2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
from nose.tools import *
import atexit
import cProfile, pstats, io
import time
2015-01-26 21:36:47 -08:00
from utilities import execution_path, run_all, side_by_side_image
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import os, mapnik
from Queue import Queue
import threading
import sys
import re
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
MAPNIK_TEST_DBNAME = 'mapnik-tmp-pgraster-test-db'
POSTGIS_TEMPLATE_DBNAME = 'template_postgis'
2014-08-12 20:19:59 -07:00
def log(msg):
print msg
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
def setup():
# All of the paths used are relative, if we run the tests
# from another directory we need to chdir()
def call(cmd,silent=False):
2014-08-12 20:19:59 -07:00
stdin, stderr = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()
if not stderr:
return stdin.strip()
2014-08-31 20:09:16 -07:00
elif not silent and 'error' in stderr.lower() \
2014-09-24 17:22:09 -07:00
or 'not found' in stderr.lower() \
2014-08-31 20:09:16 -07:00
or 'could not connect' in stderr.lower() \
or 'bad connection' in stderr.lower() \
or 'not recognized as an internal' in stderr.lower():
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
raise RuntimeError(stderr.strip())
def psql_can_connect():
"""Test ability to connect to a postgis template db with no options.
Basically, to run these tests your user must have full read
access over unix sockets without supplying a password. This
keeps these tests simple and focused on postgis not on postgres
auth issues.
call('psql %s -c "select postgis_version()"' % POSTGIS_TEMPLATE_DBNAME)
return True
except RuntimeError, e:
2014-08-14 12:53:33 -07:00
print 'Notice: skipping pgraster tests (connection)'
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
return False
def psql_run(cmd):
cmd = 'psql --set ON_ERROR_STOP=1 %s -c "%s"' % \
(MAPNIK_TEST_DBNAME, cmd.replace('"', '\\"'))
2014-08-12 20:19:59 -07:00
log('DEBUG: running ' + cmd)
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
def raster2pgsql_on_path():
"""Test for presence of raster2pgsql on the user path.
We require this program to load test data into a temporarily database.
return True
except RuntimeError, e:
2014-08-14 12:53:33 -07:00
print 'Notice: skipping pgraster tests (raster2pgsql)'
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
return False
def createdb_and_dropdb_on_path():
"""Test for presence of dropdb/createdb on user path.
We require these programs to setup and teardown the testing db.
call('createdb --help')
call('dropdb --help')
return True
except RuntimeError, e:
2014-08-14 12:53:33 -07:00
print 'Notice: skipping pgraster tests (createdb/dropdb)'
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
return False
def postgis_setup():
call('dropdb %s' % MAPNIK_TEST_DBNAME,silent=True)
call('createdb -T %s %s' % (POSTGIS_TEMPLATE_DBNAME,MAPNIK_TEST_DBNAME),silent=False)
def postgis_takedown():
# fails as the db is in use: https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/issues/960
#call('dropdb %s' % MAPNIK_TEST_DBNAME)
def import_raster(filename, tabname, tilesize, constraint, overview):
2014-08-12 20:19:59 -07:00
log('tile: ' + tilesize + ' constraints: ' + str(constraint) \
+ ' overviews: ' + overview)
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
cmd = 'raster2pgsql -Y -I -q'
if constraint:
cmd += ' -C'
if tilesize:
cmd += ' -t ' + tilesize
if overview:
cmd += ' -l ' + overview
2014-08-12 20:19:59 -07:00
cmd += ' %s %s | psql --set ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -q %s' % (os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(filename)),tabname,MAPNIK_TEST_DBNAME)
log('Import call: ' + cmd)
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
def drop_imported(tabname, overview):
psql_run('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "' + tabname + '";')
if overview:
for of in overview.split(','):
psql_run('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "o_' + of + '_' + tabname + '";')
2015-01-26 21:36:47 -08:00
def compare_images(expected,im):
if not os.path.exists(expected):
print 'generating expected image %s' % expected
expected_im = mapnik.Image.open(expected)
diff = expected.replace('.png','-diff.png')
if len(im.tostring("png32")) != len(expected_im.tostring("png32")):
compared = side_by_side_image(expected_im, im)
assert False,'images do not match, check diff at %s' % diff
if os.path.exists(diff): os.unlink(diff)
return True
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
if 'pgraster' in mapnik.DatasourceCache.plugin_names() \
and createdb_and_dropdb_on_path() \
and psql_can_connect() \
and raster2pgsql_on_path():
# initialize test database
2014-10-01 10:50:03 +02:00
# [old]dataraster.tif, 2283x1913 int16 single-band
# dataraster-small.tif, 457x383 int16 single-band
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
def _test_dataraster_16bsi_rendering(lbl, overview, rescale, clip):
if rescale:
lbl += ' Sc'
if clip:
lbl += ' Cl'
ds = mapnik.PgRaster(dbname=MAPNIK_TEST_DBNAME,table='"dataRaster"',
band=1,use_overviews=1 if overview else 0,
fs = ds.featureset()
feature = fs.next()
lyr = mapnik.Layer('dataraster_16bsi')
lyr.datasource = ds
expenv = mapnik.Box2d(-14637, 3903178, 1126863, 4859678)
env = lyr.envelope()
# As the input size is a prime number both horizontally
# and vertically, we expect the extent of the overview
# tables to be a pixel wider than the original, whereas
# the pixel size in geographical units depends on the
# overview factor. So we start with the original pixel size
# as base scale and multiply by the overview factor.
# NOTE: the overview table extent only grows north and east
pixsize = 500 # see gdalinfo dataraster.tif
2014-10-01 10:50:03 +02:00
pixsize = 2497 # see gdalinfo dataraster-small.tif
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
tol = pixsize * max(overview.split(',')) if overview else 0
assert_almost_equal(env.minx, expenv.minx)
assert_almost_equal(env.miny, expenv.miny, delta=tol)
assert_almost_equal(env.maxx, expenv.maxx, delta=tol)
assert_almost_equal(env.maxy, expenv.maxy)
mm = mapnik.Map(256, 256)
style = mapnik.Style()
col = mapnik.RasterColorizer();
col.default_mode = mapnik.COLORIZER_DISCRETE;
col.add_stop(0, mapnik.Color(0x40,0x40,0x40,255));
col.add_stop(10, mapnik.Color(0x80,0x80,0x80,255));
col.add_stop(20, mapnik.Color(0xa0,0xa0,0xa0,255));
sym = mapnik.RasterSymbolizer()
sym.colorizer = col
rule = mapnik.Rule()
mm.append_style('foo', style)
im = mapnik.Image(mm.width, mm.height)
t0 = time.time() # we want wall time to include IO waits
mapnik.render(mm, im)
lap = time.time() - t0
2014-08-12 20:19:59 -07:00
log('T ' + str(lap) + ' -- ' + lbl + ' E:full')
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
# no data
eq_(im.view(1,1,1,1).tostring(), '\x00\x00\x00\x00')
eq_(im.view(255,255,1,1).tostring(), '\x00\x00\x00\x00')
eq_(im.view(195,116,1,1).tostring(), '\x00\x00\x00\x00')
# A0A0A0
eq_(im.view(100,120,1,1).tostring(), '\xa0\xa0\xa0\xff')
eq_(im.view( 75, 80,1,1).tostring(), '\xa0\xa0\xa0\xff')
# 808080
eq_(im.view( 74,170,1,1).tostring(), '\x80\x80\x80\xff')
eq_(im.view( 30, 50,1,1).tostring(), '\x80\x80\x80\xff')
# 404040
eq_(im.view(190, 70,1,1).tostring(), '\x40\x40\x40\xff')
eq_(im.view(140,170,1,1).tostring(), '\x40\x40\x40\xff')
# Now zoom over a portion of the env (1/10)
newenv = mapnik.Box2d(273663,4024478,330738,4072303)
t0 = time.time() # we want wall time to include IO waits
mapnik.render(mm, im)
lap = time.time() - t0
2014-08-12 20:19:59 -07:00
log('T ' + str(lap) + ' -- ' + lbl + ' E:1/10')
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
# nodata
eq_(hexlify(im.view(255,255,1,1).tostring()), '00000000')
eq_(hexlify(im.view(200,254,1,1).tostring()), '00000000')
# A0A0A0
eq_(hexlify(im.view(90,232,1,1).tostring()), 'a0a0a0ff')
eq_(hexlify(im.view(96,245,1,1).tostring()), 'a0a0a0ff')
# 808080
eq_(hexlify(im.view(1,1,1,1).tostring()), '808080ff')
eq_(hexlify(im.view(128,128,1,1).tostring()), '808080ff')
# 404040
eq_(hexlify(im.view(255, 0,1,1).tostring()), '404040ff')
def _test_dataraster_16bsi(lbl, tilesize, constraint, overview):
2014-10-01 10:50:03 +02:00
import_raster('../data/raster/dataraster-small.tif', 'dataRaster', tilesize, constraint, overview)
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
if constraint:
lbl += ' C'
if tilesize:
lbl += ' T:' + tilesize
if overview:
lbl += ' O:' + overview
for prescale in [0,1]:
for clip in [0,1]:
_test_dataraster_16bsi_rendering(lbl, overview, prescale, clip)
drop_imported('dataRaster', overview)
def test_dataraster_16bsi():
2014-10-01 10:54:03 +02:00
#for tilesize in ['','256x256']:
for tilesize in ['256x256']:
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
for constraint in [0,1]:
2014-10-01 10:50:03 +02:00
#for overview in ['','4','2,16']:
for overview in ['','2']:
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
_test_dataraster_16bsi('data_16bsi', tilesize, constraint, overview)
# river.tiff, RGBA 8BUI
def _test_rgba_8bui_rendering(lbl, overview, rescale, clip):
if rescale:
lbl += ' Sc'
if clip:
lbl += ' Cl'
ds = mapnik.PgRaster(dbname=MAPNIK_TEST_DBNAME,table='(select * from "River") foo',
use_overviews=1 if overview else 0,
fs = ds.featureset()
feature = fs.next()
lyr = mapnik.Layer('rgba_8bui')
lyr.datasource = ds
expenv = mapnik.Box2d(0, -210, 256, 0)
env = lyr.envelope()
# As the input size is a prime number both horizontally
# and vertically, we expect the extent of the overview
# tables to be a pixel wider than the original, whereas
# the pixel size in geographical units depends on the
# overview factor. So we start with the original pixel size
# as base scale and multiply by the overview factor.
# NOTE: the overview table extent only grows north and east
pixsize = 1 # see gdalinfo river.tif
tol = pixsize * max(overview.split(',')) if overview else 0
assert_almost_equal(env.minx, expenv.minx)
assert_almost_equal(env.miny, expenv.miny, delta=tol)
assert_almost_equal(env.maxx, expenv.maxx, delta=tol)
assert_almost_equal(env.maxy, expenv.maxy)
mm = mapnik.Map(256, 256)
style = mapnik.Style()
sym = mapnik.RasterSymbolizer()
rule = mapnik.Rule()
mm.append_style('foo', style)
im = mapnik.Image(mm.width, mm.height)
t0 = time.time() # we want wall time to include IO waits
mapnik.render(mm, im)
lap = time.time() - t0
2014-08-12 20:19:59 -07:00
log('T ' + str(lap) + ' -- ' + lbl + ' E:full')
2015-01-26 21:36:47 -08:00
expected = 'images/support/pgraster/%s-%s-%s-%s-box1.png' % (lyr.name,lbl,overview,clip)
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
# no data
eq_(hexlify(im.view(3,3,1,1).tostring()), '00000000')
eq_(hexlify(im.view(250,250,1,1).tostring()), '00000000')
# full opaque river color
eq_(hexlify(im.view(175,118,1,1).tostring()), 'b9d8f8ff')
# half-transparent pixel
pxstr = hexlify(im.view(122,138,1,1).tostring())
apat = ".*(..)$"
match = re.match(apat, pxstr)
assert match, 'pixel ' + pxstr + ' does not match pattern ' + apat
alpha = match.group(1)
assert alpha != 'ff' and alpha != '00', \
'unexpected full transparent/opaque pixel: ' + alpha
# Now zoom over a portion of the env (1/10)
newenv = mapnik.Box2d(166,-105,191,-77)
t0 = time.time() # we want wall time to include IO waits
2015-01-26 21:36:47 -08:00
im = mapnik.Image(mm.width, mm.height)
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
mapnik.render(mm, im)
lap = time.time() - t0
2014-08-12 20:19:59 -07:00
log('T ' + str(lap) + ' -- ' + lbl + ' E:1/10')
2015-01-26 21:36:47 -08:00
expected = 'images/support/pgraster/%s-%s-%s-%s-box2.png' % (lyr.name,lbl,overview,clip)
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
# no data
eq_(hexlify(im.view(255,255,1,1).tostring()), '00000000')
eq_(hexlify(im.view(200,40,1,1).tostring()), '00000000')
# full opaque river color
eq_(hexlify(im.view(100,168,1,1).tostring()), 'b9d8f8ff')
# half-transparent pixel
pxstr = hexlify(im.view(122,138,1,1).tostring())
apat = ".*(..)$"
match = re.match(apat, pxstr)
assert match, 'pixel ' + pxstr + ' does not match pattern ' + apat
alpha = match.group(1)
assert alpha != 'ff' and alpha != '00', \
'unexpected full transparent/opaque pixel: ' + alpha
def _test_rgba_8bui(lbl, tilesize, constraint, overview):
2014-08-12 20:19:59 -07:00
import_raster('../data/raster/river.tiff', 'River', tilesize, constraint, overview)
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
if constraint:
lbl += ' C'
if tilesize:
lbl += ' T:' + tilesize
if overview:
lbl += ' O:' + overview
for prescale in [0,1]:
for clip in [0,1]:
_test_rgba_8bui_rendering(lbl, overview, prescale, clip)
drop_imported('River', overview)
def test_rgba_8bui():
for tilesize in ['','16x16']:
for constraint in [0,1]:
for overview in ['2']:
_test_rgba_8bui('rgba_8bui', tilesize, constraint, overview)
# nodata-edge.tif, RGB 8BUI
def _test_rgb_8bui_rendering(lbl, tnam, overview, rescale, clip):
if rescale:
lbl += ' Sc'
if clip:
lbl += ' Cl'
ds = mapnik.PgRaster(dbname=MAPNIK_TEST_DBNAME,table=tnam,
use_overviews=1 if overview else 0,
fs = ds.featureset()
feature = fs.next()
lyr = mapnik.Layer('rgba_8bui')
lyr.datasource = ds
expenv = mapnik.Box2d(-12329035.7652168,4508650.39854396, \
env = lyr.envelope()
# As the input size is a prime number both horizontally
# and vertically, we expect the extent of the overview
# tables to be a pixel wider than the original, whereas
# the pixel size in geographical units depends on the
# overview factor. So we start with the original pixel size
# as base scale and multiply by the overview factor.
# NOTE: the overview table extent only grows north and east
pixsize = 2 # see gdalinfo nodata-edge.tif
tol = pixsize * max(overview.split(',')) if overview else 0
assert_almost_equal(env.minx, expenv.minx, places=0)
assert_almost_equal(env.miny, expenv.miny, delta=tol)
assert_almost_equal(env.maxx, expenv.maxx, delta=tol)
assert_almost_equal(env.maxy, expenv.maxy, places=0)
mm = mapnik.Map(256, 256)
style = mapnik.Style()
sym = mapnik.RasterSymbolizer()
rule = mapnik.Rule()
mm.append_style('foo', style)
im = mapnik.Image(mm.width, mm.height)
t0 = time.time() # we want wall time to include IO waits
mapnik.render(mm, im)
lap = time.time() - t0
2014-08-12 20:19:59 -07:00
log('T ' + str(lap) + ' -- ' + lbl + ' E:full')
2015-01-26 21:36:47 -08:00
expected = 'images/support/pgraster/%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-box1.png' % (lyr.name,tnam,lbl,overview,clip)
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
# no data
eq_(hexlify(im.view(3,16,1,1).tostring()), '00000000')
eq_(hexlify(im.view(128,16,1,1).tostring()), '00000000')
eq_(hexlify(im.view(250,16,1,1).tostring()), '00000000')
eq_(hexlify(im.view(3,240,1,1).tostring()), '00000000')
eq_(hexlify(im.view(128,240,1,1).tostring()), '00000000')
eq_(hexlify(im.view(250,240,1,1).tostring()), '00000000')
# dark brown
eq_(hexlify(im.view(174,39,1,1).tostring()), 'c3a698ff')
# dark gray
eq_(hexlify(im.view(195,132,1,1).tostring()), '575f62ff')
# Now zoom over a portion of the env (1/10)
newenv = mapnik.Box2d(-12329035.7652168, 4508926.651484220, \
t0 = time.time() # we want wall time to include IO waits
2015-01-26 21:36:47 -08:00
im = mapnik.Image(mm.width, mm.height)
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
mapnik.render(mm, im)
lap = time.time() - t0
2014-08-12 20:19:59 -07:00
log('T ' + str(lap) + ' -- ' + lbl + ' E:1/10')
2015-01-26 21:36:47 -08:00
expected = 'images/support/pgraster/%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-box2.png' % (lyr.name,tnam,lbl,overview,clip)
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
# no data
eq_(hexlify(im.view(3,16,1,1).tostring()), '00000000')
eq_(hexlify(im.view(128,16,1,1).tostring()), '00000000')
eq_(hexlify(im.view(250,16,1,1).tostring()), '00000000')
# black
eq_(hexlify(im.view(3,42,1,1).tostring()), '000000ff')
eq_(hexlify(im.view(3,134,1,1).tostring()), '000000ff')
eq_(hexlify(im.view(3,244,1,1).tostring()), '000000ff')
# gray
eq_(hexlify(im.view(135,157,1,1).tostring()), '4e555bff')
# brown
eq_(hexlify(im.view(195,223,1,1).tostring()), 'f2cdbaff')
def _test_rgb_8bui(lbl, tilesize, constraint, overview):
tnam = 'nodataedge'
2014-08-12 20:19:59 -07:00
import_raster('../data/raster/nodata-edge.tif', tnam, tilesize, constraint, overview)
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
if constraint:
lbl += ' C'
if tilesize:
lbl += ' T:' + tilesize
if overview:
lbl += ' O:' + overview
for prescale in [0,1]:
for clip in [0,1]:
_test_rgb_8bui_rendering(lbl, tnam, overview, prescale, clip)
#drop_imported(tnam, overview)
def test_rgb_8bui():
for tilesize in ['64x64']:
for constraint in [1]:
for overview in ['']:
_test_rgb_8bui('rgb_8bui', tilesize, constraint, overview)
def _test_grayscale_subquery(lbl,pixtype,value):
# 3 8 13
# +---+---+---+
# 3 | v | v | v | NOTE: writes different color
# +---+---+---+ in 13,8 and 8,13
# 8 | v | v | a |
# +---+---+---+
# 13 | v | b | v |
# +---+---+---+
val_a = value/3;
val_b = val_a*2;
sql = "(select 3 as i, " \
" ST_SetValues(" \
" ST_SetValues(" \
" ST_AsRaster(" \
" ST_MakeEnvelope(0,0,14,14), " \
" 1.0, -1.0, '%s', %s" \
" ), " \
" 11, 6, 4, 5, %s::float8" \
" )," \
" 6, 11, 5, 4, %s::float8" \
" ) as \"R\"" \
") as foo" % (pixtype,value, val_a, val_b)
rescale = 0
clip = 0
if rescale:
lbl += ' Sc'
if clip:
lbl += ' Cl'
ds = mapnik.PgRaster(dbname=MAPNIK_TEST_DBNAME, table=sql,
raster_field='"R"', use_overviews=1,
fs = ds.featureset()
feature = fs.next()
lyr = mapnik.Layer('grayscale_subquery')
lyr.datasource = ds
expenv = mapnik.Box2d(0,0,14,14)
env = lyr.envelope()
assert_almost_equal(env.minx, expenv.minx, places=0)
assert_almost_equal(env.miny, expenv.miny, places=0)
assert_almost_equal(env.maxx, expenv.maxx, places=0)
assert_almost_equal(env.maxy, expenv.maxy, places=0)
mm = mapnik.Map(15, 15)
style = mapnik.Style()
sym = mapnik.RasterSymbolizer()
rule = mapnik.Rule()
mm.append_style('foo', style)
im = mapnik.Image(mm.width, mm.height)
t0 = time.time() # we want wall time to include IO waits
mapnik.render(mm, im)
lap = time.time() - t0
2014-08-12 20:19:59 -07:00
log('T ' + str(lap) + ' -- ' + lbl + ' E:full')
2015-01-26 21:36:47 -08:00
expected = 'images/support/pgraster/%s-%s-%s-%s.png' % (lyr.name,lbl,pixtype,value)
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
h = format(value, '02x')
hex_v = h+h+h+'ff'
h = format(val_a, '02x')
hex_a = h+h+h+'ff'
h = format(val_b, '02x')
hex_b = h+h+h+'ff'
eq_(hexlify(im.view( 3, 3,1,1).tostring()), hex_v);
eq_(hexlify(im.view( 8, 3,1,1).tostring()), hex_v);
eq_(hexlify(im.view(13, 3,1,1).tostring()), hex_v);
eq_(hexlify(im.view( 3, 8,1,1).tostring()), hex_v);
eq_(hexlify(im.view( 8, 8,1,1).tostring()), hex_v);
eq_(hexlify(im.view(13, 8,1,1).tostring()), hex_a);
eq_(hexlify(im.view( 3,13,1,1).tostring()), hex_v);
eq_(hexlify(im.view( 8,13,1,1).tostring()), hex_b);
eq_(hexlify(im.view(13,13,1,1).tostring()), hex_v);
def test_grayscale_2bui_subquery():
_test_grayscale_subquery('grayscale_2bui_subquery', '2BUI', 3)
def test_grayscale_4bui_subquery():
_test_grayscale_subquery('grayscale_4bui_subquery', '4BUI', 15)
def test_grayscale_8bui_subquery():
_test_grayscale_subquery('grayscale_8bui_subquery', '8BUI', 63)
def test_grayscale_8bsi_subquery():
# NOTE: we're using a positive integer because Mapnik
# does not support negative data values anyway
_test_grayscale_subquery('grayscale_8bsi_subquery', '8BSI', 69)
def test_grayscale_16bui_subquery():
_test_grayscale_subquery('grayscale_16bui_subquery', '16BUI', 126)
def test_grayscale_16bsi_subquery():
# NOTE: we're using a positive integer because Mapnik
# does not support negative data values anyway
_test_grayscale_subquery('grayscale_16bsi_subquery', '16BSI', 144)
def test_grayscale_32bui_subquery():
_test_grayscale_subquery('grayscale_32bui_subquery', '32BUI', 255)
def test_grayscale_32bsi_subquery():
# NOTE: we're using a positive integer because Mapnik
# does not support negative data values anyway
_test_grayscale_subquery('grayscale_32bsi_subquery', '32BSI', 129)
def _test_data_subquery(lbl, pixtype, value):
# 3 8 13
# +---+---+---+
# 3 | v | v | v | NOTE: writes different values
# +---+---+---+ in 13,8 and 8,13
# 8 | v | v | a |
# +---+---+---+
# 13 | v | b | v |
# +---+---+---+
val_a = value/3;
val_b = val_a*2;
sql = "(select 3 as i, " \
" ST_SetValues(" \
" ST_SetValues(" \
" ST_AsRaster(" \
" ST_MakeEnvelope(0,0,14,14), " \
" 1.0, -1.0, '%s', %s" \
" ), " \
" 11, 6, 5, 5, %s::float8" \
" )," \
" 6, 11, 5, 5, %s::float8" \
" ) as \"R\"" \
") as foo" % (pixtype,value, val_a, val_b)
overview = ''
rescale = 0
clip = 0
if rescale:
lbl += ' Sc'
if clip:
lbl += ' Cl'
ds = mapnik.PgRaster(dbname=MAPNIK_TEST_DBNAME, table=sql,
raster_field='R', use_overviews=0 if overview else 0,
band=1, prescale_rasters=rescale, clip_rasters=clip)
fs = ds.featureset()
feature = fs.next()
lyr = mapnik.Layer('data_subquery')
lyr.datasource = ds
expenv = mapnik.Box2d(0,0,14,14)
env = lyr.envelope()
assert_almost_equal(env.minx, expenv.minx, places=0)
assert_almost_equal(env.miny, expenv.miny, places=0)
assert_almost_equal(env.maxx, expenv.maxx, places=0)
assert_almost_equal(env.maxy, expenv.maxy, places=0)
mm = mapnik.Map(15, 15)
style = mapnik.Style()
col = mapnik.RasterColorizer();
col.default_mode = mapnik.COLORIZER_DISCRETE;
col.add_stop(val_a, mapnik.Color(0xff,0x00,0x00,255));
col.add_stop(val_b, mapnik.Color(0x00,0xff,0x00,255));
col.add_stop(value, mapnik.Color(0x00,0x00,0xff,255));
sym = mapnik.RasterSymbolizer()
sym.colorizer = col
rule = mapnik.Rule()
mm.append_style('foo', style)
im = mapnik.Image(mm.width, mm.height)
t0 = time.time() # we want wall time to include IO waits
mapnik.render(mm, im)
lap = time.time() - t0
2014-08-12 20:19:59 -07:00
log('T ' + str(lap) + ' -- ' + lbl + ' E:full')
2015-01-26 21:36:47 -08:00
expected = 'images/support/pgraster/%s-%s-%s-%s.png' % (lyr.name,lbl,pixtype,value)
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
h = format(value, '02x')
hex_v = '0000ffff'
hex_a = 'ff0000ff'
hex_b = '00ff00ff'
eq_(hexlify(im.view( 3, 3,1,1).tostring()), hex_v);
eq_(hexlify(im.view( 8, 3,1,1).tostring()), hex_v);
eq_(hexlify(im.view(13, 3,1,1).tostring()), hex_v);
eq_(hexlify(im.view( 3, 8,1,1).tostring()), hex_v);
eq_(hexlify(im.view( 8, 8,1,1).tostring()), hex_v);
eq_(hexlify(im.view(13, 8,1,1).tostring()), hex_a);
eq_(hexlify(im.view( 3,13,1,1).tostring()), hex_v);
eq_(hexlify(im.view( 8,13,1,1).tostring()), hex_b);
eq_(hexlify(im.view(13,13,1,1).tostring()), hex_v);
def test_data_2bui_subquery():
_test_data_subquery('data_2bui_subquery', '2BUI', 3)
def test_data_4bui_subquery():
_test_data_subquery('data_4bui_subquery', '4BUI', 15)
def test_data_8bui_subquery():
_test_data_subquery('data_8bui_subquery', '8BUI', 63)
def test_data_8bsi_subquery():
# NOTE: we're using a positive integer because Mapnik
# does not support negative data values anyway
_test_data_subquery('data_8bsi_subquery', '8BSI', 69)
def test_data_16bui_subquery():
_test_data_subquery('data_16bui_subquery', '16BUI', 126)
def test_data_16bsi_subquery():
# NOTE: we're using a positive integer because Mapnik
# does not support negative data values anyway
_test_data_subquery('data_16bsi_subquery', '16BSI', 135)
def test_data_32bui_subquery():
_test_data_subquery('data_32bui_subquery', '32BUI', 255)
def test_data_32bsi_subquery():
# NOTE: we're using a positive integer because Mapnik
# does not support negative data values anyway
_test_data_subquery('data_32bsi_subquery', '32BSI', 264)
def test_data_32bf_subquery():
_test_data_subquery('data_32bf_subquery', '32BF', 450)
def test_data_64bf_subquery():
_test_data_subquery('data_64bf_subquery', '64BF', 3072)
def _test_rgba_subquery(lbl, pixtype, r, g, b, a, g1, b1):
# 3 8 13
# +---+---+---+
# 3 | v | v | h | NOTE: writes different alpha
# +---+---+---+ in 13,8 and 8,13
# 8 | v | v | a |
# +---+---+---+
# 13 | v | b | v |
# +---+---+---+
sql = "(select 3 as i, " \
" ST_SetValues(" \
" ST_SetValues(" \
" ST_AddBand(" \
" ST_AddBand(" \
" ST_AddBand(" \
" ST_AsRaster(" \
" ST_MakeEnvelope(0,0,14,14), " \
" 1.0, -1.0, '%s', %s" \
" )," \
" '%s', %d::float" \
" ), " \
" '%s', %d::float" \
" ), " \
" '%s', %d::float" \
" ), " \
" 2, 11, 6, 4, 5, %s::float8" \
" )," \
" 3, 6, 11, 5, 4, %s::float8" \
" ) as r" \
") as foo" % (pixtype, r, pixtype, g, pixtype, b, pixtype, a, g1, b1)
overview = ''
rescale = 0
clip = 0
if rescale:
lbl += ' Sc'
if clip:
lbl += ' Cl'
ds = mapnik.PgRaster(dbname=MAPNIK_TEST_DBNAME, table=sql,
raster_field='r', use_overviews=0 if overview else 0,
prescale_rasters=rescale, clip_rasters=clip)
fs = ds.featureset()
feature = fs.next()
lyr = mapnik.Layer('rgba_subquery')
lyr.datasource = ds
expenv = mapnik.Box2d(0,0,14,14)
env = lyr.envelope()
assert_almost_equal(env.minx, expenv.minx, places=0)
assert_almost_equal(env.miny, expenv.miny, places=0)
assert_almost_equal(env.maxx, expenv.maxx, places=0)
assert_almost_equal(env.maxy, expenv.maxy, places=0)
mm = mapnik.Map(15, 15)
style = mapnik.Style()
sym = mapnik.RasterSymbolizer()
rule = mapnik.Rule()
mm.append_style('foo', style)
im = mapnik.Image(mm.width, mm.height)
t0 = time.time() # we want wall time to include IO waits
mapnik.render(mm, im)
lap = time.time() - t0
2014-08-12 20:19:59 -07:00
log('T ' + str(lap) + ' -- ' + lbl + ' E:full')
2015-01-26 21:36:47 -08:00
expected = 'images/support/pgraster/%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s.png' % (lyr.name,lbl, pixtype, r, g, b, a, g1, b1)
2014-08-12 15:03:51 -07:00
hex_v = format(r << 24 | g << 16 | b << 8 | a, '08x')
hex_a = format(r << 24 | g1 << 16 | b << 8 | a, '08x')
hex_b = format(r << 24 | g << 16 | b1 << 8 | a, '08x')
eq_(hexlify(im.view( 3, 3,1,1).tostring()), hex_v);
eq_(hexlify(im.view( 8, 3,1,1).tostring()), hex_v);
eq_(hexlify(im.view(13, 3,1,1).tostring()), hex_v);
eq_(hexlify(im.view( 3, 8,1,1).tostring()), hex_v);
eq_(hexlify(im.view( 8, 8,1,1).tostring()), hex_v);
eq_(hexlify(im.view(13, 8,1,1).tostring()), hex_a);
eq_(hexlify(im.view( 3,13,1,1).tostring()), hex_v);
eq_(hexlify(im.view( 8,13,1,1).tostring()), hex_b);
eq_(hexlify(im.view(13,13,1,1).tostring()), hex_v);
def test_rgba_8bui_subquery():
_test_rgba_subquery('rgba_8bui_subquery', '8BUI', 255, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255)
#def test_rgba_16bui_subquery():
# _test_rgba_subquery('rgba_16bui_subquery', '16BUI', 65535, 0, 0, 65535, 65535, 65535)
#def test_rgba_32bui_subquery():
# _test_rgba_subquery('rgba_32bui_subquery', '32BUI')
def enabled(tname):
enabled = len(sys.argv) < 2 or tname in sys.argv
if not enabled:
print "Skipping " + tname + " as not explicitly enabled"
return enabled
if __name__ == "__main__":
fail = run_all(eval(x) for x in dir() if x.startswith("test_") and enabled(x))