1 Install Khoj on Windows 🪟
Debanjum edited this page 2023-07-13 22:27:41 -07:00

These steps can be used to setup Khoj on a clean, new Windows 11 machine. It has been tested on a Windows VM


  1. Ensure you have Visual Studio C++ Build tools installed. You can download it from Microsoft here. At the minimum, you should have the following configuration: Screenshot 2023-07-12 at 3 56 25 PM
  2. Ensure you have Python installed. You can check by running python --version. If you don't, install the latest version from here.
    • Ensure you have pip installed: py -m ensurepip --upgrade.

Quick start

  1. Open a PowerShell terminal.
  2. Run pip install khoj-assistant
  3. Start Khoj with khoj

Installation in a Virtual Environment

Use this if you want to install with a virtual environment. This will make it much easier to manage your dependencies. You can read more about virtual environments here.

  1. Open a PowerShell terminal with the Run as Administrator privileges.
  2. Create a virtual environment: mkdir khoj && cd khoj && py -m venv .venv
  3. Activate the virtual environment: .\.venv\Scripts\activate. If you get a permissions error, then run Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned.
  4. Run pip install khoj-assistant
  5. Start Khoj with khoj