- Update background color to a different shade of white
- Make primary and primary hover colors less intense and more aligned
with lantern flame shade
- Add water, leaf, flower color variables
- Give space in the input field. Too narrow previously
- References should be indexed from 1 instead of 0
- Use Obsidian font size variables to scale fonts in chat appropriately
- Add message sender, date metadata as message footer
- Use css directly from Khoj Chat Web Interface.
- Modify it to work under a Obsidian modal
- So replace html, body styling from web interface to instead
styling new "khoj-chat" class attached to contentEl of modal
- Features
- Search using Khoj from within the Obsidian app
Allow Natural language search on your (markdown) notes in Obsidian Vault
- Show search results as rendered (instead of raw) Markdown
Improve legibility of the results
- Jump to selected note from search result in Khoj search modal
Simplify seeing result within its original note context
- Automatically configure khoj to index markdown files in current vault
Reduce khoj setup steps for plugin users by using reasonable defaults
- Code updates the markdown config in khoj.yml and triggers index update
- It can be configured by user in khoj plugin settings, if required
- Add Demo and detailed Readme for the Obsidian plugin
Ease setup and usage. Give context about capabilities
- Miscellaneous
- Trying keep a mono repo until the Khoj project is mature enough
to reduce maintainance burden