/***************************************************************************** * * This file is part of Mapnik (c++ mapping toolkit) * * Copyright (C) 2024 Artem Pavlenko * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * *****************************************************************************/ #include "catch.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.hpp" #include #include #include #include // boost #include #include #include namespace // internal { std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, agg::rgba8 const& c) { os << mapnik::color{c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a}; return os; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, mapnik::gradient const& gr) { double cx, cy, fx, fy, r; gr.get_control_points(fx, fy, cx, cy, r); os << "\n"; for (auto const& stop : gr.get_stop_array()) { os << " (stop) << "\" color=\"" << std::get<1>(stop) << "\"/>\n"; } os << "\n"; return os; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, agg::trans_affine const& tr) { os << "matrix(" << tr.sx << "," << tr.shy << "," << tr.shx << "," << tr.sy << "," << tr.tx << "," << tr.ty << ")"; return os; } struct group_attribute_visitor { group_attribute_visitor(std::stringstream& ss, unsigned padding) : ss_(ss) , padding_(padding) {} void operator()(mapnik::svg::group const& g) const { padding_ += 2; // ss_ << "padding=>" << padding_ << std::endl; std::string pad(padding_, ' '); ss_ << pad << "" << std::endl; for (auto const& elem : g.elements) { mapbox::util::apply_visitor(group_attribute_visitor(ss_, padding_), elem); } ss_ << pad << "" << std::endl; padding_ -= 2; } void operator()(mapnik::svg::path_attributes const& attr) const { padding_ += 2; std::string pad(padding_, ' '); ss_ << pad << "" << std::endl; ss_ << pad << attr.transform << std::endl; if (!attr.fill_gradient.get_stop_array().empty()) ss_ << pad << attr.fill_gradient; if (!attr.stroke_gradient.get_stop_array().empty()) ss_ << pad << attr.stroke_gradient; ss_ << pad << " " << attr.opacity << "" << std::endl; ss_ << pad << " " << attr.fill_color << "" << std::endl; ss_ << pad << " " << attr.fill_opacity << "" << std::endl; ss_ << pad << " " << attr.stroke_color << "" << std::endl; ss_ << pad << " " << attr.stroke_width << "" << std::endl; ss_ << pad << " " << attr.stroke_opacity << "" << std::endl; ss_ << pad << "" << std::endl; padding_ -= 2; } std::stringstream& ss_; mutable unsigned padding_; }; bool check_equal_attributes(std::string const& svg_file, mapnik::svg::group const& g) { unsigned padding = 0; std::stringstream ss; ss << "" << std::endl; for (auto const& elem : g.elements) { mapbox::util::apply_visitor(group_attribute_visitor(ss, padding), elem); } ss << "" << std::endl; std::string well_known_xml = svg_file + ".xml"; if (!mapnik::util::exists(well_known_xml)) { std::cerr << "Well-known-xml-filename:" << well_known_xml << std::endl; std::cerr << ss.str() << std::endl; return false; } else { boost::property_tree::ptree t0, t1; boost::property_tree::read_xml(well_known_xml, t0, boost::property_tree::xml_parser::trim_whitespace); boost::property_tree::read_xml(ss, t1, boost::property_tree::xml_parser::trim_whitespace); if (t0 != t1) { std::cerr << ss.str() << std::endl; } return (t0 == t1); } } struct test_parser { mapnik::svg_storage_type path; mapnik::svg::vertex_stl_adapter stl_storage; mapnik::svg::svg_path_adapter svg_path; mapnik::svg::svg_converter_type svg; mapnik::svg::svg_parser p; explicit test_parser(bool strict = false) : stl_storage(path.source()) , svg_path(stl_storage) , svg(svg_path, path.svg_group()) , p(svg, strict) {} mapnik::svg::svg_parser* operator->() { return &p; } }; template std::string join(C const& container) { std::string result; for (auto const& str : container) { if (!result.empty()) result += "\n "; result += str; } return result; } } // namespace TEST_CASE("SVG parser") { SECTION("SVG i/o") { mapnik::logger::instance().set_severity(mapnik::logger::none); std::string svg_name("FAIL"); std::shared_ptr marker = mapnik::marker_cache::instance().find(svg_name, false); REQUIRE(marker); REQUIRE(marker->is()); mapnik::logger::instance().set_severity(mapnik::logger::error); } SECTION("SVG::parse i/o") { std::string svg_name("FAIL"); char const* expected_errors[] = {"SVG error: unable to open \"FAIL\""}; test_parser p; try { p->parse(svg_name); } catch (std::exception const& ex) { REQUIRE(ex.what() == join(expected_errors)); } } SECTION("SVG::parse_from_string syntax error") { std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/invalid.svg"); char const* expected_errors[] = { "SVG error: unable to parse \"\n\n\""}; std::ifstream in(svg_name.c_str()); std::string svg_str((std::istreambuf_iterator(in)), std::istreambuf_iterator()); test_parser p; try { p->parse_from_string(svg_str); } catch (std::exception const& ex) { REQUIRE(ex.what() == join(expected_errors)); } } SECTION("SVG::parse_from_string syntax error") { std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/invalid.svg"); char const* expected_errors[] = {"SVG error: unable to parse \"./test/data/svg/invalid.svg\""}; test_parser p; try { p->parse(svg_name); } catch (std::exception const& ex) { REQUIRE(ex.what() == join(expected_errors)); } } SECTION("SVG parser color ") { std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/color_fail.svg"); char const* expected_errors[] = { "SVG parse error: can't infer valid image dimensions from width:\"100%\" height:\"100%\"", "SVG parse error: failed to parse with value \"fail\"", "SVG parse error: failed to parse with value \"fail\""}; std::ifstream in(svg_name.c_str()); std::string svg_str((std::istreambuf_iterator(in)), std::istreambuf_iterator()); { test_parser p; p->parse_from_string(svg_str); REQUIRE(join(p->err_handler().error_messages()) == join(expected_errors)); } { test_parser p(true); try { p->parse_from_string(svg_str); } catch (std::exception const& ex) { REQUIRE(ex.what() == std::string(expected_errors[0])); } } } SECTION("SVG - cope with erroneous geometries") { std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/errors.svg"); char const* expected_errors[] = { "SVG parse error: can't infer valid image dimensions from width:\"100%\" height:\"100%\"", "SVG validation error: invalid width \"-100\"", "SVG parse error: failed to parse with value \"FAIL\"", "SVG validation error: invalid height \"-100\"", "SVG validation error: invalid rx \"-1000\"", "SVG validation error: invalid ry \"-1000\"", "SVG parse error: failed to parse with value \"100invalidunit\"", "SVG parse error: failed to parse ", "SVG parse error: failed to parse with \"fail-path\"", "SVG validation error: invalid radius \"-50\"", "SVG parse error: failed to parse points", "SVG parse error: failed to parse points", "SVG validation error: invalid rx \"-10\"", "SVG validation error: invalid ry \"-10\""}; std::ifstream in(svg_name.c_str()); std::string svg_str((std::istreambuf_iterator(in)), std::istreambuf_iterator()); { test_parser p; p->parse_from_string(svg_str); REQUIRE(join(p->err_handler().error_messages()) == join(expected_errors)); } { // strict test_parser p(true); try { p->parse_from_string(svg_str); } catch (std::exception const& ex) { REQUIRE(ex.what() == std::string(expected_errors[0])); } } } SECTION("SVG parser double % ") { std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/gradient-radial-error.svg"); char const* expected_errors[] = {"SVG parse error: failed to parse with value \"FAIL\""}; std::ifstream in(svg_name.c_str()); std::string svg_str((std::istreambuf_iterator(in)), std::istreambuf_iterator()); { test_parser p; p->parse_from_string(svg_str); REQUIRE(join(p->err_handler().error_messages()) == join(expected_errors)); } { test_parser p(true); try { p->parse_from_string(svg_str); } catch (std::exception const& ex) { REQUIRE(ex.what() == std::string(expected_errors[0])); } } } SECTION("SVG parser display=none") { std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/invisible.svg"); std::shared_ptr marker = mapnik::marker_cache::instance().find(svg_name, false); REQUIRE(marker); REQUIRE(marker->is()); mapnik::marker_svg const& svg = mapnik::util::get(*marker); auto bbox = svg.bounding_box(); REQUIRE(bbox == mapnik::box2d(0, 0, 1, 1)); auto storage = svg.get_data(); REQUIRE(storage); mapnik::svg::vertex_stl_adapter stl_storage(storage->source()); mapnik::svg::svg_path_adapter path(stl_storage); double x, y; REQUIRE(path.vertex(&x, &y) == mapnik::SEG_END); } SECTION("SVG parser stroke-linecap=square") { std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/stroke-linecap-square.svg"); std::shared_ptr marker = mapnik::marker_cache::instance().find(svg_name, false); REQUIRE(marker); REQUIRE(marker->is()); mapnik::marker_svg const& svg = mapnik::util::get(*marker); auto bbox = svg.bounding_box(); REQUIRE(bbox == mapnik::box2d(5, 60, 220, 60)); auto storage = svg.get_data(); REQUIRE(storage); mapnik::svg::vertex_stl_adapter stl_storage(storage->source()); mapnik::svg::svg_path_adapter path(stl_storage); auto const& group_attrs = storage->svg_group(); agg::line_cap_e expected_cap(agg::square_cap); REQUIRE(check_equal_attributes(svg_name, group_attrs)); double x, y; unsigned cmd; std::vector> vec; while ((cmd = path.vertex(&x, &y)) != mapnik::SEG_END) { vec.emplace_back(x, y, cmd); } std::vector> expected = {std::make_tuple(5, 60, 1), std::make_tuple(220, 60, 2)}; REQUIRE(std::equal(expected.begin(), expected.end(), vec.begin())); } SECTION("SVG ") { // std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/rect.svg"); std::shared_ptr marker = mapnik::marker_cache::instance().find(svg_name, false); REQUIRE(marker); REQUIRE(marker->is()); mapnik::marker_svg const& svg = mapnik::util::get(*marker); auto bbox = svg.bounding_box(); REQUIRE(bbox == mapnik::box2d(0, 0, 20, 15)); auto storage = svg.get_data(); REQUIRE(storage); mapnik::svg::vertex_stl_adapter stl_storage(storage->source()); mapnik::svg::svg_path_adapter path(stl_storage); double x, y; unsigned cmd; std::vector> vec; while ((cmd = path.vertex(&x, &y)) != mapnik::SEG_END) { vec.emplace_back(x, y, cmd); // std::cerr << x << "," << y << " cmd=" << cmd << std::endl; } std::vector> expected = {std::make_tuple(0, 0, 1), std::make_tuple(20, 0, 2), std::make_tuple(20, 15, 2), std::make_tuple(0, 15, 2), std::make_tuple(0, 0, 79)}; REQUIRE(std::equal(expected.begin(), expected.end(), vec.begin())); } SECTION("SVG rounded ") { // std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/rounded_rect.svg"); std::shared_ptr marker = mapnik::marker_cache::instance().find(svg_name, false); REQUIRE(marker); REQUIRE(marker->is()); mapnik::marker_svg const& svg = mapnik::util::get(*marker); auto bbox = svg.bounding_box(); REQUIRE(bbox == mapnik::box2d(0, 0, 20, 15)); auto storage = svg.get_data(); REQUIRE(storage); mapnik::svg::vertex_stl_adapter stl_storage(storage->source()); mapnik::svg::svg_path_adapter path(stl_storage); double x, y; unsigned cmd; std::vector> vec; while ((cmd = path.vertex(&x, &y)) != mapnik::SEG_END) { vec.emplace_back(x, y, cmd); } std::vector> expected = {std::make_tuple(0, 5, 1), std::make_tuple(0.481856, 2.85842, 2), std::make_tuple(1.83455, 1.12961, 2), std::make_tuple(3.79736, 0.146789, 2), std::make_tuple(5, 0, 2), std::make_tuple(15, 0, 2), std::make_tuple(17.1416, 0.481856, 2), std::make_tuple(18.8704, 1.83455, 2), std::make_tuple(19.8532, 3.79736, 2), std::make_tuple(20, 5, 2), std::make_tuple(20, 10, 2), std::make_tuple(19.5181, 12.1416, 2), std::make_tuple(18.1654, 13.8704, 2), std::make_tuple(16.2026, 14.8532, 2), std::make_tuple(15, 15, 2), std::make_tuple(5, 15, 2), std::make_tuple(2.85842, 14.5181, 2), std::make_tuple(1.12961, 13.1654, 2), std::make_tuple(0.146789, 11.2026, 2), std::make_tuple(0, 10, 2), std::make_tuple(0, 10, 95)}; REQUIRE(std::equal(expected.begin(), expected.end(), vec.begin(), vertex_equal<3>())); } SECTION("SVG viewbox fallback") { std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/viewbox-missing-width-and-height.svg"); std::ifstream in(svg_name.c_str()); std::string svg_str((std::istreambuf_iterator(in)), std::istreambuf_iterator()); test_parser p; p->parse_from_string(svg_str); auto width = p.svg.width(); auto height = p.svg.height(); REQUIRE(width == 100); REQUIRE(height == 100); } SECTION("SVG rounded s missing rx or ry") { std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/rounded_rect-missing-one-radius.svg"); std::shared_ptr marker = mapnik::marker_cache::instance().find(svg_name, false); REQUIRE(marker); REQUIRE(marker->is()); mapnik::marker_svg const& svg = mapnik::util::get(*marker); auto bbox = svg.bounding_box(); REQUIRE(bbox == mapnik::box2d(0, 0, 20, 15)); auto storage = svg.get_data(); REQUIRE(storage); mapnik::svg::vertex_stl_adapter stl_storage(storage->source()); mapnik::svg::svg_path_adapter path(stl_storage); double x, y; unsigned cmd; std::vector> vec; while ((cmd = path.vertex(&x, &y)) != mapnik::SEG_END) { vec.emplace_back(x, y, cmd); } std::vector> expected = {std::make_tuple(0, 5, 1), std::make_tuple(0.481856, 2.85842, 2), std::make_tuple(1.83455, 1.12961, 2), std::make_tuple(3.79736, 0.146789, 2), std::make_tuple(5, 0, 2), std::make_tuple(15, 0, 2), std::make_tuple(17.1416, 0.481856, 2), std::make_tuple(18.8704, 1.83455, 2), std::make_tuple(19.8532, 3.79736, 2), std::make_tuple(20, 5, 2), std::make_tuple(20, 10, 2), std::make_tuple(19.5181, 12.1416, 2), std::make_tuple(18.1654, 13.8704, 2), std::make_tuple(16.2026, 14.8532, 2), std::make_tuple(15, 15, 2), std::make_tuple(5, 15, 2), std::make_tuple(2.85842, 14.5181, 2), std::make_tuple(1.12961, 13.1654, 2), std::make_tuple(0.146789, 11.2026, 2), std::make_tuple(0, 10, 2), std::make_tuple(0, 10, 95)}; REQUIRE(std::equal(expected.begin(), expected.end(), vec.begin(), vertex_equal<3>())); } SECTION("SVG beveled ") { std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/stroke-linejoin-bevel.svg"); std::shared_ptr marker = mapnik::marker_cache::instance().find(svg_name, false); REQUIRE(marker); REQUIRE(marker->is()); mapnik::marker_svg const& svg = mapnik::util::get(*marker); auto bbox = svg.bounding_box(); REQUIRE(bbox == mapnik::box2d(10, 10, 30, 25)); auto storage = svg.get_data(); REQUIRE(storage); mapnik::svg::vertex_stl_adapter stl_storage(storage->source()); auto const& group_attrs = storage->svg_group(); agg::line_join_e expected_join(agg::bevel_join); REQUIRE(check_equal_attributes(svg_name, group_attrs)); } SECTION("SVG ") { std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/line.svg"); std::shared_ptr marker = mapnik::marker_cache::instance().find(svg_name, false); REQUIRE(marker); REQUIRE(marker->is()); mapnik::marker_svg const& svg = mapnik::util::get(*marker); auto bbox = svg.bounding_box(); REQUIRE( bbox == mapnik::box2d(0.3779527559055118, 0.3779527559055118, 453.1653543307086807, 150.8031496062992005)); auto storage = svg.get_data(); REQUIRE(storage); mapnik::svg::vertex_stl_adapter stl_storage(storage->source()); mapnik::svg::svg_path_adapter path(stl_storage); double x, y; unsigned cmd; std::vector> vec; std::size_t num_vertices = path.total_vertices(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_vertices; ++i) { cmd = path.vertex(&x, &y); vec.emplace_back(x, y, cmd); } std::vector> expected = { std::make_tuple(1, 1, 1), std::make_tuple(1199, 1, 2), std::make_tuple(1199, 399, 2), std::make_tuple(1, 399, 2), std::make_tuple(1, 1, 79), std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0), std::make_tuple(100, 300, 1), std::make_tuple(300, 100, 2), std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0), std::make_tuple(300, 300, 1), std::make_tuple(500, 100, 2), std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0), std::make_tuple(500, 300, 1), std::make_tuple(700, 100, 2), std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0), std::make_tuple(700, 300, 1), std::make_tuple(900, 100, 2), std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0), std::make_tuple(900, 300, 1), std::make_tuple(1100, 100, 2)}; REQUIRE(std::equal(expected.begin(), expected.end(), vec.begin())); } SECTION("SVG ") { std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/polyline.svg"); std::shared_ptr marker = mapnik::marker_cache::instance().find(svg_name, false); REQUIRE(marker); REQUIRE(marker->is()); mapnik::marker_svg const& svg = mapnik::util::get(*marker); auto bbox = svg.bounding_box(); REQUIRE( bbox == mapnik::box2d(0.3779527559055118, 0.3779527559055118, 453.1653543307086807, 150.8031496062992005)); auto storage = svg.get_data(); REQUIRE(storage); mapnik::svg::vertex_stl_adapter stl_storage(storage->source()); mapnik::svg::svg_path_adapter path(stl_storage); double x, y; unsigned cmd; std::vector> vec; std::size_t num_vertices = path.total_vertices(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_vertices; ++i) { cmd = path.vertex(&x, &y); vec.emplace_back(x, y, cmd); } std::vector> expected = { std::make_tuple(1, 1, 1), std::make_tuple(1199, 1, 2), std::make_tuple(1199, 399, 2), std::make_tuple(1, 399, 2), std::make_tuple(1, 1, 79), std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0), std::make_tuple(50, 375, 1), std::make_tuple(150, 375, 2), std::make_tuple(150, 325, 2), std::make_tuple(250, 325, 2), std::make_tuple(250, 375, 2), std::make_tuple(350, 375, 2), std::make_tuple(350, 250, 2), std::make_tuple(450, 250, 2), std::make_tuple(450, 375, 2), std::make_tuple(550, 375, 2), std::make_tuple(550, 175, 2), std::make_tuple(650, 175, 2), std::make_tuple(650, 375, 2), std::make_tuple(750, 375, 2), std::make_tuple(750, 100, 2), std::make_tuple(850, 100, 2), std::make_tuple(850, 375, 2), std::make_tuple(950, 375, 2), std::make_tuple(950, 25, 2), std::make_tuple(1050, 25, 2), std::make_tuple(1050, 375, 2), std::make_tuple(1150, 375, 2)}; REQUIRE(std::equal(expected.begin(), expected.end(), vec.begin())); } SECTION("SVG ") { std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/polygon.svg"); std::shared_ptr marker = mapnik::marker_cache::instance().find(svg_name, false); REQUIRE(marker); REQUIRE(marker->is()); mapnik::marker_svg const& svg = mapnik::util::get(*marker); auto bbox = svg.bounding_box(); REQUIRE( bbox == mapnik::box2d(0.3779527559055118, 0.3779527559055118, 453.1653543307086807, 150.8031496062992005)); auto storage = svg.get_data(); REQUIRE(storage); mapnik::svg::vertex_stl_adapter stl_storage(storage->source()); mapnik::svg::svg_path_adapter path(stl_storage); double x, y; unsigned cmd; std::vector> vec; std::size_t num_vertices = path.total_vertices(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_vertices; ++i) { cmd = path.vertex(&x, &y); vec.emplace_back(x, y, cmd); } std::vector> expected = { std::make_tuple(1, 1, 1), std::make_tuple(1199, 1, 2), std::make_tuple(1199, 399, 2), std::make_tuple(1, 399, 2), std::make_tuple(1, 1, 79), std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0), std::make_tuple(350, 75, 1), std::make_tuple(379, 161, 2), std::make_tuple(469, 161, 2), std::make_tuple(397, 215, 2), std::make_tuple(423, 301, 2), std::make_tuple(350, 250, 2), std::make_tuple(277, 301, 2), std::make_tuple(303, 215, 2), std::make_tuple(231, 161, 2), std::make_tuple(321, 161, 2), std::make_tuple(350, 75, 79), std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0), std::make_tuple(850, 75, 1), std::make_tuple(958, 137.5, 2), std::make_tuple(958, 262.5, 2), std::make_tuple(850, 325, 2), std::make_tuple(742, 262.6, 2), std::make_tuple(742, 137.5, 2), std::make_tuple(850, 75, 79)}; REQUIRE(std::equal(expected.begin(), expected.end(), vec.begin())); } SECTION("SVG ") { std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/gradient.svg"); std::shared_ptr marker = mapnik::marker_cache::instance().find(svg_name, false); REQUIRE(marker); REQUIRE(marker->is()); mapnik::marker_svg const& svg = mapnik::util::get(*marker); auto bbox = svg.bounding_box(); REQUIRE( bbox == mapnik::box2d(75.7795275590551114, 0.1889763779527559, 226.5826771653543119, 113.1968503937007853)); auto storage = svg.get_data(); REQUIRE(storage); mapnik::svg::vertex_stl_adapter stl_storage(storage->source()); mapnik::svg::svg_path_adapter path(stl_storage); double x, y; unsigned cmd; std::vector> vec; std::size_t num_vertices = path.total_vertices(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_vertices; ++i) { cmd = path.vertex(&x, &y); vec.emplace_back(x, y, cmd); } std::vector> expected = {std::make_tuple(1, 1, 1), std::make_tuple(799, 1, 2), std::make_tuple(799, 599, 2), std::make_tuple(1, 599, 2), std::make_tuple(1, 1, 79), std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0), std::make_tuple(100, 100, 1), std::make_tuple(700, 100, 2), std::make_tuple(700, 300, 2), std::make_tuple(100, 300, 2), std::make_tuple(100, 100, 79), std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0), std::make_tuple(100, 320, 1), std::make_tuple(700, 320, 2), std::make_tuple(700, 520, 2), std::make_tuple(100, 520, 2), std::make_tuple(100, 320, 79)}; REQUIRE(std::equal(expected.begin(), expected.end(), vec.begin())); } SECTION("SVG missing def") { std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/gradient-nodef.svg"); char const* expected_errors[] = {"SVG parse error: failed to locate fill with \"MyGradient\"", "SVG parse error: failed to locate stroke with \"MyGradient\""}; { test_parser p; p->parse(svg_name); REQUIRE(join(p->err_handler().error_messages()) == join(expected_errors)); } { test_parser p(true); try { p->parse(svg_name); } catch (std::exception const& ex) { REQUIRE(ex.what() == std::string(expected_errors[0])); } } } SECTION("SVG missing id") { std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/gradient-no-id.svg"); char const* expected_errors[] = {"SVG parse error: failed to locate fill with \"MyGradient\"", "SVG parse error: failed to locate stroke with \"MyGradient\""}; std::ifstream in(svg_name.c_str()); std::string svg_str((std::istreambuf_iterator(in)), std::istreambuf_iterator()); { test_parser p; p->parse_from_string(svg_str); REQUIRE(join(p->err_handler().error_messages()) == join(expected_errors)); } { test_parser p(true); try { p->parse_from_string(svg_str); } catch (std::exception const& ex) { REQUIRE(ex.what() == std::string(expected_errors[0])); } } } SECTION("SVG missing inheritance") { // std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/gradient-inherit.svg"); std::shared_ptr marker = mapnik::marker_cache::instance().find(svg_name, false); REQUIRE(marker); REQUIRE(marker->is()); mapnik::marker_svg const& svg = mapnik::util::get(*marker); auto bbox = svg.bounding_box(); REQUIRE( bbox == mapnik::box2d(0.3779527559055118, 0.3779527559055118, 264.1889763779527698, 75.2125984251968447)); auto storage = svg.get_data(); REQUIRE(storage); mapnik::svg::vertex_stl_adapter stl_storage(storage->source()); auto const& group_attrs = storage->svg_group(); REQUIRE(check_equal_attributes(svg_name, group_attrs)); mapnik::svg::svg_path_adapter path(stl_storage); double x, y; unsigned cmd; std::vector> vec; std::size_t num_vertices = path.total_vertices(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_vertices; ++i) { cmd = path.vertex(&x, &y); vec.emplace_back(x, y, cmd); } std::vector> expected = {std::make_tuple(1, 1, 1), std::make_tuple(699, 1, 2), std::make_tuple(699, 199, 2), std::make_tuple(1, 199, 2), std::make_tuple(1, 1, 79), std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0), std::make_tuple(100, 50, 1), std::make_tuple(300, 50, 2), std::make_tuple(300, 150, 2), std::make_tuple(100, 150, 2), std::make_tuple(100, 50, 79), std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0), std::make_tuple(400, 50, 1), std::make_tuple(600, 50, 2), std::make_tuple(600, 150, 2), std::make_tuple(400, 150, 2), std::make_tuple(400, 50, 79)}; REQUIRE(std::equal(expected.begin(), expected.end(), vec.begin())); } SECTION("SVG with transformations") { std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/gradient-transform.svg"); std::shared_ptr marker = mapnik::marker_cache::instance().find(svg_name, false); REQUIRE(marker); REQUIRE(marker->is()); mapnik::marker_svg const& svg = mapnik::util::get(*marker); auto bbox = svg.bounding_box(); REQUIRE( bbox == mapnik::box2d(75.7795275590551114, 0.1889763779527559, 226.5826771653543119, 113.1968503937007853)); auto storage = svg.get_data(); REQUIRE(storage); auto const& group_attrs = storage->svg_group(); REQUIRE(check_equal_attributes(svg_name, group_attrs)); } SECTION("SVG with xlink:href") { std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/gradient-xhref.svg"); std::shared_ptr marker = mapnik::marker_cache::instance().find(svg_name, false); REQUIRE(marker); REQUIRE(marker->is()); mapnik::marker_svg const& svg = mapnik::util::get(*marker); auto bbox = svg.bounding_box(); REQUIRE(bbox == mapnik::box2d(20, 20, 460, 230)); auto storage = svg.get_data(); REQUIRE(storage); auto const& group_attrs = storage->svg_group(); REQUIRE(check_equal_attributes(svg_name, group_attrs)); } SECTION("SVG with radial percents") { std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/gradient-radial-percents.svg"); std::shared_ptr marker = mapnik::marker_cache::instance().find(svg_name, false); REQUIRE(marker); REQUIRE(marker->is()); mapnik::marker_svg const& svg = mapnik::util::get(*marker); auto bbox = svg.bounding_box(); REQUIRE(bbox == mapnik::box2d(0, 0, 200, 200)); auto storage = svg.get_data(); REQUIRE(storage); REQUIRE(check_equal_attributes(svg_name, storage->svg_group())); } SECTION("SVG ") { std::string svg_name("./test/data/svg/clippath.svg"); std::shared_ptr marker = mapnik::marker_cache::instance().find(svg_name, false); REQUIRE(marker); REQUIRE(marker->is()); mapnik::marker_svg const& svg = mapnik::util::get(*marker); // Check whether the clipPath doesn't add to the bounding box. auto bbox = svg.bounding_box(); CHECK(bbox.width() == Approx(100)); CHECK(bbox.height() == Approx(100)); } }