- Explictly adding a slash command is a higher priority intent than
research mode being enabled in the background. Respect that for a
more intuitive UX flow.
- Explicit slash commands do not currently work in research mode.
You've to turn research mode off to use other slash commands. This
is strange, unnecessary given intent priority is clear.
- Allow passing user files as input into code sandbox for analysis
- Update prompt to give more example of complex, multi-line code
- Simplify logic for model. Run one program at a time,
instead of allowing model to run multiple programs in parallel
- Show Code generated charts and docs in Reference pane of web app and make them downloaded
- Add a border below heading
- Show code snippet in pre block
- Overflow-x when reference side panel open to allow seeing whole text
via x-scroll
- Align header, body position of reference cards with each other
- Only show filename in doc reference cards at message bottom.
Show full file path in hover and reference side panel
- Improve rendering code reference with better icons, smaller text and
different line clamps for better visibility
- Show code output files as sub card of code card in reference section
- Allow downloading files generated by code instead of rendering it in
chat message directly
- Show executed code before online references in reference panel
- Fix to render code generated chart with images, excalidraw diagrams
- Fix to save code context to chat history in image, diagram output modes
- Fix bug in image markdown being wrapped twice in markdown syntax
- Render newline in code references shown on chat page of web app
Previously newlines weren't getting rendered. This made the code
executed by Khoj hard to read in references. This changes fixes that.
`dangerouslySetInnerHTML' usage is justified as rendered code
snippet is being sanitized by DOMPurify before rendering.
- Document is first converted in the chatinputarea, then sent to the chat component. From there, it's sent in the chat API body and then processed by the backend
- We couldn't directly use a UploadFile type in the backend API because we'd have to convert the api type to a multipart form. This would require other client side migrations without uniform benefit, which is why we do it in this two-phase process. This also gives us capacity to repurpose the moe generic interface down the road.