# Remote Access By default self-hosted Khoj is only accessible on the machine it is running. To securely access it from a remote machine: - Set the `KHOJ_DOMAIN` environment variable to your remotely accessible ip or domain via shell or docker-compose.yml. Examples: `KHOJ_DOMAIN=my.khoj-domain.com`, `KHOJ_DOMAIN=`. - Ensure the Khoj Admin password and `KHOJ_DJANGO_SECRET_KEY` environment variable are securely set. - Setup [Authentication](/advanced/authentication). - Open access to the Khoj port (default: 42110) from your OS and Network firewall. :::warning[Use HTTPS certificate] To expose Khoj on a custom domain over the public internet, use of an SSL certificate is strongly recommended. You can use [Let's Encrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/) to get a free SSL certificate for your domain. To disable HTTPS, set the `KHOJ_NO_HTTPS` environment variable to `True`. This can be useful if Khoj is only accessible behind a secure, private network. ::: :::info[Try Tailscale] You can use [Tailscale](https://tailscale.com/) for easy, secure access to your self-hosted Khoj over the network. 1. Set `KHOJ_DOMAIN` to your machines [tailscale ip](https://tailscale.com/kb/1452/connect-to-devices#identify-your-devices) or [fqdn on tailnet](https://tailscale.com/kb/1081/magicdns#fully-qualified-domain-names-vs-machine-names). E.g `KHOJ_DOMAIN=` or `KHOJ_DOMAIN=khoj.tailfe8c.ts.net` 2. Access Khoj by opening `http://tailscale-ip-of-server:42110` or `http://fqdn-of-server:42110` from any device on your tailscale network :::