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synced 2025-02-17 08:04:21 +00:00
Add process_single_plaintext_file func etc with similar signatures as org_to_entries and markdown_to_entries processors The standardization makes modifications, abstractions easier to create
136 lines
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136 lines
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import os
from pathlib import Path
from khoj.database.models import KhojUser, LocalPlaintextConfig
from khoj.processor.content.plaintext.plaintext_to_entries import PlaintextToEntries
from khoj.utils.fs_syncer import get_plaintext_files
from khoj.utils.rawconfig import TextContentConfig
def test_plaintext_file(tmp_path):
"Convert files with no heading to jsonl."
# Arrange
raw_entry = f"""
Hi, I am a plaintext file and I have some plaintext words.
plaintextfile = create_file(tmp_path, raw_entry)
# Act
# Extract Entries from specified plaintext files
data = {
f"{plaintextfile}": raw_entry,
entries = PlaintextToEntries.extract_plaintext_entries(data)
# Convert each entry.file to absolute path to make them JSON serializable
for entry in entries:
entry.file = str(Path(entry.file).absolute())
# Assert
assert len(entries) == 1
# Ensure raw entry with no headings do not get heading prefix prepended
assert not entries[0].raw.startswith("#")
# Ensure compiled entry has filename prepended as top level heading
assert entries[0].compiled == f"{plaintextfile}\n{raw_entry}"
def test_get_plaintext_files(tmp_path):
"Ensure Plaintext files specified via input-filter, input-files extracted"
# Arrange
# Include via input-filter globs
group1_file1 = create_file(tmp_path, filename="group1-file1.md")
group1_file2 = create_file(tmp_path, filename="group1-file2.md")
group2_file1 = create_file(tmp_path, filename="group2-file1.markdown")
group2_file2 = create_file(tmp_path, filename="group2-file2.markdown")
group2_file3 = create_file(tmp_path, filename="group2-file3.mbox")
group2_file4 = create_file(tmp_path, filename="group2-file4.html")
# Include via input-file field
file1 = create_file(tmp_path, filename="notes.txt")
# Include unsupported file types
create_file(tmp_path, filename="group2-unincluded.py")
create_file(tmp_path, filename="group2-unincluded.csv")
create_file(tmp_path, filename="group2-unincluded.csv")
# Not included by any filter
create_file(tmp_path, filename="not-included-markdown.md")
create_file(tmp_path, filename="not-included-text.txt")
expected_files = set(
os.path.join(tmp_path, file.name)
for file in [group1_file1, group1_file2, group2_file1, group2_file2, group2_file3, group2_file4, file1]
# Setup input-files, input-filters
input_files = [tmp_path / "notes.txt"]
input_filter = [tmp_path / "group1*.md", tmp_path / "group2*.*"]
plaintext_config = TextContentConfig(
input_filter=[str(filter) for filter in input_filter],
compressed_jsonl=tmp_path / "test.jsonl",
embeddings_file=tmp_path / "test_embeddings.jsonl",
# Act
extracted_plaintext_files = get_plaintext_files(plaintext_config)
# Assert
assert len(extracted_plaintext_files) == 7
assert set(extracted_plaintext_files.keys()) == set(expected_files)
def test_parse_html_plaintext_file(content_config, default_user: KhojUser):
"Ensure HTML files are parsed correctly"
# Arrange
# Setup input-files, input-filters
config = LocalPlaintextConfig.objects.filter(user=default_user).first()
extracted_plaintext_files = get_plaintext_files(config=config)
# Act
entries = PlaintextToEntries.extract_plaintext_entries(extracted_plaintext_files)
# Assert
assert len(entries) == 1
assert "<div>" not in entries[0].raw
def test_large_plaintext_file_split_into_multiple_entries(tmp_path):
"Convert files with no heading to jsonl."
# Arrange
max_tokens = 256
normal_entry = " ".join([f"{number}" for number in range(max_tokens - 1)])
large_entry = " ".join([f"{number}" for number in range(max_tokens)])
normal_plaintextfile = create_file(tmp_path, normal_entry)
large_plaintextfile = create_file(tmp_path, large_entry)
normal_data = {f"{normal_plaintextfile}": normal_entry}
large_data = {f"{large_plaintextfile}": large_entry}
# Act
# Extract Entries from specified plaintext files
normal_entries = PlaintextToEntries.split_entries_by_max_tokens(
large_entries = PlaintextToEntries.split_entries_by_max_tokens(
PlaintextToEntries.extract_plaintext_entries(large_data), max_tokens=max_tokens, raw_is_compiled=True
# Assert
assert len(normal_entries) == 1
assert len(large_entries) == 2
# Helper Functions
def create_file(tmp_path: Path, entry=None, filename="test.md"):
file_ = tmp_path / filename
if entry:
return file_