Prevent XSS attacks by enforcing Content-Security-Policy (CSP) in apps.
Do not allow loading images, other assets from untrusted domains.
- Only allow loading assets from trusted domains
like 'self',, ipapi for geolocation, google (fonts, img)
- images from khoj domain, google (for profile pic)
- assets from khoj domain
- Do not allow iframe src
- Allow unsafe-inline script and styles for now as markdown-it escapes html
in user, khoj chat
- Add hostURL to CSP of the Desktop, Obsidian apps
Given web client is served by khoj server, it doesn't need to
explicitly allow for domain. So if user self-hosting, it'll
automatically allow the domain in the CSP (via 'self')
Whereas the Obsidian, Desktop clients allow configure the server URL.
Note *switching server URL breaks CSP until app is reloaded*
- Dedupe the code to add action buttons to chat messages
- Update the renderIncrementalMessage function to also add the action
buttons to newly generated chat messages by Khoj
- Pass file path of reference along with the compiled reference in
list of references returned by chat API converts
- Update the structure of references from list of strings to list of
dictionary (containing 'compiled' and 'file' keys)
- Pull out the compiled reference from the new references data struct
wherever it was is being used
Simplify, reuse, standardize code to render messages with references
in the obsidian, web and desktop clients. Specifically:
- Reuse function to create reference section, dedupe code
- Create reusable function to generate image markdown
- Simplify logic to render message with references
- Setup websocket using Khoj web app as reference.
- Moved the geolocating code to chat view out from the general pane
- Use loading spinner from web instead of the thinking emoji
It'll replace any highlighted text with the chat message or if not
text is highlighted, it'll insert the chat message at the last cursor
position in the active file
- Jump to chat, show similar actions from nav menu of Khoj side pane
- Add chat, search icons from web, desktop app
- Use lucide icon for find similar (for now)
- Match proportions of find similar icon to khoj other icons via css, js
- Use KhojPaneView abstract class to allow reuse of common functionality like
- Creating the nav bar header in side pane views
- Loading geo-location data for chat context
This should make creating new views easier
- Allows having it open on the side as you traverse your Obsidian notes
- Allow faster time to response, having responses visible for context
- Enables ambient interactions
- Pass timezone string from ipapi to khoj via clients
- Pass this data from web, desktop and obsidian clients to server
- Use user tz to render next run time of scheduled task in user tz
* Upload generated images to s3, if AWS credentials and bucket is available.
- In clients, render the images via the URL if it's returned with a text-to-image2 intent type
* Make the loading screen more intuitve, less jerky and update the programmatic copy button
* Update the loading icon when waiting for a chat response
Previously we'd send all files in vault and let the server
This changes takes inspiration from the desktop app, and only pushes
files which were modified after their previous sync with the server.
This should reduce the processing load on the server