(FIXME : label_spacing is still, too slow!!)
2. Re-use some agg objects.
3. placement_finder cleanups!
4. Added support for 'building_symbolizer' - extruded polygons
to be rendered. This allows for a large extent (larger than can be
rendered into a single image in memory) to be rendered out as tiles.
Since the full extent is used for the placement calculations text
crossing tile boundaries will be consistent.
This method is a little inefficient when a large number of labels need
placed, an improved method would be to cache these placements between
tiles, but the attached is a start.
c++ users should simple call the render method with a start X and Y
coordinate specified,
for (int TileX = 0;TileX < 5;++TileX)
for(int TileY = 0;TileY < 5; ++TileY)
int TileSize=250;
int StartX = TileX*TileSize;
int StartY = TileY*TileSize;
Image32 buf(TileSize,TileSize);
agg_renderer<Image32> ren(m,buf,StartX,StartY);
char name[324];
python users should call render_tile_to_file
for y in range(tile_count_y):
for x in range(tile_count_x):
if not os.path.exists("tiles/%d/%d/" % (map_scale, y)):
os.makedirs("tiles/%d/%d/" % (map_scale, y))
render_tile_to_file(m, x*tile_size, y*tile_size, tile_size, tile_size,
'tiles/%d/%d/%d.png' % (map_scale,y,x), 'png')
Map and Layer objects both have a new parameter 'srs', initialized to "+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84" by default.
Basic usage (Python):
p = Projection("+proj=merc +datum=WGS84")
point = p.forward(Coord(-2,51))
2.reflected arithmetic operators for Envelope/Coord into Python
3.altered return policies for python objects
4.modified build system to require proj4 lib and headers