- Chat actors are narrow agents (prompt + ML model)
Chat actors are different from the Chat director. who orchestrates
the narrow actor agents to synthesize final response to the user
- Test Chat Actor Capabilities
1. Answer from retrieved notes
2. Answer from chat history
3. Answer general questions
4. Carry out multi-turn conversation
5. Say don't know when answer not in provided context
6. Answers that require current date awareness
7. Date-aware aggregation across multiple different notes
8. Ask clarification questions if no unambiguous answer in provided context
This test is expected to fail as the chat is not capable of doing
this consistently yet. But having the test allows assessing chat quality
- Use Openai API Key from OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable
- Gitignore .env file, python virtualenv directory
Put OpenAI API Key in .env file to run chatbot tests via vscode
The .env file is default location for importing env vars
Answer does not rely on past conversations, just the knowledge base.
It is meant for one off interactions, like search rather than a
continuing conversation like chat
For now it is only exposed via API. Later it will be expose in the
interfaces as well
Remove ability to select different chat types from the chat web
interface as there is only a single chat type
Stop appending answers to the conversation logs
- Why
The khoj pypi packages should be installed in `khoj' directory.
Previously it was being installed into `src' directory, which is a
generic top level directory name that is discouraged from being used
- Changes
- move src/* to src/khoj/*
- update `setup.py' to `find_packages' in `src' instead of project root
- rename imports to form `from khoj.*' in complete project
- update `constants.web_directory' path to use `khoj' directory
- rename root logger to `khoj' in `main.py'
- fix image_search tests to use the newly rename `khoj' logger
- update config, docs, workflows to reference new path `src/khoj'
- Use latest davinci model for tests
- Wrap prompt in triple quotes to improve legibilty
- `understand' method returns dictionary instead of string. Fix its test
- Fix prompt for new model to pass `chat_with_history' test
- Allow conversing with user using GPT's contextually aware, generative capability
- Extract metadata, user intent from user's messages using GPT's general understanding