#define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN #include "catch.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace bfs = boost::filesystem; namespace { class tmp_dir { private: bfs::path m_path; public: tmp_dir() : m_path(bfs::temp_directory_path() / bfs::unique_path("mapnik-test-%%%%-%%%%-%%%%-%%%%")) { bfs::create_directories(m_path); } ~tmp_dir() { // files might be deleted by other things while the test is // running, which isn't necessarily an error as far as this // code is concerned - it just wants to delete everything // underneath the temporary directory. boost::system::error_code err; // catch all errors - we don't want to throw in the destructor try { // but loop while the path exists and the errors are // ignorable. while (bfs::exists(m_path)) { bfs::remove_all(m_path, err); // for any non-ignorable error, there's not much we can // do from the destructor. it's in /tmp anyway, so it'll // get reclaimed next boot. if (err && (err != boost::system::errc::no_such_file_or_directory)) { break; } } } catch (const std::exception &e) { std::cerr << "Exception caught while trying to remove " << "temporary directory " << m_path << ": " << e.what() << "\n"; } catch (...) { std::cerr << "Unknown exception caught while trying to " << "remove temporary directory " << m_path << "\n"; } } bfs::path path() const { return m_path; } }; void compare_map(bfs::path xml) { tmp_dir dir; mapnik::Map m(256, 256); REQUIRE(m.register_fonts("fonts", true)); bfs::path abs_base = xml.parent_path(); // first, load the XML into a map object and save it. this // is a normalisation step to ensure that the file is in // whatever the current version of mapnik uses as the // standard indentation, quote style, etc... REQUIRE_NOTHROW(mapnik::load_map(m, xml.generic_string(), false, abs_base.generic_string())); bfs::path test_map1 = dir.path() / "mapnik-temp-map1.xml"; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(mapnik::save_map(m, test_map1.generic_string())); // create a new map, load the one saved in the previous // step, and write it out again. mapnik::Map new_map(256, 256); REQUIRE(new_map.register_fonts("fonts", true)); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(mapnik::load_map(new_map, test_map1.generic_string(), false, abs_base.generic_string())); bfs::path test_map2 = dir.path() / "mapnik-temp-map2.xml"; REQUIRE_NOTHROW(mapnik::save_map(new_map, test_map2.generic_string())); // if all the information survived the load/save round-trip // then the two files ought to be identical. REQUIRE(bfs::is_regular_file(test_map1)); REQUIRE(bfs::is_regular_file(test_map2)); REQUIRE(bfs::file_size(test_map1) == bfs::file_size(test_map2)); std::ifstream in_map1(test_map1.native()), in_map2(test_map2.native()); REQUIRE(std::equal(std::istream_iterator(in_map1), std::istream_iterator(), std::istream_iterator(in_map2))); } void add_xml_files(bfs::path dir, std::vector &xml_files) { for (auto const &entry : boost::make_iterator_range( bfs::directory_iterator(dir), bfs::directory_iterator())) { auto path = entry.path(); if (path.extension().generic_string() == ".xml") { xml_files.emplace_back(path); } } } void load_map(mapnik::Map &m, bfs::path const &path) { try { mapnik::load_map(m, path.generic_string()); } catch (std::exception const &ex) { // errors which come from the datasource not being loaded or // database not being set up aren't really useful - they're // more likely to be spurious than meaningful, so ignore them. std::string what = ex.what(); if ((what.find("Could not create datasource") == std::string::npos) && (what.find("Postgis Plugin: could not connect to server") == std::string::npos)) { throw; } } } } // anonymous namespace const bool registered = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().register_datasources((bfs::path("plugins") / "input").generic_string()); TEST_CASE("map xml I/O") { // make sure plugins are loaded REQUIRE(registered); // make the tests silent since we intentially test error conditions that are noisy auto const severity = mapnik::logger::instance().get_severity(); mapnik::logger::instance().set_severity(mapnik::logger::none); SECTION("good maps") { std::vector good_maps; add_xml_files(bfs::path("test") / "data" / "good_maps", good_maps); for (auto const &path : good_maps) { CAPTURE(path.generic_string()); // check that it can load mapnik::Map m(256, 256); REQUIRE(m.register_fonts("fonts", true)); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(load_map(m, path)); // and, if it can, that it saves the same way compare_map(path); } } // END SECTION SECTION("duplicate styles only throw in strict mode") { std::string duplicate_stylename((bfs::path("test") / "data" / "broken_maps" / "duplicate_stylename.xml").generic_string()); CAPTURE(duplicate_stylename); mapnik::Map m(256, 256); REQUIRE(m.register_fonts("fonts", true)); REQUIRE_NOTHROW(mapnik::load_map(m, duplicate_stylename, false)); mapnik::Map m2(256, 256); REQUIRE(m2.register_fonts("fonts", true)); REQUIRE_THROWS(mapnik::load_map(m2, duplicate_stylename, true)); } // END SECTION SECTION("broken maps") { std::vector broken_maps; add_xml_files(bfs::path("test") / "data" / "broken_maps", broken_maps); broken_maps.emplace_back(bfs::path("test") / "data" / "broken_maps" / "does_not_exist.xml"); for (auto const &path : broken_maps) { CAPTURE(path.generic_string()); mapnik::Map m(256, 256); REQUIRE(m.register_fonts("fonts", true)); REQUIRE_THROWS(mapnik::load_map(m, path.generic_string(), true)); } } // END SECTION mapnik::logger::instance().set_severity(severity); } // END TEST CASE