function copyParentText(event, message=null) { //same const button = event.currentTarget; const textContent = message ?? button.parentNode.textContent.trim(); navigator.clipboard.writeText(textContent).then(() => { button.firstChild.src = "./assets/icons/copy-button-success.svg"; setTimeout(() => { button.firstChild.src = "./assets/icons/copy-button.svg"; }, 1000); }).catch((error) => { console.error("Error copying text to clipboard:", error); const originalButtonText = button.innerHTML; button.innerHTML = "⛔️"; setTimeout(() => { button.innerHTML = originalButtonText; button.firstChild.src = "./assets/icons/copy-button.svg"; }, 2000); }); } function createCopyParentText(message) { //same return function(event) { copyParentText(event, message); } } function formatDate(date) { //same // Format date in HH:MM, DD MMM YYYY format let time_string = date.toLocaleTimeString('en-IN', { hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit', hour12: false }); let date_string = date.toLocaleString('en-IN', { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: '2-digit'}).replaceAll('-', ' '); return `${time_string}, ${date_string}`; } function generateReference(referenceJson, index) { //same let reference = referenceJson.hasOwnProperty("compiled") ? referenceJson.compiled : referenceJson; let referenceFile = referenceJson.hasOwnProperty("file") ? referenceJson.file : null; // Escape reference for HTML rendering let escaped_ref = reference.replaceAll('"', '"'); // Generate HTML for Chat Reference let short_ref = escaped_ref.slice(0, 100); short_ref = short_ref.length < escaped_ref.length ? short_ref + "..." : short_ref; let referenceButton = document.createElement('button'); referenceButton.textContent = short_ref; = `ref-${index}`; referenceButton.classList.add("reference-button"); referenceButton.classList.add("collapsed"); referenceButton.tabIndex = 0; // Add event listener to toggle full reference on click referenceButton.addEventListener('click', function() { if (this.classList.contains("collapsed")) { this.classList.remove("collapsed"); this.classList.add("expanded"); this.textContent = escaped_ref; } else { this.classList.add("collapsed"); this.classList.remove("expanded"); this.textContent = short_ref; } }); return referenceButton; } function generateOnlineReference(reference, index) { //same // Generate HTML for Chat Reference let title = reference.title ||; let link =; let snippet = reference.snippet; let question = reference.question; if (question) { question = `Question: ${question}

`; } else { question = ""; } let linkElement = document.createElement('a'); linkElement.setAttribute('href', link); linkElement.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); linkElement.setAttribute('rel', 'noopener noreferrer'); linkElement.classList.add("inline-chat-link"); linkElement.classList.add("reference-link"); linkElement.setAttribute('title', title); linkElement.textContent = title; let referenceButton = document.createElement('button'); referenceButton.innerHTML = linkElement.outerHTML; = `ref-${index}`; referenceButton.classList.add("reference-button"); referenceButton.classList.add("collapsed"); referenceButton.tabIndex = 0; // Add event listener to toggle full reference on click referenceButton.addEventListener('click', function() { if (this.classList.contains("collapsed")) { this.classList.remove("collapsed"); this.classList.add("expanded"); this.innerHTML = linkElement.outerHTML + `

${question + snippet}`; } else { this.classList.add("collapsed"); this.classList.remove("expanded"); this.innerHTML = linkElement.outerHTML; } }); return referenceButton; } function renderMessage(message, by, dt=null, annotations=null, raw=false, renderType="append") { //same let message_time = formatDate(dt ?? new Date()); let by_name = by == "khoj" ? "🏮 Khoj" : "🤔 You"; let formattedMessage = formatHTMLMessage(message, raw); // Create a new div for the chat message let chatMessage = document.createElement('div'); chatMessage.className = `chat-message ${by}`; chatMessage.dataset.meta = `${by_name} at ${message_time}`; // Create a new div for the chat message text and append it to the chat message let chatMessageText = document.createElement('div'); chatMessageText.className = `chat-message-text ${by}`; chatMessageText.appendChild(formattedMessage); chatMessage.appendChild(chatMessageText); // Append annotations div to the chat message if (annotations) { chatMessageText.appendChild(annotations); } // Append chat message div to chat body let chatBody = document.getElementById("chat-body"); let body = document.body; if (renderType === "append") { chatBody.appendChild(chatMessage); // Scroll to bottom of chat-body element body.scrollTop = chatBody.scrollHeight; } else if (renderType === "prepend") { chatBody.insertBefore(chatMessage, chatBody.firstChild); } else if (renderType === "return") { return chatMessage; } let chatBodyWrapper = document.getElementById("chat-body"); chatBodyWrapperHeight = chatBodyWrapper.clientHeight; } function processOnlineReferences(referenceSection, onlineContext) { //same let numOnlineReferences = 0; for (let subquery in onlineContext) { let onlineReference = onlineContext[subquery]; if ( && > 0) { numOnlineReferences +=; for (let index in { let reference =[index]; let polishedReference = generateOnlineReference(reference, index); referenceSection.appendChild(polishedReference); } } if (onlineReference.knowledgeGraph && onlineReference.knowledgeGraph.length > 0) { numOnlineReferences += onlineReference.knowledgeGraph.length; for (let index in onlineReference.knowledgeGraph) { let reference = onlineReference.knowledgeGraph[index]; let polishedReference = generateOnlineReference(reference, index); referenceSection.appendChild(polishedReference); } } if (onlineReference.peopleAlsoAsk && onlineReference.peopleAlsoAsk.length > 0) { numOnlineReferences += onlineReference.peopleAlsoAsk.length; for (let index in onlineReference.peopleAlsoAsk) { let reference = onlineReference.peopleAlsoAsk[index]; let polishedReference = generateOnlineReference(reference, index); referenceSection.appendChild(polishedReference); } } if (onlineReference.webpages && onlineReference.webpages.length > 0) { numOnlineReferences += onlineReference.webpages.length; for (let index in onlineReference.webpages) { let reference = onlineReference.webpages[index]; let polishedReference = generateOnlineReference(reference, index); referenceSection.appendChild(polishedReference); } } } return numOnlineReferences; } function renderMessageWithReference(message, by, context=null, dt=null, onlineContext=null, intentType=null, inferredQueries=null) { //same let chatEl; if (intentType?.includes("text-to-image")) { let imageMarkdown = generateImageMarkdown(message, intentType, inferredQueries); chatEl = renderMessage(imageMarkdown, by, dt, null, false, "return"); } else { chatEl = renderMessage(message, by, dt, null, false, "return"); } // If no document or online context is provided, render the message as is if ((context == null || context?.length == 0) && (onlineContext == null || (onlineContext && Object.keys(onlineContext).length == 0))) { return chatEl; } // If document or online context is provided, render the message with its references let references = {}; if (!!context) references["notes"] = context; if (!!onlineContext) references["online"] = onlineContext; let chatMessageEl = chatEl.getElementsByClassName("chat-message-text")[0]; chatMessageEl.appendChild(createReferenceSection(references)); return chatEl; } function generateImageMarkdown(message, intentType, inferredQueries=null) { //same let imageMarkdown; if (intentType === "text-to-image") { imageMarkdown = `![](data:image/png;base64,${message})`; } else if (intentType === "text-to-image2") { imageMarkdown = `![](${message})`; } else if (intentType === "text-to-image-v3") { imageMarkdown = `![](data:image/webp;base64,${message})`; } const inferredQuery = inferredQueries?.[0]; if (inferredQuery) { imageMarkdown += `\n\n**Inferred Query**:\n\n${inferredQuery}`; } return imageMarkdown; } function formatHTMLMessage(message, raw=false, willReplace=true) { //same var md = window.markdownit(); let newHTML = message; // Remove any text between [INST] and tags. These are spurious instructions for the AI chat model. newHTML = newHTML.replace(/\[INST\].+(<\/s>)?/g, ''); // Customize the rendering of images md.renderer.rules.image = function(tokens, idx, options, env, self) { let token = tokens[idx]; // Add class="text-to-image" to images token.attrPush(['class', 'text-to-image']); // Use the default renderer to render image markdown format return self.renderToken(tokens, idx, options); }; // Render markdown newHTML = raw ? newHTML : md.render(newHTML); // Sanitize the rendered markdown newHTML = DOMPurify.sanitize(newHTML); // Set rendered markdown to HTML DOM element let element = document.createElement('div'); element.innerHTML = newHTML; element.className = "chat-message-text-response"; // Add a copy button to each chat message if (willReplace === true) { let copyButton = document.createElement('button'); copyButton.classList.add("copy-button"); copyButton.title = "Copy Message"; let copyIcon = document.createElement("img"); = "copy-icon"; copyIcon.src = "./assets/icons/copy-button.svg"; copyIcon.classList.add("copy-icon"); copyButton.appendChild(copyIcon); copyButton.addEventListener('click', createCopyParentText(message)); element.append(copyButton); } // Get any elements with a class that starts with "language" let codeBlockElements = element.querySelectorAll('[class^="language-"]'); // For each element, add a parent div with the class "programmatic-output" codeBlockElements.forEach((codeElement, key) => { // Create the parent div let parentDiv = document.createElement('div'); parentDiv.classList.add("programmatic-output"); // Add the parent div before the code element codeElement.parentNode.insertBefore(parentDiv, codeElement); // Move the code element into the parent div parentDiv.appendChild(codeElement); // Add a copy button to each element }); // Get all code elements that have no class. let codeElements = element.querySelectorAll('code:not([class])'); codeElements.forEach((codeElement) => { // Add the class "chat-response" to each element codeElement.classList.add("chat-response"); }); let anchorElements = element.querySelectorAll('a'); anchorElements.forEach((anchorElement) => { // Tag external links to open in separate window if ( !anchorElement.href.startsWith("./") && !anchorElement.href.startsWith("#") && !anchorElement.href.startsWith("/") ) { anchorElement.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); anchorElement.setAttribute('rel', 'noopener noreferrer'); } // Add the class "inline-chat-link" to each element anchorElement.classList.add("inline-chat-link"); }); return element } function createReferenceSection(references, createLinkerSection=false) { console.log("linker data: ", createLinkerSection); let referenceSection = document.createElement('div'); referenceSection.classList.add("reference-section"); referenceSection.classList.add("collapsed"); let numReferences = 0; if (references.hasOwnProperty("notes")) { numReferences += references["notes"].length; references["notes"].forEach((reference, index) => { let polishedReference = generateReference(reference, index); referenceSection.appendChild(polishedReference); }); } if (references.hasOwnProperty("online")){ numReferences += processOnlineReferences(referenceSection, references["online"]); } let referenceExpandButton = document.createElement('button'); = "reference-expand-button"; referenceExpandButton.classList.add("reference-expand-button"); referenceExpandButton.innerHTML = numReferences == 1 ? "1 reference" : `${numReferences} references`; referenceExpandButton.addEventListener('click', function() { if (referenceSection.classList.contains("collapsed")) { referenceSection.classList.remove("collapsed"); referenceSection.classList.add("expanded"); } else { referenceSection.classList.add("collapsed"); referenceSection.classList.remove("expanded"); } }); let referencesDiv = document.createElement('div'); referencesDiv.classList.add("references"); referencesDiv.appendChild(referenceExpandButton); if (createLinkerSection) { //add a linker button back to the desktop application let linkerButton = document.createElement('button'); linkerButton.innerHTML = "Continue Conversation"; = "linker-button"; linkerButton.addEventListener('click', function() { window.routeBackToMainWindowAPI.sendSignal(); }); referencesDiv.appendChild(linkerButton); console.log("shortcut window"); } referencesDiv.appendChild(referenceSection); return referencesDiv; }