Liam Swayne 455f78b178
Replace var declarations with let declarations (#576)
* Replace var declaration with let declaration
2023-12-29 10:20:48 +05:30

129 lines
3.2 KiB

let $wrap = document.getElementById('loading-animation'),
canvassize = 380,
length = 40,
radius = 6.8,
rotatevalue = 0.02,
acceleration = 0,
animatestep = 0,
toend = false,
pi2 = Math.PI*2,
group = new THREE.Group(),
mesh, ringcover, ring,
camera, scene, renderer;
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(65, 1, 1, 10000);
camera.position.z = 120;
scene = new THREE.Scene();
// scene.add(new THREE.AxisHelper(30));
mesh = new THREE.Mesh(
new THREE.TubeGeometry(new (THREE.Curve.create(function() {},
function(percent) {
let x = length*Math.sin(pi2*percent),
y = radius*Math.cos(pi2*3*percent),
z, t;
t = percent%0.25/0.25;
t = percent%0.25-(2*(1-t)*t* -0.0185 +t*t*0.25);
if (Math.floor(percent/0.25) == 0 || Math.floor(percent/0.25) == 2) {
t *= -1;
z = radius*Math.sin(pi2*2* (percent-t));
return new THREE.Vector3(x, y, z);
))(), 200, 1.1, 2, true),
new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color: 0xfcc50b
// , wireframe: true
ringcover = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.PlaneGeometry(50, 15, 1), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xd1684e, opacity: 0, transparent: true}));
ringcover.position.x = length+1;
ringcover.rotation.y = Math.PI/2;
ring = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.RingGeometry(4.3, 5.55, 32), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xfcc50b, opacity: 0, transparent: true}));
ring.position.x = length+1.1;
ring.rotation.y = Math.PI/2;
// fake shadow
(function() {
let plain, i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
plain = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.PlaneGeometry(length*2+1, radius*3, 1), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xd1684e, transparent: true, opacity: 0.15}));
plain.position.z = -2.5+i*0.5;
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
antialias: true
renderer.setSize(canvassize, canvassize);
function start() {
toend = true;
function back() {
toend = false;
function tilt(percent) {
group.rotation.y = percent*0.5;
function render() {
let progress;
animatestep = Math.max(0, Math.min(240, toend ? animatestep+1 : animatestep-4));
acceleration = easing(animatestep, 0, 1, 240);
if (acceleration > 0.35) {
progress = (acceleration-0.35)/0.65;
group.rotation.y = -Math.PI/2 *progress;
group.position.z = 20*progress;
progress = Math.max(0, (acceleration-0.99)/0.01);
mesh.material.opacity = 1-progress;
ringcover.material.opacity = ring.material.opacity = progress;
ring.scale.x = ring.scale.y = 0.9 + 0.1*progress;
renderer.render(scene, camera);
function animate() {
mesh.rotation.x += rotatevalue + acceleration*Math.sin(Math.PI*acceleration);
function easing(t, b, c, d) {
if ((t /= d/2) < 1)
return c/2*t*t+b;
return c/2*((t-=2)*t*t+2)+b;
setTimeout(start, 30);