
588 lines
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Raw Normal View History

# #!/usr/bin/env python
# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# import os
# from import *
# from utilities import execution_path, run_all
# import tempfile
# import mapnik
# def setup():
# # All of the paths used are relative, if we run the tests
# # from another directory we need to chdir()
# os.chdir(execution_path('.'))
# def test_debug_symbolizer():
# s = mapnik.DebugSymbolizer()
# eq_(s.mode,mapnik.debug_symbolizer_mode.collision)
# def test_raster_symbolizer():
# s = mapnik.RasterSymbolizer()
# eq_(s.comp_op,mapnik.CompositeOp.src_over) # note: mode is deprecated
# eq_(s.scaling,mapnik.scaling_method.NEAR)
# eq_(s.opacity,1.0)
# eq_(s.colorizer,None)
# eq_(s.filter_factor,-1)
# eq_(s.mesh_size,16)
# eq_(s.premultiplied,None)
# s.premultiplied = True
# eq_(s.premultiplied,True)
# def test_line_pattern():
# s = mapnik.LinePatternSymbolizer(mapnik.PathExpression('../data/images/dummy.png'))
# eq_(s.filename, '../data/images/dummy.png')
# eq_(s.smooth,0.0)
# eq_(s.transform,'')
# eq_(s.offset,0.0)
# eq_(s.comp_op,mapnik.CompositeOp.src_over)
# eq_(s.clip,True)
# def test_line_symbolizer():
# s = mapnik.LineSymbolizer()
# eq_(s.rasterizer, mapnik.line_rasterizer.FULL)
# eq_(s.smooth,0.0)
# eq_(s.comp_op,mapnik.CompositeOp.src_over)
# eq_(s.clip,True)
# eq_(s.stroke.width, 1)
# eq_(s.stroke.opacity, 1)
# eq_(s.stroke.color, mapnik.Color('black'))
# eq_(s.stroke.line_cap, mapnik.line_cap.BUTT_CAP)
# eq_(s.stroke.line_join, mapnik.line_join.MITER_JOIN)
# l = mapnik.LineSymbolizer(mapnik.Color('blue'), 5.0)
# eq_(l.stroke.width, 5)
# eq_(l.stroke.opacity, 1)
# eq_(l.stroke.color, mapnik.Color('blue'))
# eq_(l.stroke.line_cap, mapnik.line_cap.BUTT_CAP)
# eq_(l.stroke.line_join, mapnik.line_join.MITER_JOIN)
# s = mapnik.Stroke(mapnik.Color('blue'), 5.0)
# l = mapnik.LineSymbolizer(s)
# eq_(l.stroke.width, 5)
# eq_(l.stroke.opacity, 1)
# eq_(l.stroke.color, mapnik.Color('blue'))
# eq_(l.stroke.line_cap, mapnik.line_cap.BUTT_CAP)
# eq_(l.stroke.line_join, mapnik.line_join.MITER_JOIN)
# def test_line_symbolizer_stroke_reference():
# l = mapnik.LineSymbolizer(mapnik.Color('green'),0.1)
# l.stroke.add_dash(.1,.1)
# l.stroke.add_dash(.1,.1)
# eq_(l.stroke.get_dashes(), [(.1,.1),(.1,.1)])
# eq_(l.stroke.color,mapnik.Color('green'))
# eq_(l.stroke.opacity,1.0)
# assert_almost_equal(l.stroke.width,0.1)
# #
# def test_stroke_dash_api():
# stroke = mapnik.Stroke()
# dashes = [(1.0,1.0)]
# stroke.dasharray = dashes
# eq_(stroke.dasharray, dashes)
# stroke.add_dash(.1,.1)
# dashes.append((.1,.1))
# eq_(stroke.dasharray, dashes)
# def test_text_symbolizer():
# s = mapnik.TextSymbolizer()
# eq_(s.comp_op,mapnik.CompositeOp.src_over)
# eq_(s.clip,True)
# eq_(s.halo_rasterizer,mapnik.halo_rasterizer.FULL)
# #
# eq_(s.text_transform, mapnik.text_transform.NONE)
# #
# eq_(s.wrap_char,ord(' '))
# eq_(s.wrap_character,ord(' '))
# s.wrap_char = ord('\n')
# eq_(s.wrap_char,ord('\n'))
# eq_(s.wrap_character,ord('\n'))
# eq_(s.format.wrap_character,ord('\n'))
# s.wrap_character = ord('\r')
# eq_(s.wrap_char,ord('\r'))
# eq_(s.wrap_character,ord('\r'))
# eq_(s.format.wrap_character,ord('\r'))
# s.format.wrap_character = ord(' ')
# eq_(s.wrap_char,ord(' '))
# eq_(s.wrap_character,ord(' '))
# eq_(s.format.wrap_character,ord(' '))
# # old args required method
# ts = mapnik.TextSymbolizer(mapnik.Expression('[Field_Name]'), 'Font Name', 8, mapnik.Color('black'))
# # eq_(str(, str(mapnik2.Expression('[Field_Name]'))) name field is no longer supported
# eq_(ts.format.face_name, 'Font Name')
# eq_(ts.format.text_size, 8)
# eq_(ts.format.fill, mapnik.Color('black'))
# eq_(, mapnik.label_placement.POINT_PLACEMENT)
# eq_(, mapnik.horizontal_alignment.AUTO)
# def test_shield_symbolizer_init():
# s = mapnik.ShieldSymbolizer(mapnik.Expression('[Field Name]'), 'DejaVu Sans Bold', 6, mapnik.Color('#000000'), mapnik.PathExpression('../data/images/dummy.png'))
# eq_(s.comp_op,mapnik.CompositeOp.src_over)
# eq_(s.clip,True)
# eq_(s.displacement, (0.0,0.0))
# eq_(s.allow_overlap, False)
# eq_(s.avoid_edges, False)
# eq_(s.character_spacing,0)
# #eq_(str(, str(mapnik2.Expression('[Field Name]'))) name field is no longer supported
# eq_(s.face_name, 'DejaVu Sans Bold')
# eq_(s.allow_overlap, False)
# eq_(s.fill, mapnik.Color('#000000'))
# eq_(s.force_odd_labels, False)
# eq_(s.halo_fill, mapnik.Color('rgb(255,255,255)'))
# eq_(s.halo_radius, 0)
# eq_(s.label_placement, mapnik.label_placement.POINT_PLACEMENT)
# eq_(s.minimum_distance, 0.0)
# eq_(s.text_ratio, 0)
# eq_(s.text_size, 6)
# eq_(s.wrap_width, 0)
# eq_(s.vertical_alignment, mapnik.vertical_alignment.AUTO)
# eq_(s.label_spacing, 0)
# eq_(s.label_position_tolerance, 0)
# # 22.5 * M_PI/180.0 initialized by default
# assert_almost_equal(s.max_char_angle_delta, 0.39269908169872414)
# eq_(s.wrap_character, ' ')
# eq_(s.text_transform, mapnik.text_transform.NONE)
# eq_(s.line_spacing, 0)
# eq_(s.character_spacing, 0)
# # r1341
# eq_(s.wrap_before, False)
# eq_(s.horizontal_alignment, mapnik.horizontal_alignment.AUTO)
# eq_(s.justify_alignment, mapnik.justify_alignment.AUTO)
# eq_(s.opacity, 1.0)
# # r2300
# eq_(s.minimum_padding, 0.0)
# # was mixed with s.opacity
# eq_(s.text_opacity, 1.0)
# eq_(s.shield_displacement, (0.0,0.0))
# # TODO - the pattern in bindings seems to be to get/set
# # strings for PathExpressions... should we pass objects?
# eq_(s.filename, '../data/images/dummy.png')
# # 11c34b1: default transform list is empty, not identity matrix
# eq_(s.transform, '')
# eq_(s.fontset, None)
# # ShieldSymbolizer missing image file
# # images paths are now PathExpressions are evaluated at runtime
# # so it does not make sense to throw...
# #@raises(RuntimeError)
# #def test_shieldsymbolizer_missing_image():
# # s = mapnik.ShieldSymbolizer(mapnik.Expression('[Field Name]'), 'DejaVu Sans Bold', 6, mapnik.Color('#000000'), mapnik.PathExpression('../#data/images/broken.png'))
# def test_shield_symbolizer_modify():
# s = mapnik.ShieldSymbolizer(mapnik.Expression('[Field Name]'), 'DejaVu Sans Bold', 6, mapnik.Color('#000000'), mapnik.PathExpression('../data/images/dummy.png'))
# # transform expression
# def check_transform(expr, expect_str=None):
# s.transform = expr
# eq_(s.transform, expr if expect_str is None else expect_str)
# check_transform("matrix(1 2 3 4 5 6)", "matrix(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)")
# check_transform("matrix(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 +7)", "matrix(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (6+7))")
# check_transform("rotate([a])")
# check_transform("rotate([a] -2)", "rotate(([a]-2))")
# check_transform("rotate([a] -2 -3)", "rotate([a], -2, -3)")
# check_transform("rotate([a] -2 -3 -4)", "rotate(((([a]-2)-3)-4))")
# check_transform("rotate([a] -2, 3, 4)", "rotate(([a]-2), 3, 4)")
# check_transform("translate([tx]) rotate([a])")
# check_transform("scale([sx], [sy]/2)")
# # TODO check expected failures
# def test_point_symbolizer():
# p = mapnik.PointSymbolizer()
# eq_(p.filename,'')
# eq_(p.transform,'')
# eq_(p.opacity,1.0)
# eq_(p.allow_overlap,False)
# eq_(p.ignore_placement,False)
# eq_(p.comp_op,mapnik.CompositeOp.src_over)
# eq_(p.placement, mapnik.point_placement.CENTROID)
# p = mapnik.PointSymbolizer(mapnik.PathExpression("../data/images/dummy.png"))
# p.allow_overlap = True
# p.opacity = 0.5
# p.ignore_placement = True
# p.placement = mapnik.point_placement.INTERIOR
# eq_(p.allow_overlap, True)
# eq_(p.opacity, 0.5)
# eq_(p.filename,'../data/images/dummy.png')
# eq_(p.ignore_placement,True)
# eq_(p.placement, mapnik.point_placement.INTERIOR)
# def test_markers_symbolizer():
# p = mapnik.MarkersSymbolizer()
# eq_(p.allow_overlap, False)
# eq_(p.opacity,1.0)
# eq_(p.fill_opacity,None)
# eq_(p.filename,'shape://ellipse')
# eq_(p.placement,mapnik.marker_placement.POINT_PLACEMENT)
# eq_(p.multi_policy,mapnik.marker_multi_policy.EACH)
# eq_(p.fill,None)
# eq_(p.ignore_placement,False)
# eq_(p.spacing,100)
# eq_(p.max_error,0.2)
# eq_(p.width,None)
# eq_(p.height,None)
# eq_(p.transform,'')
# eq_(p.clip,True)
# eq_(p.comp_op,mapnik.CompositeOp.src_over)
# p.width = mapnik.Expression('12')
# p.height = mapnik.Expression('12')
# eq_(str(p.width),'12')
# eq_(str(p.height),'12')
# p.width = mapnik.Expression('[field] + 2')
# p.height = mapnik.Expression('[field] + 2')
# eq_(str(p.width),'([field]+2)')
# eq_(str(p.height),'([field]+2)')
# stroke = mapnik.Stroke()
# stroke.color = mapnik.Color('black')
# stroke.width = 1.0
# p.stroke = stroke
# p.fill = mapnik.Color('white')
# p.allow_overlap = True
# p.opacity = 0.5
# p.fill_opacity = 0.5
# p.placement = mapnik.marker_placement.LINE_PLACEMENT
# p.multi_policy = mapnik.marker_multi_policy.WHOLE
# eq_(p.allow_overlap, True)
# eq_(p.opacity, 0.5)
# eq_(p.fill_opacity, 0.5)
# eq_(p.multi_policy,mapnik.marker_multi_policy.WHOLE)
# eq_(p.placement,mapnik.marker_placement.LINE_PLACEMENT)
# #
# #
# p.marker_type = 'arrow'
# eq_(p.marker_type,'shape://arrow')
# eq_(p.filename,'shape://arrow')
# # PointSymbolizer missing image file
# # images paths are now PathExpressions are evaluated at runtime
# # so it does not make sense to throw...
# #@raises(RuntimeError)
# #def test_pointsymbolizer_missing_image():
# # p = mapnik.PointSymbolizer(mapnik.PathExpression("../data/images/broken.png"))
# def test_polygon_symbolizer():
# p = mapnik.PolygonSymbolizer()
# eq_(p.smooth,0.0)
# eq_(p.comp_op,mapnik.CompositeOp.src_over)
# eq_(p.clip,True)
# eq_(p.fill, mapnik.Color('gray'))
# eq_(p.fill_opacity, 1)
# p = mapnik.PolygonSymbolizer(mapnik.Color('blue'))
# eq_(p.fill, mapnik.Color('blue'))
# eq_(p.fill_opacity, 1)
# def test_building_symbolizer_init():
# p = mapnik.BuildingSymbolizer()
# eq_(p.fill, mapnik.Color('gray'))
# eq_(p.fill_opacity, 1)
# eq_(p.height,None)
# def test_group_symbolizer_init():
# s = mapnik.GroupSymbolizer()
# p = mapnik.GroupSymbolizerProperties()
# l = mapnik.PairLayout()
# l.item_margin = 5.0
# p.set_layout(l)
# r = mapnik.GroupRule(mapnik.Expression("[name%1]"))
# r.append(mapnik.PointSymbolizer())
# p.add_rule(r)
# s.symbolizer_properties = p
# eq_(s.comp_op,mapnik.CompositeOp.src_over)
# def test_stroke_init():
# s = mapnik.Stroke()
# eq_(s.width, 1)
# eq_(s.opacity, 1)
# eq_(s.color, mapnik.Color('black'))
# eq_(s.line_cap, mapnik.line_cap.BUTT_CAP)
# eq_(s.line_join, mapnik.line_join.MITER_JOIN)
# eq_(s.gamma,1.0)
# s = mapnik.Stroke(mapnik.Color('blue'), 5.0)
# s.gamma = .5
# eq_(s.width, 5)
# eq_(s.opacity, 1)
# eq_(s.color, mapnik.Color('blue'))
# eq_(s.gamma, .5)
# eq_(s.line_cap, mapnik.line_cap.BUTT_CAP)
# eq_(s.line_join, mapnik.line_join.MITER_JOIN)
# def test_stroke_dash_arrays():
# s = mapnik.Stroke()
# s.add_dash(1,2)
# s.add_dash(3,4)
# s.add_dash(5,6)
# eq_(s.get_dashes(), [(1,2),(3,4),(5,6)])
# def test_map_init():
# m = mapnik.Map(256, 256)
# eq_(m.width, 256)
# eq_(m.height, 256)
# eq_(m.srs, '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs')
# eq_(m.base, '')
# eq_(m.maximum_extent, None)
# eq_(m.background_image, None)
# eq_(m.background_image_comp_op, mapnik.CompositeOp.src_over)
# eq_(m.background_image_opacity, 1.0)
# m = mapnik.Map(256, 256, '+proj=latlong')
# eq_(m.srs, '+proj=latlong')
# def test_map_style_access():
# m = mapnik.Map(256, 256)
# sty = mapnik.Style()
# m.append_style("style",sty)
# styles = list(m.styles)
# eq_(len(styles),1)
# eq_(styles[0][0],'style')
# # returns a copy so let's just check it is the right instance
# eq_(isinstance(styles[0][1],mapnik.Style),True)
# def test_map_maximum_extent_modification():
# m = mapnik.Map(256, 256)
# eq_(m.maximum_extent, None)
# m.maximum_extent = mapnik.Box2d()
# eq_(m.maximum_extent, mapnik.Box2d())
# m.maximum_extent = None
# eq_(m.maximum_extent, None)
# # Map initialization from string
# def test_map_init_from_string():
# map_string = '''<Map background-color="steelblue" base="./" srs="+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs">
# <Style name="My Style">
# <Rule>
# <PolygonSymbolizer fill="#f2eff9"/>
# <LineSymbolizer stroke="rgb(50%,50%,50%)" stroke-width="0.1"/>
# </Rule>
# </Style>
# <Layer name="boundaries">
# <StyleName>My Style</StyleName>
# <Datasource>
# <Parameter name="type">shape</Parameter>
# <Parameter name="file">../../demo/data/boundaries</Parameter>
# </Datasource>
# </Layer>
# </Map>'''
# m = mapnik.Map(600, 300)
# eq_(m.base, '')
# try:
# mapnik.load_map_from_string(m, map_string)
# eq_(m.base, './')
# mapnik.load_map_from_string(m, map_string, False, "") # this "" will have no effect
# eq_(m.base, './')
# tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
# try:
# mapnik.load_map_from_string(m, map_string, False, tmp_dir)
# except RuntimeError:
# pass # runtime error expected because shapefile path should be wrong and datasource will throw
# eq_(m.base, tmp_dir) # tmp_dir will be set despite the exception because load_map mostly worked
# m.base = 'foo'
# mapnik.load_map_from_string(m, map_string, True, ".")
# eq_(m.base, '.')
# except RuntimeError, e:
# # only test datasources that we have installed
# if not 'Could not create datasource' in str(e):
# raise RuntimeError(e)
# # Color initialization
# @raises(Exception) # Boost.Python.ArgumentError
# def test_color_init_errors():
# c = mapnik.Color()
# @raises(RuntimeError)
# def test_color_init_errors():
# c = mapnik.Color('foo') # mapnik config
# def test_color_init():
# c = mapnik.Color('blue')
# eq_(c.a, 255)
# eq_(c.r, 0)
# eq_(c.g, 0)
# eq_(c.b, 255)
# eq_(c.to_hex_string(), '#0000ff')
# c = mapnik.Color('#f2eff9')
# eq_(c.a, 255)
# eq_(c.r, 242)
# eq_(c.g, 239)
# eq_(c.b, 249)
# eq_(c.to_hex_string(), '#f2eff9')
# c = mapnik.Color('rgb(50%,50%,50%)')
# eq_(c.a, 255)
# eq_(c.r, 128)
# eq_(c.g, 128)
# eq_(c.b, 128)
# eq_(c.to_hex_string(), '#808080')
# c = mapnik.Color(0, 64, 128)
# eq_(c.a, 255)
# eq_(c.r, 0)
# eq_(c.g, 64)
# eq_(c.b, 128)
# eq_(c.to_hex_string(), '#004080')
# c = mapnik.Color(0, 64, 128, 192)
# eq_(c.a, 192)
# eq_(c.r, 0)
# eq_(c.g, 64)
# eq_(c.b, 128)
# eq_(c.to_hex_string(), '#004080c0')
# def test_color_equality():
# c1 = mapnik.Color('blue')
# c2 = mapnik.Color(0,0,255)
# c3 = mapnik.Color('black')
# c3.r = 0
# c3.g = 0
# c3.b = 255
# c3.a = 255
# eq_(c1, c2)
# eq_(c1, c3)
# c1 = mapnik.Color(0, 64, 128)
# c2 = mapnik.Color(0, 64, 128)
# c3 = mapnik.Color(0, 0, 0)
# c3.r = 0
# c3.g = 64
# c3.b = 128
2009-04-17 04:10:45 +00:00
# eq_(c1, c2)
# eq_(c1, c3)
2009-04-17 04:10:45 +00:00
# c1 = mapnik.Color(0, 64, 128, 192)
# c2 = mapnik.Color(0, 64, 128, 192)
# c3 = mapnik.Color(0, 0, 0, 255)
2009-04-17 04:10:45 +00:00
# c3.r = 0
# c3.g = 64
# c3.b = 128
# c3.a = 192
2009-04-17 04:10:45 +00:00
# eq_(c1, c2)
# eq_(c1, c3)
# c1 = mapnik.Color('rgb(50%,50%,50%)')
# c2 = mapnik.Color(128, 128, 128, 255)
# c3 = mapnik.Color('#808080')
# c4 = mapnik.Color('gray')
# eq_(c1, c2)
# eq_(c1, c3)
# eq_(c1, c4)
# c1 = mapnik.Color('hsl(0, 100%, 50%)') # red
# c2 = mapnik.Color('hsl(120, 100%, 50%)') # lime
# c3 = mapnik.Color('hsla(240, 100%, 50%, 0.5)') # semi-transparent solid blue
# eq_(c1, mapnik.Color('red'))
# eq_(c2, mapnik.Color('lime'))
# eq_(c3, mapnik.Color(0,0,255,128))
# def test_rule_init():
# min_scale = 5
# max_scale = 10
# r = mapnik.Rule()
# eq_(, '')
# eq_(r.min_scale, 0)
# eq_(r.max_scale, float('inf'))
# eq_(r.has_else(), False)
# eq_(r.has_also(), False)
# r = mapnik.Rule()
# r.set_else(True)
# eq_(r.has_else(), True)
# eq_(r.has_also(), False)
# r = mapnik.Rule()
# r.set_also(True)
# eq_(r.has_else(), False)
# eq_(r.has_also(), True)
# r = mapnik.Rule("Name")
# eq_(, 'Name')
# eq_(r.min_scale, 0)
# eq_(r.max_scale, float('inf'))
# eq_(r.has_else(), False)
# eq_(r.has_also(), False)
# r = mapnik.Rule("Name")
# eq_(, 'Name')
# eq_(r.min_scale, 0)
# eq_(r.max_scale, float('inf'))
# eq_(r.has_else(), False)
# eq_(r.has_also(), False)
# r = mapnik.Rule("Name", min_scale)
# eq_(, 'Name')
# eq_(r.min_scale, min_scale)
# eq_(r.max_scale, float('inf'))
# eq_(r.has_else(), False)
# eq_(r.has_also(), False)
# r = mapnik.Rule("Name", min_scale, max_scale)
# eq_(, 'Name')
# eq_(r.min_scale, min_scale)
# eq_(r.max_scale, max_scale)
# eq_(r.has_else(), False)
# eq_(r.has_also(), False)
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# setup()
# run_all(eval(x) for x in dir() if x.startswith("test_"))