- Previously Khoj could only support Python upto 3.10 due to pytorch.
But lots of folks had python 3.11 installed by default on their machines.
This required installing python 3.10 and dealing with virtual envs.
With Torch >= 2.0.1 now able to support python 3.11, at least one
class of installation troubles for Khoj should drop. See
https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/86566 for reference
- Preliminary testing indicates using the new torch 2.x may reduce
search time by 25% (from 80ms to 60ms on Mac M1)
- Update Docs to not require mentioning python <=3.10 required
- Update Github test workflow to run khoj tests with python 3.11 too
- Make plugin update khoj server config to index PDF files in vault too
- Make Obsidian plugin update index for PDF files in vault too
- Show PDF results in Khoj Search modal as well
- Ensure combined results are sorted by score across both types
- Jump to PDF file when select it PDF search result from modal
Resolves#185, #199
- Issue
IndexName created from Obsidian Absolute Vault path wasn't replacing
windows path, drive separators with underscore. It was only
replacing unix path separators
- Fix
Also replace windows drive and path separators with _ while creating
IndexName in Khoj Obsidian plugin
Makes it easier to tell pip associated with which python is being
used. Easier to debug when users have different versions of python
installed (e.g 3.10 and 3.11)
This follows expected behavior for obsidain search modals
E.g Ominsearch and default Obsidian search.
The note creation code is borrowed from Omnisearch.
- Give space in the input field. Too narrow previously
- References should be indexed from 1 instead of 0
- Use Obsidian font size variables to scale fonts in chat appropriately
- Add message sender, date metadata as message footer
- Use css directly from Khoj Chat Web Interface.
- Modify it to work under a Obsidian modal
- So replace html, body styling from web interface to instead
styling new "khoj-chat" class attached to contentEl of modal
- Issue
The file path separator by khoj server and the Obsidian vault were
different on Windows
- Fix
Normalize file path to use forward slash(/) to find the matching
note file in the Obsidian vault for jump to it
- By default the obsidian plugin automatically configures the khoj
backend to index the current vault
- For more complex scenarios, users can manage their ~/.khoj/khoj.yml
manually by toggling the auto-configure setting off in the khoj
plugin settings