Stub C++ version of pgraster test

NOTE: this is a much less interesting than the python test
This commit is contained in:
Sandro Santilli 2016-03-11 12:58:39 +01:00
parent 23fb010ea2
commit 7a1315b210

View file

@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
* This file is part of Mapnik (c++ mapping toolkit)
* Copyright (C) 2015 Artem Pavlenko
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "catch.hpp"
#include "ds_test_util.hpp"
#include <mapnik/datasource.hpp>
#include <mapnik/datasource_cache.hpp>
#include <mapnik/geometry_type.hpp>
#include <mapnik/util/fs.hpp>
Compile and run just this test:
clang++ -o test-pgraster -g -I./test/ test/unit/run.cpp test/unit/datasource/pgraster.cpp `mapnik-config --all-flags` && ./test-pgraster -d yes
#include <boost/optional/optional_io.hpp>
int run(std::string const& command, bool okay_to_fail = false)
std::string cmd;
if (std::getenv("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH") != nullptr)
cmd += std::string("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=") + std::getenv("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH") + " && ";
cmd += command;
// silence output unless MAPNIK_TEST_DEBUG is defined
if (std::getenv("MAPNIK_TEST_DEBUG") == nullptr)
#ifndef _WINDOWS
cmd += " 2>/dev/null";
cmd += " 2> nul";
std::clog << "Running " << cmd << "\n";
bool worked = (std::system(cmd.c_str()) == 0);
if (okay_to_fail == true) return true;
return worked;
std::string dbname("mapnik-tmp-postgis-test-db");
TEST_CASE("postgis") {
SECTION("Postgis data initialization")
//don't add 'true' here, to get error message, when drop fails. If it works nothing is output
REQUIRE(run("dropdb --if-exists " + dbname));
//REQUIRE(run("createdb -T template_postgis " + dbname));
REQUIRE(run("createdb " + dbname));
// NOTE: Breaks when raster support is missing
REQUIRE(run("psql -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;' " + dbname, true));
REQUIRE(run("psql -q -f ./test/data/sql/postgis-create-db-and-tables.sql " + dbname));
// Make available a raster table
REQUIRE(run("psql -c 'CREATE TABLE test_raster AS SELECT * FROM test' " + dbname));
REQUIRE(run("psql -c 'ALTER TABLE test_raster RENAME geom to rast' " + dbname));
REQUIRE(run("psql -c 'ALTER TABLE test_raster ALTER rast TYPE raster USING ST_AsRaster(rast, 32, 32)' " + dbname));
REQUIRE(run("psql -c 'ALTER TABLE test_raster ADD PRIMARY KEY(gid)' " + dbname));
mapnik::parameters base_params;
base_params["type"] = "pgraster";
base_params["dbname"] = dbname;
SECTION("Postgis should throw without 'table' parameter")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
SECTION("Postgis should throw with 'max_async_connection' greater than 'max_size'")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "test_raster";
params["max_async_connection"] = "2";
params["max_size"] = "1";
SECTION("Postgis should throw with invalid metadata query")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "does_not_exist";
SECTION("Postgis should throw with invalid key field")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "test_invalid_id";
params["key_field"] = "id";
SECTION("Postgis should throw with multicolumn primary key")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "test_invalid_multi_col_pk";
params["autodetect_key_field"] = "true";
SECTION("Postgis should throw without geom column")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "test_no_geom_col";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
SECTION("Postgis should throw with invalid credentials")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "test_raster";
params["user"] = "not_a_valid_user";
params["password"] = "not_a_valid_pwd";
SECTION("Postgis initialize dataset with persist_connection, schema, extent, geometry field, autodectect key field, simplify_geometries, row_limit")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["persist_connection"] = "false";
params["table"] = "public.test_raster";
params["geometry_field"] = "geom";
params["autodetect_key_field"] = "true";
params["extent"] = "-1 -1, -1 2, 4 3, 3 -1, -1 -1";
params["simplify_geometries"] = "true";
params["row_limit"] = "1";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
SECTION("Postgis query field names")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "test_raster";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
REQUIRE(ds->type() == mapnik::datasource::datasource_t::Raster);
auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
require_field_names(fields, { "gid", "colbigint", "col_text", "col-char", "col+bool", "colnumeric", "colsmallint", "colfloat4", "colfloat8", "colcharacter" });
require_field_types(fields, { mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String, mapnik::String, mapnik::Boolean, mapnik::Double, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Double, mapnik::Double, mapnik::String });
SECTION("Postgis iterate features")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "test_raster";
params["raster_field"] = "rast";
params["key_field"] = "gid";
params["max_async_connection"] = "2";
//params["cursor_size"] = "2";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
auto featureset = ds->features_at_point(mapnik::coord2d(1, 1));
mapnik::feature_ptr feature;
while ((bool(feature = featureset->next()))) {
REQUIRE(feature->get(2).to_string() == feature->get("col_text").to_string());
REQUIRE(feature->get(4).to_bool() == feature->get("col+bool").to_bool());
REQUIRE(feature->get(5).to_double() == feature->get("colnumeric").to_double());
REQUIRE(feature->get(5).to_string() == feature->get("colnumeric").to_string());
featureset = all_features(ds);
feature = featureset->next();
//deactivate char tests for now: not yet implemented.
//add at postgis_datasource.cpp:423
//case 18: // char
//REQUIRE("A" == feature->get("col-char").to_string());
feature = featureset->next();
//REQUIRE("B" == feature->get("col-char").to_string());
feature = featureset->next();
REQUIRE(false == feature->get("col+bool").to_bool());
#if 0
// SKIPPED as currently failing to figure there's already a WHERE,
// resulting in:
// in executeQuery Full sql was: 'SELECT ST_SRID("rast") AS srid FROM
// FROM public.test_raster) as data WHERE rast &&
// -3.402823466385289e+38,3.402823466385289e+38
SECTION("Postgis bbox query")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "(SELECT * FROM public.test_raster) as data WHERE rast && !bbox!";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
mapnik::box2d<double> ext = ds->envelope();
INFO(std::setprecision(6) << std::fixed << ext.minx() << "/" << ext.miny() << " " << ext.maxx() << "/" << ext.maxy());
REQUIRE(ext.minx() == -2);
REQUIRE(ext.miny() == -2);
REQUIRE(ext.maxx() == 5);
REQUIRE(ext.maxy() == 4);
SECTION("Postgis query extent: full dataset")
//include schema to increase coverage
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "(SELECT * FROM public.test_raster) as data";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
mapnik::box2d<double> ext = ds->envelope();
INFO(std::setprecision(6) << std::fixed << ext.minx() << "/" << ext.miny() << " " << ext.maxx() << "/" << ext.maxy());
REQUIRE(ext.minx() == -2);
REQUIRE(ext.miny() == -32);
REQUIRE(ext.maxx() == 32);
REQUIRE(ext.maxy() == 4);
/* deactivated for merging: still investigating a proper fix
SECTION("Postgis query extent from subquery")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "(SELECT * FROM test_raster where gid=4) as data";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
mapnik::box2d<double> ext = ds->envelope();
INFO(std::setprecision(6) << std::fixed << ext.minx() << "/" << ext.miny() << " " << ext.maxx() << "/" << ext.maxy());
REQUIRE(ext.minx() == 0);
REQUIRE(ext.miny() == 0);
REQUIRE(ext.maxx() == 1);
REQUIRE(ext.maxy() == 2);
SECTION("Postgis query extent: from subquery with 'extent_from_subquery=true'")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "(SELECT * FROM test_raster where gid=4) as data";
params["raster_field"] = "rast";
params["extent_from_subquery"] = "true";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
mapnik::box2d<double> ext = ds->envelope();
INFO(std::setprecision(6) << std::fixed << ext.minx() << "/" << ext.miny() << " " << ext.maxx() << "/" << ext.maxy());
REQUIRE(ext.minx() == 0);
REQUIRE(ext.miny() == 0);
REQUIRE(ext.maxx() == 1);
REQUIRE(ext.maxy() == 2);
/* deactivated for merging: still investigating a proper fix
SECTION("Postgis query extent: subset with 'extent_from_subquery=true' and 'scale_denominator'")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
// !!!! postgis-vt-util::z() returns 'null' when 'scale_denominator > 600000000'
params["table"] = "(SELECT * FROM test_raster where gid=4 AND z(!scale_denominator!) BETWEEN 0 AND 22) as data";
params["extent_from_subquery"] = "true";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
mapnik::box2d<double> ext = ds->envelope();
INFO("" << std::setprecision(6) << std::fixed << ext.minx() << "/" << ext.miny() << " " << ext.maxx() << "/" << ext.maxy());
REQUIRE(ext.minx() == 0);
REQUIRE(ext.miny() == 0);
REQUIRE(ext.maxx() == 1);
REQUIRE(ext.maxy() == 2);