;; append reference links to khoj message
(string-join footnote-links "")
;; append reference sub-section to khoj message and fold it
(if footnote-defs "\n**** References\n:PROPERTIES:\n:VISIBILITY: folded\n:END:" "")
;; append reference definitions to references subsection
(string-join footnote-defs " "))
;; Render chat message using data obtained from API
(khoj--render-chat-message sender receive-date))))
(online-references (or (cdr (assoc 'onlineContext json-response)) '()))
(online-footnotes (-map #'khoj--generate-online-reference
(khoj--extract-online-references '(organic knowledgeGraph peopleAlsoAsk webpages)
(doc-references (or (cdr (assoc 'context json-response)) '()))
(doc-footnotes (mapcar #'khoj--generate-reference doc-references))
(footnote-links (mapcar #'car (append doc-footnotes online-footnotes)))
(footnote-defs (mapcar #'cdr (append doc-footnotes online-footnotes)))
;; concatenate khoj message and references from API
;; append reference links to khoj message
(string-join footnote-links "")
;; append reference sub-section to khoj message and fold it
(if footnote-defs "\n**** References\n:PROPERTIES:\n:VISIBILITY: folded\n:END:" "")
;; append reference definitions to references subsection
(string-join footnote-defs " "))
;; Render chat message using data obtained from API
(khoj--render-chat-message sender receive-date))))
(if callback
(apply callback formatted-response cbargs)
;; ------------------
@ -871,8 +1013,7 @@ RECEIVE-DATE is the message receive date."
"Perform Incremental Search on Khoj. Allow optional RERANK of results."
(let* ((rerank-str (cond (rerank "true") (t "false")))
(khoj-buffer-name (get-buffer-create khoj--search-buffer-name))
(query (minibuffer-contents-no-properties))
(query-url (khoj--construct-search-api-query query khoj--content-type rerank-str)))
(query (minibuffer-contents-no-properties)))
;; Query khoj API only when user in khoj minibuffer and non-empty query
;; Prevents querying if
;; 1. user hasn't started typing query
@ -892,10 +1033,10 @@ RECEIVE-DATE is the message receive date."
(setq khoj--rerank t)
(message "khoj.el: Rerank Results"))
(defun khoj--delete-open-network-connections-to-server ()
"Delete all network connections to khoj server."
@ -923,8 +1064,8 @@ RECEIVE-DATE is the message receive date."
"Natural, Incremental Search for your personal notes and documents."
(let* ((khoj-buffer-name (get-buffer-create khoj--search-buffer-name)))
;; switch to khoj results buffer
(switch-to-buffer khoj-buffer-name)
;; switch to khoj search buffer
(khoj--open-side-pane khoj-buffer-name)
;; open and setup minibuffer for incremental search
(lambda ()
@ -989,7 +1130,6 @@ Paragraph only starts at first text after blank line."
;; get paragraph, if in text mode
(query-url (khoj--construct-search-api-query query content-type rerank))
;; extract heading to show in result buffer from query
(format "Similar to: %s"
@ -997,11 +1137,12 @@ Paragraph only starts at first text after blank line."
(buffer-name (get-buffer-create khoj--search-buffer-name)))
(switch-to-buffer buffer-name)
(khoj--open-side-pane buffer-name)
(goto-char (point-min)))))
@ -1010,7 +1151,7 @@ Paragraph only starts at first text after blank line."
;; ---------
(defun khoj--setup-and-show-menu ()
"Create Transient menu for khoj and show it."
"Create main Transient menu for Khoj and show it."
;; Create the Khoj Transient menu
(transient-define-argument khoj--content-type-switch ()
:class 'transient-switches
@ -1057,15 +1198,40 @@ Paragraph only starts at first text after blank line."
(interactive (list (transient-args transient-current-command)))
(transient-define-suffix khoj--open-conversation-session-command (&optional _)
"Command to select Khoj conversation sessions to open."
(interactive (list (transient-args transient-current-command)))
(transient-define-suffix khoj--new-conversation-session-command (&optional _)
"Command to select Khoj conversation sessions to open."
(interactive (list (transient-args transient-current-command)))
(transient-define-suffix khoj--delete-conversation-session-command (&optional _)
"Command to select Khoj conversation sessions to delete."
(interactive (list (transient-args transient-current-command)))
(transient-define-prefix khoj--chat-menu ()
"Open the Khoj chat menu."
("c" "Chat" khoj--chat-command)
("o" "Open Conversation" khoj--open-conversation-session-command)
("n" "New Conversation" khoj--new-conversation-session-command)
("d" "Delete Conversation" khoj--delete-conversation-session-command)
("q" "Quit" transient-quit-one)
(transient-define-prefix khoj--menu ()
"Create Khoj Menu to Configure and Execute Commands."
[["Configure Search"
("n" "Results Count" "--results-count=" :init-value (lambda (obj) (oset obj value (format "%s" khoj-results-count))))
("-n" "Results Count" "--results-count=" :init-value (lambda (obj) (oset obj value (format "%s" khoj-results-count))))
("t" "Content Type" khoj--content-type-switch)]
["Configure Update"
("-f" "Force Update" "--force-update")]]
("c" "Chat" khoj--chat-command)
("c" "Chat" khoj--chat-menu)
("s" "Search" khoj--search-command)
("f" "Find Similar" khoj--find-similar-command)
("u" "Update" khoj--update-command)
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ Rule everything\n")
(khoj--render-update-files-as-request-body (list upgrade-file act-file) "khoj")
Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"files\"; filename=\"%s\"\r\n\
Content-Type: text/org\r\n\r\n\
# Become God\n\
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ Rule everything\n\n\r\n\
(khoj--render-delete-files-as-request-body (list upgrade-file act-file "/tmp/deleted-file.org") "khoj")
Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"files\"; filename=\"%s\"\r\n\
Content-Type: text/org\r\n\r\n\
@ -262,6 +262,79 @@ Content-Type: text/org\r\n\r\n\
(delete-file upgrade-file)
(delete-file act-file))))
(ert-deftest khoj-tests--extract-online-references ()
(let* (;; Arrange
(onlineContext '((Albert\ Einstein\ wife
(organic . [((link . "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mileva_Mari%C4%87")
(title . "Mileva Marić - Wikipedia")
(snippet . "Marić married Einstein in 1903 and they had three ...")
(position . 1)
(sitelinks . [((link . "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mileva_Mari%C4%87#Bi...")
(title . "Biography"))
((link . "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mileva_Mari%C4%87#De...")
(title . "Debate over collaboration with..."))]))
((link . "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elsa_Einstein")
(title . "Elsa Einstein - Wikipedia")
(snippet . "Elsa Einstein (18 January 1876 – 20 December 1936)...")
(position . 2))
((link . "https://www.amazon.com/Einsteins-Wife-Story-Mileva...")
(price . 25.86)
(title . "Einstein's Wife: The Real Story of Mileva Einstein...")
(rating . 3.8)
(snippet . "Albert Einstein's first wife, Mileva Einstein-Mari...")
(currency . "$")
(position . 3)
(ratingCount . 80))])
(peopleAlsoAsk . [((link . "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mileva_Mari%C4%87")
(title . "Mileva Marić - Wikipedia")
(snippet . "Death. Mileva Marić suffered a severe stroke and d...")
(question . "What happened to Einstein's first wife?"))
((link . "https://www.redalyc.org/journal/5117/511767145014/...")
(title . "The story of Mileva Marić: Did Einstein's first wi...")
(snippet . "The couple were married in 1903. Some claim that M...")
(question . "Did Albert Einstein's wife do all his work?"))
((link . "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Albert_Einstein")
(title . "Hans Albert Einstein - Wikipedia")
(snippet . "Klaus Martin Einstein (1932–1939), died of diphthe...")
(question . "What happened to Einstein's children?"))])
(knowledgeGraph (type . "Theoretical physicist")
(title . "Albert Einstein")
(attributes (Born . "March 14, 1879, Ulm, Germany")
(Died . "April 18, 1955 (age 76 years), Princeton, NJ")
(Spouse . "Elsa Einstein (m. 1919–1936) and Mileva Marić (m. ...")
(Children . "Eduard Einstein, Hans Albert Einstein, and Lieserl...")
(Education . "University of Zurich (1905), ETH Zürich (1897–1900...")
(Nationality . "American, German, Hungarian, and more")
(Grandchildren . "Evelyn Einstein, Bernhard Caesar Einstein, Klaus M..."))
(description . "Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical phys...")
(descriptionLink . "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein")
(descriptionSource . "Wikipedia")))
(Prince\ Albert\ spouse
(webpages (link . "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Albert_of_Sax...") (snippet . "Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha was the hus..."))
(organic . [((date . "Feb 4, 2024")
(link . "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Albert_of_Sax...")
(title . "Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha - Wikipedia")
(snippet . "Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha was the hus...")
(position . 1)
(sitelinks . [((link . "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_consort")
(title . "Prince consort"))
((link . "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nellie_Clifden")
(title . "Nellie Clifden"))]))])
(answerBox (title . "Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha / Spouse")
(answer . "Queen Victoria"))
(peopleAlsoAsk . [((link . "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_II,_Prince_of...")
(title . "Albert II, Prince of Monaco - Wikipedia")
(snippet . "In July 2011, Prince Albert married South African ...")
(question . "How many children does Prince Albert of Monaco hav..."))]))))
;; Act
(result (khoj--extract-online-references
'(organic knowledgeGraph peopleAlsoAsk webpages)
;; Assert
(should (equal (length result) 10))
(provide 'khoj-tests)
;;; khoj-tests.el ends here
Add table
Reference in a new issue