- Updated references panel
- Use subtle coloring for chat cards
- Chat streaming with train of thought
- Side panel with limited sessions, expandable
- Manage conversation file filters easily from the side panel
- Updated nav menu, easily go to agents/automations/profile
- Upload data from the chat UI (on click attachment icon)
- Slash command pop-up menu, scrollable and selectable
- Dark mode-enabled
- Mostly mobile friendly
- Pass Loading message, class name via props to both inline and normal
loading spinners
- Pass loading conversation message to loading spinner when chat
history is being fetched
- Create profile card componennt. Use it for agent profile card
- Pass agent persona from khoj server via API
- Put link to agent profile page in the hover card to make it 2 clicks
away. Othewise inadvertent clicks on agent in chat view lead away to
agent page
- Use tailwind line-clamp extension to clamp card to first two lines
- Reuse class name when get slash command icons
- Previous chat input styling didn't have the cursor centered in the
chat input text area. But it did allow seeing multi line chat inputs
for context
- Add an experimental feature used for fact-checking falsifiable statements with customizable models. See attached screenshot for example. Once you input a statement that needs to be fact-checked, Khoj goes on a research spree to verify or refute it.
- Integrate frontend libraries for [Tailwind](https://tailwindcss.com/) and [ShadCN](https://ui.shadcn.com/) for easier UI development. Update corresponding styling for some existing UI components.
- Add component for model selection
- Add backend support for sharing arbitrary packets of data that will be consumed by specific front-end views in shareable scenarios
Initialize our migration to use Next.js for front-end views via Agents. This includes setup for getting authenticated users, reading in available agents, setting up a pop-up modal when you're clicking on an agent, and allowing users to start new conversations with agents.
Best attempt at an in-place migration, though there are some noticeable differences.
Also adds view for chat that are not being used, but in experimental phase.
To improve the developer experience for front-end development, we're migrating to Next.js. In order to do this migration page-by-page, we're using static site generation via Next.js. This also helps us avoid making cross site requests from front-end to back-end for the time being, while giving a ramp to separating out server and client if needed for scale down the road.
Dev instructions for using the next.js setup are in the added README.
This adds scaffolding for including the built files in the python package as well as the docker images. Docker setup has been tested locally. In order to verify the build is working as expected, we can navigate to the {khoj_host}:42110/experimental and verify that the experiment page comes up.
This setup works with serving static files included in the src/interface/web folder from the Django app. The key bit for understanding the setup is in the yarn export command in package.json.