Map and Layer objects both have a new parameter 'srs', initialized to "+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84" by default.
Basic usage (Python):
p = Projection("+proj=merc +datum=WGS84")
point = p.forward(Coord(-2,51))
2.reflected arithmetic operators for Envelope/Coord into Python
3.altered return policies for python objects
4.modified build system to require proj4 lib and headers
(to construct custom 'Output' derive from feature_style_processor (CRTP) e.g
class MyOutput : public feature_style_processor<MyOutput>
and implement:
process(***_symbolizer const&, Feature const&)
At the moment only AGG renderer is implemented
2. use boost::thread for mutex/lock
3 use boost::noncopyable
4 build agg as a shared lib for now
5. corrected panning code in map.cpp
6. improved coord_transform