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#!/usr/bin/env python
from import *
from utilities import execution_path, Todo
import os, sys, glob, mapnik
def setup():
# All of the paths used are relative, if we run the tests
# from another directory we need to chdir()
# TODO - fix truncation in shapefile...
polys = ["POLYGON ((30 10, 10 20, 20 40, 40 40, 30 10))",
"POLYGON ((35 10, 10 20, 15 40, 45 45, 35 10),(20 30, 35 35, 30 20, 20 30))",
"MULTIPOLYGON (((30 20, 10 40, 45 40, 30 20)),((15 5, 40 10, 10 20, 5 10, 15 5)))"
"MULTIPOLYGON (((40 40, 20 45, 45 30, 40 40)),((20 35, 45 20, 30 5, 10 10, 10 30, 20 35),(30 20, 20 25, 20 15, 30 20)))"
plugins = mapnik.DatasourceCache.plugin_names()
if 'shape' in plugins and 'ogr' in plugins:
2012-01-05 18:48:20 -08:00
def ensure_geometries_are_interpreted_equivalently(filename):
ds1 = mapnik.Ogr(file=filename,layer_by_index=0)
ds2 = mapnik.Shapefile(file=filename)
fs1 = ds1.featureset()
fs2 = ds2.featureset()
count = 0;
import itertools
for feat1,feat2 in itertools.izip(fs1, fs2):
count += 1
# TODO - revisit this:
2012-01-05 18:48:20 -08:00
def test_simple_polys():
if __name__ == "__main__":
[eval(run)() for run in dir() if 'test_' in run]