Dane Springmeyer
add 'gamma' attribute to PolygonSymbolizer, along with tests against simplified world borders shapefile - setting gamma to .5-.7 can remove gaps in processed_p.shp depending on background color - closes #428
2010-01-13 00:31:45 +00:00
Dane Springmeyer
+add pickle support for polygon_symbolizer - see #345
2009-05-24 05:52:54 +00:00
Artem Pavlenko
+ (c++) renamed mapnik::Color to mapnik::color
+ (c++) added mapnik::color ctor from named colours (TODO: consider not to export color_factory)
+ (Python) fixed pickling
+ (Python) added to_hex_string method
2009-01-14 12:10:24 +00:00
Artem Pavlenko
1.added projection transformation support based on proj4 (new dependency!!!)
Map and Layer objects both have a new parameter 'srs', initialized to "+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84" by default.
Basic usage (Python):
p = Projection("+proj=merc +datum=WGS84")
point = p.forward(Coord(-2,51))
2.reflected arithmetic operators for Envelope/Coord into Python
3.altered return policies for python objects
4.modified build system to require proj4 lib and headers
2006-10-16 13:44:52 +00:00
Artem Pavlenko
1. move include to mapnik/include
2. update demos,bibdibgs etc.
2006-10-04 11:22:18 +00:00
Artem Pavlenko
refactored #includes to reduce compilation times
added mapnik_query skeleton
2006-09-11 09:48:27 +00:00
Artem Pavlenko
1. exposed fill_opacity property in PolygonSymbolizer
2. added default ctors to {Point,Line,Polygon}Symbolizers
2006-05-31 21:25:21 +00:00
Artem Pavlenko
changing licence from GPL to LGPL
2006-03-31 10:32:02 +00:00
Artem Pavlenko
1.python bindings updated to reflect symbolizers changes
2.added label collision detector ( TODO - proper impl!)
2006-02-25 11:03:30 +00:00