2014-08-22 16:26:02 +02:00
srs="+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs">
2014-12-09 15:31:23 +00:00
<Parameter name="sizes">300,300</Parameter>
2014-08-22 16:26:02 +02:00
<Style name="polygon">
<PolygonSymbolizer fill="#800000" />
<LineSymbolizer stroke="#ff0000" stroke-width="2" offset="4" />
<Style name="frame">
<PolygonSymbolizer />
frame is a layer with a single polygon that is used to ensure that
m.zoom_all() will zoom the map to a reasonable bounding extent
<Layer name="frame" srs="+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs">
<Parameter name="type">csv</Parameter>
<Parameter name="inline">
Polygon((-75.0 -75.0, -75.0 75.0, 35.0 75.0, 35.0 -75.0, -75.0 -75.0))|bounds
The inline GeoJSON has two polygons with different winding order
(clockwise and counterclockwise), and each of those has two inner rings
(again, one clockwise and one counterclockwise)
<Layer name="bug" srs="+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs">
<Parameter name="type">geojson</Parameter>
<Parameter name="inline">{
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" } },
"features": [
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates":
[ [ [ 30, -20 ], [ -70, -20 ], [ -70, -70 ], [ 30, -70 ], [ 30, -20 ] ],
[ [ -60, -30 ], [ -30, -30 ], [ -30, -60 ], [ -60, -60 ], [ -60, -30 ] ],
[ [ -10, -30 ], [ -10, -60 ], [ 20, -60 ], [ 20, -30 ], [ -10, -30 ] ]
] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates":
[ [ [ -70, 70 ], [ 30, 70 ], [ 30, 20 ], [ -70, 20 ], [ -70, 70 ] ],
[ [ -60, 60 ], [ -30, 60 ], [ -30, 30 ], [ -60, 30 ], [ -60, 60 ] ],
[ [ 20, 30 ], [ 20, 60 ], [ -10, 60 ], [ -10, 30 ], [ 20, 30 ] ]
] } }
2014-12-09 15:31:23 +00:00