added missing file from r1680 and updated CHANGELOG

This commit is contained in:
Marcin Rudowski 2010-03-12 11:42:50 +00:00
parent b194c6cea4
commit 95b22e1292
3 changed files with 499 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -40,6 +40,15 @@ Mapnik 0.7.1 Release
- PNG: fixed png256 for large images and some improvements to reduce color corruptions (#522)
- PNG: Added new quantization method for indexed png format using hextree with full support for alpha
channel. Also new method has some optimizations for color gradients common when using elevation based
rasters. By default old method using octree is used. (r1680, r1683, #477)
- PNG: Added initial support for passing options to png writter like number of colors, transparency
support, quantization method and possibly other in future using type parameter. For example
"png8:c=128:t=1:m=h" limits palette to 128 colors, uses only binary transparency (0 - none,
1 - binary, 2 - full), and new method of quantization using hextree (h - hextree, o - octree).
Existing type "png256" can be also written using "png8:c=256:m=o:t=2" (r1680, r1683, #477)
Mapnik 0.7.0 Release

include/mapnik/hextree.hpp Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
* This file is part of Mapnik (c++ mapping toolkit)
* Copyright (C) 2006 Artem Pavlenko
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef _HEXTREE_HPP_
#define _HEXTREE_HPP_
// mapnik
#include <mapnik/global.hpp>
// boost
#include <boost/utility.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
// stl
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
namespace mapnik {
typedef boost::uint8_t byte;
struct rgba
byte r;
byte g;
byte b;
byte a;
rgba(byte r_, byte g_, byte b_, byte a_)
: r(r_), g(g_), b(b_), a(a_) {}
bool operator==(const rgba& y) const
return r==y.r && g==y.g && b==y.b && a==y.a;
#define HASH_RGBA(p) (((std::size_t)p.r * 33023 + (std::size_t)p.g * 30013 + (std::size_t)p.b * 27011 + (std::size_t)p.a * 24007) % 21001)
struct rgba_hash_func : public std::unary_function<rgba, std::size_t>
std::size_t operator()(rgba const&p) const
return HASH_RGBA(p);
struct RGBAPolicy
const static unsigned MAX_LEVELS = 6;
const static unsigned MIN_ALPHA = 5;
const static unsigned MAX_ALPHA = 250;
inline static unsigned index_from_level(unsigned level, rgba const& c)
unsigned shift = 7 - level;
return (((c.a >> shift) & 1) << 3)
| (((c.r >> shift) & 1) << 2)
| (((c.g >> shift) & 1) << 1)
| ((c.b >> shift) & 1);
template <typename T, typename InsertPolicy = RGBAPolicy >
class hextree : private boost::noncopyable
struct node
node ()
: reds(0),
~node ()
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
if (children_[i] != 0) delete children_[i],children_[i]=0;
bool is_leaf() const { return children_count == 0; }
node * children_[16];
// sum of values for computing mean value using count or pixel_count
double reds;
double greens;
double blues;
double alphas;
// if count!=0, then node represents color in output palette
int count;
// number of pixels represented by this subtree
unsigned pixel_count;
// penalty of using this node as color
double reduce_cost;
// number of !=0 positions in children_ array
byte children_count;
// highest reduce_cost first
struct node_rev_cmp
bool operator() (const node * lhs, const node* rhs) const
if (lhs->reduce_cost != rhs->reduce_cost)
return lhs->reduce_cost > rhs->reduce_cost;
return lhs > rhs;
// ordering by mean(a,r,g,b), a, r, g, b
struct rgba_mean_sort_cmp
bool operator() (const rgba& x, const rgba& y) const
int t1 = (int)x.a+x.r+x.g+x.b;
int t2 = (int)y.a+y.r+y.g+y.b;
if (t1!=t2)
return t1<t2;
return (((int)x.a-y.a) >> 24) +
(((int)x.r-y.r) >> 16) +
(((int)x.g-y.g) >> 8) +
unsigned max_colors_;
unsigned colors_;
// flag indicating existance of invisible pixels (a < InsertPolicy::MIN_ALPHA)
bool has_holes_;
node * root_;
// working palette for quantization, sorted on mean(r,g,b,a) for easier searching NN
std::vector<rgba> sorted_pal_;
// index remaping of sorted_pal_ indexes to indexes of returned image palette
std::vector<unsigned> pal_remap_;
// rgba hashtable for quantization
typedef boost::unordered_map<rgba, int, rgba_hash_func> rgba_hash_table;
rgba_hash_table color_hashmap_;
// gamma correction to prioritize dark colors (>1.0)
double gamma_;
// look up table for gamma correction
double gammaLUT_[256];
// transparency handling
unsigned trans_mode_;
inline double gamma(const double &b, const double &g) const
return 255 * pow(b/255, g);
explicit hextree(unsigned max_colors=256, const double &g=2.0)
: max_colors_(max_colors),
root_(new node()),
~hextree() { delete root_;}
void setMaxColors(unsigned max_colors)
max_colors_ = max_colors;
void setGamma(const double &g)
gamma_ = g;
for (unsigned i=0; i<256; i++)
gammaLUT_[i] = gamma(i, 1/gamma_);
void setTransMode(unsigned t)
trans_mode_ = t;
transparency_mode_t getTransMode() const
return trans_mode_;
// process alpha value based on trans_mode_
byte preprocessAlpha(byte a) const
return 255;
return a<127?0:255;
return a;
void insert(T const& data)
byte a = preprocessAlpha(data.a);
unsigned level = 0;
node * cur_node = root_;
if (a < InsertPolicy::MIN_ALPHA)
has_holes_ = true;
while (true)
cur_node->reds += gammaLUT_[data.r];
cur_node->greens += gammaLUT_[data.g];
cur_node->blues += gammaLUT_[data.b];
cur_node->alphas += a;
if (level == InsertPolicy::MAX_LEVELS)
if (cur_node->pixel_count == 1)
unsigned idx = InsertPolicy::index_from_level(level,data);
if (cur_node->children_[idx] == 0)
cur_node->children_[idx] = new node();
cur_node = cur_node->children_[idx];
// return color index in returned earlier palette
int quantize(rgba const& c)
byte a = preprocessAlpha(c.a);
unsigned ind=0;
if (a < InsertPolicy::MIN_ALPHA || colors_ <= 1)
return 0;
rgba_hash_table::iterator it = color_hashmap_.find(c);
if (it == color_hashmap_.end())
int dr, dg, db, da;
int dist, newdist;
// find closest match based on mean of r,g,b,a
vector<rgba>::iterator pit = std::lower_bound(sorted_pal_.begin(), sorted_pal_.end(), c, rgba_mean_sort_cmp());
ind = pit-sorted_pal_.begin();
if (ind == sorted_pal_.size())
dr = sorted_pal_[ind].r - c.r;
dg = sorted_pal_[ind].g - c.g;
db = sorted_pal_[ind].b - c.b;
da = sorted_pal_[ind].a - a;
dist = dr*dr + dg*dg + db*db + da*da;
int poz = ind;
// search neighbour positions in both directions for better match
for (int i = poz - 1; i >= 0; i--)
dr = sorted_pal_[i].r - c.r;
dg = sorted_pal_[i].g - c.g;
db = sorted_pal_[i].b - c.b;
da = sorted_pal_[i].a - a;
// stop criteria based on properties of used sorting
if ((dr+db+dg+da) * (dr+db+dg+da) / 4 > dist)
newdist = dr*dr + dg*dg + db*db + da*da;
if (newdist < dist)
ind = i;
dist = newdist;
for (unsigned i = poz + 1; i < sorted_pal_.size(); i++)
dr = sorted_pal_[i].r - c.r;
dg = sorted_pal_[i].g - c.g;
db = sorted_pal_[i].b - c.b;
da = sorted_pal_[i].a - a;
// stop criteria based on properties of used sorting
if ((dr+db+dg+da) * (dr+db+dg+da) / 4 > dist)
newdist = dr*dr + dg*dg + db*db + da*da;
if (newdist < dist)
ind = i;
dist = newdist;
//put found index in hash map
color_hashmap_[c] = ind;
ind = it->second;
return pal_remap_[ind];
void create_palette(std::vector<rgba> & palette)
if (has_holes_)
create_palette_rek(sorted_pal_, root_);
delete root_;
root_ = new node();
// sort palette for binary searching in quantization
std::sort(sorted_pal_.begin(), sorted_pal_.end(),rgba_mean_sort_cmp());
// returned palette is rearanged, so that colors with a<255 are at the begining
for (unsigned i=0; i<sorted_pal_.size(); i++)
if (sorted_pal_[i].a<255)
pal_remap_[i] = palette.size();
for (unsigned i=0; i<sorted_pal_.size(); i++)
if (sorted_pal_[i].a==255)
pal_remap_[i] = palette.size();
void print_tree(node *r, int d=0, int id=0) const
for (int i=0; i<d; i++)
if (r->count>0)
printf("%d: (+%d/%d/%.5f) (%d %d %d %d)\n",
id, (int)r->count, (int)r->pixel_count, r->reduce_cost,
(int)round(gamma(r->reds / r->count, gamma_)),
(int)round(gamma(r->greens / r->count, gamma_)),
(int)round(gamma(r->blues / r->count, gamma_)),
(int)(r->alphas / r->count));
printf("%d: (%d/%d/%.5f) (%d %d %d %d)\n", id,
(int)r->count, (int)r->pixel_count, r->reduce_cost,
(int)round(gamma(r->reds / r->pixel_count, gamma_)),
(int)round(gamma(r->greens / r->pixel_count, gamma_)),
(int)round(gamma(r->blues / r->pixel_count, gamma_)),
(int)(r->alphas / r->pixel_count));
for (unsigned idx=0; idx < 16; ++idx) if (r->children_[idx] != 0)
print_tree(r->children_[idx], d+1, idx);
// traverse tree and search for nodes with count!=0, that represent single color.
// clip extreme alfa values
void create_palette_rek(std::vector<rgba> & palette, node * itr) const
// actually, ignore ones with < 3 pixels
if (itr->count >= 3)
unsigned count = itr->count;
byte a = byte(itr->alphas/float(count));
if (a > InsertPolicy::MAX_ALPHA) a = 255;
if (a < InsertPolicy::MIN_ALPHA) a = 0;
palette.push_back(rgba((byte)round(gamma(itr->reds / count, gamma_)),
(byte)round(gamma(itr->greens / count, gamma_)),
(byte)round(gamma(itr->blues / count, gamma_)), a));
for (unsigned idx=0; idx < 16; ++idx) if (itr->children_[idx] != 0)
create_palette_rek(palette, itr->children_[idx]);
// assign value to r, representing some penalty for assigning one
// color to all pixels in this subtree
void compute_cost(node *r)
//initial small value, so that all nodes have >0 cost
r->reduce_cost = r->pixel_count/1000.0;
if (r->children_count==0)
// mean color of all pixels in subtree
double mean_r = r->reds / r->pixel_count;
double mean_g = r->greens / r->pixel_count;
double mean_b = r->blues / r->pixel_count;
double mean_a = r->alphas / r->pixel_count;
for (unsigned idx=0; idx < 16; ++idx) if (r->children_[idx] != 0)
double dr,dg,db,da;
// include childrens penalty
r->reduce_cost += r->children_[idx]->reduce_cost;
// difference between mean value and subtree mean value
dr = r->children_[idx]->reds / r->children_[idx]->pixel_count - mean_r;
dg = r->children_[idx]->greens / r->children_[idx]->pixel_count - mean_g;
db = r->children_[idx]->blues / r->children_[idx]->pixel_count - mean_b;
da = r->children_[idx]->alphas / r->children_[idx]->pixel_count - mean_a;
// penalty_x = d_x^2 * pixel_count * mean_alfa/255, where x=r,g,b,a
// mean_alpha/255 because more opaque color = more noticable differences
r->reduce_cost += (dr*dr + dg*dg + db*db + da*da) * r->children_[idx]->alphas / 255;
// starting from root_, unfold nodes with biggest penalty
// until all available colors are assigned to processed nodes
void assign_node_colors()
int tries = 0;
// at the begining, single color assigned to root_
colors_ = 1;
root_->count = root_->pixel_count;
std::set<node*,node_rev_cmp> colored_leaves_heap;
while(!colored_leaves_heap.empty() && colors_ < max_colors_ && tries < 16)
// select worst node to remove it from palette and replace with children
node * cur_node = *colored_leaves_heap.begin();
if (cur_node->children_count + colors_ - 1 > max_colors_)
continue; // try few times, maybe next will have less children
// ignore leaves and also nodes with small mean error and not excessive number of pixels
if (cur_node->reduce_cost / cur_node->pixel_count * log(cur_node->pixel_count) > 20
&& cur_node->children_count > 0)
cur_node->count = 0;
for (unsigned idx=0; idx < 16; ++idx) if (cur_node->children_[idx] != 0)
node *n = cur_node->children_[idx];
n->count = n->pixel_count;
} // namespace mapnik
#endif /* _HEXTREE_HPP_ */

View file

@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ namespace mapnik
//all this should go into image_writer factory
if (type == "png") save_as_png(stream, image);
else if (boost::algorithm::istarts_with(type, std::string("png256")) ||
boost::algorithm::istarts_with(type, std::string("png8")) ||
boost::algorithm::istarts_with(type, std::string("png:"))