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2006-03-31 12:32:02 +02:00
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2006-03-31 12:32:02 +02:00
* This file is part of Mapnik (c++ mapping toolkit)
2006-02-01 00:09:52 +01:00
2006-03-31 12:32:02 +02:00
* Copyright (C) 2006 Artem Pavlenko, Jean-Francois Doyon
2006-02-01 00:09:52 +01:00
2006-03-31 12:32:02 +02:00
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2006-02-01 00:09:52 +01:00
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2006-03-31 12:32:02 +02:00
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
2006-02-01 00:09:52 +01:00
2006-03-31 12:32:02 +02:00
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
2006-02-01 00:09:52 +01:00
2009-03-21 12:22:10 +01:00
// boost
2006-02-01 00:09:52 +01:00
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python/detail/api_placeholder.hpp>
#include <boost/python/suite/indexing/vector_indexing_suite.hpp>
2009-03-21 12:22:10 +01:00
// mapnik
#include <mapnik/layer.hpp>
#include <mapnik/map.hpp>
#include <mapnik/feature_type_style.hpp>
#include <mapnik/metawriter_inmem.hpp>
2011-12-20 17:44:48 +01:00
#include <mapnik/util/deepcopy.hpp>
2009-03-21 12:22:10 +01:00
#include "mapnik_enumeration.hpp"
using mapnik::color;
2006-02-01 00:09:52 +01:00
using mapnik::coord;
2009-12-16 21:02:06 +01:00
using mapnik::box2d;
using mapnik::layer;
2006-02-01 00:09:52 +01:00
using mapnik::Map;
struct map_pickle_suite : boost::python::pickle_suite
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
static boost::python::tuple
getinitargs(const Map& m)
2010-06-25 17:23:35 +02:00
return boost::python::make_tuple(m.width(),m.height(),m.srs());
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
2006-02-01 00:09:52 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
static boost::python::tuple
getstate(const Map& m)
boost::python::list l;
2010-06-25 17:23:35 +02:00
for (unsigned i=0;i<m.layer_count();++i)
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
boost::python::list s;
Map::const_style_iterator it = m.styles().begin();
Map::const_style_iterator end = m.styles().end();
for (; it != end; ++it)
std::string const& name = it->first;
const mapnik::feature_type_style & style = it->second;
boost::python::tuple style_pair = boost::python::make_tuple(name,style);
return boost::python::make_tuple(m.get_current_extent(),m.background(),l,s,m.base_path());
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
2006-02-01 00:09:52 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
static void
setstate (Map& m, boost::python::tuple state)
using namespace boost::python;
if (len(state) != 5)
("expected 5-item tuple in call to __setstate__; got %s"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
% state).ptr()
2009-12-16 21:02:06 +01:00
box2d<double> ext = extract<box2d<double> >(state[0]);
2010-06-25 17:23:35 +02:00
if (state[1])
color bg = extract<color>(state[1]);
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
boost::python::list l=extract<boost::python::list>(state[2]);
for (int i=0;i<len(l);++i)
2009-12-16 21:02:06 +01:00
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
boost::python::list s=extract<boost::python::list>(state[3]);
for (int i=0;i<len(s);++i)
boost::python::tuple style_pair=extract<boost::python::tuple>(s[i]);
std::string name = extract<std::string>(style_pair[0]);
mapnik::feature_type_style style = extract<mapnik::feature_type_style>(style_pair[1]);
m.insert_style(name, style);
if (state[4])
std::string base_path = extract<std::string>(state[4]);
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
2006-02-01 00:09:52 +01:00
2009-12-16 21:02:06 +01:00
std::vector<layer>& (Map::*layers_nonconst)() = &Map::layers;
std::vector<layer> const& (Map::*layers_const)() const = &Map::layers;
2011-12-03 03:00:20 +01:00
mapnik::parameters& (Map::*params_nonconst)() = &Map::get_extra_parameters;
boost::optional<mapnik::box2d<double> > const& (Map::*maximum_extent_const)() const = &Map::maximum_extent;
mapnik::feature_type_style find_style(mapnik::Map const& m, std::string const& name)
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
boost::optional<mapnik::feature_type_style const&> style = m.find_style(name);
if (!style)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, "Invalid style name");
return *style;
mapnik::font_set find_fontset(mapnik::Map const& m, std::string const& name)
boost::optional<mapnik::font_set const&> fontset = m.find_fontset(name);
if (!fontset)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, "Invalid font_set name");
return *fontset;
bool has_metawriter(mapnik::Map const& m)
if (m.metawriters().size() >=1)
return true;
return false;
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
// returns empty shared_ptr when the metawriter isn't found, or is
// of the wrong type. empty pointers make it back to Python as a None.
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
//mapnik::metawriter_inmem_ptr find_inmem_metawriter(const mapnik::Map & m, std::string const& name) {
// mapnik::metawriter_ptr metawriter = m.find_metawriter(name);
/// mapnik::metawriter_inmem_ptr inmem;
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
// if (metawriter) {
// inmem = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<mapnik::metawriter_inmem>(metawriter);
// }
// return inmem;
// TODO - we likely should allow indexing by negative number from python
// for now, protect against negative values and kindly throw
mapnik::featureset_ptr query_point(mapnik::Map const& m, int index, double x, double y)
if (index < 0){
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, "Please provide a layer index >= 0");
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
unsigned idx = index;
return m.query_point(idx, x, y);
mapnik::featureset_ptr query_map_point(mapnik::Map const& m, int index, double x, double y)
if (index < 0){
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, "Please provide a layer index >= 0");
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
unsigned idx = index;
return m.query_map_point(idx, x, y);
2011-12-20 17:44:48 +01:00
// deepcopy
mapnik::Map map_deepcopy(mapnik::Map & m, boost::python::dict memo)
// FIXME: ignore memo for now
mapnik::Map result;
mapnik::util::deepcopy(m, result);
return result;
// TODO - find a simplier way to set optional to uninitialized
void set_maximum_extent(mapnik::Map & m, boost::optional<mapnik::box2d<double> > const& box)
if (box)
2011-12-03 03:00:20 +01:00
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
void export_map()
2006-02-01 00:09:52 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
using namespace boost::python;
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
// aspect ratio fix modes
.value("GROW_BBOX", mapnik::Map::GROW_BBOX)
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
class_<std::vector<layer> >("Layers")
.def(vector_indexing_suite<std::vector<layer> >())
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
class_<Map>("Map","The map object.",init<int,int,optional<std::string const&> >(
( arg("width"),arg("height"),arg("srs") ),
"Create a Map with a width and height as integers and, optionally,\n"
"an srs string either with a Proj.4 epsg code ('+init=epsg:<code>')\n"
"or with a Proj.4 literal ('+proj=<literal>').\n"
"If no srs is specified the map will default to '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'\n"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
">>> from mapnik import Map\n"
">>> m = Map(600,400)\n"
">>> m\n"
"<mapnik._mapnik.Map object at 0x6a240>\n"
">>> m.srs\n"
"'+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'\n"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Insert a Mapnik Style onto the map by appending it.\n"
">>> sty\n"
"<mapnik._mapnik.Style object at 0x6a330>\n"
">>> m.append_style('Style Name', sty)\n"
"True # style object added to map by name\n"
">>> m.append_style('Style Name', sty)\n"
"False # you can only append styles with unique names\n"
"Add a FontSet to the map."
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Get the Box2d() of the Map given\n"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"the Map.buffer_size.\n"
">>> m = Map(600,400)\n"
">>> m.envelope()\n"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
">>> m.buffered_envelope()\n"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
">>> m.buffer_size = 1\n"
">>> m.buffered_envelope()\n"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
2010-06-25 17:23:35 +02:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Return the Map Box2d object\n"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"and print the string representation\n"
"of the current extent of the map.\n"
">>> m.envelope()\n"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
">>> dir(m.envelope())\n"
"...'center', 'contains', 'expand_to_include', 'forward',\n"
"...'height', 'intersect', 'intersects', 'inverse', 'maxx',\n"
"...'maxy', 'minx', 'miny', 'width'\n"
"Find a fontset by name."
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Query the Map for a style by name and return\n"
"a style object if found or raise KeyError\n"
"style if not found.\n"
">>> m.find_style('Style Name')\n"
"<mapnik._mapnik.Style object at 0x654f0>\n"
"Check if the Map has any active metawriters\n"
">>> m.has_metawriter()\n"
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Set the Map center at a given x,y location\n"
"as integers in the coordinates of the pixmap or map surface.\n"
">>> m = Map(600,400)\n"
">>> m.envelope().center()\n"
"Coord(-0.5,-0.5) # default Map center\n"
">>> m.pan(-1,-1)\n"
">>> m.envelope().center()\n"
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Set the Map center at a given x,y location\n"
"and zoom factor as a float.\n"
">>> m = Map(600,400)\n"
">>> m.envelope().center()\n"
"Coord(-0.5,-0.5) # default Map center\n"
">>> m.scale()\n"
">>> m.pan_and_zoom(-1,-1,0.25)\n"
">>> m.scale()\n"
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Query a Map Layer (by layer index) for features \n"
"intersecting the given x,y location in the pixel\n"
"coordinates of the rendered map image.\n"
"Layer index starts at 0 (first layer in map).\n"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Will return a Mapnik Featureset if successful\n"
"otherwise will return None.\n"
">>> featureset = m.query_map_point(0,200,200)\n"
">>> featureset\n"
"<mapnik._mapnik.Featureset object at 0x23b0b0>\n"
">>> featureset.features\n"
">>> [<mapnik.Feature object at 0x3995630>]\n"
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
(arg("layer idx"),arg("x"),arg("y")),
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Query a Map Layer (by layer index) for features \n"
"intersecting the given x,y location in the coordinates\n"
"of map projection.\n"
"Layer index starts at 0 (first layer in map).\n"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Will return a Mapnik Featureset if successful\n"
"otherwise will return None.\n"
">>> featureset = m.query_point(0,-122,48)\n"
">>> featureset\n"
"<mapnik._mapnik.Featureset object at 0x23b0b0>\n"
">>> featureset.features\n"
">>> [<mapnik.Feature object at 0x3995630>]\n"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Remove all Mapnik Styles and layers from the Map.\n"
">>> m.remove_all()\n"
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Remove a Mapnik Style from the map.\n"
">>> m.remove_style('Style Name')\n"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Resize a Mapnik Map.\n"
">>> m.resize(64,64)\n"
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
.def("scale", &Map::scale,
"Return the Map Scale.\n"
">>> m.scale()\n"
2009-03-21 12:22:10 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
.def("scale_denominator", &Map::scale_denominator,
"Return the Map Scale Denominator.\n"
">>> m.scale_denominator()\n"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Return the map ViewTransform object\n"
"which is used internally to convert between\n"
"geographic coordinates and screen coordinates.\n"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
">>> m.view_transform()\n"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Zoom in or out by a given factor.\n"
"Positive number zooms in, negative number\n"
"zooms out.\n"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
">>> m.zoom(0.25)\n"
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Set the geographical extent of the map\n"
"to the combined extents of all active layers.\n"
">>> m.zoom_all()\n"
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2010-06-25 17:23:35 +02:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Set the geographical extent of the map\n"
"by specifying a Mapnik Box2d.\n"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
">>> extext = Box2d(-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0)\n"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
">>> m.zoom_to_box(extent)\n"
.def("get_metawriter_property", &Map::get_metawriter_property,
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
"Reads a metawriter property.\n"
"These properties are completely user-defined and can be used to"
"create filenames, etc.\n"
">>> map.set_metawriter_property(\"x\", \"10\")\n"
">>> map.get_metawriter_property(\"x\")\n"
.def("set_metawriter_property", &Map::set_metawriter_property,
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
"Sets a metawriter property.\n"
"These properties are completely user-defined and can be used to"
"create filenames, etc.\n"
">>> map.set_metawriter_property(\"x\", str(x))\n"
">>> map.set_metawriter_property(\"y\", str(y))\n"
">>> map.set_metawriter_property(\"z\", str(z))\n"
"Use a path like \"[z]/[x]/[y].json\" to create filenames.\n"
// .def("find_inmem_metawriter", find_inmem_metawriter,
// (arg("name")),
// "Gets an inmem metawriter, or None if no such metawriter "
// "exists.\n"
// "Use this after the map has been rendered to retrieve information "
// "about the hit areas rendered on the map.\n"
// )
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2011-12-20 17:44:48 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
2010-06-25 17:23:35 +02:00
// TODO - how to add arg info to properties?
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Get/Set aspect fix mode.\n"
">>> m.aspect_fix_mode = aspect_fix_mode.GROW_BBOX\n"
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"The background color of the map.\n"
">>> m.background = Color('steelblue')\n"
"The base path of the map where any files using relative \n"
"paths will be interpreted as relative to.\n"
">>> m.base_path = '.'\n"
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Get/Set the size of buffer around map in pixels.\n"
">>> m.buffer_size\n"
"0 # zero by default\n"
">>> m.buffer_size = 2\n"
">>> m.buffer_size\n"
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
2010-06-25 17:23:35 +02:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Get/Set the height of the map in pixels.\n"
"Minimum settable size is 16 pixels.\n"
">>> m.height\n"
">>> m.height = 600\n"
">>> m.height\n"
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"The list of map layers.\n"
">>> m.layers\n"
"<mapnik._mapnik.layers object at 0x6d458>"
">>> m.layers[0]\n"
"<mapnik._mapnik.layer object at 0x5fe130>\n"
"The maximum extent of the map.\n"
">>> m.maximum_extent = Box2d(-180,-90,180,90)\n"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Spatial reference in Proj.4 format.\n"
"Either an epsg code or proj literal.\n"
"For example, a proj literal:\n"
"\t'+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'\n"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"and a proj epsg code:\n"
"Note: using epsg codes requires the installation of\n"
"the Proj.4 'epsg' data file normally found in '/usr/local/share/proj'\n"
">>> m.srs\n"
"'+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs' # The default srs if not initialized with custom srs\n"
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
">>> # set to google mercator with Proj.4 literal\n"
"... \n"
">>> m.srs = '+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs +over'\n"
2011-11-14 04:54:32 +01:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
2010-06-25 17:23:35 +02:00
2010-06-02 13:03:30 +02:00
"Get/Set the width of the map in pixels.\n"
"Minimum settable size is 16 pixels.\n"
">>> m.width\n"
">>> m.width = 800\n"
">>> m.width\n"
2006-02-01 00:09:52 +01:00