2010-03-12 13:34:13 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
from nose.tools import *
2010-03-18 20:05:08 +00:00
from utilities import execution_path, save_data, contains_word
2010-03-12 13:34:13 +00:00
import os, mapnik2
def setup():
# All of the paths used are relative, if we run the tests
# from another directory we need to chdir()
def test_dataraster_coloring():
srs = '+init=epsg:32630'
lyr = mapnik2.Layer('dataraster')
lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Gdal(
file = '../data/raster/dataraster.tif',
band = 1,
lyr.srs = srs
_map = mapnik2.Map(256,256, srs)
style = mapnik2.Style()
rule = mapnik2.Rule()
sym = mapnik2.RasterSymbolizer()
# Assigning a colorizer to the RasterSymbolizer tells the later
# that it should use it to colorize the raw data raster
2011-05-04 00:20:17 +00:00
sym.colorizer = mapnik2.RasterColorizer(mapnik2.COLORIZER_DISCRETE, mapnik2.Color("transparent"))
2010-03-12 13:34:13 +00:00
for value, color in [
( 0, "#0044cc"),
( 10, "#00cc00"),
( 20, "#ffff00"),
( 30, "#ff7f00"),
( 40, "#ff0000"),
( 50, "#ff007f"),
( 60, "#ff00ff"),
( 70, "#cc00cc"),
( 80, "#990099"),
( 90, "#660066"),
( 200, "transparent"),
2011-05-04 00:20:17 +00:00
sym.colorizer.add_stop(value, mapnik2.Color(color))
2010-03-12 13:34:13 +00:00
_map.append_style('foo', style)
im = mapnik2.Image(_map.width,_map.height)
mapnik2.render(_map, im)
2010-03-16 17:37:25 +00:00
# save a png somewhere so we can see it
save_data('test_dataraster_coloring.png', im.tostring('png'))
2010-03-12 13:34:13 +00:00
imdata = im.tostring()
# we have some values in the [20,30) interval so check that they're colored
2010-03-18 20:05:08 +00:00
assert contains_word('\xff\xff\x00\xff', imdata)
2010-03-12 13:34:13 +00:00
def test_dataraster_query_point():
srs = '+init=epsg:32630'
lyr = mapnik2.Layer('dataraster')
lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Gdal(
file = '../data/raster/dataraster.tif',
band = 1,
lyr.srs = srs
_map = mapnik2.Map(256,256, srs)
# point inside raster extent with valid data
x, y = 427417, 4477517
features = _map.query_point(0,x,y).features
assert len(features) == 1
feat = features[0]
center = feat.envelope().center()
assert center.x==x and center.y==y, center
value = feat['value']
assert value == 21.0, value
# point outside raster extent
features = _map.query_point(0,-427417,4477517).features
assert len(features) == 0
# point inside raster extent with nodata
features = _map.query_point(0,126850,4596050).features
assert len(features) == 0
2010-03-12 14:49:50 +00:00
def test_load_save_map():
map = mapnik2.Map(256,256)
in_map = "../data/good_maps/raster_symbolizer.xml"
mapnik2.load_map(map, in_map)
out_map = mapnik2.save_map_to_string(map)
assert 'RasterSymbolizer' in out_map
assert 'RasterColorizer' in out_map
2011-05-04 00:20:17 +00:00
assert 'stop' in out_map