<h1><img src="./assets/khoj-logo-sideways-500.png" width="200" alt="Khoj Logo"> Obsidian</h1>

> An AI copilot for your Second Brain in Obsidian

## Features
- **Chat**
  - **Faster answers**: Find answers quickly, from your private notes or the public internet
  - **Assisted creativity**: Smoothly weave across retrieving answers and generating content
  - **Iterative discovery**: Iteratively explore and re-discover your notes
- **Search**
  - **Natural**: Advanced natural language understanding using Transformer based ML Models
  - **Incremental**: Incremental search for a fast, search-as-you-type experience

## Interface
![](./assets/khoj_search_on_obsidian.png ':size=400px')
![](./assets/khoj_chat_on_obsidian.png ':size=400px')

## Setup

  1. Open [Khoj](https://obsidian.md/plugins?id=khoj) from the *Community plugins* tab in Obsidian settings panel
  2. Click *Install*, then *Enable* on the Khoj plugin page in Obsidian
  3. Generate an API key on the [Khoj Web App](https://app.khoj.dev/config#clients)
  4. Set your Khoj API Key in the Khoj plugin settings in Obsidian

See the official [Obsidian Plugin Docs](https://help.obsidian.md/Extending+Obsidian/Community+plugins) for more details on installing Obsidian plugins.

## Use
### Chat
Run *Khoj: Chat* from the [Command Palette](https://help.obsidian.md/Plugins/Command+palette) and ask questions in a natural, conversational style.<br />
E.g *"When did I file my taxes last year?"*

See [Khoj Chat](/chat) for more details

### Find Similar Notes
To see other notes similar to the current one, run *Khoj: Find Similar Notes* from the [Command Palette](https://help.obsidian.md/Plugins/Command+palette)

### Search
Click the *Khoj search* icon 🔎 on the [Ribbon](https://help.obsidian.md/User+interface/Workspace/Ribbon) or run *Khoj: Search* from the [Command Palette](https://help.obsidian.md/Plugins/Command+palette)

See [Khoj Search](/search) for more details. Use [query filters](/advanced#query-filters) to limit entries to search

[search_demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6413477/218801155-cd67e8b4-a770-404a-8179-d6b61caa0f93.mp4 ':include :type=mp4')

## Upgrade
  1. Open *Community plugins* tab in Obsidian settings
  2. Click the *Check for updates* button
  3. Click the *Update* button next to Khoj, if available

## Troubleshooting
  - Open the Khoj plugin settings pane, to configure Khoj
  - Toggle Enable/Disable Khoj, if setting changes have not applied
  - Click *Update* button to force index to refresh, if results are failing or stale