# Copyright (c) 2010 Charles Cave # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation # files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without # restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, # modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies # of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # Program written by Charles Cave (charlesweb@optusnet.com.au) # February - March 2009 # Version 2 - June 2009 # Added support for all tags, TODO priority and checking existence of a tag # More information at # http://members.optusnet.com.au/~charles57/GTD """ The Orgnode module consists of the Orgnode class for representing a headline and associated text from an org-mode file, and routines for constructing data structures of these classes. """ import re, sys import datetime def makelist(filename): """ Read an org-mode file and return a list of Orgnode objects created from this file. """ ctr = 0 try: f = open(filename, 'r') except IOError: print(f"Unable to open file {filename}") print("Program terminating.") sys.exit(1) todos = { "TODO": "", "WAITING": "", "ACTIVE": "", "DONE": "", "CANCELLED": "", "FAILED": ""} # populated from #+SEQ_TODO line level = 0 heading = "" bodytext = "" tag1 = "" # The first tag enclosed in :: alltags = [] # list of all tags in headline sched_date = '' deadline_date = '' nodelist = [] propdict = dict() in_properties_drawer = False for line in f: ctr += 1 hdng = re.search('^(\*+)\s(.*?)\s*$', line) if hdng: if heading: # we are processing a heading line thisNode = Orgnode(level, heading, bodytext, tag1, alltags) if sched_date: thisNode.setScheduled(sched_date) sched_date = "" if deadline_date: thisNode.setDeadline(deadline_date) deadline_date = '' thisNode.setProperties(propdict) nodelist.append( thisNode ) propdict = dict() level = hdng.group(1) heading = hdng.group(2) bodytext = "" tag1 = "" alltags = [] # list of all tags in headline tagsrch = re.search('(.*?)\s*:([a-zA-Z0-9].*?):([a-zA-Z0-9].*?):$',heading) if tagsrch: heading = tagsrch.group(1) tag1 = tagsrch.group(2) alltags.append(tag1) tag2 = tagsrch.group(3) if tag2: for t in tag2.split(':'): if t != '': alltags.append(t) else: # we are processing a non-heading line if line[:10] == '#+SEQ_TODO': kwlist = re.findall('([A-Z]+)\(', line) for kw in kwlist: todos[kw] = "" # Ignore Properties Drawers Completely if re.search(':PROPERTIES:', line): in_properties_drawer=True continue if in_properties_drawer and re.search(':END:', line): in_properties_drawer=False continue # Ignore Clocking Lines if re.search('CLOCK: \[[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}', line): continue if not in_properties_drawer and line[:1] != '#': bodytext = bodytext + line prop_srch = re.search('^\s*:(.*?):\s*(.*?)\s*$', line) if prop_srch: propdict[prop_srch.group(1)] = prop_srch.group(2) continue sd_re = re.search('SCHEDULED:\s+<([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)', line) if sd_re: sched_date = datetime.date(int(sd_re.group(1)), int(sd_re.group(2)), int(sd_re.group(3)) ) dd_re = re.search('DEADLINE:\s*<(\d+)\-(\d+)\-(\d+)', line) if dd_re: deadline_date = datetime.date(int(dd_re.group(1)), int(dd_re.group(2)), int(dd_re.group(3)) ) # write out last node thisNode = Orgnode(level, heading, bodytext, tag1, alltags) thisNode.setProperties(propdict) if sched_date: thisNode.setScheduled(sched_date) if deadline_date: thisNode.setDeadline(deadline_date) nodelist.append( thisNode ) # using the list of TODO keywords found in the file # process the headings searching for TODO keywords for n in nodelist: h = n.Heading() todoSrch = re.search('([A-Z]+)\s(.*?)$', h) if todoSrch: if todoSrch.group(1) in todos: n.setHeading( todoSrch.group(2) ) n.setTodo ( todoSrch.group(1) ) prtysrch = re.search('^\[\#(A|B|C)\] (.*?)$', n.Heading()) if prtysrch: n.setPriority(prtysrch.group(1)) n.setHeading(prtysrch.group(2)) return nodelist ###################### class Orgnode(object): """ Orgnode class represents a headline, tags and text associated with the headline. """ def __init__(self, level, headline, body, tag, alltags): """ Create an Orgnode object given the parameters of level (as the raw asterisks), headline text (including the TODO tag), and first tag. The makelist routine postprocesses the list to identify TODO tags and updates headline and todo fields. """ self.level = len(level) self.headline = headline self.body = body self.tag = tag # The first tag in the list self.tags = dict() # All tags in the headline self.todo = "" self.prty = "" # empty of A, B or C self.scheduled = "" # Scheduled date self.deadline = "" # Deadline date self.properties = dict() for t in alltags: self.tags[t] = '' # Look for priority in headline and transfer to prty field def Heading(self): """ Return the Heading text of the node without the TODO tag """ return self.headline def setHeading(self, newhdng): """ Change the heading to the supplied string """ self.headline = newhdng def Body(self): """ Returns all lines of text of the body of this node except the Property Drawer """ return self.body def Level(self): """ Returns an integer corresponding to the level of the node. Top level (one asterisk) has a level of 1. """ return self.level def Priority(self): """ Returns the priority of this headline: 'A', 'B', 'C' or empty string if priority has not been set. """ return self.prty def setPriority(self, newprty): """ Change the value of the priority of this headline. Values values are '', 'A', 'B', 'C' """ self.prty = newprty def Tag(self): """ Returns the value of the first tag. For example, :HOME:COMPUTER: would return HOME """ return self.tag def Tags(self): """ Returns a list of all tags For example, :HOME:COMPUTER: would return ['HOME', 'COMPUTER'] """ return self.tags.keys() def hasTag(self, srch): """ Returns True if the supplied tag is present in this headline For example, hasTag('COMPUTER') on headling containing :HOME:COMPUTER: would return True. """ return srch in self.tags def setTag(self, newtag): """ Change the value of the first tag to the supplied string """ self.tag = newtag def setTags(self, taglist): """ Store all the tags found in the headline. The first tag will also be stored as if the setTag method was called. """ for t in taglist: self.tags[t] = '' def Todo(self): """ Return the value of the TODO tag """ return self.todo def setTodo(self, value): """ Set the value of the TODO tag to the supplied string """ self.todo = value def setProperties(self, dictval): """ Sets all properties using the supplied dictionary of name/value pairs """ self.properties = dictval def Property(self, keyval): """ Returns the value of the requested property or null if the property does not exist. """ return self.properties.get(keyval, "") def setScheduled(self, dateval): """ Set the scheduled date using the supplied date object """ self.scheduled = dateval def Scheduled(self): """ Return the scheduled date object or null if nonexistent """ return self.scheduled def setDeadline(self, dateval): """ Set the deadline (due) date using the supplied date object """ self.deadline = dateval def Deadline(self): """ Return the deadline date object or null if nonexistent """ return self.deadline def __repr__(self): """ Print the level, heading text and tag of a node and the body text as used to construct the node. """ # This method is not completed yet. n = '' for i in range(0, self.level): n = n + '*' n = n + ' ' + self.todo + ' ' if self.prty: n = n + '[#' + self.prty + '] ' n = n + self.headline n = "%-60s " % n # hack - tags will start in column 62 closecolon = '' for t in self.tags.keys(): n = n + ':' + t closecolon = ':' n = n + closecolon # Need to output Scheduled Date, Deadline Date, property tags The # following will output the text used to construct the object n = n + "\n" + self.body return n