- Render references as superscript
- Show reference definitions on hover over reference links to ease access
- Truncate reference def shown on hover to 70 char
- Add continuation suffix, ..., when reference definition truncated
- Style Message as Org Entries instead of List
- Put khoj response as child of user query entry
- Improves color coding for readability
- Allows folding each back-n-forth
- Put timestamp of message received into property drawer
- Use standardized time format for new and old chat messages
- Generalize the render-chat-response method to handle rendering
history or chat response from chat API reponse
- Trigger rendering of khoj chat history if Khoj chat buffer not
created for this session yet
- Use org-insert-link method to improve link rendering robustness
Previous simple mechanism to crete org-links would result in links
escaping out of formating. Use a user-facing org-mode method to
remove/reduce probability of this
- Replace newlines with space to render reference notes as links
- Query khoj chat API to get Khoj Chat response to user message
- Render chat messages as a org-mode list in format:
- [sender-name]: *[message]*
- /[receive-date]/
- Add references as org links with context visible on hover,
but no jump to note
- Require dash library for khoj.el to simplify list manipulation.
Use `-map-indexed' method from dash
- Remove need for interfaces to downcase content types returned by API
before using the type in search and other API endpoint
- Fix to check for search_type.name in plugin keys instead of value
- Update khoj.el test to reflect updated rendering logic
- Move ledger render function before image rendered to group functions
with similar logic closer
- Support querying with text surrounding point in any text buffer
Previously could only find items similar to org entry at point
- Find similar items of specified content type indexed on khoj
Previously only looked for similar org entries indexed on khoj
Now uses the content-type configured in khoj transient menu to find
items of the specified content type
- Details
- Generalize the get-current-org-entry-text func to get text for any
outline section
- Replace leading whitespaces from query text as well
- Create method to get current paragraph text from non-outline mode
- Update transient, find-similar funcs to pass, use content-type
configured in khoj transient menu
- Generalize query title creation logic to remove markdown headings
prefix (#) apart from org heading prefix (*) as well
- Update last used khoj content-type and results from the
find-similar and update funcs for later reuse
- Jump to top of results buffer after results rendered
Fix usage warning for unescaped single quote in `khoj.el' docstring.
Converts usage of '<text>' into `<text>' to use the correct quote forms in generated docs
⛔ Warning (comp): khoj.el:119:2: Warning: docstring has wrong usage of unescaped single quotes (use \= or different quoting)
⛔ Warning (comp): khoj.el:120:2: Warning: docstring has wrong usage of unescaped single quotes (use \= or different quoting)
⛔ Warning (comp): khoj.el:121:2: Warning: docstring has wrong usage of unescaped single quotes (use \= or different quoting)
⛔ Warning (comp): khoj.el:168:2: Warning: docstring has wrong usage of unescaped single quotes (use \= or different quoting)
- The instructions suggest installing khoj-assistant via pip install.
This installs the latest tagged/release version of khoj
- To match that version user should install khoj.el from MELPA stable
instead of MELPA
- Reason
- All clients that currently consume the API are part of Khoj
- Any breaking API changes will be fixed in clients immediately
- So decoupling client from API is not required
- This removes the burden of maintaining muliple versions of the API