diff --git a/tests/data/good_maps/point_json_inline.xml b/tests/data/good_maps/point_json_inline.xml
index 9632de486..38bcfb9d8 100644
--- a/tests/data/good_maps/point_json_inline.xml
+++ b/tests/data/good_maps/point_json_inline.xml
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
+ GeoJson
diff --git a/tests/python_tests/datasource_test.py b/tests/python_tests/datasource_test.py
index a1d4e089b..12ded0e84 100644
--- a/tests/python_tests/datasource_test.py
+++ b/tests/python_tests/datasource_test.py
@@ -12,59 +12,66 @@ def setup():
def test_field_listing():
lyr = mapnik2.Layer('test')
- lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Shapefile(file='../data/shp/poly.shp')
- fields = lyr.datasource.fields()
- eq_(fields, ['AREA', 'EAS_ID', 'PRFEDEA'])
+ if 'shape' in mapnik2.DatasourceCache.instance().plugin_names():
+ lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Shapefile(file='../data/shp/poly.shp')
+ fields = lyr.datasource.fields()
+ eq_(fields, ['AREA', 'EAS_ID', 'PRFEDEA'])
def test_total_feature_count_shp():
lyr = mapnik2.Layer('test')
- lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Shapefile(file='../data/shp/poly.shp')
- features = lyr.datasource.all_features()
- num_feats = len(features)
- eq_(num_feats, 10)
+ if 'shape' in mapnik2.DatasourceCache.instance().plugin_names():
+ lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Shapefile(file='../data/shp/poly.shp')
+ features = lyr.datasource.all_features()
+ num_feats = len(features)
+ eq_(num_feats, 10)
def test_total_feature_count_json():
lyr = mapnik2.Layer('test')
- lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Ogr(file='../data/json/points.json',layer_by_index=0)
- features = lyr.datasource.all_features()
- num_feats = len(features)
- eq_(num_feats, 5)
+ if 'ogr' in mapnik2.DatasourceCache.instance().plugin_names():
+ lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Ogr(file='../data/json/points.json',layer_by_index=0)
+ features = lyr.datasource.all_features()
+ num_feats = len(features)
+ eq_(num_feats, 5)
def test_reading_json_from_string():
json = open('../data/json/points.json','r').read()
lyr = mapnik2.Layer('test')
- lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Ogr(file=json,layer_by_index=0)
- features = lyr.datasource.all_features()
- num_feats = len(features)
- eq_(num_feats, 5)
+ if 'ogr' in mapnik2.DatasourceCache.instance().plugin_names():
+ lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Ogr(file=json,layer_by_index=0)
+ features = lyr.datasource.all_features()
+ num_feats = len(features)
+ eq_(num_feats, 5)
def test_feature_envelope():
lyr = mapnik2.Layer('test')
- lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Shapefile(file='../data/shp/poly.shp')
- features = lyr.datasource.all_features()
- for feat in features:
- env = feat.envelope()
- contains = lyr.envelope().contains(env)
- eq_(contains, True)
- intersects = lyr.envelope().contains(env)
- eq_(intersects, True)
+ if 'shape' in mapnik2.DatasourceCache.instance().plugin_names():
+ lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Shapefile(file='../data/shp/poly.shp')
+ features = lyr.datasource.all_features()
+ for feat in features:
+ env = feat.envelope()
+ contains = lyr.envelope().contains(env)
+ eq_(contains, True)
+ intersects = lyr.envelope().contains(env)
+ eq_(intersects, True)
def test_feature_attributes():
lyr = mapnik2.Layer('test')
- lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Shapefile(file='../data/shp/poly.shp')
- features = lyr.datasource.all_features()
- feat = features[0]
- attrs = {'PRFEDEA': u'35043411', 'EAS_ID': 168, 'AREA': 215229.266}
- eq_(feat.attributes, attrs)
- eq_(lyr.datasource.fields(),['AREA', 'EAS_ID', 'PRFEDEA'])
- eq_(lyr.datasource.field_types(),['float','int','str'])
+ if 'shape' in mapnik2.DatasourceCache.instance().plugin_names():
+ lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Shapefile(file='../data/shp/poly.shp')
+ features = lyr.datasource.all_features()
+ feat = features[0]
+ attrs = {'PRFEDEA': u'35043411', 'EAS_ID': 168, 'AREA': 215229.266}
+ eq_(feat.attributes, attrs)
+ eq_(lyr.datasource.fields(),['AREA', 'EAS_ID', 'PRFEDEA'])
+ eq_(lyr.datasource.field_types(),['float','int','str'])
def test_ogr_layer_by_sql():
lyr = mapnik2.Layer('test')
- lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Ogr(file='../data/shp/poly.shp', layer_by_sql='SELECT * FROM poly WHERE EAS_ID = 168')
- features = lyr.datasource.all_features()
- num_feats = len(features)
- eq_(num_feats, 1)
+ if 'ogr' in mapnik2.DatasourceCache.instance().plugin_names():
+ lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Ogr(file='../data/shp/poly.shp', layer_by_sql='SELECT * FROM poly WHERE EAS_ID = 168')
+ features = lyr.datasource.all_features()
+ num_feats = len(features)
+ eq_(num_feats, 1)
def test_hit_grid():
import os
@@ -75,22 +82,28 @@ def test_hit_grid():
return ["%d:%s" % (len(list(group)), name) for name, group in groupby(l)]
m = mapnik2.Map(256,256);
- mapnik2.load_map(m,'../data/good_maps/agg_poly_gamma_map.xml');
- m.zoom_all()
- join_field = 'NAME'
- fg = [] # feature grid
- for y in range(0, 256, 4):
- for x in range(0, 256, 4):
- featureset = m.query_map_point(0,x,y)
- added = False
- for feature in featureset.features:
- fg.append(feature[join_field])
- added = True
- if not added:
- fg.append('')
- hit_list = '|'.join(rle_encode(fg))
- eq_(hit_list[:16],'730:|2:Greenland')
- eq_(hit_list[-12:],'1:Chile|812:')
+ try:
+ mapnik2.load_map(m,'../data/good_maps/agg_poly_gamma_map.xml');
+ m.zoom_all()
+ join_field = 'NAME'
+ fg = [] # feature grid
+ for y in range(0, 256, 4):
+ for x in range(0, 256, 4):
+ featureset = m.query_map_point(0,x,y)
+ added = False
+ for feature in featureset.features:
+ fg.append(feature[join_field])
+ added = True
+ if not added:
+ fg.append('')
+ hit_list = '|'.join(rle_encode(fg))
+ eq_(hit_list[:16],'730:|2:Greenland')
+ eq_(hit_list[-12:],'1:Chile|812:')
+ except RuntimeError, e:
+ # only test datasources that we have installed
+ if not 'Could not create datasource' in str(e):
+ raise RuntimeError(str(e))
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/tests/python_tests/feature_id_test.py b/tests/python_tests/feature_id_test.py
index 2db7e9bcc..02c30f2d4 100644
--- a/tests/python_tests/feature_id_test.py
+++ b/tests/python_tests/feature_id_test.py
@@ -12,27 +12,29 @@ def setup():
def compare_shape_between_mapnik_and_ogr(shapefile,query=None):
- ds1 = mapnik2.Ogr(file=shapefile,layer_by_index=0)
- ds2 = mapnik2.Shapefile(file=shapefile)
- if query:
- fs1 = ds1.features(query)
- fs2 = ds2.features(query)
- else:
- fs1 = ds1.featureset()
- fs2 = ds2.featureset()
- count = 0;
- while(True):
- count += 1
- feat1 = fs1.next()
- feat2 = fs2.next()
- if not feat1:
- break
- #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
- eq_(feat1.id(),feat2.id(),
- '%s : ogr feature id %s "%s" does not equal shapefile feature id %s "%s"'
- % (count,feat1.id(),str(feat1.attributes), feat2.id(),str(feat2.attributes)) )
- return True
+ plugins = mapnik2.DatasourceCache.instance().plugin_names()
+ if 'shape' in plugins and 'ogr' in plugins:
+ ds1 = mapnik2.Ogr(file=shapefile,layer_by_index=0)
+ ds2 = mapnik2.Shapefile(file=shapefile)
+ if query:
+ fs1 = ds1.features(query)
+ fs2 = ds2.features(query)
+ else:
+ fs1 = ds1.featureset()
+ fs2 = ds2.featureset()
+ count = 0;
+ while(True):
+ count += 1
+ feat1 = fs1.next()
+ feat2 = fs2.next()
+ if not feat1:
+ break
+ #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
+ eq_(feat1.id(),feat2.id(),
+ '%s : ogr feature id %s "%s" does not equal shapefile feature id %s "%s"'
+ % (count,feat1.id(),str(feat1.attributes), feat2.id(),str(feat2.attributes)) )
+ return True
@@ -45,10 +47,11 @@ def test_shapefile_polygon_featureset_id():
def test_shapefile_polygon_feature_query_id():
bbox = (15523428.2632, 4110477.6323, -11218494.8310, 7495720.7404)
query = mapnik2.Query(mapnik2.Box2d(*bbox))
- ds = mapnik2.Ogr(file='../data/shp/world_merc.shp',layer_by_index=0)
- for fld in ds.fields():
- query.add_property_name(fld)
- compare_shape_between_mapnik_and_ogr('../data/shp/world_merc.shp',query)
+ if 'ogr' in mapnik2.DatasourceCache.instance().plugin_names():
+ ds = mapnik2.Ogr(file='../data/shp/world_merc.shp',layer_by_index=0)
+ for fld in ds.fields():
+ query.add_property_name(fld)
+ compare_shape_between_mapnik_and_ogr('../data/shp/world_merc.shp',query)
def test_feature_hit_count():
raise Todo("need to optimize multigeom bbox handling in shapeindex")
@@ -56,13 +59,14 @@ def test_feature_hit_count():
#bbox = (-14284551.8434, 2074195.1992, -7474929.8687, 8140237.7628)
bbox = (1113194.91,4512803.085,2226389.82,6739192.905)
query = mapnik2.Query(mapnik2.Box2d(*bbox))
- ds1 = mapnik2.Ogr(file='../data/shp/world_merc.shp',layer_by_index=0)
- for fld in ds1.fields():
- query.add_property_name(fld)
- ds2 = mapnik2.Shapefile(file='../data/shp/world_merc.shp')
- count1 = len(ds1.features(query).features)
- count2 = len(ds2.features(query).features)
- eq_(count1,count2,"Feature count differs between OGR driver (%s features) and Shapefile Driver (%s features) when querying the same bbox" % (count1,count2))
+ if 'ogr' in mapnik2.DatasourceCache.instance().plugin_names():
+ ds1 = mapnik2.Ogr(file='../data/shp/world_merc.shp',layer_by_index=0)
+ for fld in ds1.fields():
+ query.add_property_name(fld)
+ ds2 = mapnik2.Shapefile(file='../data/shp/world_merc.shp')
+ count1 = len(ds1.features(query).features)
+ count2 = len(ds2.features(query).features)
+ eq_(count1,count2,"Feature count differs between OGR driver (%s features) and Shapefile Driver (%s features) when querying the same bbox" % (count1,count2))
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/tests/python_tests/feature_test.py b/tests/python_tests/feature_test.py
index 669c1d3ec..b51ea532d 100644
--- a/tests/python_tests/feature_test.py
+++ b/tests/python_tests/feature_test.py
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ def test_feature_expression_evaluation_attr_with_spaces():
f['name with space'] = u'a'
eq_(f['name with space'],u'a')
expr = mapnik2.Expression("[name with space]='a'")
- eq_(str(expr),"[name with space]='a'")
+ eq_(str(expr),"([name with space]='a')")
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/tests/python_tests/glyph_symbolizer_test.py b/tests/python_tests/glyph_symbolizer_test.py
index 48c35cc2c..cd5fec579 100644
--- a/tests/python_tests/glyph_symbolizer_test.py
+++ b/tests/python_tests/glyph_symbolizer_test.py
@@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ def test_renders_with_agg():
sym.color = mapnik2.Expression("'#ff0000'")
_map = create_map_and_append_symbolyzer(sym)
- im = mapnik2.Image(_map.width,_map.height)
- mapnik2.render(_map, im)
- save_data('agg_glyph_symbolizer.png', im.tostring('png'))
- assert contains_word('\xff\x00\x00\xff', im.tostring())
+ if _map:
+ im = mapnik2.Image(_map.width,_map.height)
+ mapnik2.render(_map, im)
+ save_data('agg_glyph_symbolizer.png', im.tostring('png'))
+ assert contains_word('\xff\x00\x00\xff', im.tostring())
def test_renders_with_cairo():
if not mapnik2.has_pycairo():
@@ -31,31 +32,36 @@ def test_renders_with_cairo():
sym.size = mapnik2.Expression("[value]")
sym.color = mapnik2.Expression("'#ff0000'")
_map = create_map_and_append_symbolyzer(sym)
- from cStringIO import StringIO
- import cairo
- surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 256, 256)
- mapnik2.render(_map, surface)
- im = mapnik2.Image.from_cairo(surface)
- save_data('cairo_glyph_symbolizer.png', im.tostring('png'))
- assert contains_word('\xff\x00\x00\xff', im.tostring())
+ if _map:
+ from cStringIO import StringIO
+ import cairo
+ surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 256, 256)
+ mapnik2.render(_map, surface)
+ im = mapnik2.Image.from_cairo(surface)
+ save_data('cairo_glyph_symbolizer.png', im.tostring('png'))
+ assert contains_word('\xff\x00\x00\xff', im.tostring())
def test_load_save_load_map():
map = mapnik2.Map(256,256)
in_map = "../data/good_maps/glyph_symbolizer.xml"
- mapnik2.load_map(map, in_map)
- style = map.find_style('arrows')
- sym = style.rules[0].symbols[0]
- assert isinstance(sym, mapnik2.GlyphSymbolizer)
- assert sym.angle_mode == mapnik2.angle_mode.AZIMUTH
- out_map = mapnik2.save_map_to_string(map).decode('utf8')
- map = mapnik2.Map(256,256)
- mapnik2.load_map_from_string(map, out_map.encode('utf8'))
- assert 'GlyphSymbolizer' in out_map
- # make sure non-ascii characters are well supported since most interesting
- # glyphs for symbology are usually in that range
- assert u'í' in out_map, out_map
+ try:
+ mapnik2.load_map(map, in_map)
+ style = map.find_style('arrows')
+ sym = style.rules[0].symbols[0]
+ assert isinstance(sym, mapnik2.GlyphSymbolizer)
+ assert sym.angle_mode == mapnik2.angle_mode.AZIMUTH
+ out_map = mapnik2.save_map_to_string(map).decode('utf8')
+ map = mapnik2.Map(256,256)
+ mapnik2.load_map_from_string(map, out_map.encode('utf8'))
+ assert 'GlyphSymbolizer' in out_map
+ # make sure non-ascii characters are well supported since most interesting
+ # glyphs for symbology are usually in that range
+ assert u'í' in out_map, out_map
+ except RuntimeError, e:
+ # only test datasources that we have installed
+ if not 'Could not create datasource' in str(e):
+ raise RuntimeError(e)
# Utilities and setup code
@@ -69,29 +75,34 @@ def setup():
def create_map_and_append_symbolyzer(sym):
srs = '+init=epsg:32630'
lyr = mapnik2.Layer('arrows')
- lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Shapefile(
- file = '../data/shp/arrows.shp',
- )
- lyr.srs = srs
- _map = mapnik2.Map(256,256, srs)
- style = mapnik2.Style()
- rule = mapnik2.Rule()
- rule.symbols.append(sym)
- # put a test symbolizer to see what is the azimuth being read
- ts = mapnik2.TextSymbolizer(mapnik2.Expression('[azimuth]'),
- "DejaVu Sans Book",
- 10,
- mapnik2.Color("black"))
- ts.allow_overlap = True
- rule.symbols.append(ts)
- style.rules.append(rule)
- _map.append_style('foo', style)
- lyr.styles.append('foo')
- _map.layers.append(lyr)
- _map.zoom_to_box(mapnik2.Box2d(0,0,8,8))
- return _map
+ try:
+ lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Shapefile(
+ file = '../data/shp/arrows.shp',
+ )
+ lyr.srs = srs
+ _map = mapnik2.Map(256,256, srs)
+ style = mapnik2.Style()
+ rule = mapnik2.Rule()
+ rule.symbols.append(sym)
+ # put a test symbolizer to see what is the azimuth being read
+ ts = mapnik2.TextSymbolizer(mapnik2.Expression('[azimuth]'),
+ "DejaVu Sans Book",
+ 10,
+ mapnik2.Color("black"))
+ ts.allow_overlap = True
+ rule.symbols.append(ts)
+ style.rules.append(rule)
+ _map.append_style('foo', style)
+ lyr.styles.append('foo')
+ _map.layers.append(lyr)
+ _map.zoom_to_box(mapnik2.Box2d(0,0,8,8))
+ return _map
+ except RuntimeError, e:
+ # only test datasources that we have installed
+ if not 'Could not create datasource' in str(e):
+ raise RuntimeError(e)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/tests/python_tests/layer_modification_test.py b/tests/python_tests/layer_modification_test.py
index f25cbb2c4..113e0a8b8 100644
--- a/tests/python_tests/layer_modification_test.py
+++ b/tests/python_tests/layer_modification_test.py
@@ -32,40 +32,45 @@ def test_adding_datasource_to_layer():
m = mapnik2.Map(256, 256)
- mapnik2.load_map_from_string(m, map_string)
+ try:
+ mapnik2.load_map_from_string(m, map_string)
+ # validate it loaded fine
+ eq_(m.layers[0].styles[0],'world_borders_style')
+ eq_(m.layers[0].styles[1],'point_style')
+ eq_(len(m.layers),1)
+ # also assign a variable reference to that layer
+ # below we will test that this variable references
+ # the same object that is attached to the map
+ lyr = m.layers[0]
- # validate it loaded fine
- eq_(m.layers[0].styles[0],'world_borders_style')
- eq_(m.layers[0].styles[1],'point_style')
- eq_(len(m.layers),1)
- # also assign a variable reference to that layer
- # below we will test that this variable references
- # the same object that is attached to the map
- lyr = m.layers[0]
- # ensure that there was no datasource for the layer...
- eq_(m.layers[0].datasource,None)
- eq_(lyr.datasource,None)
- # also note that since the srs was black it defaulted to wgs84
- eq_(m.layers[0].srs,'+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs')
- eq_(lyr.srs,'+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs')
- # now add a datasource one...
- ds = mapnik2.Shapefile(file='../data/shp/world_merc.shp')
- m.layers[0].datasource = ds
- # now ensure it is attached
- eq_(m.layers[0].datasource.name(),"shape")
- eq_(lyr.datasource.name(),"shape")
- # and since we have now added a shapefile in spherical mercator, adjust the projection
- lyr.srs = '+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs'
- # test that assignment
- eq_(m.layers[0].srs,'+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs')
- eq_(lyr.srs,'+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs')
+ # ensure that there was no datasource for the layer...
+ eq_(m.layers[0].datasource,None)
+ eq_(lyr.datasource,None)
+ # also note that since the srs was black it defaulted to wgs84
+ eq_(m.layers[0].srs,'+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs')
+ eq_(lyr.srs,'+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs')
+ # now add a datasource one...
+ ds = mapnik2.Shapefile(file='../data/shp/world_merc.shp')
+ m.layers[0].datasource = ds
+ # now ensure it is attached
+ eq_(m.layers[0].datasource.name(),"shape")
+ eq_(lyr.datasource.name(),"shape")
+ # and since we have now added a shapefile in spherical mercator, adjust the projection
+ lyr.srs = '+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs'
+ # test that assignment
+ eq_(m.layers[0].srs,'+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs')
+ eq_(lyr.srs,'+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs')
+ except RuntimeError, e:
+ # only test datasources that we have installed
+ if not 'Could not create datasource' in str(e):
+ raise RuntimeError(e)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/tests/python_tests/load_map_test.py b/tests/python_tests/load_map_test.py
index 6b902dfc4..2c6e510df 100644
--- a/tests/python_tests/load_map_test.py
+++ b/tests/python_tests/load_map_test.py
@@ -15,13 +15,18 @@ def setup():
def assert_loads_successfully(file):
m = mapnik2.Map(512, 512)
- strict = True
- mapnik2.load_map(m, file, strict)
- # libxml2 is not smart about paths, and clips the last directory off
- # of a path if it does not end in a trailing slash
- base_path = os.path.dirname(file) + '/'
- mapnik2.load_map_from_string(m,open(file,'rb').read(),strict,base_path)
+ try:
+ strict = True
+ mapnik2.load_map(m, file, strict)
+ # libxml2 is not smart about paths, and clips the last directory off
+ # of a path if it does not end in a trailing slash
+ base_path = os.path.dirname(file) + '/'
+ mapnik2.load_map_from_string(m,open(file,'rb').read(),strict,base_path)
+ except RuntimeError, e:
+ # only test datasources that we have installed
+ if not 'Could not create datasource' in str(e):
+ raise RuntimeError(e)
# We expect these files to raise a RuntimeError
diff --git a/tests/python_tests/multi_tile_raster_test.py b/tests/python_tests/multi_tile_raster_test.py
index 65a29675f..41764754d 100644
--- a/tests/python_tests/multi_tile_raster_test.py
+++ b/tests/python_tests/multi_tile_raster_test.py
@@ -13,57 +13,58 @@ def setup():
def test_multi_tile_policy():
srs = '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'
lyr = mapnik2.Layer('raster')
- lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Raster(
- file = '../data/raster_tiles/${x}/${y}.tif',
- lox = -180,
- loy = -90,
- hix = 180,
- hiy = 90,
- multi = 1,
- tile_size = 256,
- x_width = 2,
- y_width = 2
- )
- lyr.srs = srs
- _map = mapnik2.Map(256, 256, srs)
- style = mapnik2.Style()
- rule = mapnik2.Rule()
- sym = mapnik2.RasterSymbolizer()
- rule.symbols.append(sym)
- style.rules.append(rule)
- _map.append_style('foo', style)
- lyr.styles.append('foo')
- _map.layers.append(lyr)
- _map.zoom_to_box(lyr.envelope())
+ if 'raster' in mapnik2.DatasourceCache.instance().plugin_names():
+ lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Raster(
+ file = '../data/raster_tiles/${x}/${y}.tif',
+ lox = -180,
+ loy = -90,
+ hix = 180,
+ hiy = 90,
+ multi = 1,
+ tile_size = 256,
+ x_width = 2,
+ y_width = 2
+ )
+ lyr.srs = srs
+ _map = mapnik2.Map(256, 256, srs)
+ style = mapnik2.Style()
+ rule = mapnik2.Rule()
+ sym = mapnik2.RasterSymbolizer()
+ rule.symbols.append(sym)
+ style.rules.append(rule)
+ _map.append_style('foo', style)
+ lyr.styles.append('foo')
+ _map.layers.append(lyr)
+ _map.zoom_to_box(lyr.envelope())
+ im = mapnik2.Image(_map.width, _map.height)
+ mapnik2.render(_map, im)
+ save_data('test_multi_tile_policy.png', im.tostring('png'))
- im = mapnik2.Image(_map.width, _map.height)
- mapnik2.render(_map, im)
+ # test green chunk
+ assert im.view(0,64,1,1).tostring() == '\x00\xff\x00\xff'
+ assert im.view(127,64,1,1).tostring() == '\x00\xff\x00\xff'
+ assert im.view(0,127,1,1).tostring() == '\x00\xff\x00\xff'
+ assert im.view(127,127,1,1).tostring() == '\x00\xff\x00\xff'
- save_data('test_multi_tile_policy.png', im.tostring('png'))
- # test green chunk
- assert im.view(0,64,1,1).tostring() == '\x00\xff\x00\xff'
- assert im.view(127,64,1,1).tostring() == '\x00\xff\x00\xff'
- assert im.view(0,127,1,1).tostring() == '\x00\xff\x00\xff'
- assert im.view(127,127,1,1).tostring() == '\x00\xff\x00\xff'
- # test blue chunk
- assert im.view(128,64,1,1).tostring() == '\x00\x00\xff\xff'
- assert im.view(255,64,1,1).tostring() == '\x00\x00\xff\xff'
- assert im.view(128,127,1,1).tostring() == '\x00\x00\xff\xff'
- assert im.view(255,127,1,1).tostring() == '\x00\x00\xff\xff'
- # test red chunk
- assert im.view(0,128,1,1).tostring() == '\xff\x00\x00\xff'
- assert im.view(127,128,1,1).tostring() == '\xff\x00\x00\xff'
- assert im.view(0,191,1,1).tostring() == '\xff\x00\x00\xff'
- assert im.view(127,191,1,1).tostring() == '\xff\x00\x00\xff'
- # test magenta chunk
- assert im.view(128,128,1,1).tostring() == '\xff\x00\xff\xff'
- assert im.view(255,128,1,1).tostring() == '\xff\x00\xff\xff'
- assert im.view(128,191,1,1).tostring() == '\xff\x00\xff\xff'
- assert im.view(255,191,1,1).tostring() == '\xff\x00\xff\xff'
+ # test blue chunk
+ assert im.view(128,64,1,1).tostring() == '\x00\x00\xff\xff'
+ assert im.view(255,64,1,1).tostring() == '\x00\x00\xff\xff'
+ assert im.view(128,127,1,1).tostring() == '\x00\x00\xff\xff'
+ assert im.view(255,127,1,1).tostring() == '\x00\x00\xff\xff'
+ # test red chunk
+ assert im.view(0,128,1,1).tostring() == '\xff\x00\x00\xff'
+ assert im.view(127,128,1,1).tostring() == '\xff\x00\x00\xff'
+ assert im.view(0,191,1,1).tostring() == '\xff\x00\x00\xff'
+ assert im.view(127,191,1,1).tostring() == '\xff\x00\x00\xff'
+ # test magenta chunk
+ assert im.view(128,128,1,1).tostring() == '\xff\x00\xff\xff'
+ assert im.view(255,128,1,1).tostring() == '\xff\x00\xff\xff'
+ assert im.view(128,191,1,1).tostring() == '\xff\x00\xff\xff'
+ assert im.view(255,191,1,1).tostring() == '\xff\x00\xff\xff'
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/tests/python_tests/object_test.py b/tests/python_tests/object_test.py
index bc8a7c8a4..ca7b251f8 100644
--- a/tests/python_tests/object_test.py
+++ b/tests/python_tests/object_test.py
@@ -247,35 +247,6 @@ def test_linesymbolizer_pickle():
eq_(s.line_cap, s2.line_cap)
eq_(s.line_join, s2.line_join)
-# Shapefile initialization
-def test_shapefile_init():
- s = mapnik2.Shapefile(file='../../demo/data/boundaries')
- e = s.envelope()
- assert_almost_equal(e.minx, -11121.6896651, places=7)
- assert_almost_equal(e.miny, -724724.216526, places=6)
- assert_almost_equal(e.maxx, 2463000.67866, places=5)
- assert_almost_equal(e.maxy, 1649661.267, places=3)
-# Shapefile properties
-def test_shapefile_properties():
- s = mapnik2.Shapefile(file='../../demo/data/boundaries', encoding='latin1')
- f = s.features_at_point(s.envelope().center()).features[0]
- eq_(f['CGNS_FID'], u'6f733341ba2011d892e2080020a0f4c9')
- eq_(f['COUNTRY'], u'CAN')
- eq_(f['F_CODE'], u'FA001')
- eq_(f['NAME_EN'], u'Quebec')
- # this seems to break if icu data linking is not working
- eq_(f['NOM_FR'], u'Qu\xe9bec')
- eq_(f['NOM_FR'], u'Québec')
- eq_(f['Shape_Area'], 1512185733150.0)
- eq_(f['Shape_Leng'], 19218883.724300001)
- # Check that the deprecated interface still works,
- # remove me once the deprecated code is cleaned up
- eq_(f.properties['Shape_Leng'], 19218883.724300001)
# TextSymbolizer initialization
def test_textsymbolizer_init():
@@ -389,19 +360,24 @@ def test_map_init_from_string():
m = mapnik2.Map(600, 300)
eq_(m.base, '')
- mapnik2.load_map_from_string(m, map_string)
- eq_(m.base, './')
- mapnik2.load_map_from_string(m, map_string, False, "") # this "" will have no effect
- eq_(m.base, './')
- mapnik2.load_map_from_string(m, map_string, False, "/tmp")
- except RuntimeError:
- pass # runtime error expected because shapefile path should be wrong and datasource will throw
- eq_(m.base, '/tmp') # /tmp will be set despite the exception because load_map mostly worked
- m.base = 'foo'
- mapnik2.load_map_from_string(m, map_string, True, ".")
- eq_(m.base, '.')
- raise(Todo("Need to write more map property tests in 'object_test.py'..."))
+ mapnik2.load_map_from_string(m, map_string)
+ eq_(m.base, './')
+ mapnik2.load_map_from_string(m, map_string, False, "") # this "" will have no effect
+ eq_(m.base, './')
+ try:
+ mapnik2.load_map_from_string(m, map_string, False, "/tmp")
+ except RuntimeError:
+ pass # runtime error expected because shapefile path should be wrong and datasource will throw
+ eq_(m.base, '/tmp') # /tmp will be set despite the exception because load_map mostly worked
+ m.base = 'foo'
+ mapnik2.load_map_from_string(m, map_string, True, ".")
+ eq_(m.base, '.')
+ raise(Todo("Need to write more map property tests in 'object_test.py'..."))
+ except RuntimeError, e:
+ # only test datasources that we have installed
+ if not 'Could not create datasource' in str(e):
+ raise RuntimeError(e)
# Map pickling
def test_map_pickle():
diff --git a/tests/python_tests/raster_colorizer_test.py b/tests/python_tests/raster_colorizer_test.py
index 3e65a2d60..e2fa11604 100644
--- a/tests/python_tests/raster_colorizer_test.py
+++ b/tests/python_tests/raster_colorizer_test.py
@@ -15,10 +15,15 @@ def test_gen_map():
outputfile = 'raster_colorizer_test.png'
m = mapnik2.Map(800, 600)
- mapnik2.load_map(m, mapxmlfile)
- mapnik2.save_map(m, mapxmloutputfile)
- m.zoom_all()
- mapnik2.render_to_file(m, outputfile)
+ try:
+ mapnik2.load_map(m, mapxmlfile)
+ mapnik2.save_map(m, mapxmloutputfile)
+ m.zoom_all()
+ mapnik2.render_to_file(m, outputfile)
+ except RuntimeError,e:
+ # only test datasources that we have installed
+ if not 'Could not create datasource' in str(e):
+ raise RuntimeError(str(e))
#test discrete colorizer mode
def test_get_color_discrete():
diff --git a/tests/python_tests/raster_symbolizer_test.py b/tests/python_tests/raster_symbolizer_test.py
index 228219238..cef5de169 100644
--- a/tests/python_tests/raster_symbolizer_test.py
+++ b/tests/python_tests/raster_symbolizer_test.py
@@ -14,86 +14,93 @@ def setup():
def test_dataraster_coloring():
srs = '+init=epsg:32630'
lyr = mapnik2.Layer('dataraster')
- lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Gdal(
- file = '../data/raster/dataraster.tif',
- band = 1,
- )
- lyr.srs = srs
- _map = mapnik2.Map(256,256, srs)
- style = mapnik2.Style()
- rule = mapnik2.Rule()
- sym = mapnik2.RasterSymbolizer()
- # Assigning a colorizer to the RasterSymbolizer tells the later
- # that it should use it to colorize the raw data raster
- sym.colorizer = mapnik2.RasterColorizer(mapnik2.COLORIZER_DISCRETE, mapnik2.Color("transparent"))
+ if 'gdal' in mapnik2.DatasourceCache.instance().plugin_names():
+ lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Gdal(
+ file = '../data/raster/dataraster.tif',
+ band = 1,
+ )
+ lyr.srs = srs
+ _map = mapnik2.Map(256,256, srs)
+ style = mapnik2.Style()
+ rule = mapnik2.Rule()
+ sym = mapnik2.RasterSymbolizer()
+ # Assigning a colorizer to the RasterSymbolizer tells the later
+ # that it should use it to colorize the raw data raster
+ sym.colorizer = mapnik2.RasterColorizer(mapnik2.COLORIZER_DISCRETE, mapnik2.Color("transparent"))
+ for value, color in [
+ ( 0, "#0044cc"),
+ ( 10, "#00cc00"),
+ ( 20, "#ffff00"),
+ ( 30, "#ff7f00"),
+ ( 40, "#ff0000"),
+ ( 50, "#ff007f"),
+ ( 60, "#ff00ff"),
+ ( 70, "#cc00cc"),
+ ( 80, "#990099"),
+ ( 90, "#660066"),
+ ( 200, "transparent"),
+ ]:
+ sym.colorizer.add_stop(value, mapnik2.Color(color))
+ rule.symbols.append(sym)
+ style.rules.append(rule)
+ _map.append_style('foo', style)
+ lyr.styles.append('foo')
+ _map.layers.append(lyr)
+ _map.zoom_to_box(lyr.envelope())
- for value, color in [
- ( 0, "#0044cc"),
- ( 10, "#00cc00"),
- ( 20, "#ffff00"),
- ( 30, "#ff7f00"),
- ( 40, "#ff0000"),
- ( 50, "#ff007f"),
- ( 60, "#ff00ff"),
- ( 70, "#cc00cc"),
- ( 80, "#990099"),
- ( 90, "#660066"),
- ( 200, "transparent"),
- ]:
- sym.colorizer.add_stop(value, mapnik2.Color(color))
- rule.symbols.append(sym)
- style.rules.append(rule)
- _map.append_style('foo', style)
- lyr.styles.append('foo')
- _map.layers.append(lyr)
- _map.zoom_to_box(lyr.envelope())
- im = mapnik2.Image(_map.width,_map.height)
- mapnik2.render(_map, im)
- # save a png somewhere so we can see it
- save_data('test_dataraster_coloring.png', im.tostring('png'))
- imdata = im.tostring()
- # we have some values in the [20,30) interval so check that they're colored
- assert contains_word('\xff\xff\x00\xff', imdata)
+ im = mapnik2.Image(_map.width,_map.height)
+ mapnik2.render(_map, im)
+ # save a png somewhere so we can see it
+ save_data('test_dataraster_coloring.png', im.tostring('png'))
+ imdata = im.tostring()
+ # we have some values in the [20,30) interval so check that they're colored
+ assert contains_word('\xff\xff\x00\xff', imdata)
def test_dataraster_query_point():
srs = '+init=epsg:32630'
lyr = mapnik2.Layer('dataraster')
- lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Gdal(
- file = '../data/raster/dataraster.tif',
- band = 1,
- )
- lyr.srs = srs
- _map = mapnik2.Map(256,256, srs)
- _map.layers.append(lyr)
- # point inside raster extent with valid data
- x, y = 427417, 4477517
- features = _map.query_point(0,x,y).features
- assert len(features) == 1
- feat = features[0]
- center = feat.envelope().center()
- assert center.x==x and center.y==y, center
- value = feat['value']
- assert value == 21.0, value
- # point outside raster extent
- features = _map.query_point(0,-427417,4477517).features
- assert len(features) == 0
- # point inside raster extent with nodata
- features = _map.query_point(0,126850,4596050).features
- assert len(features) == 0
+ if 'gdal' in mapnik2.DatasourceCache.instance().plugin_names():
+ lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Gdal(
+ file = '../data/raster/dataraster.tif',
+ band = 1,
+ )
+ lyr.srs = srs
+ _map = mapnik2.Map(256,256, srs)
+ _map.layers.append(lyr)
+ # point inside raster extent with valid data
+ x, y = 427417, 4477517
+ features = _map.query_point(0,x,y).features
+ assert len(features) == 1
+ feat = features[0]
+ center = feat.envelope().center()
+ assert center.x==x and center.y==y, center
+ value = feat['value']
+ assert value == 21.0, value
+ # point outside raster extent
+ features = _map.query_point(0,-427417,4477517).features
+ assert len(features) == 0
+ # point inside raster extent with nodata
+ features = _map.query_point(0,126850,4596050).features
+ assert len(features) == 0
def test_load_save_map():
map = mapnik2.Map(256,256)
in_map = "../data/good_maps/raster_symbolizer.xml"
- mapnik2.load_map(map, in_map)
- out_map = mapnik2.save_map_to_string(map)
- assert 'RasterSymbolizer' in out_map
- assert 'RasterColorizer' in out_map
- assert 'stop' in out_map
+ try:
+ mapnik2.load_map(map, in_map)
+ out_map = mapnik2.save_map_to_string(map)
+ assert 'RasterSymbolizer' in out_map
+ assert 'RasterColorizer' in out_map
+ assert 'stop' in out_map
+ except RuntimeError, e:
+ # only test datasources that we have installed
+ if not 'Could not create datasource' in str(e):
+ raise RuntimeError(str(e))
def test_raster_with_alpha_blends_correctly_with_background():
WIDTH = 500
@@ -117,77 +124,80 @@ def test_raster_with_alpha_blends_correctly_with_background():
map_layer = mapnik2.Layer('test_layer')
filepath = '../data/raster/white-alpha.png'
- map_layer.datasource = mapnik2.Gdal(file=filepath)
- map_layer.styles.append('raster_style')
- map.layers.append(map_layer)
- map.zoom_all()
- mim = mapnik2.Image(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
- mapnik2.render(map, mim)
- save_data('test_raster_with_alpha_blends_correctly_with_background.png',
- mim.tostring('png'))
- imdata = mim.tostring()
- # All white is expected
- assert contains_word('\xff\xff\xff\xff', imdata)
+ if 'gdal' in mapnik2.DatasourceCache.instance().plugin_names():
+ map_layer.datasource = mapnik2.Gdal(file=filepath)
+ map_layer.styles.append('raster_style')
+ map.layers.append(map_layer)
+ map.zoom_all()
+ mim = mapnik2.Image(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
+ mapnik2.render(map, mim)
+ save_data('test_raster_with_alpha_blends_correctly_with_background.png',
+ mim.tostring('png'))
+ imdata = mim.tostring()
+ # All white is expected
+ assert contains_word('\xff\xff\xff\xff', imdata)
def test_raster_warping():
lyrSrs = "+init=epsg:32630"
mapSrs = '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'
lyr = mapnik2.Layer('dataraster', lyrSrs)
- lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Gdal(
- file = '../data/raster/dataraster.tif',
- band = 1,
- )
- sym = mapnik2.RasterSymbolizer()
- sym.colorizer = mapnik2.RasterColorizer(mapnik2.COLORIZER_DISCRETE, mapnik2.Color(255,255,0))
- rule = mapnik2.Rule()
- rule.symbols.append(sym)
- style = mapnik2.Style()
- style.rules.append(rule)
- _map = mapnik2.Map(256,256, mapSrs)
- _map.append_style('foo', style)
- lyr.styles.append('foo')
- _map.layers.append(lyr)
- prj_trans = mapnik2.ProjTransform(mapnik2.Projection(mapSrs),
- mapnik2.Projection(lyrSrs))
- _map.zoom_to_box(prj_trans.backward(lyr.envelope()))
- im = mapnik2.Image(_map.width,_map.height)
- mapnik2.render(_map, im)
- # save a png somewhere so we can see it
- save_data('test_raster_warping.png', im.tostring('png'))
- imdata = im.tostring()
- assert contains_word('\xff\xff\x00\xff', imdata)
+ if 'gdal' in mapnik2.DatasourceCache.instance().plugin_names():
+ lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Gdal(
+ file = '../data/raster/dataraster.tif',
+ band = 1,
+ )
+ sym = mapnik2.RasterSymbolizer()
+ sym.colorizer = mapnik2.RasterColorizer(mapnik2.COLORIZER_DISCRETE, mapnik2.Color(255,255,0))
+ rule = mapnik2.Rule()
+ rule.symbols.append(sym)
+ style = mapnik2.Style()
+ style.rules.append(rule)
+ _map = mapnik2.Map(256,256, mapSrs)
+ _map.append_style('foo', style)
+ lyr.styles.append('foo')
+ _map.layers.append(lyr)
+ prj_trans = mapnik2.ProjTransform(mapnik2.Projection(mapSrs),
+ mapnik2.Projection(lyrSrs))
+ _map.zoom_to_box(prj_trans.backward(lyr.envelope()))
+ im = mapnik2.Image(_map.width,_map.height)
+ mapnik2.render(_map, im)
+ # save a png somewhere so we can see it
+ save_data('test_raster_warping.png', im.tostring('png'))
+ imdata = im.tostring()
+ assert contains_word('\xff\xff\x00\xff', imdata)
def test_raster_warping_does_not_overclip_source():
lyrSrs = "+init=epsg:32630"
mapSrs = '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'
lyr = mapnik2.Layer('dataraster', lyrSrs)
- lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Gdal(
- file = '../data/raster/dataraster.tif',
- band = 1,
- )
- sym = mapnik2.RasterSymbolizer()
- sym.colorizer = mapnik2.RasterColorizer(mapnik2.COLORIZER_DISCRETE, mapnik2.Color(255,255,0))
- rule = mapnik2.Rule()
- rule.symbols.append(sym)
- style = mapnik2.Style()
- style.rules.append(rule)
- _map = mapnik2.Map(256,256, mapSrs)
- _map.background=mapnik2.Color('white')
- _map.append_style('foo', style)
- lyr.styles.append('foo')
- _map.layers.append(lyr)
- _map.zoom_to_box(mapnik2.Box2d(3,42,4,43))
- im = mapnik2.Image(_map.width,_map.height)
- mapnik2.render(_map, im)
- # save a png somewhere so we can see it
- save_data('test_raster_warping_does_not_overclip_source.png',
- im.tostring('png'))
- assert im.view(0,200,1,1).tostring()=='\xff\xff\x00\xff'
+ if 'gdal' in mapnik2.DatasourceCache.instance().plugin_names():
+ lyr.datasource = mapnik2.Gdal(
+ file = '../data/raster/dataraster.tif',
+ band = 1,
+ )
+ sym = mapnik2.RasterSymbolizer()
+ sym.colorizer = mapnik2.RasterColorizer(mapnik2.COLORIZER_DISCRETE, mapnik2.Color(255,255,0))
+ rule = mapnik2.Rule()
+ rule.symbols.append(sym)
+ style = mapnik2.Style()
+ style.rules.append(rule)
+ _map = mapnik2.Map(256,256, mapSrs)
+ _map.background=mapnik2.Color('white')
+ _map.append_style('foo', style)
+ lyr.styles.append('foo')
+ _map.layers.append(lyr)
+ _map.zoom_to_box(mapnik2.Box2d(3,42,4,43))
+ im = mapnik2.Image(_map.width,_map.height)
+ mapnik2.render(_map, im)
+ # save a png somewhere so we can see it
+ save_data('test_raster_warping_does_not_overclip_source.png',
+ im.tostring('png'))
+ assert im.view(0,200,1,1).tostring()=='\xff\xff\x00\xff'
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/tests/python_tests/render_test.py b/tests/python_tests/render_test.py
index 2724e1492..9679a8212 100644
--- a/tests/python_tests/render_test.py
+++ b/tests/python_tests/render_test.py
@@ -86,12 +86,16 @@ def get_paired_images(w,h,mapfile):
return i,i2
def test_render_from_serialization():
- i,i2 = get_paired_images(100,100,'../data/good_maps/building_symbolizer.xml')
- eq_(i.tostring(),i2.tostring())
- i,i2 = get_paired_images(100,100,'../data/good_maps/polygon_symbolizer.xml')
- eq_(i.tostring(),i2.tostring())
+ try:
+ i,i2 = get_paired_images(100,100,'../data/good_maps/building_symbolizer.xml')
+ eq_(i.tostring(),i2.tostring())
+ i,i2 = get_paired_images(100,100,'../data/good_maps/polygon_symbolizer.xml')
+ eq_(i.tostring(),i2.tostring())
+ except RuntimeError, e:
+ # only test datasources that we have installed
+ if not 'Could not create datasource' in str(e):
+ raise RuntimeError(e)
grid_correct = {"keys": ["", "North West", "North East", "South West", "South East"], "data": {"South East": {"Name": "South East"}, "North East": {"Name": "North East"}, "North West": {"Name": "North West"}, "South West": {"Name": "South West"}}, "grid": [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " !!! ### ", " !!!!! ##### ", " !!!!! ##### ", " !!! ### ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " $$$$ %%%% ", " $$$$$ %%%%% ", " $$$$$ %%%%% ", " $$$ %%% ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "]}
diff --git a/tests/python_tests/sqlite_test.py b/tests/python_tests/sqlite_test.py
index 8c9e0fa3a..11d2bfdcc 100644
--- a/tests/python_tests/sqlite_test.py
+++ b/tests/python_tests/sqlite_test.py
@@ -10,189 +10,191 @@ def setup():
# from another directory we need to chdir()
-def test_attachdb_with_relative_file():
- # The point table and index is in the qgis_spatiallite.sqlite
- # database. If either is not found, then this fails
- ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
- table='point',
- attachdb='scratch@qgis_spatiallite.sqlite'
- )
- fs = ds.featureset()
- feature = fs.next()
- eq_(feature['pkuid'],1)
-def test_attachdb_with_multiple_files():
- ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
- table='attachedtest',
- attachdb='scratch1@:memory:,scratch2@:memory:',
- initdb='''
- create table scratch1.attachedtest (the_geom);
- create virtual table scratch2.idx_attachedtest_the_geom using rtree(pkid,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax);
- insert into scratch2.idx_attachedtest_the_geom values (1,-7799225.5,-7778571.0,1393264.125,1417719.375);
- '''
- )
- fs = ds.featureset()
- feature = fs.next()
- # the above should not throw but will result in no features
- eq_(feature,None)
-def test_attachdb_with_absolute_file():
- # The point table and index is in the qgis_spatiallite.sqlite
- # database. If either is not found, then this fails
- ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file=os.getcwd() + '/../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
- table='point',
- attachdb='scratch@qgis_spatiallite.sqlite'
- )
- fs = ds.featureset()
- feature = fs.next()
- eq_(feature['pkuid'],1)
-def test_attachdb_with_index():
- ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
- table='attachedtest',
- attachdb='scratch@:memory:',
- initdb='''
- create table scratch.attachedtest (the_geom);
- create virtual table scratch.idx_attachedtest_the_geom using rtree(pkid,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax);
- insert into scratch.idx_attachedtest_the_geom values (1,-7799225.5,-7778571.0,1393264.125,1417719.375);
- '''
- )
- fs = ds.featureset()
- feature = fs.next()
- eq_(feature,None)
+if 'sqlite' in mapnik2.DatasourceCache.instance().plugin_names():
-def test_attachdb_with_explicit_index():
- ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
- table='attachedtest',
- index_table='myindex',
- attachdb='scratch@:memory:',
- initdb='''
- create table scratch.attachedtest (the_geom);
- create virtual table scratch.myindex using rtree(pkid,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax);
- insert into scratch.myindex values (1,-7799225.5,-7778571.0,1393264.125,1417719.375);
- '''
- )
- fs = ds.featureset()
- feature = fs.next()
- eq_(feature,None)
-def test_attachdb_with_sql_join():
- ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
- table='(select * from world_merc INNER JOIN business on world_merc.iso3 = business.ISO3 limit 100)',
- attachdb='busines@business.sqlite'
- )
- fs = ds.featureset()
- feature = fs.next()
- eq_(feature.id(),1)
- expected = {
- 1995:0,
- 1996:0,
- 1997:0,
- 1998:0,
- 1999:0,
- 2000:0,
- 2001:0,
- 2002:0,
- 2003:0,
- 2004:0,
- 2005:0,
- 2006:0,
- 2007:0,
- 2008:0,
- 2009:0,
- 2010:0,
- # this appears to be sqlites way of
- # automatically handling clashing column names
- 'ISO3:1':'ATG',
- 'OGC_FID':1,
- 'area':44,
- 'fips':u'AC',
- 'iso2':u'AG',
- 'iso3':u'ATG',
- 'lat':17.078,
- 'lon':-61.783,
- 'name':u'Antigua and Barbuda',
- 'pop2005':83039,
- 'region':19,
- 'subregion':29,
- 'un':28
- }
- for k,v in expected.items():
- try:
- eq_(feature[str(k)],v)
- except:
- #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
- print 'invalid key/v %s/%s for: %s' % (k,v,feature)
-def test_subqueries():
- ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
- table='world_merc',
- )
- fs = ds.featureset()
- feature = fs.next()
- eq_(feature['OGC_FID'],1)
- eq_(feature['fips'],u'AC')
- eq_(feature['iso2'],u'AG')
- eq_(feature['iso3'],u'ATG')
- eq_(feature['un'],28)
- eq_(feature['name'],u'Antigua and Barbuda')
- eq_(feature['area'],44)
- eq_(feature['pop2005'],83039)
- eq_(feature['region'],19)
- eq_(feature['subregion'],29)
- eq_(feature['lon'],-61.783)
- eq_(feature['lat'],17.078)
- ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
- table='(select * from world_merc)',
- )
- fs = ds.featureset()
- feature = fs.next()
- eq_(feature['OGC_FID'],1)
- eq_(feature['fips'],u'AC')
- eq_(feature['iso2'],u'AG')
- eq_(feature['iso3'],u'ATG')
- eq_(feature['un'],28)
- eq_(feature['name'],u'Antigua and Barbuda')
- eq_(feature['area'],44)
- eq_(feature['pop2005'],83039)
- eq_(feature['region'],19)
- eq_(feature['subregion'],29)
- eq_(feature['lon'],-61.783)
- eq_(feature['lat'],17.078)
+ def test_attachdb_with_relative_file():
+ # The point table and index is in the qgis_spatiallite.sqlite
+ # database. If either is not found, then this fails
+ ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
+ table='point',
+ attachdb='scratch@qgis_spatiallite.sqlite'
+ )
+ fs = ds.featureset()
+ feature = fs.next()
+ eq_(feature['pkuid'],1)
- ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
- table='(select OGC_FID,GEOMETRY as geom from world_merc)',
- )
- fs = ds.featureset()
- feature = fs.next()
- eq_(feature['OGC_FID'],1)
- eq_(len(feature),1)
- ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
- table='(select GEOMETRY,OGC_FID,fips from world_merc)',
- )
- fs = ds.featureset()
- feature = fs.next()
- eq_(feature['OGC_FID'],1)
- eq_(feature['fips'],u'AC')
- ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
- table='(select GEOMETRY,rowid as aliased_id,fips from world_merc)',
- key_field='aliased_id'
- )
- fs = ds.featureset()
- feature = fs.next()
- eq_(feature['aliased_id'],1)
- eq_(feature['fips'],u'AC')
- ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
- table='(select GEOMETRY,OGC_FID,OGC_FID as rowid,fips from world_merc)',
- )
- fs = ds.featureset()
- feature = fs.next()
- eq_(feature['rowid'],1)
- eq_(feature['fips'],u'AC')
+ def test_attachdb_with_multiple_files():
+ ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
+ table='attachedtest',
+ attachdb='scratch1@:memory:,scratch2@:memory:',
+ initdb='''
+ create table scratch1.attachedtest (the_geom);
+ create virtual table scratch2.idx_attachedtest_the_geom using rtree(pkid,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax);
+ insert into scratch2.idx_attachedtest_the_geom values (1,-7799225.5,-7778571.0,1393264.125,1417719.375);
+ '''
+ )
+ fs = ds.featureset()
+ feature = fs.next()
+ # the above should not throw but will result in no features
+ eq_(feature,None)
+ def test_attachdb_with_absolute_file():
+ # The point table and index is in the qgis_spatiallite.sqlite
+ # database. If either is not found, then this fails
+ ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file=os.getcwd() + '/../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
+ table='point',
+ attachdb='scratch@qgis_spatiallite.sqlite'
+ )
+ fs = ds.featureset()
+ feature = fs.next()
+ eq_(feature['pkuid'],1)
+ def test_attachdb_with_index():
+ ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
+ table='attachedtest',
+ attachdb='scratch@:memory:',
+ initdb='''
+ create table scratch.attachedtest (the_geom);
+ create virtual table scratch.idx_attachedtest_the_geom using rtree(pkid,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax);
+ insert into scratch.idx_attachedtest_the_geom values (1,-7799225.5,-7778571.0,1393264.125,1417719.375);
+ '''
+ )
+ fs = ds.featureset()
+ feature = fs.next()
+ eq_(feature,None)
+ def test_attachdb_with_explicit_index():
+ ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
+ table='attachedtest',
+ index_table='myindex',
+ attachdb='scratch@:memory:',
+ initdb='''
+ create table scratch.attachedtest (the_geom);
+ create virtual table scratch.myindex using rtree(pkid,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax);
+ insert into scratch.myindex values (1,-7799225.5,-7778571.0,1393264.125,1417719.375);
+ '''
+ )
+ fs = ds.featureset()
+ feature = fs.next()
+ eq_(feature,None)
+ def test_attachdb_with_sql_join():
+ ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
+ table='(select * from world_merc INNER JOIN business on world_merc.iso3 = business.ISO3 limit 100)',
+ attachdb='busines@business.sqlite'
+ )
+ fs = ds.featureset()
+ feature = fs.next()
+ eq_(feature.id(),1)
+ expected = {
+ 1995:0,
+ 1996:0,
+ 1997:0,
+ 1998:0,
+ 1999:0,
+ 2000:0,
+ 2001:0,
+ 2002:0,
+ 2003:0,
+ 2004:0,
+ 2005:0,
+ 2006:0,
+ 2007:0,
+ 2008:0,
+ 2009:0,
+ 2010:0,
+ # this appears to be sqlites way of
+ # automatically handling clashing column names
+ 'ISO3:1':'ATG',
+ 'OGC_FID':1,
+ 'area':44,
+ 'fips':u'AC',
+ 'iso2':u'AG',
+ 'iso3':u'ATG',
+ 'lat':17.078,
+ 'lon':-61.783,
+ 'name':u'Antigua and Barbuda',
+ 'pop2005':83039,
+ 'region':19,
+ 'subregion':29,
+ 'un':28
+ }
+ for k,v in expected.items():
+ try:
+ eq_(feature[str(k)],v)
+ except:
+ #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
+ print 'invalid key/v %s/%s for: %s' % (k,v,feature)
+ def test_subqueries():
+ ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
+ table='world_merc',
+ )
+ fs = ds.featureset()
+ feature = fs.next()
+ eq_(feature['OGC_FID'],1)
+ eq_(feature['fips'],u'AC')
+ eq_(feature['iso2'],u'AG')
+ eq_(feature['iso3'],u'ATG')
+ eq_(feature['un'],28)
+ eq_(feature['name'],u'Antigua and Barbuda')
+ eq_(feature['area'],44)
+ eq_(feature['pop2005'],83039)
+ eq_(feature['region'],19)
+ eq_(feature['subregion'],29)
+ eq_(feature['lon'],-61.783)
+ eq_(feature['lat'],17.078)
+ ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
+ table='(select * from world_merc)',
+ )
+ fs = ds.featureset()
+ feature = fs.next()
+ eq_(feature['OGC_FID'],1)
+ eq_(feature['fips'],u'AC')
+ eq_(feature['iso2'],u'AG')
+ eq_(feature['iso3'],u'ATG')
+ eq_(feature['un'],28)
+ eq_(feature['name'],u'Antigua and Barbuda')
+ eq_(feature['area'],44)
+ eq_(feature['pop2005'],83039)
+ eq_(feature['region'],19)
+ eq_(feature['subregion'],29)
+ eq_(feature['lon'],-61.783)
+ eq_(feature['lat'],17.078)
+ ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
+ table='(select OGC_FID,GEOMETRY as geom from world_merc)',
+ )
+ fs = ds.featureset()
+ feature = fs.next()
+ eq_(feature['OGC_FID'],1)
+ eq_(len(feature),1)
+ ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
+ table='(select GEOMETRY,OGC_FID,fips from world_merc)',
+ )
+ fs = ds.featureset()
+ feature = fs.next()
+ eq_(feature['OGC_FID'],1)
+ eq_(feature['fips'],u'AC')
+ ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
+ table='(select GEOMETRY,rowid as aliased_id,fips from world_merc)',
+ key_field='aliased_id'
+ )
+ fs = ds.featureset()
+ feature = fs.next()
+ eq_(feature['aliased_id'],1)
+ eq_(feature['fips'],u'AC')
+ ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite',
+ table='(select GEOMETRY,OGC_FID,OGC_FID as rowid,fips from world_merc)',
+ )
+ fs = ds.featureset()
+ feature = fs.next()
+ eq_(feature['rowid'],1)
+ eq_(feature['fips'],u'AC')
if __name__ == "__main__":