#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Import Modules import orgnode import json import argparse import pathlib import glob import gzip # Define Functions def dump_jsonl(jsonl_data, output_path, verbose=0): "Write List of JSON objects to JSON line file" with open(get_absolute_path(output_path), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(jsonl_data) if verbose > 0: print(f'Wrote {len(jsonl_data)} records to jsonl at {output_path}') def compress_jsonl_data(jsonl_data, output_path, verbose=0): with gzip.open(f'{output_path}.gz', 'wt') as gzip_file: gzip_file.write(jsonl_data) if verbose > 0: print(f'Wrote {len(jsonl_data)} records to gzip compressed jsonl at {output_path}.gz') def load_jsonl(input_path, verbose=0): "Read List of JSON objects from JSON line file" data = [] with open(get_absolute_path(input_path), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: data.append(json.loads(line.rstrip('\n|\r'))) if verbose > 0: print(f'Loaded {len(data)} records from {input_path}') return data def get_org_files(org_files=None, org_file_filter=None): "Get Org files to process" absolute_org_files, filtered_org_files = set(), set() if org_files: absolute_org_files = {get_absolute_path(org_file) for org_file in org_files} if org_file_filter: filtered_org_files = set(glob.glob(get_absolute_path(org_file_filter))) all_org_files = absolute_org_files | filtered_org_files if args.verbose: print(f'Processing files: {all_org_files}') return all_org_files def extract_org_entries(org_files): "Extract entries from specified Org files" entries = [] for org_file in org_files: entries.extend( orgnode.makelist( str(org_file))) return entries def convert_org_entries_to_jsonl(entries, verbose=0): "Convert each Org-Mode entries to JSON and collate as JSONL" jsonl = '' for entry in entries: entry_dict = dict() entry_dict["Title"] = entry.Heading() if verbose > 1: print(f"Title: {entry.Heading()}") if entry.Tags(): tags_str = " ".join([tag for tag in entry.Tags()]) entry_dict["Tags"] = tags_str if verbose > 1: print(f"Tags: {tags_str}") if entry.Body(): entry_dict["Body"] = entry.Body() if verbose > 2: print(f"Body: {entry.Body()}") if entry_dict: # Convert Dictionary to JSON and Append to JSONL string jsonl += f'{json.dumps(entry_dict, ensure_ascii=False)}\n' return jsonl def is_none_or_empty(item): return item == None or (hasattr(item, '__iter__') and len(item) == 0) def get_absolute_path(filepath): return str(pathlib.Path(filepath).expanduser().absolute()) if __name__ == '__main__': # Setup Argument Parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Map Org-Mode notes into (compressed) JSONL format") parser.add_argument('--jsonl-file', '-o', type=pathlib.Path, required=True, help="Output file for JSONL formatted notes") parser.add_argument('--org-files', '-i', nargs='*', help="List of org-mode files to process") parser.add_argument('--org-file-filter', type=str, default=None, help="Regex filter for org-mode files to process") parser.add_argument('--no-compress', action='store_true', default=False, help="Do not compress jsonl output with gunzip. Default: False") parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count', help="Show verbose conversion logs") args = parser.parse_args() if is_none_or_empty(args.org_files) and is_none_or_empty(args.org_file_filter): print("At least one of org-files or org-file-filter is required to be specified") exit(1) # Get Org Files to Process org_files = get_org_files(args.org_files, args.org_file_filter) # Extract Entries from specified Org files entries = extract_org_entries(org_files) # Process Each Entry from All Notes Files jsonl_data = convert_org_entries_to_jsonl(entries, verbose=args.verbose) # Compress JSONL formatted Data if args.no_compress: dump_jsonl(jsonl_data, get_absolute_path(args.jsonl_file), verbose=args.verbose) else: compress_jsonl_data(jsonl_data, get_absolute_path(args.jsonl_file), verbose=args.verbose)