#include "catch.hpp"

// mapnik
#include <mapnik/image.hpp>
#include <mapnik/color.hpp>
#include <mapnik/image_view_any.hpp>
#include <mapnik/image_util.hpp>

TEST_CASE("image view") {

SECTION("test rgba8") {

    mapnik::image_rgba8 im(4,4);
    mapnik::color c_red("red");
    mapnik::color c_blue("blue");
    mapnik::color c_green("green");
    mapnik::color c_yellow("yellow");
    mapnik::fill(im, c_red);
    // Upper Left 2x2 is blue
    mapnik::set_pixel(im, 0, 0, c_blue);
    mapnik::set_pixel(im, 0, 1, c_blue);
    mapnik::set_pixel(im, 1, 0, c_blue);
    mapnik::set_pixel(im, 1, 1, c_blue);
    // Upper Right 2x2 is green
    mapnik::set_pixel(im, 2, 0, c_green);
    mapnik::set_pixel(im, 2, 1, c_green);
    mapnik::set_pixel(im, 3, 0, c_green);
    mapnik::set_pixel(im, 3, 1, c_green);
    // Lower Left 2x2 is yellow
    mapnik::set_pixel(im, 0, 2, c_yellow);
    mapnik::set_pixel(im, 0, 3, c_yellow);
    mapnik::set_pixel(im, 1, 2, c_yellow);
    mapnik::set_pixel(im, 1, 3, c_yellow);

    mapnik::image_rgba8 im2(5,5);
    mapnik::fill(im2, c_red);

    // Now that we have test data run tests
    mapnik::image_view_rgba8 view_all(0,0,4,4,im);
    mapnik::image_view_rgba8 view_blue(0,0,2,2,im);
    mapnik::image_view_rgba8 view_green(2,0,2,2,im);
    mapnik::image_view_rgba8 view_yellow(0,2,2,2,im);
    mapnik::image_view_rgba8 view_red(2,2,2,2,im);
    mapnik::image_view_rgba8 view_bad(99,99,99,99,im);
    const mapnik::image_view_rgba8 view_all_2(0,0,4,4,im2);
    // Check that image_views all have the same underlying data
    CHECK(view_all == view_blue);
    CHECK(view_all == view_green);
    CHECK(view_all == view_yellow);
    CHECK(view_all == view_red);

    CHECK(view_all.data() == im);

    // Check that view_all and view_all_2 are not the same underlying data
    CHECK_FALSE(view_all == view_all_2);
    CHECK(view_all < view_all_2);
    // Check that copy constructor works
    mapnik::image_view_rgba8 view_all_3(view_all_2);
    CHECK(view_all_2 == view_all_3);

    // Check other constructor
    mapnik::image_view_rgba8 view_all_4(std::move(view_all_3));
    CHECK(view_all_2 == view_all_4);
    // Check that x offset is correct
    CHECK(view_all.x() == 0);
    CHECK(view_blue.x() == 0);
    CHECK(view_green.x() == 2);
    CHECK(view_yellow.x() == 0);
    CHECK(view_red.x() == 2);
    CHECK(view_bad.x() == 3);

    // Check that y offset is correct
    CHECK(view_all.y() == 0);
    CHECK(view_blue.y() == 0);
    CHECK(view_green.y() == 0);
    CHECK(view_yellow.y() == 2);
    CHECK(view_red.y() == 2);
    CHECK(view_bad.y() == 3);

    // Check that width is correct
    CHECK(view_all.width() == 4);
    CHECK(view_blue.width() == 2);
    CHECK(view_green.width() == 2);
    CHECK(view_yellow.width() == 2);
    CHECK(view_red.width() == 2);
    CHECK(view_bad.width() == 1);
    // Check that height is correct
    CHECK(view_all.height() == 4);
    CHECK(view_blue.height() == 2);
    CHECK(view_green.height() == 2);
    CHECK(view_yellow.height() == 2);
    CHECK(view_red.height() == 2);
    CHECK(view_bad.height() == 1);

    // Check that size is correct
    CHECK(view_all.size() == 64);
    CHECK(view_blue.size() == 16);
    CHECK(view_green.size() == 16);
    CHECK(view_yellow.size() == 16);
    CHECK(view_red.size() == 16);
    // Check that row_size is correct
    CHECK(view_all.row_size() == 16);
    CHECK(view_blue.row_size() == 8);
    CHECK(view_green.row_size() == 8);
    CHECK(view_yellow.row_size() == 8);
    CHECK(view_red.row_size() == 8);
    // Check that get_premultiplied is correct

    // Check that operator to retrieve value works properly
    CHECK(view_all(0,0) == c_blue.rgba());
    CHECK(view_blue(0,0) == c_blue.rgba());
    CHECK(view_green(0,0) == c_green.rgba());
    CHECK(view_yellow(0,0) == c_yellow.rgba());
    CHECK(view_red.row_size() == 8);
    // Check that offset is correct
    CHECK(view_all.get_offset() == 0.0);
    CHECK(view_blue.get_offset() == 0.0);
    CHECK(view_green.get_offset() == 0.0);
    CHECK(view_yellow.get_offset() == 0.0);
    CHECK(view_red.get_offset() == 0.0);
    // Check that scaling is correct
    CHECK(view_all.get_scaling() == 1.0);
    CHECK(view_blue.get_scaling() == 1.0);
    CHECK(view_green.get_scaling() == 1.0);
    CHECK(view_yellow.get_scaling() == 1.0);
    CHECK(view_red.get_scaling() == 1.0);

    // CHECK that image dtype is correct
    CHECK(view_all.get_dtype() == mapnik::image_dtype_rgba8);
    CHECK(view_blue.get_dtype() == mapnik::image_dtype_rgba8);
    CHECK(view_green.get_dtype() == mapnik::image_dtype_rgba8);
    CHECK(view_yellow.get_dtype() == mapnik::image_dtype_rgba8);
    CHECK(view_red.get_dtype() == mapnik::image_dtype_rgba8);

    unsigned expected_val;
    using pixel_type = mapnik::image_view_rgba8::pixel_type;
    // Check that all data in the view is correct
    // Blue
    expected_val = c_blue.rgba();
    for (std::size_t y = 0; y < view_blue.height(); ++y)
        std::size_t width = view_blue.width();
        pixel_type const* data_1  = view_blue.get_row(y);
        pixel_type const* data_2  = view_blue.get_row(y, 1);
        for (std::size_t x = 0; x < width; ++x)
            CHECK(*data_1 == expected_val);
        for (std::size_t x = 1; x < width; ++x)
            CHECK(*data_2 == expected_val);
    // Green
    expected_val = c_green.rgba();
    for (std::size_t y = 0; y < view_green.height(); ++y)
        std::size_t width = view_green.width();
        pixel_type const* data_1  = view_green.get_row(y);
        pixel_type const* data_2  = view_green.get_row(y, 1);
        for (std::size_t x = 0; x < width; ++x)
            CHECK(*data_1 == expected_val);
        for (std::size_t x = 1; x < width; ++x)
            CHECK(*data_2 == expected_val);
    // Yellow
    expected_val = c_yellow.rgba();
    for (std::size_t y = 0; y < view_yellow.height(); ++y)
        std::size_t width = view_yellow.width();
        pixel_type const* data_1  = view_yellow.get_row(y);
        pixel_type const* data_2  = view_yellow.get_row(y, 1);
        for (std::size_t x = 0; x < width; ++x)
            CHECK(*data_1 == expected_val);
        for (std::size_t x = 1; x < width; ++x)
            CHECK(*data_2 == expected_val);
    // Red
    expected_val = c_red.rgba();
    for (std::size_t y = 0; y < view_red.height(); ++y)
        std::size_t width = view_red.width();
        pixel_type const* data_1  = view_red.get_row(y);
        pixel_type const* data_2  = view_red.get_row(y, 1);
        for (std::size_t x = 0; x < width; ++x)
            CHECK(*data_1 == expected_val);
        for (std::size_t x = 1; x < width; ++x)
            CHECK(*data_2 == expected_val);


    mapnik::image_view_null view_null;
    const mapnik::image_view_null view_null2;
    mapnik::image_view_null view_null3(view_null2);
    mapnik::image_view_null & view_null4 = view_null3;
    // All nulls are equal
    CHECK(view_null == view_null4);
    CHECK(view_null == view_null2);
    // No null is greater
    CHECK_FALSE(view_null < view_null4);
    CHECK_FALSE(view_null < view_null2);

    // Check defaults
    CHECK(view_null.x() == 0);
    CHECK(view_null.y() == 0);
    CHECK(view_null.width() == 0);
    CHECK(view_null.height() == 0);
    CHECK(view_null.size() == 0);
    CHECK(view_null.row_size() == 0);
    CHECK(view_null.get_offset() == 0.0);
    CHECK(view_null.get_scaling() == 1.0);
    CHECK(view_null.get_dtype() == mapnik::image_dtype_null);

    // Should throw if we try to access data.

    CHECK(view_null.get_row(0) == nullptr);
    CHECK(view_null.get_row(0,0) == nullptr);

SECTION("image view any")
    mapnik::image_view_any im_any_null;
    CHECK(im_any_null.get_dtype() == mapnik::image_dtype_null);

    mapnik::image_gray8 im(4,4);
    mapnik::image_view_gray8 im_view(0,0,4,4,im);
    mapnik::image_view_any im_view_any(im_view);

    CHECK(im_view_any.get_dtype() == mapnik::image_dtype_gray8);
    CHECK(im_view_any.width() == 4);
    CHECK(im_view_any.height() == 4);
    CHECK(im_view_any.size() == 16);
    CHECK(im_view_any.row_size() == 4);
    CHECK(im_view_any.get_offset() == 0.0);
    CHECK(im_view_any.get_scaling() == 1.0);