buffer. This solves the issue mentioned in [2254] properly as it wasn't solved
properly before.
The bug is uncovered in cairo 1.10.0 and caused that images added to pdf
surfaces did not appear at all. My guess is that newest cairo reads the
pattern surface lazily when "trasnfering" it to the target surface and by the
time it does it the cairo_pattern which owns the buffer has already been
- Easier to configure
- Correct JSON output
- Handling more than one renderer run (writing pre-/postamble is no longer done in constructor/destructor)
- Collect all attributes required by metawriters
* text_convert="none|toupper|tolower"
Convert all text to upper/lower case before rendering. "none" doesn't do
anything with the text and is the default. Works for labels along lines
or at points.
* line_spacing="<number>"
Add this many pixels space between two lines in text labels that have
been broken into several lines. Default is 0. Doesn't do anything for
labels along lines.
* character_spacing="<number>"
Add this many pixels space between two characters in a text. Default is 0.
Currently only works for text labels on point geometries. This should
also be implemented for labels along lines, but I'll leave that for
another day.
* wrap_character="<character>"
Instead of breaking text into lines on spaces, use this character. This
is useful, when you want to make sure that labels are broken at the right
spot. Note that you'll probably want to make wrap_width small so that
your lines are actually broken, otherwise you'll see the wrap_character
in the output. Default is ' ' (space). Doesn't do anything for labels
along lines.
a) Raster opacity
b) Raster merging modes (TODO:add more modes, consider agg impl)
c) Raster scaling algos: fast,bilinear,bilinear8
(TODO: add alpha support in bilinear8)
d) improvements to png256
*Great work, thanks!*
replace it with support for rendering to a cairo context rather than
a cairo surface.
When rendering to a surface a show_page is done, when rendering to a
context it is not so that multiple renders can be done, possibly with
modified scaling and/or translation.