add more tests for transform directions and lessen strictness to account for minor rounding

This commit is contained in:
Dane Springmeyer 2013-01-28 15:27:00 -05:00
parent be3cfd5159
commit c9635ef5a3

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from import *
import mapnik
import random
import math
from utilities import run_all
# Tests that exercise map projections.
@ -77,25 +78,41 @@ def test_proj_transform_between_init_and_literal():
one = mapnik.Projection('+init=epsg:4326')
two = mapnik.Projection('+init=epsg:3857')
tr1 = mapnik.ProjTransform(one,two)
tr1b = mapnik.ProjTransform(two,one)
wgs84 = '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'
merc = '+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over'
src = mapnik.Projection(wgs84)
dest = mapnik.Projection(merc)
tr2 = mapnik.ProjTransform(src,dest)
tr2b = mapnik.ProjTransform(dest,src)
for x in xrange(-180,180,10):
for y in xrange(-60,60,10):
coord = mapnik.Coord(x,y)
merc_coord1 = tr1.forward(coord)
merc_coord2 = tr2.forward(coord)
merc_coord2 = tr1b.backward(coord)
merc_coord3 = tr2.forward(coord)
merc_coord4 = tr2b.backward(coord)
eq_(math.fabs(merc_coord1.x - merc_coord1.x) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(merc_coord1.x - merc_coord2.x) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(merc_coord1.x - merc_coord3.x) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(merc_coord1.x - merc_coord4.x) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(merc_coord1.y - merc_coord1.y) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(merc_coord1.y - merc_coord2.y) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(merc_coord1.y - merc_coord3.y) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(merc_coord1.y - merc_coord4.y) < 1,True)
lon_lat_coord1 = tr1.backward(merc_coord1)
lon_lat_coord2 = tr2.backward(merc_coord2)
lon_lat_coord2 = tr1b.forward(merc_coord2)
lon_lat_coord3 = tr2.backward(merc_coord3)
lon_lat_coord4 = tr2b.forward(merc_coord4)
eq_(math.fabs(coord.x - lon_lat_coord1.x) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(coord.x - lon_lat_coord2.x) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(coord.x - lon_lat_coord3.x) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(coord.x - lon_lat_coord4.x) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(coord.y - lon_lat_coord1.y) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(coord.y - lon_lat_coord2.y) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(coord.y - lon_lat_coord3.y) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(coord.y - lon_lat_coord4.y) < 1,True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
[eval(run)() for run in dir() if 'test_' in run]
run_all(eval(x) for x in dir() if x.startswith("test_"))