### Overview
- Provide a chat interface to engage with and inquire your notes
- Simplify interacting with the beta `chat` and `summarize` APIs
### Use
- Open `<khoj-url>/chat`, by default at http://localhost:8000/chat?type=summarize
- Type your queries, see summarized response by Khoj from your notes
- **You will need to add an API key from OpenAI to your khoj.yml**
- **Your query and top note from search result will be sent to OpenAI for processing**
## Details
- 177756b Show chat history on loading chat page on web interface
- d8ee0f0 Save chat history to disk for persistence, seeing chat logs
- 5294693 Style chat messages as speech bubbles
- d170747 Add khoj web interface and chat styling to new chat page on khoj web
- de6c146 Implement functional, unstyled chat page for khoj web interface
- Wrap messages into speech bubbles
- Color messages by khoj blue, sender grey
- Add those standard protrusions to the speech bubbles for fun
- Align bubbles left or right based on sender
- messages by khoj are left aligned, message by self are right aligned
- Put message metadata like sender and time under speech bubble
- use data-* attribute and ::after css pseudo-selector for this
- Update renderMessage func to accept time param, remove unused type_ param
- Changes
- Use blue color for khoj heading font
- This fixes the title color issue
- Update background to lighter shade
- This fixes the body text color issue
- Update colors for todo, done, miscellaneous todo state, tag color
- This does not fix the color contrast issue but seems like an acceptable solution
- Using white text rather than black text on blue background
better even though the black text on blue background passes the
WCAG acceptable contrast score
- For details see blog post:
- Add border to tags to give them tag pills look and differntiate
from todo states
- Buttons and inputs
- Change background color of input fields like type dropdown,
update button and results count counter, to match background
color of page
- Add shadow on hover over button, dropdowns
- Ensure message input box sticks to bottom of screen
- Ensure chat logs div is scrollable when logs become longer than screen
Do not make the whole page scroll, just the chat logs body div
- Reason
- All clients that currently consume the API are part of Khoj
- Any breaking API changes will be fixed in clients immediately
- So decoupling client from API is not required
- This removes the burden of maintaining muliple versions of the API
- Split router.py into v1.0, beta and frontend (no-prefix) api modules
under new router package. Version tag in main.py via prefix
- Update frontends to use the versioned api endpoints
- Update tests to work with versioned api endpoints
- Update docs to mentioned, reference only versioned api endpoints
- Simplify tracking khoj query history, saving/sharing links
- Do not execute search, when query only contains whitespaces
- Prevents error when try process results of empty query
- As `/reload` updates index incrementally, it's relatively quick
- This makes exposing `/reload` endpoint a better default to expose
via the web interface than `the /regenerate' endpoint
- This also pushes the updated URL state to history
- Allows jumping back to the web interface after clicking on an image
and having the type set to image search
- Previously type would get reset to the default search type on
jumping back
- Do not want browsers to use the small, grainy favicons
- Firefox for Android does use the bigger icon, when it's the only one available
- Update svg to match the 144x144 ratio just for consistency
- Improve code layout by ensuring all web interface specific code
under the src/interface/web directory
- Rename config API to more specifi /config instead of /ui
- Rename config data GET, POST api to /config/data instead of /config
- Populate via `.then` after enabled search types in dropdown are
- Call to `/config` API is async and will usually complete after the value of type field is set from url
- So value of type field would earlier be overridden when search types
dropdown is populated after the call to `/config` API completes
- Get /config API and check config for which available search types is
populated. This gives us the list of enabled search types
- Dynamically populate search type field with enabled search types only
- Setting query value to default option when query param wasn't
passed via URL was overriding placeholder text in query field
- We wanted placeholder text in field, not the query field to actually
be populated by placeholder text
- This clears field when user starts typing query into the query field,
instead of them having to manually delete the default text populated
Having org-mode result headings change size based on their depth in
the source document makes is a confusing UI experience.
Improve font-size, line-spacing and margins of results to make
delineation between entries, and differntiating between entry heading
and it's body easier to visually infer.
Do not white-space: pre-line. Improves rendering of Markdown results
- Reason:
Allow natural search on markdown based notes, documentation,
websites etc
- Details:
- Create markdown processor to extract Markdown entries (identified by
Heading) into standard jsonl format required by text_search
- Update API, Configs to support interfacing with new markdown type
- Update Emacs, Web clients to support interfacing with new markdown
type via API
- Update Readme to mentiond markdown is also supported
- Avoids having to click the query input box
- Just open page, type whatever and hit enter to do image search
- For other search types select appropriate type from dropdown
Adding a random, unused url param at the end of the img.src string
fixes the issue. As the browser thinks it's a new image and doesn't
use the image data that's already cached because of which it wasn't
even making the fetch call for the image
- Allow viewing image results returned by Semantic Search.
Until now there wasn't any interface within the app to view image
search results. For text results, we at least had the emacs interface
- This should help with debugging issues with image search too
For text the Swagger interface was good enough