Merge pull request #3239 from lightmare/expr-test
condense expressions tests
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 171 additions and 166 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#include "catch.hpp"
#define TRY_CHECK( expr ) \
try { \
CHECK( expr ); \
} \
catch ( Catch::TestFailureException & ) { \
/* thrown by CHECK after it catches and reports */ \
/* an exception from expr => swallow this */ \
#define TRY_CHECK_FALSE( expr ) \
try { \
CHECK_FALSE( expr ); \
} \
catch ( Catch::TestFailureException & ) { \
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
#include "catch_ext.hpp"
#include <mapnik/expression.hpp>
#include <mapnik/expression_evaluator.hpp>
#include <mapnik/expression_string.hpp>
#include <mapnik/wkt/wkt_factory.hpp>
#include <mapnik/feature.hpp>
#include <mapnik/feature_factory.hpp>
#include <mapnik/unicode.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
namespace {
template <typename Properties>
mapnik::feature_ptr make_test_feature(mapnik::value_integer id, std::string const& wkt, Properties const& prop)
auto ctx = std::make_shared<mapnik::context_type>();
mapnik::feature_ptr feature(mapnik::feature_factory::create(ctx, id));
mapnik::geometry::geometry<double> geom;
if (mapnik::from_wkt(wkt, geom))
for (auto const& kv : prop)
feature->put_new(kv.first, kv.second);
return feature;
template <typename Feature, typename Expression>
mapnik::value_type evaluate(Feature const& feature, Expression const& expr)
auto value = mapnik::util::apply_visitor(
mapnik::evaluate<Feature, mapnik::value_type, mapnik::attributes>(
feature, mapnik::attributes()), expr);
return value;
mapnik::value evaluate_string(mapnik::feature_ptr const& feature, std::string const& str)
auto expr = mapnik::parse_expression(str);
return evaluate(*feature, *expr);
std::string parse_and_dump(std::string const& str)
auto expr = mapnik::parse_expression(str);
return mapnik::to_expression_string(*expr);
} // namespace
using namespace std::placeholders;
using properties_type = std::vector<std::pair<std::string, mapnik::value> > ;
mapnik::transcoder tr("utf8");
properties_type prop = {{ "foo" , tr.transcode("bar") },
{ "name" , tr.transcode("Québec")},
{ "double", mapnik::value_double(1.23456)},
{ "int" , mapnik::value_integer(123)},
{ "bool" , mapnik::value_bool(true)},
{ "null" , mapnik::value_null()}};
auto feature = make_test_feature(1, "POINT(100 200)", prop);
auto eval = std::bind(evaluate_string, feature, _1);
auto approx = Approx::custom().epsilon(1e-6);
TRY_CHECK(eval(" [foo]='bar' ") == true);
// primary expressions
// null
TRY_CHECK(parse_and_dump("null") == "null");
// boolean
TRY_CHECK(parse_and_dump("true") == "true");
TRY_CHECK(parse_and_dump("false") == "false");
// floating point
TRY_CHECK(parse_and_dump("3.14159") == "3.14159");
// integer
TRY_CHECK(parse_and_dump("123") == "123");
// unicode
TRY_CHECK(parse_and_dump("'single-quoted string'") == "'single-quoted string'");
TRY_CHECK(parse_and_dump("\"double-quoted string\"") == "'double-quoted string'");
// floating point constants
TRY_CHECK(parse_and_dump("pi") == "3.14159");
TRY_CHECK(parse_and_dump("deg_to_rad") == "0.0174533");
TRY_CHECK(parse_and_dump("rad_to_deg") == "57.2958");
// unary functions
// sin / cos
TRY_CHECK(eval(" sin(0.25 * pi) / cos(0.25 * pi) ").to_double() == approx(1.0));
// tan
TRY_CHECK(eval(" tan(0.25 * pi) ").to_double() == approx(1.0));
// atan
TRY_CHECK(eval(" rad_to_deg * atan(1.0) ").to_double() == approx(45.0));
// exp
TRY_CHECK(eval(" exp(0.0) ") == 1.0);
// abs
TRY_CHECK(eval(" abs(cos(-pi)) ") == 1.0);
// length (string)
TRY_CHECK(eval(" length('1234567890') ").to_int() == 10);
// binary functions
// min
TRY_CHECK(eval(" min(-0.01, 0.001) ") == -0.01);
// max
TRY_CHECK(eval(" max(0.01, -0.1) ") == 0.01);
// pow
TRY_CHECK(eval(" pow(2, 32) ") == 4294967296.0);
// geometry types
TRY_CHECK(eval(" [mapnik::geometry_type] = point ") == true);
TRY_CHECK(eval(" [mapnik::geometry_type] <> linestring ") == true);
TRY_CHECK(eval(" [mapnik::geometry_type] != polygon ") == true);
TRY_CHECK(eval(" [mapnik::geometry_type] neq collection ") == true);
TRY_CHECK(eval(" [mapnik::geometry_type] eq collection ") == false);
//unary expression
TRY_CHECK(eval(" -123.456 ") == -123.456);
TRY_CHECK(eval(" +123.456 ") == 123.456);
// multiplicative/additive
auto expr = mapnik::parse_expression("(2.0 * 2.0 + 3.0 * 3.0)/(2.0 * 2.0 - 3.0 * 3.0)");
TRY_CHECK(evaluate(*feature, *expr) == -2.6);
auto expr2 = mapnik::parse_expression("(2.0 * 2.0 + 3.0 * 3.0)/((2.0 - 3.0) * (2.0 + 3.0))");
TRY_CHECK(evaluate(*feature, *expr) == evaluate(*feature, *expr2));
// logical
TRY_CHECK(eval(" [int] = 123 and [double] = 1.23456 && [bool] = true and [null] = null && [foo] = 'bar' ") == true);
TRY_CHECK(eval(" [int] = 456 or [foo].match('foo') || length([foo]) = 3 ") == true);
// relational
TRY_CHECK(eval(" [int] > 100 and [int] gt 100.0 and [double] < 2 and [double] lt 2.0 ") == true);
TRY_CHECK(eval(" [int] >= 123 and [int] ge 123.0 and [double] <= 1.23456 and [double] le 1.23456 ") == true);
// regex
// replace
TRY_CHECK(eval(" [foo].replace('(\\B)|( )','$1 ') ") == tr.transcode("b a r"));
// match
TRY_CHECK(eval(" [name].match('Québec') ") == true);
@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
#include "catch.hpp"
#include <mapnik/expression.hpp>
#include <mapnik/expression_evaluator.hpp>
#include <mapnik/expression_string.hpp>
#include <mapnik/wkt/wkt_factory.hpp>
#include <mapnik/feature.hpp>
#include <mapnik/feature_factory.hpp>
#include <mapnik/unicode.hpp>
#include <vector>
namespace {
template <typename Properties>
mapnik::feature_ptr make_test_feature(mapnik::value_integer id, std::string const& wkt, Properties const& prop)
auto ctx = std::make_shared<mapnik::context_type>();
mapnik::feature_ptr feature(mapnik::feature_factory::create(ctx, id));
mapnik::geometry::geometry<double> geom;
if (mapnik::from_wkt(wkt, geom))
for (auto const& kv : prop)
feature->put_new(kv.first, kv.second);
return feature;
template <typename Feature, typename Expression>
mapnik::value_type evaluate(Feature const& feature, Expression const& expr)
auto value = mapnik::util::apply_visitor(
mapnik::evaluate<Feature, mapnik::value_type, mapnik::attributes>(
feature, mapnik::attributes()), expr);
return value;
using properties_type = std::vector<std::pair<std::string, mapnik::value> > ;
mapnik::transcoder tr("utf8");
properties_type prop = {{ "foo" , tr.transcode("bar") },
{ "name" , tr.transcode("Québec")},
{ "double", mapnik::value_double(1.23456)},
{ "int" , mapnik::value_integer(123)},
{ "bool" , mapnik::value_bool(true)},
{ "null" , mapnik::value_null()}};
auto feature = make_test_feature(1, "POINT(100 200)", prop);
auto expr = mapnik::parse_expression("[foo]='bar'");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr) == true);
// primary expressions
// null
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("null");
REQUIRE(mapnik::to_expression_string(*expr) == "null");
// boolean
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("true");
REQUIRE(mapnik::to_expression_string(*expr) == "true");
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("false");
REQUIRE(mapnik::to_expression_string(*expr) == "false");
// floating point
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("3.14159");
REQUIRE(mapnik::to_expression_string(*expr) == "3.14159");
// integer
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("123");
REQUIRE(mapnik::to_expression_string(*expr) == "123");
// unicode
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("'single_quoted_string'");
REQUIRE(mapnik::to_expression_string(*expr) == "'single_quoted_string'");
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("\"double_quoted_string\"");
REQUIRE(mapnik::to_expression_string(*expr) == "'double_quoted_string'");
// floating point constants
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("pi");
REQUIRE(mapnik::to_expression_string(*expr) == "3.14159");
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("deg_to_rad");
REQUIRE(mapnik::to_expression_string(*expr) == "0.0174533");
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("rad_to_deg");
REQUIRE(mapnik::to_expression_string(*expr) == "57.2958");
// unary functions
// sin / cos
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("sin(0.25 * pi)/cos(0.25 * pi)");
double value = evaluate(*feature, *expr).to_double();
REQUIRE(std::fabs(value - 1.0) < 1e-6);
// tan
auto expr2 = mapnik::parse_expression("tan(0.25 * pi)");
double value2 = evaluate(*feature, *expr).to_double();
REQUIRE(value == value2);
// atan
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("rad_to_deg * atan(1.0)");
REQUIRE(std::fabs(evaluate(*feature, *expr).to_double() - 45.0) < 1e-6);
// exp
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("exp(0.0)");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr).to_double() == 1.0);
// abs
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("abs(cos(-pi))");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr).to_double() == 1.0);
// length (string)
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("length('1234567890')");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr).to_int() == 10);
// binary functions
// min
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("min(-0.01, 0.001)");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr).to_double() == -0.01);
// max
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("max(0.01, -0.1)");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr).to_double() == 0.01);
// pow
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("pow(2, 32)");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr).to_double() == 4294967296.0);
// geometry types
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("[mapnik::geometry_type] = point");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr) == true);
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("[mapnik::geometry_type] <> linestring");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr) == true);
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("[mapnik::geometry_type] != polygon");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr) == true);
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("[mapnik::geometry_type] neq collection");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr) == true);
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("[mapnik::geometry_type] eq collection");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr) == false);
//unary expression
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("-123.456");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr).to_double() == -123.456);
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("+123.456");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr).to_double() == 123.456);
// multiplicative/additive
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("(2.0 * 2.0 + 3.0 * 3.0)/(2.0 * 2.0 - 3.0 * 3.0)");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr).to_double() == -2.6);
expr2 = mapnik::parse_expression("(2.0 * 2.0 + 3.0 * 3.0)/((2.0 - 3.0) * (2.0 + 3.0))");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr).to_double() == evaluate(*feature, *expr2).to_double());
// logical
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("[int] = 123 and [double] = 1.23456 && [bool] = true and [null] = null && [foo] = 'bar'");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr) == true);
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("[int] = 456 or [foo].match('foo') || length([foo]) = 3");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr) == true);
// relational
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("[int] > 100 and [int] gt 100.0 and [double] < 2 and [double] lt 2.0");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr) == true);
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("[int] >= 123 and [int] ge 123.0 and [double] <= 1.23456 and [double] le 1.23456");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr) == true);
// regex
// replace
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("[foo].replace('(\\B)|( )','$1 ')");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr) == tr.transcode("b a r"));
// match
expr = mapnik::parse_expression("[name].match('Québec')");
REQUIRE(evaluate(*feature, *expr) == true);
Add table
Reference in a new issue