- There were some state mismatches in configuring a whatsapp number. This commit fixes those issues and uses an external library for phone number validation
* Converted navigation menu into a dropdown menu
* Moved collapsed side panel menu icons into top row
* Auto refresh when conversation is deleted to update side panel and route back to main page if deletion is on current conversation
* Highlight the current conversation in the side panel
* Dynamic homepage messages with current day and time of day.
* `colorutils` upgraded to have more expansive tailwind color options and dynamic class name generation.
* Converted create agent button alert into shadcn `ToolTip`
* Colored lines and icons for agents in chat window
* Cleaned up border styling in dark mode
* fixed three dot menu in side panel to be more easier to click
* Add the KhojLogo import in the nav menu and use a default user profile icon when not authenticated
* Get rid of custom --box-shadow CSS variable
* Pass the agent metadat through the chat body data in order to style the send button
* Add login to the unauthenticated login view, redirecto to home if conversation history not loaded
* Set a max height for the input text area
* Simplify tailwind class names
Co-authored-by: sabaimran <narmiabas@gmail.com>
Changes for new agents page
- Modernized agent cards
- Responsive design to support mobile users
- Button for users to create their own agents (coming soon)
- Optimized to use tailwind and icon utils
- Side panel added for quick access to conversations
- Add support for text to speech, speech to text. Add loading and responsive indicators to reflect state.
- When streaming for speech to text, show incremental transcription in the message input field
- When streaming text to speech, and a pause button in the chat message to allow user to stop playback
* V1 of the new automations page
- Shareable
- Editable
- Suggested Cards
- Create new cards
- added side panel new conversation button
- Implement mobile-friendly view for homepage
- Fix issue of new conversations being created when selected agent is changed
- Improve center of the homepage experience
- Fix showing agent during first chat experience
- dark mode gradient updates
Co-authored-by: sabaimran <narmiabas@gmail.com>
Migrates the Automations page to React, mostly keeping the overall design consistent with organization. Use component library, with some changes in color. Add easier management with straightforward form and editing experience.
Use system preference for determining dark mode if not explicitly set.
- Create profile card componennt. Use it for agent profile card
- Pass agent persona from khoj server via API
- Put link to agent profile page in the hover card to make it 2 clicks
away. Othewise inadvertent clicks on agent in chat view lead away to
agent page
- Use tailwind line-clamp extension to clamp card to first two lines
- Add an experimental feature used for fact-checking falsifiable statements with customizable models. See attached screenshot for example. Once you input a statement that needs to be fact-checked, Khoj goes on a research spree to verify or refute it.
- Integrate frontend libraries for [Tailwind](https://tailwindcss.com/) and [ShadCN](https://ui.shadcn.com/) for easier UI development. Update corresponding styling for some existing UI components.
- Add component for model selection
- Add backend support for sharing arbitrary packets of data that will be consumed by specific front-end views in shareable scenarios
To improve the developer experience for front-end development, we're migrating to Next.js. In order to do this migration page-by-page, we're using static site generation via Next.js. This also helps us avoid making cross site requests from front-end to back-end for the time being, while giving a ramp to separating out server and client if needed for scale down the road.
Dev instructions for using the next.js setup are in the added README.
This adds scaffolding for including the built files in the python package as well as the docker images. Docker setup has been tested locally. In order to verify the build is working as expected, we can navigate to the {khoj_host}:42110/experimental and verify that the experiment page comes up.
This setup works with serving static files included in the src/interface/web folder from the Django app. The key bit for understanding the setup is in the yarn export command in package.json.