/******************************************************************************* * * * Author : Angus Johnson * * Version : 6.0.0 * * Date : 30 October 2013 * * Website : http://www.angusj.com * * Copyright : Angus Johnson 2010-2013 * * * * License: * * Use, modification & distribution is subject to Boost Software License Ver 1. * * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt * * * * Attributions: * * The code in this library is an extension of Bala Vatti's clipping algorithm: * * "A generic solution to polygon clipping" * * Communications of the ACM, Vol 35, Issue 7 (July 1992) pp 56-63. * * http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=129906 * * * * Computer graphics and geometric modeling: implementation and algorithms * * By Max K. Agoston * * Springer; 1 edition (January 4, 2005) * * http://books.google.com/books?q=vatti+clipping+agoston * * * * See also: * * "Polygon Offsetting by Computing Winding Numbers" * * Paper no. DETC2005-85513 pp. 565-575 * * ASME 2005 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences * * and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2005) * * September 24-28, 2005 , Long Beach, California, USA * * http://www.me.berkeley.edu/~mcmains/pubs/DAC05OffsetPolygon.pdf * * * *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * * * This is a translation of the Delphi Clipper library and the naming style * * used has retained a Delphi flavour. * * * *******************************************************************************/ #include "clipper.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace ClipperLib { #ifdef use_int32 static cInt const loRange = 46340; static cInt const hiRange = 46340; #else static cInt const loRange = 0x3FFFFFFF; static cInt const hiRange = 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL; typedef unsigned long long ulong64; #endif static double const pi = 3.141592653589793238; enum Direction { dRightToLeft, dLeftToRight }; static int const Unassigned = -1; //edge not currently 'owning' a solution static int const Skip = -2; //edge that would otherwise close a path #define HORIZONTAL (-1.0E+40) #define TOLERANCE (1.0e-20) #define NEAR_ZERO(val) (((val) > -TOLERANCE) && ((val) < TOLERANCE)) struct TEdge { IntPoint Bot; IntPoint Curr; IntPoint Top; IntPoint Delta; double Dx; PolyType PolyTyp; EdgeSide Side; int WindDelta; //1 or -1 depending on winding direction int WindCnt; int WindCnt2; //winding count of the opposite polytype int OutIdx; TEdge *Next; TEdge *Prev; TEdge *NextInLML; TEdge *NextInAEL; TEdge *PrevInAEL; TEdge *NextInSEL; TEdge *PrevInSEL; }; struct IntersectNode { TEdge *Edge1; TEdge *Edge2; IntPoint Pt; IntersectNode *Next; }; struct LocalMinima { cInt Y; TEdge *LeftBound; TEdge *RightBound; LocalMinima *Next; }; struct OutPt; struct OutRec { int Idx; bool IsHole; bool IsOpen; OutRec *FirstLeft; //see comments in clipper.pas PolyNode *PolyNd; OutPt *Pts; OutPt *BottomPt; }; struct OutPt { int Idx; IntPoint Pt; OutPt *Next; OutPt *Prev; }; struct Join { OutPt *OutPt1; OutPt *OutPt2; IntPoint OffPt; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline cInt Round(double val) { if ((val < 0)) return static_cast(val - 0.5); else return static_cast(val + 0.5); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline cInt Abs(cInt val) { return val < 0 ? -val : val; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // PolyTree methods ... //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void PolyTree::Clear() { for (PolyNodes::size_type i = 0; i < AllNodes.size(); ++i) delete AllNodes[i]; AllNodes.resize(0); Childs.resize(0); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PolyNode* PolyTree::GetFirst() const { if (!Childs.empty()) return Childs[0]; else return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int PolyTree::Total() const { return AllNodes.size(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // PolyNode methods ... //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PolyNode::PolyNode(): Childs(), Parent(0), m_IsOpen(false), Index(0) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int PolyNode::ChildCount() const { return Childs.size(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void PolyNode::AddChild(PolyNode& child) { unsigned cnt = Childs.size(); Childs.push_back(&child); child.Parent = this; child.Index = cnt; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PolyNode* PolyNode::GetNext() const { if (!Childs.empty()) return Childs[0]; else return GetNextSiblingUp(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PolyNode* PolyNode::GetNextSiblingUp() const { if (!Parent) //protects against PolyTree.GetNextSiblingUp() return 0; else if (Index == Parent->Childs.size() - 1) return Parent->GetNextSiblingUp(); else return Parent->Childs[Index + 1]; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool PolyNode::IsHole() const { bool result = true; PolyNode* node = Parent; while (node) { result = !result; node = node->Parent; } return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool PolyNode::IsOpen() const { return m_IsOpen; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef use_int32 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Int128 class (enables safe math on signed 64bit integers) // eg Int128 val1((cInt)9223372036854775807); //ie 2^63 -1 // Int128 val2((cInt)9223372036854775807); // Int128 val3 = val1 * val2; // val3.AsString => "85070591730234615847396907784232501249" (8.5e+37) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Int128 { public: cUInt lo; cInt hi; Int128(cInt _lo = 0) { lo = (cUInt)_lo; if (_lo < 0) hi = -1; else hi = 0; } Int128(const Int128 &val): lo(val.lo), hi(val.hi){} Int128(const cInt& _hi, const ulong64& _lo): lo(_lo), hi(_hi){} Int128& operator = (const cInt &val) { lo = (ulong64)val; if (val < 0) hi = -1; else hi = 0; return *this; } bool operator == (const Int128 &val) const {return (hi == val.hi && lo == val.lo);} bool operator != (const Int128 &val) const { return !(*this == val);} bool operator > (const Int128 &val) const { if (hi != val.hi) return hi > val.hi; else return lo > val.lo; } bool operator < (const Int128 &val) const { if (hi != val.hi) return hi < val.hi; else return lo < val.lo; } bool operator >= (const Int128 &val) const { return !(*this < val);} bool operator <= (const Int128 &val) const { return !(*this > val);} Int128& operator += (const Int128 &rhs) { hi += rhs.hi; lo += rhs.lo; if (lo < rhs.lo) hi++; return *this; } Int128 operator + (const Int128 &rhs) const { Int128 result(*this); result+= rhs; return result; } Int128& operator -= (const Int128 &rhs) { *this += -rhs; return *this; } Int128 operator - (const Int128 &rhs) const { Int128 result(*this); result -= rhs; return result; } Int128 operator-() const //unary negation { if (lo == 0) return Int128(-hi,0); else return Int128(~hi,~lo +1); } Int128 operator/ (const Int128 &rhs) const { if (rhs.lo == 0 && rhs.hi == 0) throw "Int128 operator/: divide by zero"; bool negate = (rhs.hi < 0) != (hi < 0); Int128 dividend = *this; Int128 divisor = rhs; if (dividend.hi < 0) dividend = -dividend; if (divisor.hi < 0) divisor = -divisor; if (divisor < dividend) { Int128 result = Int128(0); Int128 cntr = Int128(1); while (divisor.hi >= 0 && !(divisor > dividend)) { divisor.hi <<= 1; if ((cInt)divisor.lo < 0) divisor.hi++; divisor.lo <<= 1; cntr.hi <<= 1; if ((cInt)cntr.lo < 0) cntr.hi++; cntr.lo <<= 1; } divisor.lo >>= 1; if ((divisor.hi & 1) == 1) divisor.lo |= 0x8000000000000000LL; divisor.hi = (ulong64)divisor.hi >> 1; cntr.lo >>= 1; if ((cntr.hi & 1) == 1) cntr.lo |= 0x8000000000000000LL; cntr.hi >>= 1; while (cntr.hi != 0 || cntr.lo != 0) { if (!(dividend < divisor)) { dividend -= divisor; result.hi |= cntr.hi; result.lo |= cntr.lo; } divisor.lo >>= 1; if ((divisor.hi & 1) == 1) divisor.lo |= 0x8000000000000000LL; divisor.hi >>= 1; cntr.lo >>= 1; if ((cntr.hi & 1) == 1) cntr.lo |= 0x8000000000000000LL; cntr.hi >>= 1; } if (negate) result = -result; return result; } else if (rhs.hi == this->hi && rhs.lo == this->lo) return Int128(1); else return Int128(0); } double AsDouble() const { const double shift64 = 18446744073709551616.0; //2^64 if (hi < 0) { if (lo == 0) return (double)hi * shift64; else return -(double)(~lo + ~hi * shift64); } else return (double)(lo + hi * shift64); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int128 Int128Mul (cInt lhs, cInt rhs) { bool negate = (lhs < 0) != (rhs < 0); if (lhs < 0) lhs = -lhs; ulong64 int1Hi = ulong64(lhs) >> 32; ulong64 int1Lo = ulong64(lhs & 0xFFFFFFFF); if (rhs < 0) rhs = -rhs; ulong64 int2Hi = ulong64(rhs) >> 32; ulong64 int2Lo = ulong64(rhs & 0xFFFFFFFF); //nb: see comments in clipper.pas ulong64 a = int1Hi * int2Hi; ulong64 b = int1Lo * int2Lo; ulong64 c = int1Hi * int2Lo + int1Lo * int2Hi; Int128 tmp; tmp.hi = cInt(a + (c >> 32)); tmp.lo = cInt(c << 32); tmp.lo += cInt(b); if (tmp.lo < b) tmp.hi++; if (negate) tmp = -tmp; return tmp; }; #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Miscellaneous global functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Orientation(const Path &poly) { return Area(poly) >= 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ double Area(const Path &poly) { int highI = (int)poly.size() -1; if (highI < 2) return 0; double a; a = ((double)poly[highI].X + poly[0].X) * ((double)poly[0].Y - poly[highI].Y); for (int i = 1; i <= highI; ++i) a += ((double)poly[i - 1].X + poly[i].X) * ((double)poly[i].Y - poly[i - 1].Y); return a / 2; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ double Area(const OutRec &outRec) { OutPt *op = outRec.Pts; if (!op) return 0; double a = 0; do { a = a + (double)(op->Pt.X + op->Prev->Pt.X) * (double)(op->Prev->Pt.Y - op->Pt.Y); op = op->Next; } while (op != outRec.Pts); return a / 2; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool PointIsVertex(const IntPoint &Pt, OutPt *pp) { OutPt *pp2 = pp; do { if (pp2->Pt == Pt) return true; pp2 = pp2->Next; } while (pp2 != pp); return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool PointOnLineSegment(const IntPoint Pt, const IntPoint linePt1, const IntPoint linePt2, bool UseFullInt64Range) { #ifndef use_int32 if (UseFullInt64Range) return ((Pt.X == linePt1.X) && (Pt.Y == linePt1.Y)) || ((Pt.X == linePt2.X) && (Pt.Y == linePt2.Y)) || (((Pt.X > linePt1.X) == (Pt.X < linePt2.X)) && ((Pt.Y > linePt1.Y) == (Pt.Y < linePt2.Y)) && ((Int128Mul((Pt.X - linePt1.X), (linePt2.Y - linePt1.Y)) == Int128Mul((linePt2.X - linePt1.X), (Pt.Y - linePt1.Y))))); else #endif return ((Pt.X == linePt1.X) && (Pt.Y == linePt1.Y)) || ((Pt.X == linePt2.X) && (Pt.Y == linePt2.Y)) || (((Pt.X > linePt1.X) == (Pt.X < linePt2.X)) && ((Pt.Y > linePt1.Y) == (Pt.Y < linePt2.Y)) && ((Pt.X - linePt1.X) * (linePt2.Y - linePt1.Y) == (linePt2.X - linePt1.X) * (Pt.Y - linePt1.Y))); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool PointOnPolygon(const IntPoint Pt, OutPt *pp, bool UseFullInt64Range) { OutPt *pp2 = pp; while (true) { if (PointOnLineSegment(Pt, pp2->Pt, pp2->Next->Pt, UseFullInt64Range)) return true; pp2 = pp2->Next; if (pp2 == pp) break; } return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool PointInPolygon(const IntPoint &Pt, OutPt *pp, bool UseFullInt64Range) { OutPt *pp2 = pp; bool result = false; #ifndef use_int32 if (UseFullInt64Range) { do { if (((pp2->Pt.Y > Pt.Y) != (pp2->Prev->Pt.Y > Pt.Y)) && (Int128(Pt.X - pp2->Pt.X) < Int128Mul(pp2->Prev->Pt.X - pp2->Pt.X, Pt.Y - pp2->Pt.Y) / Int128(pp2->Prev->Pt.Y - pp2->Pt.Y))) result = !result; pp2 = pp2->Next; } while (pp2 != pp); return result; } #endif do { //http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Homepages/wrf/Research/Short_Notes/pnpoly.html if (((pp2->Pt.Y > Pt.Y) != (pp2->Prev->Pt.Y > Pt.Y)) && ((Pt.X - pp2->Pt.X) < (pp2->Prev->Pt.X - pp2->Pt.X) * (Pt.Y - pp2->Pt.Y) / (pp2->Prev->Pt.Y - pp2->Pt.Y))) result = !result; pp2 = pp2->Next; } while (pp2 != pp); return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool SlopesEqual(const TEdge &e1, const TEdge &e2, bool UseFullInt64Range) { #ifndef use_int32 if (UseFullInt64Range) return Int128Mul(e1.Delta.Y, e2.Delta.X) == Int128Mul(e1.Delta.X, e2.Delta.Y); else #endif return e1.Delta.Y * e2.Delta.X == e1.Delta.X * e2.Delta.Y; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool SlopesEqual(const IntPoint pt1, const IntPoint pt2, const IntPoint pt3, bool UseFullInt64Range) { #ifndef use_int32 if (UseFullInt64Range) return Int128Mul(pt1.Y-pt2.Y, pt2.X-pt3.X) == Int128Mul(pt1.X-pt2.X, pt2.Y-pt3.Y); else #endif return (pt1.Y-pt2.Y)*(pt2.X-pt3.X) == (pt1.X-pt2.X)*(pt2.Y-pt3.Y); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool SlopesEqual(const IntPoint pt1, const IntPoint pt2, const IntPoint pt3, const IntPoint pt4, bool UseFullInt64Range) { #ifndef use_int32 if (UseFullInt64Range) return Int128Mul(pt1.Y-pt2.Y, pt3.X-pt4.X) == Int128Mul(pt1.X-pt2.X, pt3.Y-pt4.Y); else #endif return (pt1.Y-pt2.Y)*(pt3.X-pt4.X) == (pt1.X-pt2.X)*(pt3.Y-pt4.Y); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline bool IsHorizontal(TEdge &e) { return e.Delta.Y == 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline double GetDx(const IntPoint pt1, const IntPoint pt2) { return (pt1.Y == pt2.Y) ? HORIZONTAL : (double)(pt2.X - pt1.X) / (pt2.Y - pt1.Y); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void SetDx(TEdge &e) { e.Delta.X = (e.Top.X - e.Bot.X); e.Delta.Y = (e.Top.Y - e.Bot.Y); if (e.Delta.Y == 0) e.Dx = HORIZONTAL; else e.Dx = (double)(e.Delta.X) / e.Delta.Y; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void SwapSides(TEdge &Edge1, TEdge &Edge2) { EdgeSide Side = Edge1.Side; Edge1.Side = Edge2.Side; Edge2.Side = Side; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void SwapPolyIndexes(TEdge &Edge1, TEdge &Edge2) { int OutIdx = Edge1.OutIdx; Edge1.OutIdx = Edge2.OutIdx; Edge2.OutIdx = OutIdx; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline cInt TopX(TEdge &edge, const cInt currentY) { return ( currentY == edge.Top.Y ) ? edge.Top.X : edge.Bot.X + Round(edge.Dx *(currentY - edge.Bot.Y)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool IntersectPoint(TEdge &Edge1, TEdge &Edge2, IntPoint &ip, bool UseFullInt64Range) { #ifdef use_xyz ip.Z = 0; #endif double b1, b2; //nb: with very large coordinate values, it's possible for SlopesEqual() to //return false but for the edge.Dx value be equal due to double precision rounding. if (SlopesEqual(Edge1, Edge2, UseFullInt64Range) || Edge1.Dx == Edge2.Dx) { if (Edge2.Bot.Y > Edge1.Bot.Y) ip.Y = Edge2.Bot.Y; else ip.Y = Edge1.Bot.Y; return false; } else if (Edge1.Delta.X == 0) { ip.X = Edge1.Bot.X; if (IsHorizontal(Edge2)) ip.Y = Edge2.Bot.Y; else { b2 = Edge2.Bot.Y - (Edge2.Bot.X / Edge2.Dx); ip.Y = Round(ip.X / Edge2.Dx + b2); } } else if (Edge2.Delta.X == 0) { ip.X = Edge2.Bot.X; if (IsHorizontal(Edge1)) ip.Y = Edge1.Bot.Y; else { b1 = Edge1.Bot.Y - (Edge1.Bot.X / Edge1.Dx); ip.Y = Round(ip.X / Edge1.Dx + b1); } } else { b1 = Edge1.Bot.X - Edge1.Bot.Y * Edge1.Dx; b2 = Edge2.Bot.X - Edge2.Bot.Y * Edge2.Dx; double q = (b2-b1) / (Edge1.Dx - Edge2.Dx); ip.Y = Round(q); if (std::fabs(Edge1.Dx) < std::fabs(Edge2.Dx)) ip.X = Round(Edge1.Dx * q + b1); else ip.X = Round(Edge2.Dx * q + b2); } if (ip.Y < Edge1.Top.Y || ip.Y < Edge2.Top.Y) { if (Edge1.Top.Y > Edge2.Top.Y) { ip.Y = Edge1.Top.Y; ip.X = TopX(Edge2, Edge1.Top.Y); return ip.X < Edge1.Top.X; } else { ip.Y = Edge2.Top.Y; ip.X = TopX(Edge1, Edge2.Top.Y); return ip.X > Edge2.Top.X; } } else return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ReversePolyPtLinks(OutPt *pp) { if (!pp) return; OutPt *pp1, *pp2; pp1 = pp; do { pp2 = pp1->Next; pp1->Next = pp1->Prev; pp1->Prev = pp2; pp1 = pp2; } while( pp1 != pp ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void DisposeOutPts(OutPt*& pp) { if (pp == 0) return; pp->Prev->Next = 0; while( pp ) { OutPt *tmpPp = pp; pp = pp->Next; delete tmpPp; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void InitEdge(TEdge* e, TEdge* eNext, TEdge* ePrev, const IntPoint& Pt) { std::memset(e, 0, sizeof(TEdge)); e->Next = eNext; e->Prev = ePrev; e->Curr = Pt; e->OutIdx = Unassigned; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void InitEdge2(TEdge& e, PolyType Pt) { if (e.Curr.Y >= e.Next->Curr.Y) { e.Bot = e.Curr; e.Top = e.Next->Curr; } else { e.Top = e.Curr; e.Bot = e.Next->Curr; } SetDx(e); e.PolyTyp = Pt; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEdge* RemoveEdge(TEdge* e) { //removes e from double_linked_list (but without removing from memory) e->Prev->Next = e->Next; e->Next->Prev = e->Prev; TEdge* result = e->Next; e->Prev = 0; //flag as removed (see ClipperBase.Clear) return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEdge* GetLastHorz(TEdge* Edge) { TEdge* result = Edge; while (result->OutIdx != Skip && result->Next != Edge && IsHorizontal(*result->Next)) result = result->Next; return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool SharedVertWithPrevAtTop(TEdge* Edge) { TEdge* E = Edge; bool result = true; while (E->Prev != Edge) { if (E->Top == E->Prev->Top) { if (E->Bot == E->Prev->Bot) {E = E->Prev; continue;} else result = true; } else result = false; break; } while (E != Edge) { result = !result; E = E->Next; } return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool SharedVertWithNextIsBot(TEdge* Edge) { bool result = true; TEdge* E = Edge; while (E->Prev != Edge) { bool A = (E->Next->Bot == E->Bot); bool B = (E->Prev->Bot == E->Bot); if (A != B) { result = A; break; } A = (E->Next->Top == E->Top); B = (E->Prev->Top == E->Top); if (A != B) { result = B; break; } E = E->Prev; } while (E != Edge) { result = !result; E = E->Next; } return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool MoreBelow(TEdge* Edge) { //Edge is Skip heading down. TEdge* E = Edge; if (IsHorizontal(*E)) { while (IsHorizontal(*E->Next)) E = E->Next; return E->Next->Bot.Y > E->Bot.Y; } else if (IsHorizontal(*E->Next)) { while (IsHorizontal(*E->Next)) E = E->Next; return E->Next->Bot.Y > E->Bot.Y; } else return (E->Bot == E->Next->Top); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool JustBeforeLocMin(TEdge* Edge) { //Edge is Skip and was heading down. TEdge*E = Edge; if (IsHorizontal(*E)) { while (IsHorizontal(*E->Next)) E = E->Next; return E->Next->Top.Y < E->Bot.Y; } else return SharedVertWithNextIsBot(E); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool MoreAbove(TEdge* Edge) { if (IsHorizontal(*Edge)) { Edge = GetLastHorz(Edge); return (Edge->Next->Top.Y < Edge->Top.Y); } else if (IsHorizontal(*Edge->Next)) { Edge = GetLastHorz(Edge->Next); return (Edge->Next->Top.Y < Edge->Top.Y); } else return (Edge->Next->Top.Y < Edge->Top.Y); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool AllHorizontal(TEdge* Edge) { if (!IsHorizontal(*Edge)) return false; TEdge* E = Edge->Next; while (E != Edge) { if (!IsHorizontal(*E)) return false; else E = E->Next; } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void ReverseHorizontal(TEdge &e) { //swap horizontal edges' Top and Bottom x's so they follow the natural //progression of the bounds - ie so their xbots will align with the //adjoining lower edge. [Helpful in the ProcessHorizontal() method.] cInt tmp = e.Top.X; e.Top.X = e.Bot.X; e.Bot.X = tmp; #ifdef use_xyz tmp = e.Top.Z; e.Top.Z = e.Bot.Z; e.Bot.Z = tmp; #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SwapPoints(IntPoint &pt1, IntPoint &pt2) { IntPoint tmp = pt1; pt1 = pt2; pt2 = tmp; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool GetOverlapSegment(IntPoint pt1a, IntPoint pt1b, IntPoint pt2a, IntPoint pt2b, IntPoint &pt1, IntPoint &pt2) { //precondition: segments are Collinear. if (Abs(pt1a.X - pt1b.X) > Abs(pt1a.Y - pt1b.Y)) { if (pt1a.X > pt1b.X) SwapPoints(pt1a, pt1b); if (pt2a.X > pt2b.X) SwapPoints(pt2a, pt2b); if (pt1a.X > pt2a.X) pt1 = pt1a; else pt1 = pt2a; if (pt1b.X < pt2b.X) pt2 = pt1b; else pt2 = pt2b; return pt1.X < pt2.X; } else { if (pt1a.Y < pt1b.Y) SwapPoints(pt1a, pt1b); if (pt2a.Y < pt2b.Y) SwapPoints(pt2a, pt2b); if (pt1a.Y < pt2a.Y) pt1 = pt1a; else pt1 = pt2a; if (pt1b.Y > pt2b.Y) pt2 = pt1b; else pt2 = pt2b; return pt1.Y > pt2.Y; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool FirstIsBottomPt(const OutPt* btmPt1, const OutPt* btmPt2) { OutPt *p = btmPt1->Prev; while ((p->Pt == btmPt1->Pt) && (p != btmPt1)) p = p->Prev; double dx1p = std::fabs(GetDx(btmPt1->Pt, p->Pt)); p = btmPt1->Next; while ((p->Pt == btmPt1->Pt) && (p != btmPt1)) p = p->Next; double dx1n = std::fabs(GetDx(btmPt1->Pt, p->Pt)); p = btmPt2->Prev; while ((p->Pt == btmPt2->Pt) && (p != btmPt2)) p = p->Prev; double dx2p = std::fabs(GetDx(btmPt2->Pt, p->Pt)); p = btmPt2->Next; while ((p->Pt == btmPt2->Pt) && (p != btmPt2)) p = p->Next; double dx2n = std::fabs(GetDx(btmPt2->Pt, p->Pt)); return (dx1p >= dx2p && dx1p >= dx2n) || (dx1n >= dx2p && dx1n >= dx2n); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OutPt* GetBottomPt(OutPt *pp) { OutPt* dups = 0; OutPt* p = pp->Next; while (p != pp) { if (p->Pt.Y > pp->Pt.Y) { pp = p; dups = 0; } else if (p->Pt.Y == pp->Pt.Y && p->Pt.X <= pp->Pt.X) { if (p->Pt.X < pp->Pt.X) { dups = 0; pp = p; } else { if (p->Next != pp && p->Prev != pp) dups = p; } } p = p->Next; } if (dups) { //there appears to be at least 2 vertices at BottomPt so ... while (dups != p) { if (!FirstIsBottomPt(p, dups)) pp = dups; dups = dups->Next; while (dups->Pt != pp->Pt) dups = dups->Next; } } return pp; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool FindSegment(OutPt* &pp, bool UseFullInt64Range, IntPoint &pt1, IntPoint &pt2) { //OutPt1 & OutPt2 => the overlap segment (if the function returns true) if (!pp) return false; OutPt* pp2 = pp; IntPoint pt1a = pt1, pt2a = pt2; do { if (SlopesEqual(pt1a, pt2a, pp->Pt, pp->Prev->Pt, UseFullInt64Range) && SlopesEqual(pt1a, pt2a, pp->Pt, UseFullInt64Range) && GetOverlapSegment(pt1a, pt2a, pp->Pt, pp->Prev->Pt, pt1, pt2)) return true; pp = pp->Next; } while (pp != pp2); return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Pt2IsBetweenPt1AndPt3(const IntPoint pt1, const IntPoint pt2, const IntPoint pt3) { if ((pt1 == pt3) || (pt1 == pt2) || (pt3 == pt2)) return false; else if (pt1.X != pt3.X) return (pt2.X > pt1.X) == (pt2.X < pt3.X); else return (pt2.Y > pt1.Y) == (pt2.Y < pt3.Y); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OutPt* InsertPolyPtBetween(OutPt* p1, OutPt* p2, const IntPoint Pt) { if (p1 == p2) throw "JoinError"; OutPt* result = new OutPt; result->Pt = Pt; if (p2 == p1->Next) { p1->Next = result; p2->Prev = result; result->Next = p2; result->Prev = p1; } else { p2->Next = result; p1->Prev = result; result->Next = p1; result->Prev = p2; } return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool HorzSegmentsOverlap(const IntPoint& pt1a, const IntPoint& pt1b, const IntPoint& pt2a, const IntPoint& pt2b) { //precondition: both segments are horizontal if ((pt1a.X > pt2a.X) == (pt1a.X < pt2b.X)) return true; else if ((pt1b.X > pt2a.X) == (pt1b.X < pt2b.X)) return true; else if ((pt2a.X > pt1a.X) == (pt2a.X < pt1b.X)) return true; else if ((pt2b.X > pt1a.X) == (pt2b.X < pt1b.X)) return true; else if ((pt1a.X == pt2a.X) && (pt1b.X == pt2b.X)) return true; else if ((pt1a.X == pt2b.X) && (pt1b.X == pt2a.X)) return true; else return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ClipperBase class methods ... //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperBase::ClipperBase() //constructor { m_MinimaList = 0; m_CurrentLM = 0; m_UseFullRange = false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperBase::~ClipperBase() //destructor { Clear(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void RangeTest(const IntPoint& Pt, bool& useFullRange) { if (useFullRange) { if (Pt.X > hiRange || Pt.Y > hiRange || -Pt.X > hiRange || -Pt.Y > hiRange) throw "Coordinate outside allowed range"; } else if (Pt.X > loRange|| Pt.Y > loRange || -Pt.X > loRange || -Pt.Y > loRange) { useFullRange = true; RangeTest(Pt, useFullRange); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool ClipperBase::AddPath(const Path &pg, PolyType PolyTyp, bool Closed) { #ifdef use_lines if (!Closed && PolyTyp == ptClip) throw clipperException("AddPath: Open paths must be subject."); #else if (!Closed) throw clipperException("AddPath: Open paths have been disabled."); #endif int highI = (int)pg.size() -1; bool ClosedOrSemiClosed = (highI > 0) && (Closed || (pg[0] == pg[highI])); while (highI > 0 && (pg[highI] == pg[0])) --highI; while (highI > 0 && (pg[highI] == pg[highI -1])) --highI; if ((Closed && highI < 2) || (!Closed && highI < 1)) return false; //create a new edge array ... TEdge *edges = new TEdge [highI +1]; //1. Basic initialization of Edges ... try { edges[1].Curr = pg[1]; RangeTest(pg[0], m_UseFullRange); RangeTest(pg[highI], m_UseFullRange); InitEdge(&edges[0], &edges[1], &edges[highI], pg[0]); InitEdge(&edges[highI], &edges[0], &edges[highI-1], pg[highI]); for (int i = highI - 1; i >= 1; --i) { RangeTest(pg[i], m_UseFullRange); InitEdge(&edges[i], &edges[i+1], &edges[i-1], pg[i]); } } catch(...) { delete [] edges; return false; //almost certainly a vertex has exceeded range } TEdge *eStart = &edges[0]; if (!ClosedOrSemiClosed) eStart->Prev->OutIdx = Skip; //2. Remove duplicate vertices, and collinear edges (when closed) ... TEdge *E = eStart, *eLoopStop = eStart; for (;;) { if ((E->Curr == E->Next->Curr)) { if (E == eStart) eStart = E->Next; E = RemoveEdge(E); eLoopStop = E; continue; } if (E->Prev == E->Next) break; //only two vertices else if ((ClosedOrSemiClosed || (E->Prev->OutIdx != Skip && E->OutIdx != Skip && E->Next->OutIdx != Skip)) && SlopesEqual(E->Prev->Curr, E->Curr, E->Next->Curr, m_UseFullRange)) { //All collinear edges are allowed for open paths but in closed paths //inner vertices of adjacent collinear edges are removed. However if the //PreserveCollinear property has been enabled, only overlapping collinear //edges (ie spikes) are removed from closed paths. if (Closed && (!m_PreserveCollinear || !Pt2IsBetweenPt1AndPt3(E->Prev->Curr, E->Curr, E->Next->Curr))) { if (E == eStart) eStart = E->Next; E = RemoveEdge(E); E = E->Prev; eLoopStop = E; continue; } } E = E->Next; if (E == eLoopStop) break; } if ((!Closed && (E == E->Next)) || (Closed && (E->Prev == E->Next))) { delete [] edges; return false; } m_edges.push_back(edges); if (!Closed) m_HasOpenPaths = true; //3. Do final Init and also find the 'highest' Edge. (nb: since I'm much //more familiar with positive downwards Y axes, 'highest' here will be //the Edge with the *smallest* Top.Y.) TEdge *eHighest = eStart; E = eStart; do { InitEdge2(*E, PolyTyp); if (E->Top.Y < eHighest->Top.Y) eHighest = E; E = E->Next; } while (E != eStart); //4. build the local minima list ... if (AllHorizontal(E)) { if (ClosedOrSemiClosed) E->Prev->OutIdx = Skip; AscendToMax(E, false, false); return true; } //if eHighest is also the Skip then it's a natural break, otherwise //make sure eHighest is positioned so we're either at a top horizontal or //just starting to head down one edge of the polygon E = eStart->Prev; //EStart.Prev == Skip edge if (E->Prev == E->Next) eHighest = E->Next; else if (!ClosedOrSemiClosed && E->Top.Y == eHighest->Top.Y) { if ((IsHorizontal(*E) || IsHorizontal(*E->Next)) && E->Next->Bot.Y == eHighest->Top.Y) eHighest = E->Next; else if (SharedVertWithPrevAtTop(E)) eHighest = E; else if (E->Top == E->Prev->Top) eHighest = E->Prev; else eHighest = E->Next; } else { E = eHighest; while (IsHorizontal(*eHighest) || (eHighest->Top == eHighest->Next->Top) || (eHighest->Top == eHighest->Next->Bot)) //next is high horizontal { eHighest = eHighest->Next; if (eHighest == E) { while (IsHorizontal(*eHighest) || !SharedVertWithPrevAtTop(eHighest)) eHighest = eHighest->Next; break; //avoids potential endless loop } } } E = eHighest; do E = AddBoundsToLML(E, Closed); while (E != eHighest); return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool ClipperBase::AddPaths(const Paths &ppg, PolyType PolyTyp, bool Closed) { bool result = false; for (Paths::size_type i = 0; i < ppg.size(); ++i) if (AddPath(ppg[i], PolyTyp, Closed)) result = true; return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ClipperBase::InsertLocalMinima(LocalMinima *newLm) { if( ! m_MinimaList ) { m_MinimaList = newLm; } else if( newLm->Y >= m_MinimaList->Y ) { newLm->Next = m_MinimaList; m_MinimaList = newLm; } else { LocalMinima* tmpLm = m_MinimaList; while( tmpLm->Next && ( newLm->Y < tmpLm->Next->Y ) ) tmpLm = tmpLm->Next; newLm->Next = tmpLm->Next; tmpLm->Next = newLm; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ClipperBase::DoMinimaLML(TEdge* E1, TEdge* E2, bool IsClosed) { if (!E1) { if (!E2) return; LocalMinima* NewLm = new LocalMinima; NewLm->Next = 0; NewLm->Y = E2->Bot.Y; NewLm->LeftBound = 0; E2->WindDelta = 0; NewLm->RightBound = E2; InsertLocalMinima(NewLm); } else { //E and E.Prev are now at a local minima ... LocalMinima* NewLm = new LocalMinima; NewLm->Y = E1->Bot.Y; NewLm->Next = 0; if (IsHorizontal(*E2)) //Horz. edges never start a Left bound { if (E2->Bot.X != E1->Bot.X) ReverseHorizontal(*E2); NewLm->LeftBound = E1; NewLm->RightBound = E2; } else if (E2->Dx < E1->Dx) { NewLm->LeftBound = E1; NewLm->RightBound = E2; } else { NewLm->LeftBound = E2; NewLm->RightBound = E1; } NewLm->LeftBound->Side = esLeft; NewLm->RightBound->Side = esRight; //set the winding state of the first edge in each bound //(it'll be copied to subsequent edges in the bound) ... if (!IsClosed) NewLm->LeftBound->WindDelta = 0; else if (NewLm->LeftBound->Next == NewLm->RightBound) NewLm->LeftBound->WindDelta = -1; else NewLm->LeftBound->WindDelta = 1; NewLm->RightBound->WindDelta = -NewLm->LeftBound->WindDelta; InsertLocalMinima(NewLm); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- TEdge* ClipperBase::DescendToMin(TEdge *&E) { //PRECONDITION: STARTING EDGE IS A VALID DESCENDING EDGE. //Starting at the top of one bound we progress to the bottom where there's //A local minima. We go to the top of the Next bound. These two bounds //form the left and right (or right and left) bounds of the local minima. TEdge* EHorz; E->NextInLML = 0; if (IsHorizontal(*E)) { EHorz = E; while (IsHorizontal(*EHorz->Next)) EHorz = EHorz->Next; if (EHorz->Bot != EHorz->Next->Top) ReverseHorizontal(*E); } for (;;) { E = E->Next; if (E->OutIdx == Skip) break; else if (IsHorizontal(*E)) { //nb: proceed through horizontals when approaching from their right, // but break on horizontal minima if approaching from their left. // This ensures 'local minima' are always on the left of horizontals. //look ahead is required in case of multiple consec. horizontals EHorz = GetLastHorz(E); if(EHorz == E->Prev || //horizontal line (EHorz->Next->Top.Y < E->Top.Y && //bottom horizontal EHorz->Next->Bot.X > E->Prev->Bot.X)) //approaching from the left break; if (E->Top.X != E->Prev->Bot.X) ReverseHorizontal(*E); if (EHorz->OutIdx == Skip) EHorz = EHorz->Prev; while (E != EHorz) { E->NextInLML = E->Prev; E = E->Next; if (E->Top.X != E->Prev->Bot.X) ReverseHorizontal(*E); } } else if (E->Bot.Y == E->Prev->Bot.Y) break; E->NextInLML = E->Prev; } return E->Prev; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void ClipperBase::AscendToMax(TEdge *&E, bool Appending, bool IsClosed) { if (E->OutIdx == Skip) { E = E->Next; if (!MoreAbove(E->Prev)) return; } if (IsHorizontal(*E) && Appending && (E->Bot != E->Prev->Bot)) ReverseHorizontal(*E); //now process the ascending bound .... TEdge *EStart = E; for (;;) { if (E->Next->OutIdx == Skip || ((E->Next->Top.Y == E->Top.Y) && !IsHorizontal(*E->Next))) break; E->NextInLML = E->Next; E = E->Next; if (IsHorizontal(*E) && (E->Bot.X != E->Prev->Top.X)) ReverseHorizontal(*E); } if (!Appending) { if (EStart->OutIdx == Skip) EStart = EStart->Next; if (EStart != E->Next) DoMinimaLML(0, EStart, IsClosed); } E = E->Next; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- TEdge* ClipperBase::AddBoundsToLML(TEdge* E, bool IsClosed) { //Starting at the top of one bound we progress to the bottom where there's //A local minima. We then go to the top of the Next bound. These two bounds //form the left and right (or right and left) bounds of the local minima. TEdge* B; bool AppendMaxima; //do minima ... if (E->OutIdx == Skip) { if (MoreBelow(E)) { E = E->Next; B = DescendToMin(E); } else B = 0; } else B = DescendToMin(E); if (E->OutIdx == Skip) //nb: may be BEFORE, AT or just THRU LM { //do minima before Skip... DoMinimaLML(0, B, IsClosed); //store what we've got so far (if anything) AppendMaxima = false; //finish off any minima ... if ((E->Bot != E->Prev->Bot) && MoreBelow(E)) { E = E->Next; B = DescendToMin(E); DoMinimaLML(B, E, IsClosed); AppendMaxima = true; } else if (JustBeforeLocMin(E)) E = E->Next; } else { DoMinimaLML(B, E, IsClosed); AppendMaxima = true; } //now do maxima ... AscendToMax(E, AppendMaxima, IsClosed); if (E->OutIdx == Skip && (E->Top != E->Prev->Top)) { //may be BEFORE, AT or just AFTER maxima //finish off any maxima ... if (MoreAbove(E)) { E = E->Next; AscendToMax(E, false, IsClosed); } else if ((E->Top == E->Next->Top) || (IsHorizontal(*E->Next) && (E->Top == E->Next->Bot))) E = E->Next; //ie just before Maxima } return E; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void ClipperBase::Clear() { DisposeLocalMinimaList(); for (EdgeList::size_type i = 0; i < m_edges.size(); ++i) { //for each edge array in turn, find the first used edge and //check for and remove any hiddenPts in each edge in the array. TEdge* edges = m_edges[i]; delete [] edges; } m_edges.clear(); m_UseFullRange = false; m_HasOpenPaths = false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ClipperBase::Reset() { m_CurrentLM = m_MinimaList; if( !m_CurrentLM ) return; //ie nothing to process //reset all edges ... LocalMinima* lm = m_MinimaList; while( lm ) { TEdge* e = lm->LeftBound; if (e) { e->Curr = e->Bot; e->Side = esLeft; if (e->OutIdx != Skip) e->OutIdx = Unassigned; } e = lm->RightBound; e->Curr = e->Bot; e->Side = esRight; if (e->OutIdx != Skip) e->OutIdx = Unassigned; lm = lm->Next; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ClipperBase::DisposeLocalMinimaList() { while( m_MinimaList ) { LocalMinima* tmpLm = m_MinimaList->Next; delete m_MinimaList; m_MinimaList = tmpLm; } m_CurrentLM = 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ClipperBase::PopLocalMinima() { if( ! m_CurrentLM ) return; m_CurrentLM = m_CurrentLM->Next; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IntRect ClipperBase::GetBounds() { IntRect result; LocalMinima* lm = m_MinimaList; if (!lm) { result.left = result.top = result.right = result.bottom = 0; return result; } result.left = lm->LeftBound->Bot.X; result.top = lm->LeftBound->Bot.Y; result.right = lm->LeftBound->Bot.X; result.bottom = lm->LeftBound->Bot.Y; while (lm) { if (lm->LeftBound->Bot.Y > result.bottom) result.bottom = lm->LeftBound->Bot.Y; TEdge* e = lm->LeftBound; for (;;) { TEdge* bottomE = e; while (e->NextInLML) { if (e->Bot.X < result.left) result.left = e->Bot.X; if (e->Bot.X > result.right) result.right = e->Bot.X; e = e->NextInLML; } if (e->Bot.X < result.left) result.left = e->Bot.X; if (e->Bot.X > result.right) result.right = e->Bot.X; if (e->Top.X < result.left) result.left = e->Top.X; if (e->Top.X > result.right) result.right = e->Top.X; if (e->Top.Y < result.top) result.top = e->Top.Y; if (bottomE == lm->LeftBound) e = lm->RightBound; else break; } lm = lm->Next; } return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // TClipper methods ... //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clipper::Clipper(int initOptions) : ClipperBase() //constructor { m_ActiveEdges = 0; m_SortedEdges = 0; m_IntersectNodes = 0; m_ExecuteLocked = false; m_UseFullRange = false; m_ReverseOutput = ((initOptions & ioReverseSolution) != 0); m_StrictSimple = ((initOptions & ioStrictlySimple) != 0); m_PreserveCollinear = ((initOptions & ioPreserveCollinear) != 0); m_HasOpenPaths = false; #ifdef use_xyz m_ZFill = 0; #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clipper::~Clipper() //destructor { Clear(); m_Scanbeam.clear(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef use_xyz void Clipper::ZFillFunction(TZFillCallback zFillFunc) { m_ZFill = zFillFunc; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #endif void Clipper::Clear() { if (m_edges.empty()) return; //avoids problems with ClipperBase destructor DisposeAllOutRecs(); ClipperBase::Clear(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::Reset() { ClipperBase::Reset(); m_Scanbeam.clear(); m_ActiveEdges = 0; m_SortedEdges = 0; DisposeAllOutRecs(); LocalMinima* lm = m_MinimaList; while (lm) { InsertScanbeam(lm->Y); lm = lm->Next; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Clipper::Execute(ClipType clipType, Paths &solution, PolyFillType subjFillType, PolyFillType clipFillType) { if( m_ExecuteLocked ) return false; if (m_HasOpenPaths) throw clipperException("Error: PolyTree struct is need for open path clipping."); m_ExecuteLocked = true; solution.resize(0); m_SubjFillType = subjFillType; m_ClipFillType = clipFillType; m_ClipType = clipType; m_UsingPolyTree = false; bool succeeded = ExecuteInternal(); if (succeeded) BuildResult(solution); m_ExecuteLocked = false; return succeeded; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Clipper::Execute(ClipType clipType, PolyTree& polytree, PolyFillType subjFillType, PolyFillType clipFillType) { if( m_ExecuteLocked ) return false; m_ExecuteLocked = true; m_SubjFillType = subjFillType; m_ClipFillType = clipFillType; m_ClipType = clipType; m_UsingPolyTree = true; bool succeeded = ExecuteInternal(); if (succeeded) BuildResult2(polytree); m_ExecuteLocked = false; return succeeded; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::FixHoleLinkage(OutRec &outrec) { //skip OutRecs that (a) contain outermost polygons or //(b) already have the correct owner/child linkage ... if (!outrec.FirstLeft || (outrec.IsHole != outrec.FirstLeft->IsHole && outrec.FirstLeft->Pts)) return; OutRec* orfl = outrec.FirstLeft; while (orfl && ((orfl->IsHole == outrec.IsHole) || !orfl->Pts)) orfl = orfl->FirstLeft; outrec.FirstLeft = orfl; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Clipper::ExecuteInternal() { bool succeeded = true; try { Reset(); if (!m_CurrentLM) return false; cInt botY = PopScanbeam(); do { InsertLocalMinimaIntoAEL(botY); ClearGhostJoins(); ProcessHorizontals(false); if (m_Scanbeam.empty()) break; cInt topY = PopScanbeam(); succeeded = ProcessIntersections(botY, topY); if (!succeeded) break; ProcessEdgesAtTopOfScanbeam(topY); botY = topY; } while (!m_Scanbeam.empty() || m_CurrentLM); } catch(...) { succeeded = false; } if (succeeded) { //fix orientations ... for (PolyOutList::size_type i = 0; i < m_PolyOuts.size(); ++i) { OutRec *outRec = m_PolyOuts[i]; if (!outRec->Pts || outRec->IsOpen) continue; if ((outRec->IsHole ^ m_ReverseOutput) == (Area(*outRec) > 0)) ReversePolyPtLinks(outRec->Pts); } if (!m_Joins.empty()) JoinCommonEdges(); //unfortunately FixupOutPolygon() must be done after JoinCommonEdges() for (PolyOutList::size_type i = 0; i < m_PolyOuts.size(); ++i) { OutRec *outRec = m_PolyOuts[i]; if (outRec->Pts && !outRec->IsOpen) FixupOutPolygon(*outRec); } if (m_StrictSimple) DoSimplePolygons(); } ClearJoins(); ClearGhostJoins(); return succeeded; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::InsertScanbeam(const cInt Y) { m_Scanbeam.insert(Y); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cInt Clipper::PopScanbeam() { cInt Y = *m_Scanbeam.begin(); m_Scanbeam.erase(m_Scanbeam.begin()); return Y; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::DisposeAllOutRecs(){ for (PolyOutList::size_type i = 0; i < m_PolyOuts.size(); ++i) DisposeOutRec(i); m_PolyOuts.clear(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::DisposeOutRec(PolyOutList::size_type index) { OutRec *outRec = m_PolyOuts[index]; if (outRec->Pts) DisposeOutPts(outRec->Pts); delete outRec; m_PolyOuts[index] = 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::SetWindingCount(TEdge &edge) { TEdge *e = edge.PrevInAEL; //find the edge of the same polytype that immediately preceeds 'edge' in AEL while (e && ((e->PolyTyp != edge.PolyTyp) || (e->WindDelta == 0))) e = e->PrevInAEL; if (!e) { edge.WindCnt = (edge.WindDelta == 0 ? 1 : edge.WindDelta); edge.WindCnt2 = 0; e = m_ActiveEdges; //ie get ready to calc WindCnt2 } else if (edge.WindDelta == 0 && m_ClipType != ctUnion) { edge.WindCnt = 1; edge.WindCnt2 = e->WindCnt2; e = e->NextInAEL; //ie get ready to calc WindCnt2 } else if (IsEvenOddFillType(edge)) { //EvenOdd filling ... if (edge.WindDelta == 0) { //are we inside a subj polygon ... bool Inside = true; TEdge *e2 = e->PrevInAEL; while (e2) { if (e2->PolyTyp == e->PolyTyp && e2->WindDelta != 0) Inside = !Inside; e2 = e2->PrevInAEL; } edge.WindCnt = (Inside ? 0 : 1); } else { edge.WindCnt = edge.WindDelta; } edge.WindCnt2 = e->WindCnt2; e = e->NextInAEL; //ie get ready to calc WindCnt2 } else { //nonZero, Positive or Negative filling ... if (e->WindCnt * e->WindDelta < 0) { //prev edge is 'decreasing' WindCount (WC) toward zero //so we're outside the previous polygon ... if (Abs(e->WindCnt) > 1) { //outside prev poly but still inside another. //when reversing direction of prev poly use the same WC if (e->WindDelta * edge.WindDelta < 0) edge.WindCnt = e->WindCnt; //otherwise continue to 'decrease' WC ... else edge.WindCnt = e->WindCnt + edge.WindDelta; } else //now outside all polys of same polytype so set own WC ... edge.WindCnt = (edge.WindDelta == 0 ? 1 : edge.WindDelta); } else { //prev edge is 'increasing' WindCount (WC) away from zero //so we're inside the previous polygon ... if (edge.WindDelta == 0) edge.WindCnt = (e->WindCnt < 0 ? e->WindCnt - 1 : e->WindCnt + 1); //if wind direction is reversing prev then use same WC else if (e->WindDelta * edge.WindDelta < 0) edge.WindCnt = e->WindCnt; //otherwise add to WC ... else edge.WindCnt = e->WindCnt + edge.WindDelta; } edge.WindCnt2 = e->WindCnt2; e = e->NextInAEL; //ie get ready to calc WindCnt2 } //update WindCnt2 ... if (IsEvenOddAltFillType(edge)) { //EvenOdd filling ... while (e != &edge) { if (e->WindDelta != 0) edge.WindCnt2 = (edge.WindCnt2 == 0 ? 1 : 0); e = e->NextInAEL; } } else { //nonZero, Positive or Negative filling ... while ( e != &edge ) { edge.WindCnt2 += e->WindDelta; e = e->NextInAEL; } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Clipper::IsEvenOddFillType(const TEdge& edge) const { if (edge.PolyTyp == ptSubject) return m_SubjFillType == pftEvenOdd; else return m_ClipFillType == pftEvenOdd; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Clipper::IsEvenOddAltFillType(const TEdge& edge) const { if (edge.PolyTyp == ptSubject) return m_ClipFillType == pftEvenOdd; else return m_SubjFillType == pftEvenOdd; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Clipper::IsContributing(const TEdge& edge) const { PolyFillType pft, pft2; if (edge.PolyTyp == ptSubject) { pft = m_SubjFillType; pft2 = m_ClipFillType; } else { pft = m_ClipFillType; pft2 = m_SubjFillType; } switch(pft) { case pftEvenOdd: //return false if a subj line has been flagged as inside a subj polygon if (edge.WindDelta == 0 && edge.WindCnt != 1) return false; break; case pftNonZero: if (Abs(edge.WindCnt) != 1) return false; break; case pftPositive: if (edge.WindCnt != 1) return false; break; default: //pftNegative if (edge.WindCnt != -1) return false; } switch(m_ClipType) { case ctIntersection: switch(pft2) { case pftEvenOdd: case pftNonZero: return (edge.WindCnt2 != 0); case pftPositive: return (edge.WindCnt2 > 0); default: return (edge.WindCnt2 < 0); } break; case ctUnion: switch(pft2) { case pftEvenOdd: case pftNonZero: return (edge.WindCnt2 == 0); case pftPositive: return (edge.WindCnt2 <= 0); default: return (edge.WindCnt2 >= 0); } break; case ctDifference: if (edge.PolyTyp == ptSubject) switch(pft2) { case pftEvenOdd: case pftNonZero: return (edge.WindCnt2 == 0); case pftPositive: return (edge.WindCnt2 <= 0); default: return (edge.WindCnt2 >= 0); } else switch(pft2) { case pftEvenOdd: case pftNonZero: return (edge.WindCnt2 != 0); case pftPositive: return (edge.WindCnt2 > 0); default: return (edge.WindCnt2 < 0); } break; case ctXor: if (edge.WindDelta == 0) //XOr always contributing unless open switch(pft2) { case pftEvenOdd: case pftNonZero: return (edge.WindCnt2 == 0); case pftPositive: return (edge.WindCnt2 <= 0); default: return (edge.WindCnt2 >= 0); } else return true; break; default: return true; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OutPt* Clipper::AddLocalMinPoly(TEdge *e1, TEdge *e2, const IntPoint &Pt) { OutPt* result; TEdge *e, *prevE; if (IsHorizontal(*e2) || ( e1->Dx > e2->Dx )) { result = AddOutPt(e1, Pt); e2->OutIdx = e1->OutIdx; e1->Side = esLeft; e2->Side = esRight; e = e1; if (e->PrevInAEL == e2) prevE = e2->PrevInAEL; else prevE = e->PrevInAEL; } else { result = AddOutPt(e2, Pt); e1->OutIdx = e2->OutIdx; e1->Side = esRight; e2->Side = esLeft; e = e2; if (e->PrevInAEL == e1) prevE = e1->PrevInAEL; else prevE = e->PrevInAEL; } if (prevE && prevE->OutIdx >= 0 && (TopX(*prevE, Pt.Y) == TopX(*e, Pt.Y)) && SlopesEqual(*e, *prevE, m_UseFullRange) && (e->WindDelta != 0) && (prevE->WindDelta != 0)) { OutPt* outPt = AddOutPt(prevE, Pt); AddJoin(result, outPt, e->Top); } return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::AddLocalMaxPoly(TEdge *e1, TEdge *e2, const IntPoint &Pt) { AddOutPt( e1, Pt ); if( e1->OutIdx == e2->OutIdx ) { e1->OutIdx = Unassigned; e2->OutIdx = Unassigned; } else if (e1->OutIdx < e2->OutIdx) AppendPolygon(e1, e2); else AppendPolygon(e2, e1); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::AddEdgeToSEL(TEdge *edge) { //SEL pointers in PEdge are reused to build a list of horizontal edges. //However, we don't need to worry about order with horizontal edge processing. if( !m_SortedEdges ) { m_SortedEdges = edge; edge->PrevInSEL = 0; edge->NextInSEL = 0; } else { edge->NextInSEL = m_SortedEdges; edge->PrevInSEL = 0; m_SortedEdges->PrevInSEL = edge; m_SortedEdges = edge; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::CopyAELToSEL() { TEdge* e = m_ActiveEdges; m_SortedEdges = e; while ( e ) { e->PrevInSEL = e->PrevInAEL; e->NextInSEL = e->NextInAEL; e = e->NextInAEL; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::AddJoin(OutPt *op1, OutPt *op2, const IntPoint OffPt) { Join* j = new Join; j->OutPt1 = op1; j->OutPt2 = op2; j->OffPt = OffPt; m_Joins.push_back(j); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::ClearJoins() { for (JoinList::size_type i = 0; i < m_Joins.size(); i++) delete m_Joins[i]; m_Joins.resize(0); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::ClearGhostJoins() { for (JoinList::size_type i = 0; i < m_GhostJoins.size(); i++) delete m_GhostJoins[i]; m_GhostJoins.resize(0); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::AddGhostJoin(OutPt *op, const IntPoint OffPt) { Join* j = new Join; j->OutPt1 = op; j->OutPt2 = 0; j->OffPt = OffPt; m_GhostJoins.push_back(j); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::InsertLocalMinimaIntoAEL(const cInt botY) { while( m_CurrentLM && ( m_CurrentLM->Y == botY ) ) { TEdge* lb = m_CurrentLM->LeftBound; TEdge* rb = m_CurrentLM->RightBound; PopLocalMinima(); OutPt *Op1 = 0; if (!lb) { //nb: don't insert LB into either AEL or SEL InsertEdgeIntoAEL(rb, 0); SetWindingCount(*rb); if (IsContributing(*rb)) Op1 = AddOutPt(rb, rb->Bot); } else { InsertEdgeIntoAEL(lb, 0); InsertEdgeIntoAEL(rb, lb); SetWindingCount( *lb ); rb->WindCnt = lb->WindCnt; rb->WindCnt2 = lb->WindCnt2; if (IsContributing(*lb)) Op1 = AddLocalMinPoly(lb, rb, lb->Bot); InsertScanbeam(lb->Top.Y); } if(IsHorizontal(*rb)) AddEdgeToSEL(rb); else InsertScanbeam( rb->Top.Y ); if (!lb) continue; //if any output polygons share an edge, they'll need joining later ... if (Op1 && IsHorizontal(*rb) && m_GhostJoins.size() > 0 && (rb->WindDelta != 0)) { for (JoinList::size_type i = 0; i < m_GhostJoins.size(); ++i) { Join* jr = m_GhostJoins[i]; //if the horizontal Rb and a 'ghost' horizontal overlap, then convert //the 'ghost' join to a real join ready for later ... if (HorzSegmentsOverlap(jr->OutPt1->Pt, jr->OffPt, rb->Bot, rb->Top)) AddJoin(jr->OutPt1, Op1, jr->OffPt); } } if (lb->OutIdx >= 0 && lb->PrevInAEL && lb->PrevInAEL->Curr.X == lb->Bot.X && lb->PrevInAEL->OutIdx >= 0 && SlopesEqual(*lb->PrevInAEL, *lb, m_UseFullRange) && (lb->WindDelta != 0) && (lb->PrevInAEL->WindDelta != 0)) { OutPt *Op2 = AddOutPt(lb->PrevInAEL, lb->Bot); AddJoin(Op1, Op2, lb->Top); } if(lb->NextInAEL != rb) { if (rb->OutIdx >= 0 && rb->PrevInAEL->OutIdx >= 0 && SlopesEqual(*rb->PrevInAEL, *rb, m_UseFullRange) && (rb->WindDelta != 0) && (rb->PrevInAEL->WindDelta != 0)) { OutPt *Op2 = AddOutPt(rb->PrevInAEL, rb->Bot); AddJoin(Op1, Op2, rb->Top); } TEdge* e = lb->NextInAEL; if (e) { while( e != rb ) { //nb: For calculating winding counts etc, IntersectEdges() assumes //that param1 will be to the Right of param2 ABOVE the intersection ... IntersectEdges(rb , e , lb->Curr); //order important here e = e->NextInAEL; } } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::DeleteFromAEL(TEdge *e) { TEdge* AelPrev = e->PrevInAEL; TEdge* AelNext = e->NextInAEL; if( !AelPrev && !AelNext && (e != m_ActiveEdges) ) return; //already deleted if( AelPrev ) AelPrev->NextInAEL = AelNext; else m_ActiveEdges = AelNext; if( AelNext ) AelNext->PrevInAEL = AelPrev; e->NextInAEL = 0; e->PrevInAEL = 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::DeleteFromSEL(TEdge *e) { TEdge* SelPrev = e->PrevInSEL; TEdge* SelNext = e->NextInSEL; if( !SelPrev && !SelNext && (e != m_SortedEdges) ) return; //already deleted if( SelPrev ) SelPrev->NextInSEL = SelNext; else m_SortedEdges = SelNext; if( SelNext ) SelNext->PrevInSEL = SelPrev; e->NextInSEL = 0; e->PrevInSEL = 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef use_xyz void Clipper::SetZ(IntPoint& pt, TEdge& e) { pt.Z = 0; if (m_ZFill) { //put the 'preferred' point as first parameter ... if (e.OutIdx < 0) (*m_ZFill)(e.Bot, e.Top, pt); //outside a path so presume entering else (*m_ZFill)(e.Top, e.Bot, pt); //inside a path so presume exiting } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #endif void Clipper::IntersectEdges(TEdge *e1, TEdge *e2, const IntPoint &Pt, bool protect) { //e1 will be to the Left of e2 BELOW the intersection. Therefore e1 is before //e2 in AEL except when e1 is being inserted at the intersection point ... bool e1stops = !protect && !e1->NextInLML && e1->Top.X == Pt.X && e1->Top.Y == Pt.Y; bool e2stops = !protect && !e2->NextInLML && e2->Top.X == Pt.X && e2->Top.Y == Pt.Y; bool e1Contributing = ( e1->OutIdx >= 0 ); bool e2Contributing = ( e2->OutIdx >= 0 ); #ifdef use_lines //if either edge is on an OPEN path ... if (e1->WindDelta == 0 || e2->WindDelta == 0) { //ignore subject-subject open path intersections UNLESS they //are both open paths, AND they are both 'contributing maximas' ... if (e1->WindDelta == 0 && e2->WindDelta == 0) { if ((e1stops || e2stops) && e1Contributing && e2Contributing) AddLocalMaxPoly(e1, e2, Pt); } //if intersecting a subj line with a subj poly ... else if (e1->PolyTyp == e2->PolyTyp && e1->WindDelta != e2->WindDelta && m_ClipType == ctUnion) { if (e1->WindDelta == 0) { if (e2Contributing) { AddOutPt(e1, Pt); if (e1Contributing) e1->OutIdx = Unassigned; } } else { if (e1Contributing) { AddOutPt(e2, Pt); if (e2Contributing) e2->OutIdx = Unassigned; } } } else if (e1->PolyTyp != e2->PolyTyp) { //toggle subj open path OutIdx on/off when Abs(clip.WndCnt) == 1 ... if ((e1->WindDelta == 0) && abs(e2->WindCnt) == 1 && (m_ClipType != ctUnion || e2->WindCnt2 == 0)) { AddOutPt(e1, Pt); if (e1Contributing) e1->OutIdx = Unassigned; } else if ((e2->WindDelta == 0) && (abs(e1->WindCnt) == 1) && (m_ClipType != ctUnion || e1->WindCnt2 == 0)) { AddOutPt(e2, Pt); if (e2Contributing) e2->OutIdx = Unassigned; } } if (e1stops) if (e1->OutIdx < 0) DeleteFromAEL(e1); else throw clipperException("Error intersecting polylines"); if (e2stops) if (e2->OutIdx < 0) DeleteFromAEL(e2); else throw clipperException("Error intersecting polylines"); return; } #endif //update winding counts... //assumes that e1 will be to the Right of e2 ABOVE the intersection if ( e1->PolyTyp == e2->PolyTyp ) { if ( IsEvenOddFillType( *e1) ) { int oldE1WindCnt = e1->WindCnt; e1->WindCnt = e2->WindCnt; e2->WindCnt = oldE1WindCnt; } else { if (e1->WindCnt + e2->WindDelta == 0 ) e1->WindCnt = -e1->WindCnt; else e1->WindCnt += e2->WindDelta; if ( e2->WindCnt - e1->WindDelta == 0 ) e2->WindCnt = -e2->WindCnt; else e2->WindCnt -= e1->WindDelta; } } else { if (!IsEvenOddFillType(*e2)) e1->WindCnt2 += e2->WindDelta; else e1->WindCnt2 = ( e1->WindCnt2 == 0 ) ? 1 : 0; if (!IsEvenOddFillType(*e1)) e2->WindCnt2 -= e1->WindDelta; else e2->WindCnt2 = ( e2->WindCnt2 == 0 ) ? 1 : 0; } PolyFillType e1FillType, e2FillType, e1FillType2, e2FillType2; if (e1->PolyTyp == ptSubject) { e1FillType = m_SubjFillType; e1FillType2 = m_ClipFillType; } else { e1FillType = m_ClipFillType; e1FillType2 = m_SubjFillType; } if (e2->PolyTyp == ptSubject) { e2FillType = m_SubjFillType; e2FillType2 = m_ClipFillType; } else { e2FillType = m_ClipFillType; e2FillType2 = m_SubjFillType; } cInt e1Wc, e2Wc; switch (e1FillType) { case pftPositive: e1Wc = e1->WindCnt; break; case pftNegative: e1Wc = -e1->WindCnt; break; default: e1Wc = Abs(e1->WindCnt); } switch(e2FillType) { case pftPositive: e2Wc = e2->WindCnt; break; case pftNegative: e2Wc = -e2->WindCnt; break; default: e2Wc = Abs(e2->WindCnt); } if ( e1Contributing && e2Contributing ) { if ( e1stops || e2stops || (e1Wc != 0 && e1Wc != 1) || (e2Wc != 0 && e2Wc != 1) || (e1->PolyTyp != e2->PolyTyp && m_ClipType != ctXor) ) AddLocalMaxPoly(e1, e2, Pt); else { AddOutPt(e1, Pt); AddOutPt(e2, Pt); SwapSides( *e1 , *e2 ); SwapPolyIndexes( *e1 , *e2 ); } } else if ( e1Contributing ) { if (e2Wc == 0 || e2Wc == 1) { AddOutPt(e1, Pt); SwapSides(*e1, *e2); SwapPolyIndexes(*e1, *e2); } } else if ( e2Contributing ) { if (e1Wc == 0 || e1Wc == 1) { AddOutPt(e2, Pt); SwapSides(*e1, *e2); SwapPolyIndexes(*e1, *e2); } } else if ( (e1Wc == 0 || e1Wc == 1) && (e2Wc == 0 || e2Wc == 1) && !e1stops && !e2stops ) { //neither edge is currently contributing ... cInt e1Wc2, e2Wc2; switch (e1FillType2) { case pftPositive: e1Wc2 = e1->WindCnt2; break; case pftNegative : e1Wc2 = -e1->WindCnt2; break; default: e1Wc2 = Abs(e1->WindCnt2); } switch (e2FillType2) { case pftPositive: e2Wc2 = e2->WindCnt2; break; case pftNegative: e2Wc2 = -e2->WindCnt2; break; default: e2Wc2 = Abs(e2->WindCnt2); } if (e1->PolyTyp != e2->PolyTyp) AddLocalMinPoly(e1, e2, Pt); else if (e1Wc == 1 && e2Wc == 1) switch( m_ClipType ) { case ctIntersection: if (e1Wc2 > 0 && e2Wc2 > 0) AddLocalMinPoly(e1, e2, Pt); break; case ctUnion: if ( e1Wc2 <= 0 && e2Wc2 <= 0 ) AddLocalMinPoly(e1, e2, Pt); break; case ctDifference: if (((e1->PolyTyp == ptClip) && (e1Wc2 > 0) && (e2Wc2 > 0)) || ((e1->PolyTyp == ptSubject) && (e1Wc2 <= 0) && (e2Wc2 <= 0))) AddLocalMinPoly(e1, e2, Pt); break; case ctXor: AddLocalMinPoly(e1, e2, Pt); } else SwapSides( *e1, *e2 ); } if( (e1stops != e2stops) && ( (e1stops && (e1->OutIdx >= 0)) || (e2stops && (e2->OutIdx >= 0)) ) ) { SwapSides( *e1, *e2 ); SwapPolyIndexes( *e1, *e2 ); } //finally, delete any non-contributing maxima edges ... if( e1stops ) DeleteFromAEL( e1 ); if( e2stops ) DeleteFromAEL( e2 ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::SetHoleState(TEdge *e, OutRec *outrec) { bool IsHole = false; TEdge *e2 = e->PrevInAEL; while (e2) { if (e2->OutIdx >= 0 && e2->WindDelta != 0) { IsHole = !IsHole; if (! outrec->FirstLeft) outrec->FirstLeft = m_PolyOuts[e2->OutIdx]; } e2 = e2->PrevInAEL; } if (IsHole) outrec->IsHole = true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OutRec* GetLowermostRec(OutRec *outRec1, OutRec *outRec2) { //work out which polygon fragment has the correct hole state ... if (!outRec1->BottomPt) outRec1->BottomPt = GetBottomPt(outRec1->Pts); if (!outRec2->BottomPt) outRec2->BottomPt = GetBottomPt(outRec2->Pts); OutPt *OutPt1 = outRec1->BottomPt; OutPt *OutPt2 = outRec2->BottomPt; if (OutPt1->Pt.Y > OutPt2->Pt.Y) return outRec1; else if (OutPt1->Pt.Y < OutPt2->Pt.Y) return outRec2; else if (OutPt1->Pt.X < OutPt2->Pt.X) return outRec1; else if (OutPt1->Pt.X > OutPt2->Pt.X) return outRec2; else if (OutPt1->Next == OutPt1) return outRec2; else if (OutPt2->Next == OutPt2) return outRec1; else if (FirstIsBottomPt(OutPt1, OutPt2)) return outRec1; else return outRec2; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Param1RightOfParam2(OutRec* outRec1, OutRec* outRec2) { do { outRec1 = outRec1->FirstLeft; if (outRec1 == outRec2) return true; } while (outRec1); return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OutRec* Clipper::GetOutRec(int Idx) { OutRec* outrec = m_PolyOuts[Idx]; while (outrec != m_PolyOuts[outrec->Idx]) outrec = m_PolyOuts[outrec->Idx]; return outrec; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::AppendPolygon(TEdge *e1, TEdge *e2) { //get the start and ends of both output polygons ... OutRec *outRec1 = m_PolyOuts[e1->OutIdx]; OutRec *outRec2 = m_PolyOuts[e2->OutIdx]; OutRec *holeStateRec; if (Param1RightOfParam2(outRec1, outRec2)) holeStateRec = outRec2; else if (Param1RightOfParam2(outRec2, outRec1)) holeStateRec = outRec1; else holeStateRec = GetLowermostRec(outRec1, outRec2); //get the start and ends of both output polygons and //join e2 poly onto e1 poly and delete pointers to e2 ... OutPt* p1_lft = outRec1->Pts; OutPt* p1_rt = p1_lft->Prev; OutPt* p2_lft = outRec2->Pts; OutPt* p2_rt = p2_lft->Prev; EdgeSide Side; //join e2 poly onto e1 poly and delete pointers to e2 ... if( e1->Side == esLeft ) { if( e2->Side == esLeft ) { //z y x a b c ReversePolyPtLinks(p2_lft); p2_lft->Next = p1_lft; p1_lft->Prev = p2_lft; p1_rt->Next = p2_rt; p2_rt->Prev = p1_rt; outRec1->Pts = p2_rt; } else { //x y z a b c p2_rt->Next = p1_lft; p1_lft->Prev = p2_rt; p2_lft->Prev = p1_rt; p1_rt->Next = p2_lft; outRec1->Pts = p2_lft; } Side = esLeft; } else { if( e2->Side == esRight ) { //a b c z y x ReversePolyPtLinks(p2_lft); p1_rt->Next = p2_rt; p2_rt->Prev = p1_rt; p2_lft->Next = p1_lft; p1_lft->Prev = p2_lft; } else { //a b c x y z p1_rt->Next = p2_lft; p2_lft->Prev = p1_rt; p1_lft->Prev = p2_rt; p2_rt->Next = p1_lft; } Side = esRight; } outRec1->BottomPt = 0; if (holeStateRec == outRec2) { if (outRec2->FirstLeft != outRec1) outRec1->FirstLeft = outRec2->FirstLeft; outRec1->IsHole = outRec2->IsHole; } outRec2->Pts = 0; outRec2->BottomPt = 0; outRec2->FirstLeft = outRec1; int OKIdx = e1->OutIdx; int ObsoleteIdx = e2->OutIdx; e1->OutIdx = Unassigned; //nb: safe because we only get here via AddLocalMaxPoly e2->OutIdx = Unassigned; TEdge* e = m_ActiveEdges; while( e ) { if( e->OutIdx == ObsoleteIdx ) { e->OutIdx = OKIdx; e->Side = Side; break; } e = e->NextInAEL; } outRec2->Idx = outRec1->Idx; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OutRec* Clipper::CreateOutRec() { OutRec* result = new OutRec; result->IsHole = false; result->IsOpen = false; result->FirstLeft = 0; result->Pts = 0; result->BottomPt = 0; result->PolyNd = 0; m_PolyOuts.push_back(result); result->Idx = (int)m_PolyOuts.size()-1; return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OutPt* Clipper::AddOutPt(TEdge *e, const IntPoint &pt) { bool ToFront = (e->Side == esLeft); if( e->OutIdx < 0 ) { OutRec *outRec = CreateOutRec(); outRec->IsOpen = (e->WindDelta == 0); OutPt* newOp = new OutPt; outRec->Pts = newOp; newOp->Idx = outRec->Idx; newOp->Pt = pt; newOp->Next = newOp; newOp->Prev = newOp; if (!outRec->IsOpen) SetHoleState(e, outRec); #ifdef use_xyz if (pt == e->Bot) newOp->Pt = e->Bot; else if (pt == e->Top) newOp->Pt = e->Top; else SetZ(newOp->Pt, *e); #endif e->OutIdx = outRec->Idx; //nb: do this after SetZ ! return newOp; } else { OutRec *outRec = m_PolyOuts[e->OutIdx]; //OutRec.Pts is the 'Left-most' point & OutRec.Pts.Prev is the 'Right-most' OutPt* op = outRec->Pts; if (ToFront && (pt == op->Pt)) return op; else if (!ToFront && (pt == op->Prev->Pt)) return op->Prev; OutPt* newOp = new OutPt; newOp->Idx = outRec->Idx; newOp->Pt = pt; newOp->Next = op; newOp->Prev = op->Prev; newOp->Prev->Next = newOp; op->Prev = newOp; if (ToFront) outRec->Pts = newOp; #ifdef use_xyz if (pt == e->Bot) newOp->Pt = e->Bot; else if (pt == e->Top) newOp->Pt = e->Top; else SetZ(newOp->Pt, *e); #endif return newOp; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::ProcessHorizontals(bool IsTopOfScanbeam) { TEdge* horzEdge = m_SortedEdges; while(horzEdge) { DeleteFromSEL(horzEdge); ProcessHorizontal(horzEdge, IsTopOfScanbeam); horzEdge = m_SortedEdges; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline bool IsMinima(TEdge *e) { return e && (e->Prev->NextInLML != e) && (e->Next->NextInLML != e); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline bool IsMaxima(TEdge *e, const cInt Y) { return e && e->Top.Y == Y && !e->NextInLML; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline bool IsIntermediate(TEdge *e, const cInt Y) { return e->Top.Y == Y && e->NextInLML; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEdge *GetMaximaPair(TEdge *e) { TEdge* result = 0; if ((e->Next->Top == e->Top) && !e->Next->NextInLML) result = e->Next; else if ((e->Prev->Top == e->Top) && !e->Prev->NextInLML) result = e->Prev; if (result && (result->OutIdx == Skip || //result is false if both NextInAEL & PrevInAEL are nil & not horizontal ... (result->NextInAEL == result->PrevInAEL && !IsHorizontal(*result)))) return 0; return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::SwapPositionsInAEL(TEdge *Edge1, TEdge *Edge2) { //check that one or other edge hasn't already been removed from AEL ... if (Edge1->NextInAEL == Edge1->PrevInAEL || Edge2->NextInAEL == Edge2->PrevInAEL) return; if( Edge1->NextInAEL == Edge2 ) { TEdge* Next = Edge2->NextInAEL; if( Next ) Next->PrevInAEL = Edge1; TEdge* Prev = Edge1->PrevInAEL; if( Prev ) Prev->NextInAEL = Edge2; Edge2->PrevInAEL = Prev; Edge2->NextInAEL = Edge1; Edge1->PrevInAEL = Edge2; Edge1->NextInAEL = Next; } else if( Edge2->NextInAEL == Edge1 ) { TEdge* Next = Edge1->NextInAEL; if( Next ) Next->PrevInAEL = Edge2; TEdge* Prev = Edge2->PrevInAEL; if( Prev ) Prev->NextInAEL = Edge1; Edge1->PrevInAEL = Prev; Edge1->NextInAEL = Edge2; Edge2->PrevInAEL = Edge1; Edge2->NextInAEL = Next; } else { TEdge* Next = Edge1->NextInAEL; TEdge* Prev = Edge1->PrevInAEL; Edge1->NextInAEL = Edge2->NextInAEL; if( Edge1->NextInAEL ) Edge1->NextInAEL->PrevInAEL = Edge1; Edge1->PrevInAEL = Edge2->PrevInAEL; if( Edge1->PrevInAEL ) Edge1->PrevInAEL->NextInAEL = Edge1; Edge2->NextInAEL = Next; if( Edge2->NextInAEL ) Edge2->NextInAEL->PrevInAEL = Edge2; Edge2->PrevInAEL = Prev; if( Edge2->PrevInAEL ) Edge2->PrevInAEL->NextInAEL = Edge2; } if( !Edge1->PrevInAEL ) m_ActiveEdges = Edge1; else if( !Edge2->PrevInAEL ) m_ActiveEdges = Edge2; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::SwapPositionsInSEL(TEdge *Edge1, TEdge *Edge2) { if( !( Edge1->NextInSEL ) && !( Edge1->PrevInSEL ) ) return; if( !( Edge2->NextInSEL ) && !( Edge2->PrevInSEL ) ) return; if( Edge1->NextInSEL == Edge2 ) { TEdge* Next = Edge2->NextInSEL; if( Next ) Next->PrevInSEL = Edge1; TEdge* Prev = Edge1->PrevInSEL; if( Prev ) Prev->NextInSEL = Edge2; Edge2->PrevInSEL = Prev; Edge2->NextInSEL = Edge1; Edge1->PrevInSEL = Edge2; Edge1->NextInSEL = Next; } else if( Edge2->NextInSEL == Edge1 ) { TEdge* Next = Edge1->NextInSEL; if( Next ) Next->PrevInSEL = Edge2; TEdge* Prev = Edge2->PrevInSEL; if( Prev ) Prev->NextInSEL = Edge1; Edge1->PrevInSEL = Prev; Edge1->NextInSEL = Edge2; Edge2->PrevInSEL = Edge1; Edge2->NextInSEL = Next; } else { TEdge* Next = Edge1->NextInSEL; TEdge* Prev = Edge1->PrevInSEL; Edge1->NextInSEL = Edge2->NextInSEL; if( Edge1->NextInSEL ) Edge1->NextInSEL->PrevInSEL = Edge1; Edge1->PrevInSEL = Edge2->PrevInSEL; if( Edge1->PrevInSEL ) Edge1->PrevInSEL->NextInSEL = Edge1; Edge2->NextInSEL = Next; if( Edge2->NextInSEL ) Edge2->NextInSEL->PrevInSEL = Edge2; Edge2->PrevInSEL = Prev; if( Edge2->PrevInSEL ) Edge2->PrevInSEL->NextInSEL = Edge2; } if( !Edge1->PrevInSEL ) m_SortedEdges = Edge1; else if( !Edge2->PrevInSEL ) m_SortedEdges = Edge2; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEdge* GetNextInAEL(TEdge *e, Direction dir) { return dir == dLeftToRight ? e->NextInAEL : e->PrevInAEL; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void GetHorzDirection(TEdge& HorzEdge, Direction& Dir, cInt& Left, cInt& Right) { if (HorzEdge.Bot.X < HorzEdge.Top.X) { Left = HorzEdge.Bot.X; Right = HorzEdge.Top.X; Dir = dLeftToRight; } else { Left = HorzEdge.Top.X; Right = HorzEdge.Bot.X; Dir = dRightToLeft; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::PrepareHorzJoins(TEdge* horzEdge, bool isTopOfScanbeam) { //get the last Op for this horizontal edge //the point may be anywhere along the horizontal ... OutPt* outPt = m_PolyOuts[horzEdge->OutIdx]->Pts; if (horzEdge->Side != esLeft) outPt = outPt->Prev; //First, match up overlapping horizontal edges (eg when one polygon's //intermediate horz edge overlaps an intermediate horz edge of another, or //when one polygon sits on top of another) ... for (JoinList::size_type i = 0; i < m_GhostJoins.size(); ++i) { Join* j = m_GhostJoins[i]; if (HorzSegmentsOverlap(j->OutPt1->Pt, j->OffPt, horzEdge->Bot, horzEdge->Top)) AddJoin(j->OutPt1, outPt, j->OffPt); } //Also, since horizontal edges at the top of one SB are often removed from //the AEL before we process the horizontal edges at the bottom of the next, //we need to create 'ghost' Join records of 'contrubuting' horizontals that //we can compare with horizontals at the bottom of the next SB. if (isTopOfScanbeam) if (outPt->Pt == horzEdge->Top) AddGhostJoin(outPt, horzEdge->Bot); else AddGhostJoin(outPt, horzEdge->Top); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /******************************************************************************* * Notes: Horizontal edges (HEs) at scanline intersections (ie at the Top or * * Bottom of a scanbeam) are processed as if layered. The order in which HEs * * are processed doesn't matter. HEs intersect with other HE Bot.Xs only [#] * * (or they could intersect with Top.Xs only, ie EITHER Bot.Xs OR Top.Xs), * * and with other non-horizontal edges [*]. Once these intersections are * * processed, intermediate HEs then 'promote' the Edge above (NextInLML) into * * the AEL. These 'promoted' edges may in turn intersect [%] with other HEs. * *******************************************************************************/ void Clipper::ProcessHorizontal(TEdge *horzEdge, bool isTopOfScanbeam) { Direction dir; cInt horzLeft, horzRight; GetHorzDirection(*horzEdge, dir, horzLeft, horzRight); TEdge* eLastHorz = horzEdge, *eMaxPair = 0; while (eLastHorz->NextInLML && IsHorizontal(*eLastHorz->NextInLML)) eLastHorz = eLastHorz->NextInLML; if (!eLastHorz->NextInLML) eMaxPair = GetMaximaPair(eLastHorz); for (;;) { bool IsLastHorz = (horzEdge == eLastHorz); TEdge* e = GetNextInAEL(horzEdge, dir); while(e) { //Break if we've got to the end of an intermediate horizontal edge ... //nb: Smaller Dx's are to the right of larger Dx's ABOVE the horizontal. if (e->Curr.X == horzEdge->Top.X && horzEdge->NextInLML && e->Dx < horzEdge->NextInLML->Dx) break; TEdge* eNext = GetNextInAEL(e, dir); //saves eNext for later if ((dir == dLeftToRight && e->Curr.X <= horzRight) || (dir == dRightToLeft && e->Curr.X >= horzLeft)) { //so far we're still in range of the horizontal Edge but make sure //we're at the last of consec. horizontals when matching with eMaxPair if(e == eMaxPair && IsLastHorz) { if (horzEdge->OutIdx >= 0 && horzEdge->WindDelta != 0) PrepareHorzJoins(horzEdge, isTopOfScanbeam); if (dir == dLeftToRight) IntersectEdges(horzEdge, e, e->Top); else IntersectEdges(e, horzEdge, e->Top); if (eMaxPair->OutIdx >= 0) throw clipperException("ProcessHorizontal error"); return; } else if(dir == dLeftToRight) { IntPoint Pt = IntPoint(e->Curr.X, horzEdge->Curr.Y); IntersectEdges(horzEdge, e, Pt, true); } else { IntPoint Pt = IntPoint(e->Curr.X, horzEdge->Curr.Y); IntersectEdges( e, horzEdge, Pt, true); } SwapPositionsInAEL( horzEdge, e ); } else if( (dir == dLeftToRight && e->Curr.X >= horzRight) || (dir == dRightToLeft && e->Curr.X <= horzLeft) ) break; e = eNext; } //end while if (horzEdge->OutIdx >= 0 && horzEdge->WindDelta != 0) PrepareHorzJoins(horzEdge, isTopOfScanbeam); if (horzEdge->NextInLML && IsHorizontal(*horzEdge->NextInLML)) { UpdateEdgeIntoAEL(horzEdge); if (horzEdge->OutIdx >= 0) AddOutPt(horzEdge, horzEdge->Bot); GetHorzDirection(*horzEdge, dir, horzLeft, horzRight); } else break; } //end for (;;) if(horzEdge->NextInLML) { if(horzEdge->OutIdx >= 0) { OutPt* op1 = AddOutPt( horzEdge, horzEdge->Top); UpdateEdgeIntoAEL(horzEdge); if (horzEdge->WindDelta == 0) return; //nb: HorzEdge is no longer horizontal here TEdge* ePrev = horzEdge->PrevInAEL; TEdge* eNext = horzEdge->NextInAEL; if (ePrev && ePrev->Curr.X == horzEdge->Bot.X && ePrev->Curr.Y == horzEdge->Bot.Y && ePrev->WindDelta != 0 && (ePrev->OutIdx >= 0 && ePrev->Curr.Y > ePrev->Top.Y && SlopesEqual(*horzEdge, *ePrev, m_UseFullRange))) { OutPt* op2 = AddOutPt(ePrev, horzEdge->Bot); AddJoin(op1, op2, horzEdge->Top); } else if (eNext && eNext->Curr.X == horzEdge->Bot.X && eNext->Curr.Y == horzEdge->Bot.Y && eNext->WindDelta != 0 && eNext->OutIdx >= 0 && eNext->Curr.Y > eNext->Top.Y && SlopesEqual(*horzEdge, *eNext, m_UseFullRange)) { OutPt* op2 = AddOutPt(eNext, horzEdge->Bot); AddJoin(op1, op2, horzEdge->Top); } } else UpdateEdgeIntoAEL(horzEdge); } else if (eMaxPair) { if (eMaxPair->OutIdx >= 0) { if (dir == dLeftToRight) IntersectEdges(horzEdge, eMaxPair, horzEdge->Top); else IntersectEdges(eMaxPair, horzEdge, horzEdge->Top); if (eMaxPair->OutIdx >= 0) throw clipperException("ProcessHorizontal error"); } else { DeleteFromAEL(horzEdge); DeleteFromAEL(eMaxPair); } } else { if (horzEdge->OutIdx >= 0) AddOutPt(horzEdge, horzEdge->Top); DeleteFromAEL(horzEdge); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::UpdateEdgeIntoAEL(TEdge *&e) { if( !e->NextInLML ) throw clipperException("UpdateEdgeIntoAEL: invalid call"); e->NextInLML->OutIdx = e->OutIdx; TEdge* AelPrev = e->PrevInAEL; TEdge* AelNext = e->NextInAEL; if (AelPrev) AelPrev->NextInAEL = e->NextInLML; else m_ActiveEdges = e->NextInLML; if (AelNext) AelNext->PrevInAEL = e->NextInLML; e->NextInLML->Side = e->Side; e->NextInLML->WindDelta = e->WindDelta; e->NextInLML->WindCnt = e->WindCnt; e->NextInLML->WindCnt2 = e->WindCnt2; e = e->NextInLML; e->Curr = e->Bot; e->PrevInAEL = AelPrev; e->NextInAEL = AelNext; if (!IsHorizontal(*e)) InsertScanbeam(e->Top.Y); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Clipper::ProcessIntersections(const cInt botY, const cInt topY) { if( !m_ActiveEdges ) return true; try { BuildIntersectList(botY, topY); if (!m_IntersectNodes) return true; if (!m_IntersectNodes->Next || FixupIntersectionOrder()) ProcessIntersectList(); else return false; } catch(...) { m_SortedEdges = 0; DisposeIntersectNodes(); throw clipperException("ProcessIntersections error"); } m_SortedEdges = 0; return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::DisposeIntersectNodes() { while ( m_IntersectNodes ) { IntersectNode* iNode = m_IntersectNodes->Next; delete m_IntersectNodes; m_IntersectNodes = iNode; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::BuildIntersectList(const cInt botY, const cInt topY) { if ( !m_ActiveEdges ) return; //prepare for sorting ... TEdge* e = m_ActiveEdges; m_SortedEdges = e; while( e ) { e->PrevInSEL = e->PrevInAEL; e->NextInSEL = e->NextInAEL; e->Curr.X = TopX( *e, topY ); e = e->NextInAEL; } //bubblesort ... bool isModified; do { isModified = false; e = m_SortedEdges; while( e->NextInSEL ) { TEdge *eNext = e->NextInSEL; IntPoint Pt; if(e->Curr.X > eNext->Curr.X) { if (!IntersectPoint(*e, *eNext, Pt, m_UseFullRange) && e->Curr.X > eNext->Curr.X +1) throw clipperException("Intersection error"); if (Pt.Y > botY) { Pt.Y = botY; if (std::fabs(e->Dx) > std::fabs(eNext->Dx)) Pt.X = TopX(*eNext, botY); else Pt.X = TopX(*e, botY); } InsertIntersectNode( e, eNext, Pt ); SwapPositionsInSEL(e, eNext); isModified = true; } else e = eNext; } if( e->PrevInSEL ) e->PrevInSEL->NextInSEL = 0; else break; } while ( isModified ); m_SortedEdges = 0; //important } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::InsertIntersectNode(TEdge *e1, TEdge *e2, const IntPoint &Pt) { IntersectNode* newNode = new IntersectNode; newNode->Edge1 = e1; newNode->Edge2 = e2; newNode->Pt = Pt; newNode->Next = 0; if( !m_IntersectNodes ) m_IntersectNodes = newNode; else if(newNode->Pt.Y > m_IntersectNodes->Pt.Y ) { newNode->Next = m_IntersectNodes; m_IntersectNodes = newNode; } else { IntersectNode* iNode = m_IntersectNodes; while(iNode->Next && newNode->Pt.Y <= iNode->Next->Pt.Y) iNode = iNode->Next; newNode->Next = iNode->Next; iNode->Next = newNode; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::ProcessIntersectList() { while( m_IntersectNodes ) { IntersectNode* iNode = m_IntersectNodes->Next; { IntersectEdges( m_IntersectNodes->Edge1 , m_IntersectNodes->Edge2 , m_IntersectNodes->Pt, true); SwapPositionsInAEL( m_IntersectNodes->Edge1 , m_IntersectNodes->Edge2 ); } delete m_IntersectNodes; m_IntersectNodes = iNode; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::DoMaxima(TEdge *e) { TEdge* eMaxPair = GetMaximaPair(e); if (!eMaxPair) { if (e->OutIdx >= 0) AddOutPt(e, e->Top); DeleteFromAEL(e); return; } TEdge* eNext = e->NextInAEL; while(eNext && eNext != eMaxPair) { IntersectEdges(e, eNext, e->Top, true); SwapPositionsInAEL(e, eNext); eNext = e->NextInAEL; } if(e->OutIdx == Unassigned && eMaxPair->OutIdx == Unassigned) { DeleteFromAEL(e); DeleteFromAEL(eMaxPair); } else if( e->OutIdx >= 0 && eMaxPair->OutIdx >= 0 ) { IntersectEdges( e, eMaxPair, e->Top); } #ifdef use_lines else if (e->WindDelta == 0) { if (e->OutIdx >= 0) { AddOutPt(e, e->Top); e->OutIdx = Unassigned; } DeleteFromAEL(e); if (eMaxPair->OutIdx >= 0) { AddOutPt(eMaxPair, e->Top); eMaxPair->OutIdx = Unassigned; } DeleteFromAEL(eMaxPair); } #endif else throw clipperException("DoMaxima error"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::ProcessEdgesAtTopOfScanbeam(const cInt topY) { TEdge* e = m_ActiveEdges; while( e ) { //1. process maxima, treating them as if they're 'bent' horizontal edges, // but exclude maxima with horizontal edges. nb: e can't be a horizontal. bool IsMaximaEdge = IsMaxima(e, topY); if(IsMaximaEdge) { TEdge* eMaxPair = GetMaximaPair(e); IsMaximaEdge = (!eMaxPair || !IsHorizontal(*eMaxPair)); } if(IsMaximaEdge) { TEdge* ePrev = e->PrevInAEL; DoMaxima(e); if( !ePrev ) e = m_ActiveEdges; else e = ePrev->NextInAEL; } else { //2. promote horizontal edges, otherwise update Curr.X and Curr.Y ... if (IsIntermediate(e, topY) && IsHorizontal(*e->NextInLML)) { UpdateEdgeIntoAEL(e); if (e->OutIdx >= 0) AddOutPt(e, e->Bot); AddEdgeToSEL(e); } else { e->Curr.X = TopX( *e, topY ); e->Curr.Y = topY; } if (m_StrictSimple) { TEdge* ePrev = e->PrevInAEL; if ((e->OutIdx >= 0) && (e->WindDelta != 0) && ePrev && (ePrev->OutIdx >= 0) && (ePrev->Curr.X == e->Curr.X) && (ePrev->WindDelta != 0)) { OutPt* op = AddOutPt(ePrev, e->Curr); OutPt* op2 = AddOutPt(e, e->Curr); AddJoin(op, op2, e->Curr); //StrictlySimple (type-3) join } } e = e->NextInAEL; } } //3. Process horizontals at the Top of the scanbeam ... ProcessHorizontals(true); //4. Promote intermediate vertices ... e = m_ActiveEdges; while(e) { if(IsIntermediate(e, topY)) { OutPt* op = 0; if( e->OutIdx >= 0 ) op = AddOutPt(e, e->Top); UpdateEdgeIntoAEL(e); //if output polygons share an edge, they'll need joining later ... TEdge* ePrev = e->PrevInAEL; TEdge* eNext = e->NextInAEL; if (ePrev && ePrev->Curr.X == e->Bot.X && ePrev->Curr.Y == e->Bot.Y && op && ePrev->OutIdx >= 0 && ePrev->Curr.Y > ePrev->Top.Y && SlopesEqual(*e, *ePrev, m_UseFullRange) && (e->WindDelta != 0) && (ePrev->WindDelta != 0)) { OutPt* op2 = AddOutPt(ePrev, e->Bot); AddJoin(op, op2, e->Top); } else if (eNext && eNext->Curr.X == e->Bot.X && eNext->Curr.Y == e->Bot.Y && op && eNext->OutIdx >= 0 && eNext->Curr.Y > eNext->Top.Y && SlopesEqual(*e, *eNext, m_UseFullRange) && (e->WindDelta != 0) && (eNext->WindDelta != 0)) { OutPt* op2 = AddOutPt(eNext, e->Bot); AddJoin(op, op2, e->Top); } } e = e->NextInAEL; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::FixupOutPolygon(OutRec &outrec) { //FixupOutPolygon() - removes duplicate points and simplifies consecutive //parallel edges by removing the middle vertex. OutPt *lastOK = 0; outrec.BottomPt = 0; OutPt *pp = outrec.Pts; for (;;) { if (pp->Prev == pp || pp->Prev == pp->Next ) { DisposeOutPts(pp); outrec.Pts = 0; return; } //test for duplicate points and collinear edges ... if ((pp->Pt == pp->Next->Pt) || (pp->Pt == pp->Prev->Pt) || (SlopesEqual(pp->Prev->Pt, pp->Pt, pp->Next->Pt, m_UseFullRange) && (!m_PreserveCollinear || !Pt2IsBetweenPt1AndPt3(pp->Prev->Pt, pp->Pt, pp->Next->Pt)))) { lastOK = 0; OutPt *tmp = pp; pp->Prev->Next = pp->Next; pp->Next->Prev = pp->Prev; pp = pp->Prev; delete tmp; } else if (pp == lastOK) break; else { if (!lastOK) lastOK = pp; pp = pp->Next; } } outrec.Pts = pp; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int PointCount(OutPt *Pts) { if (!Pts) return 0; int result = 0; OutPt* p = Pts; do { result++; p = p->Next; } while (p != Pts); return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::BuildResult(Paths &polys) { polys.reserve(m_PolyOuts.size()); for (PolyOutList::size_type i = 0; i < m_PolyOuts.size(); ++i) { if (!m_PolyOuts[i]->Pts) continue; Path pg; OutPt* p = m_PolyOuts[i]->Pts->Prev; int cnt = PointCount(p); if (cnt < 2) continue; pg.reserve(cnt); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { pg.push_back(p->Pt); p = p->Prev; } polys.push_back(pg); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::BuildResult2(PolyTree& polytree) { polytree.Clear(); polytree.AllNodes.reserve(m_PolyOuts.size()); //add each output polygon/contour to polytree ... for (PolyOutList::size_type i = 0; i < m_PolyOuts.size(); i++) { OutRec* outRec = m_PolyOuts[i]; int cnt = PointCount(outRec->Pts); if ((outRec->IsOpen && cnt < 2) || (!outRec->IsOpen && cnt < 3)) continue; FixHoleLinkage(*outRec); PolyNode* pn = new PolyNode(); //nb: polytree takes ownership of all the PolyNodes polytree.AllNodes.push_back(pn); outRec->PolyNd = pn; pn->Parent = 0; pn->Index = 0; pn->Contour.reserve(cnt); OutPt *op = outRec->Pts->Prev; for (int j = 0; j < cnt; j++) { pn->Contour.push_back(op->Pt); op = op->Prev; } } //fixup PolyNode links etc ... polytree.Childs.reserve(m_PolyOuts.size()); for (PolyOutList::size_type i = 0; i < m_PolyOuts.size(); i++) { OutRec* outRec = m_PolyOuts[i]; if (!outRec->PolyNd) continue; if (outRec->IsOpen) { outRec->PolyNd->m_IsOpen = true; polytree.AddChild(*outRec->PolyNd); } else if (outRec->FirstLeft) outRec->FirstLeft->PolyNd->AddChild(*outRec->PolyNd); else polytree.AddChild(*outRec->PolyNd); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SwapIntersectNodes(IntersectNode &int1, IntersectNode &int2) { //just swap the contents (because fIntersectNodes is a single-linked-list) IntersectNode inode = int1; //gets a copy of Int1 int1.Edge1 = int2.Edge1; int1.Edge2 = int2.Edge2; int1.Pt = int2.Pt; int2.Edge1 = inode.Edge1; int2.Edge2 = inode.Edge2; int2.Pt = inode.Pt; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline bool EdgesAdjacent(const IntersectNode &inode) { return (inode.Edge1->NextInSEL == inode.Edge2) || (inode.Edge1->PrevInSEL == inode.Edge2); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Clipper::FixupIntersectionOrder() { //pre-condition: intersections are sorted Bottom-most (then Left-most) first. //Now it's crucial that intersections are made only between adjacent edges, //so to ensure this the order of intersections may need adjusting ... IntersectNode *inode = m_IntersectNodes; CopyAELToSEL(); while (inode) { if (!EdgesAdjacent(*inode)) { IntersectNode *nextNode = inode->Next; while (nextNode && !EdgesAdjacent(*nextNode)) nextNode = nextNode->Next; if (!nextNode) return false; SwapIntersectNodes(*inode, *nextNode); } SwapPositionsInSEL(inode->Edge1, inode->Edge2); inode = inode->Next; } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline bool E2InsertsBeforeE1(TEdge &e1, TEdge &e2) { if (e2.Curr.X == e1.Curr.X) { if (e2.Top.Y > e1.Top.Y) return e2.Top.X < TopX(e1, e2.Top.Y); else return e1.Top.X > TopX(e2, e1.Top.Y); } else return e2.Curr.X < e1.Curr.X; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool GetOverlap(const cInt a1, const cInt a2, const cInt b1, const cInt b2, cInt& Left, cInt& Right) { if (a1 < a2) { if (b1 < b2) {Left = std::max(a1,b1); Right = std::min(a2,b2);} else {Left = std::max(a1,b2); Right = std::min(a2,b1);} } else { if (b1 < b2) {Left = std::max(a2,b1); Right = std::min(a1,b2);} else {Left = std::max(a2,b2); Right = std::min(a1,b1);} } return Left < Right; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void UpdateOutPtIdxs(OutRec& outrec) { OutPt* op = outrec.Pts; do { op->Idx = outrec.Idx; op = op->Prev; } while(op != outrec.Pts); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::InsertEdgeIntoAEL(TEdge *edge, TEdge* startEdge) { if(!m_ActiveEdges) { edge->PrevInAEL = 0; edge->NextInAEL = 0; m_ActiveEdges = edge; } else if(!startEdge && E2InsertsBeforeE1(*m_ActiveEdges, *edge)) { edge->PrevInAEL = 0; edge->NextInAEL = m_ActiveEdges; m_ActiveEdges->PrevInAEL = edge; m_ActiveEdges = edge; } else { if(!startEdge) startEdge = m_ActiveEdges; while(startEdge->NextInAEL && !E2InsertsBeforeE1(*startEdge->NextInAEL , *edge)) startEdge = startEdge->NextInAEL; edge->NextInAEL = startEdge->NextInAEL; if(startEdge->NextInAEL) startEdge->NextInAEL->PrevInAEL = edge; edge->PrevInAEL = startEdge; startEdge->NextInAEL = edge; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- OutPt* DupOutPt(OutPt* outPt, bool InsertAfter) { OutPt* result = new OutPt; result->Pt = outPt->Pt; result->Idx = outPt->Idx; if (InsertAfter) { result->Next = outPt->Next; result->Prev = outPt; outPt->Next->Prev = result; outPt->Next = result; } else { result->Prev = outPt->Prev; result->Next = outPt; outPt->Prev->Next = result; outPt->Prev = result; } return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool JoinHorz(OutPt* op1, OutPt* op1b, OutPt* op2, OutPt* op2b, const IntPoint Pt, bool DiscardLeft) { Direction Dir1 = (op1->Pt.X > op1b->Pt.X ? dRightToLeft : dLeftToRight); Direction Dir2 = (op2->Pt.X > op2b->Pt.X ? dRightToLeft : dLeftToRight); if (Dir1 == Dir2) return false; //When DiscardLeft, we want Op1b to be on the Left of Op1, otherwise we //want Op1b to be on the Right. (And likewise with Op2 and Op2b.) //So, to facilitate this while inserting Op1b and Op2b ... //when DiscardLeft, make sure we're AT or RIGHT of Pt before adding Op1b, //otherwise make sure we're AT or LEFT of Pt. (Likewise with Op2b.) if (Dir1 == dLeftToRight) { while (op1->Next->Pt.X <= Pt.X && op1->Next->Pt.X >= op1->Pt.X && op1->Next->Pt.Y == Pt.Y) op1 = op1->Next; if (DiscardLeft && (op1->Pt.X != Pt.X)) op1 = op1->Next; op1b = DupOutPt(op1, !DiscardLeft); if (op1b->Pt != Pt) { op1 = op1b; op1->Pt = Pt; op1b = DupOutPt(op1, !DiscardLeft); } } else { while (op1->Next->Pt.X >= Pt.X && op1->Next->Pt.X <= op1->Pt.X && op1->Next->Pt.Y == Pt.Y) op1 = op1->Next; if (!DiscardLeft && (op1->Pt.X != Pt.X)) op1 = op1->Next; op1b = DupOutPt(op1, DiscardLeft); if (op1b->Pt != Pt) { op1 = op1b; op1->Pt = Pt; op1b = DupOutPt(op1, DiscardLeft); } } if (Dir2 == dLeftToRight) { while (op2->Next->Pt.X <= Pt.X && op2->Next->Pt.X >= op2->Pt.X && op2->Next->Pt.Y == Pt.Y) op2 = op2->Next; if (DiscardLeft && (op2->Pt.X != Pt.X)) op2 = op2->Next; op2b = DupOutPt(op2, !DiscardLeft); if (op2b->Pt != Pt) { op2 = op2b; op2->Pt = Pt; op2b = DupOutPt(op2, !DiscardLeft); }; } else { while (op2->Next->Pt.X >= Pt.X && op2->Next->Pt.X <= op2->Pt.X && op2->Next->Pt.Y == Pt.Y) op2 = op2->Next; if (!DiscardLeft && (op2->Pt.X != Pt.X)) op2 = op2->Next; op2b = DupOutPt(op2, DiscardLeft); if (op2b->Pt != Pt) { op2 = op2b; op2->Pt = Pt; op2b = DupOutPt(op2, DiscardLeft); }; }; if ((Dir1 == dLeftToRight) == DiscardLeft) { op1->Prev = op2; op2->Next = op1; op1b->Next = op2b; op2b->Prev = op1b; } else { op1->Next = op2; op2->Prev = op1; op1b->Prev = op2b; op2b->Next = op1b; } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Clipper::JoinPoints(const Join *j, OutPt *&p1, OutPt *&p2) { OutRec* outRec1 = GetOutRec(j->OutPt1->Idx); OutRec* outRec2 = GetOutRec(j->OutPt2->Idx); OutPt *op1 = j->OutPt1, *op1b; OutPt *op2 = j->OutPt2, *op2b; //There are 3 kinds of joins for output polygons ... //1. Horizontal joins where Join.OutPt1 & Join.OutPt2 are a vertices anywhere //along (horizontal) collinear edges (& Join.OffPt is on the same horizontal). //2. Non-horizontal joins where Join.OutPt1 & Join.OutPt2 are at the same //location at the Bottom of the overlapping segment (& Join.OffPt is above). //3. StrictSimple joins where edges touch but are not collinear and where //Join.OutPt1, Join.OutPt2 & Join.OffPt all share the same point. bool isHorizontal = (j->OutPt1->Pt.Y == j->OffPt.Y); if (isHorizontal && (j->OffPt == j->OutPt1->Pt) && (j->OffPt == j->OutPt2->Pt)) { //Strictly Simple join ... op1b = j->OutPt1->Next; while (op1b != op1 && (op1b->Pt == j->OffPt)) op1b = op1b->Next; bool reverse1 = (op1b->Pt.Y > j->OffPt.Y); op2b = j->OutPt2->Next; while (op2b != op2 && (op2b->Pt == j->OffPt)) op2b = op2b->Next; bool reverse2 = (op2b->Pt.Y > j->OffPt.Y); if (reverse1 == reverse2) return false; if (reverse1) { op1b = DupOutPt(op1, false); op2b = DupOutPt(op2, true); op1->Prev = op2; op2->Next = op1; op1b->Next = op2b; op2b->Prev = op1b; p1 = op1; p2 = op1b; return true; } else { op1b = DupOutPt(op1, true); op2b = DupOutPt(op2, false); op1->Next = op2; op2->Prev = op1; op1b->Prev = op2b; op2b->Next = op1b; p1 = op1; p2 = op1b; return true; } } else if (isHorizontal) { //treat horizontal joins differently to non-horizontal joins since with //them we're not yet sure where the overlapping is. OutPt1.Pt & OutPt2.Pt //may be anywhere along the horizontal edge. op1b = op1; while (op1->Prev->Pt.Y == op1->Pt.Y && op1->Prev != op1b && op1->Prev != op2) op1 = op1->Prev; while (op1b->Next->Pt.Y == op1b->Pt.Y && op1b->Next != op1 && op1b->Next != op2) op1b = op1b->Next; if (op1b->Next == op1 || op1b->Next == op2) return false; //a flat 'polygon' op2b = op2; while (op2->Prev->Pt.Y == op2->Pt.Y && op2->Prev != op2b && op2->Prev != op1b) op2 = op2->Prev; while (op2b->Next->Pt.Y == op2b->Pt.Y && op2b->Next != op2 && op2b->Next != op1) op2b = op2b->Next; if (op2b->Next == op2 || op2b->Next == op1) return false; //a flat 'polygon' cInt Left, Right; //Op1 --> Op1b & Op2 --> Op2b are the extremites of the horizontal edges if (!GetOverlap(op1->Pt.X, op1b->Pt.X, op2->Pt.X, op2b->Pt.X, Left, Right)) return false; //DiscardLeftSide: when overlapping edges are joined, a spike will created //which needs to be cleaned up. However, we don't want Op1 or Op2 caught up //on the discard Side as either may still be needed for other joins ... IntPoint Pt; bool DiscardLeftSide; if (op1->Pt.X >= Left && op1->Pt.X <= Right) { Pt = op1->Pt; DiscardLeftSide = (op1->Pt.X > op1b->Pt.X); } else if (op2->Pt.X >= Left&& op2->Pt.X <= Right) { Pt = op2->Pt; DiscardLeftSide = (op2->Pt.X > op2b->Pt.X); } else if (op1b->Pt.X >= Left && op1b->Pt.X <= Right) { Pt = op1b->Pt; DiscardLeftSide = op1b->Pt.X > op1->Pt.X; } else { Pt = op2b->Pt; DiscardLeftSide = (op2b->Pt.X > op2->Pt.X); } p1 = op1; p2 = op2; return JoinHorz(op1, op1b, op2, op2b, Pt, DiscardLeftSide); } else { //nb: For non-horizontal joins ... // 1. Jr.OutPt1.Pt.Y == Jr.OutPt2.Pt.Y // 2. Jr.OutPt1.Pt > Jr.OffPt.Y //make sure the polygons are correctly oriented ... op1b = op1->Next; while ((op1b->Pt == op1->Pt) && (op1b != op1)) op1b = op1b->Next; bool Reverse1 = ((op1b->Pt.Y > op1->Pt.Y) || !SlopesEqual(op1->Pt, op1b->Pt, j->OffPt, m_UseFullRange)); if (Reverse1) { op1b = op1->Prev; while ((op1b->Pt == op1->Pt) && (op1b != op1)) op1b = op1b->Prev; if ((op1b->Pt.Y > op1->Pt.Y) || !SlopesEqual(op1->Pt, op1b->Pt, j->OffPt, m_UseFullRange)) return false; }; op2b = op2->Next; while ((op2b->Pt == op2->Pt) && (op2b != op2))op2b = op2b->Next; bool Reverse2 = ((op2b->Pt.Y > op2->Pt.Y) || !SlopesEqual(op2->Pt, op2b->Pt, j->OffPt, m_UseFullRange)); if (Reverse2) { op2b = op2->Prev; while ((op2b->Pt == op2->Pt) && (op2b != op2)) op2b = op2b->Prev; if ((op2b->Pt.Y > op2->Pt.Y) || !SlopesEqual(op2->Pt, op2b->Pt, j->OffPt, m_UseFullRange)) return false; } if ((op1b == op1) || (op2b == op2) || (op1b == op2b) || ((outRec1 == outRec2) && (Reverse1 == Reverse2))) return false; if (Reverse1) { op1b = DupOutPt(op1, false); op2b = DupOutPt(op2, true); op1->Prev = op2; op2->Next = op1; op1b->Next = op2b; op2b->Prev = op1b; p1 = op1; p2 = op1b; return true; } else { op1b = DupOutPt(op1, true); op2b = DupOutPt(op2, false); op1->Next = op2; op2->Prev = op1; op1b->Prev = op2b; op2b->Next = op1b; p1 = op1; p2 = op1b; return true; } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Poly2ContainsPoly1(OutPt* OutPt1, OutPt* OutPt2, bool UseFullInt64Range) { OutPt* Pt = OutPt1; //Because the polygons may be touching, we need to find a vertex that //isn't touching the other polygon ... if (PointOnPolygon(Pt->Pt, OutPt2, UseFullInt64Range)) { Pt = Pt->Next; while (Pt != OutPt1 && PointOnPolygon(Pt->Pt, OutPt2, UseFullInt64Range)) Pt = Pt->Next; if (Pt == OutPt1) return true; } return PointInPolygon(Pt->Pt, OutPt2, UseFullInt64Range); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Clipper::FixupFirstLefts1(OutRec* OldOutRec, OutRec* NewOutRec) { for (PolyOutList::size_type i = 0; i < m_PolyOuts.size(); ++i) { OutRec* outRec = m_PolyOuts[i]; if (outRec->Pts && outRec->FirstLeft == OldOutRec) { if (Poly2ContainsPoly1(outRec->Pts, NewOutRec->Pts, m_UseFullRange)) outRec->FirstLeft = NewOutRec; } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Clipper::FixupFirstLefts2(OutRec* OldOutRec, OutRec* NewOutRec) { for (PolyOutList::size_type i = 0; i < m_PolyOuts.size(); ++i) { OutRec* outRec = m_PolyOuts[i]; if (outRec->FirstLeft == OldOutRec) outRec->FirstLeft = NewOutRec; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Clipper::JoinCommonEdges() { for (JoinList::size_type i = 0; i < m_Joins.size(); i++) { Join* j = m_Joins[i]; OutRec *outRec1 = GetOutRec(j->OutPt1->Idx); OutRec *outRec2 = GetOutRec(j->OutPt2->Idx); if (!outRec1->Pts || !outRec2->Pts) continue; //get the polygon fragment with the correct hole state (FirstLeft) //before calling JoinPoints() ... OutRec *holeStateRec; if (outRec1 == outRec2) holeStateRec = outRec1; else if (Param1RightOfParam2(outRec1, outRec2)) holeStateRec = outRec2; else if (Param1RightOfParam2(outRec2, outRec1)) holeStateRec = outRec1; else holeStateRec = GetLowermostRec(outRec1, outRec2); OutPt *p1, *p2; if (!JoinPoints(j, p1, p2)) continue; if (outRec1 == outRec2) { //instead of joining two polygons, we've just created a new one by //splitting one polygon into two. outRec1->Pts = p1; outRec1->BottomPt = 0; outRec2 = CreateOutRec(); outRec2->Pts = p2; //update all OutRec2.Pts Idx's ... UpdateOutPtIdxs(*outRec2); if (Poly2ContainsPoly1(outRec2->Pts, outRec1->Pts, m_UseFullRange)) { //outRec2 is contained by outRec1 ... outRec2->IsHole = !outRec1->IsHole; outRec2->FirstLeft = outRec1; //fixup FirstLeft pointers that may need reassigning to OutRec1 if (m_UsingPolyTree) FixupFirstLefts2(outRec2, outRec1); if ((outRec2->IsHole ^ m_ReverseOutput) == (Area(*outRec2) > 0)) ReversePolyPtLinks(outRec2->Pts); } else if (Poly2ContainsPoly1(outRec1->Pts, outRec2->Pts, m_UseFullRange)) { //outRec1 is contained by outRec2 ... outRec2->IsHole = outRec1->IsHole; outRec1->IsHole = !outRec2->IsHole; outRec2->FirstLeft = outRec1->FirstLeft; outRec1->FirstLeft = outRec2; //fixup FirstLeft pointers that may need reassigning to OutRec1 if (m_UsingPolyTree) FixupFirstLefts2(outRec1, outRec2); if ((outRec1->IsHole ^ m_ReverseOutput) == (Area(*outRec1) > 0)) ReversePolyPtLinks(outRec1->Pts); } else { //the 2 polygons are completely separate ... outRec2->IsHole = outRec1->IsHole; outRec2->FirstLeft = outRec1->FirstLeft; //fixup FirstLeft pointers that may need reassigning to OutRec2 if (m_UsingPolyTree) FixupFirstLefts1(outRec1, outRec2); } } else { //joined 2 polygons together ... outRec2->Pts = 0; outRec2->BottomPt = 0; outRec2->Idx = outRec1->Idx; outRec1->IsHole = holeStateRec->IsHole; if (holeStateRec == outRec2) outRec1->FirstLeft = outRec2->FirstLeft; outRec2->FirstLeft = outRec1; //fixup FirstLeft pointers that may need reassigning to OutRec1 if (m_UsingPolyTree) FixupFirstLefts2(outRec2, outRec1); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Clipper::DoSimplePolygons() { PolyOutList::size_type i = 0; while (i < m_PolyOuts.size()) { OutRec* outrec = m_PolyOuts[i++]; OutPt* op = outrec->Pts; if (!op) continue; do //for each Pt in Polygon until duplicate found do ... { OutPt* op2 = op->Next; while (op2 != outrec->Pts) { if ((op->Pt == op2->Pt) && op2->Next != op && op2->Prev != op) { //split the polygon into two ... OutPt* op3 = op->Prev; OutPt* op4 = op2->Prev; op->Prev = op4; op4->Next = op; op2->Prev = op3; op3->Next = op2; outrec->Pts = op; OutRec* outrec2 = CreateOutRec(); outrec2->Pts = op2; UpdateOutPtIdxs(*outrec2); if (Poly2ContainsPoly1(outrec2->Pts, outrec->Pts, m_UseFullRange)) { //OutRec2 is contained by OutRec1 ... outrec2->IsHole = !outrec->IsHole; outrec2->FirstLeft = outrec; } else if (Poly2ContainsPoly1(outrec->Pts, outrec2->Pts, m_UseFullRange)) { //OutRec1 is contained by OutRec2 ... outrec2->IsHole = outrec->IsHole; outrec->IsHole = !outrec2->IsHole; outrec2->FirstLeft = outrec->FirstLeft; outrec->FirstLeft = outrec2; } else { //the 2 polygons are separate ... outrec2->IsHole = outrec->IsHole; outrec2->FirstLeft = outrec->FirstLeft; } op2 = op; //ie get ready for the Next iteration } op2 = op2->Next; } op = op->Next; } while (op != outrec->Pts); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ReversePath(Path& p) { std::reverse(p.begin(), p.end()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ReversePaths(Paths& p) { for (Paths::size_type i = 0; i < p.size(); ++i) ReversePath(p[i]); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // OffsetPolygon functions ... //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DoublePoint GetUnitNormal(const IntPoint &pt1, const IntPoint &pt2) { if(pt2.X == pt1.X && pt2.Y == pt1.Y) return DoublePoint(0, 0); double Dx = (double)(pt2.X - pt1.X); double dy = (double)(pt2.Y - pt1.Y); double f = 1 *1.0/ std::sqrt( Dx*Dx + dy*dy ); Dx *= f; dy *= f; return DoublePoint(dy, -Dx); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class OffsetBuilder { private: const Paths& m_p; Path* m_curr_poly; std::vector normals; double m_delta, m_sinA, m_sin, m_cos; double m_miterLim, m_Steps360; size_t m_i, m_j, m_k; static const int buffLength = 128; public: OffsetBuilder(const Paths& in_polys, Paths& out_polys, double Delta, JoinType jointype, EndType endtype, double limit): m_p(in_polys) { //precondition: &out_polys != &in_polys if (NEAR_ZERO(Delta)) {out_polys = in_polys; return;} //we can't shrink a polyline so ... if (endtype != etClosed && Delta < 0) Delta = -Delta; m_delta = Delta; if (jointype == jtMiter) { //m_miterLim: see offset_triginometry.svg in the documentation folder ... if (limit > 2) m_miterLim = 2/(limit*limit); else m_miterLim = 0.5; if (endtype == etRound) limit = 0.25; } if (jointype == jtRound || endtype == etRound) { if (limit <= 0) limit = 0.25; else if (limit > std::fabs(Delta)*0.25) limit = std::fabs(Delta)*0.25; //m_Steps360: see offset_triginometry2.svg in the documentation folder ... m_Steps360 = pi / acos(1 - limit / std::fabs(Delta)); m_sin = std::sin(2 * pi / m_Steps360); m_cos = std::cos(2 * pi / m_Steps360); m_Steps360 /= pi * 2; if (Delta < 0) m_sin = -m_sin; } out_polys.clear(); out_polys.resize(m_p.size()); for (m_i = 0; m_i < m_p.size(); m_i++) { size_t len = m_p[m_i].size(); if (len == 0 || (len < 3 && Delta <= 0)) continue; if (len == 1) { if (jointype == jtRound) { double X = 1.0, Y = 0.0; for (cInt j = 1; j <= Round(m_Steps360 * 2 * pi); j++) { AddPoint(IntPoint( Round(m_p[m_i][0].X + X * Delta), Round(m_p[m_i][0].Y + Y * Delta))); double X2 = X; X = X * m_cos - m_sin * Y; Y = X2 * m_sin + Y * m_cos; } } else { double X = -1.0, Y = -1.0; for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { AddPoint(IntPoint( Round(m_p[m_i][0].X + X * Delta), Round(m_p[m_i][0].Y + Y * Delta))); if (X < 0) X = 1; else if (Y < 0) Y = 1; else X = -1; } } continue; } //build normals ... normals.clear(); normals.resize(len); for (m_j = 0; m_j < len -1; ++m_j) normals[m_j] = GetUnitNormal(m_p[m_i][m_j], m_p[m_i][m_j +1]); if (endtype == etClosed) normals[len-1] = GetUnitNormal(m_p[m_i][len-1], m_p[m_i][0]); else //is open polyline normals[len-1] = normals[len-2]; m_curr_poly = &out_polys[m_i]; m_curr_poly->reserve(len); if (endtype == etClosed) { m_k = len -1; for (m_j = 0; m_j < len; ++m_j) OffsetPoint(jointype); } else //is open polyline { //offset the polyline going forward ... m_k = 0; for (m_j = 1; m_j < len -1; ++m_j) OffsetPoint(jointype); //handle the end (butt, round or square) ... IntPoint pt1; if (endtype == etButt) { m_j = len - 1; pt1 = IntPoint(Round(m_p[m_i][m_j].X + normals[m_j].X * m_delta), Round(m_p[m_i][m_j].Y + normals[m_j].Y * m_delta)); AddPoint(pt1); pt1 = IntPoint(Round(m_p[m_i][m_j].X - normals[m_j].X * m_delta), Round(m_p[m_i][m_j].Y - normals[m_j].Y * m_delta)); AddPoint(pt1); } else { m_j = len - 1; m_k = len - 2; m_sinA = 0; normals[m_j].X = -normals[m_j].X; normals[m_j].Y = -normals[m_j].Y; if (endtype == etSquare) DoSquare(); else DoRound(); } //re-build Normals ... for (int j = len - 1; j > 0; --j) { normals[j].X = -normals[j - 1].X; normals[j].Y = -normals[j - 1].Y; } normals[0].X = -normals[1].X; normals[0].Y = -normals[1].Y; //offset the polyline going backward ... m_k = len -1; for (m_j = m_k - 1; m_j > 0; --m_j) OffsetPoint(jointype); //finally handle the start (butt, round or square) ... if (endtype == etButt) { pt1 = IntPoint(Round(m_p[m_i][0].X - normals[0].X * m_delta), Round(m_p[m_i][0].Y - normals[0].Y * m_delta)); AddPoint(pt1); pt1 = IntPoint(Round(m_p[m_i][0].X + normals[0].X * m_delta), Round(m_p[m_i][0].Y + normals[0].Y * m_delta)); AddPoint(pt1); } else { m_sinA = 0; m_k = 1; if (endtype == etSquare) DoSquare(); else DoRound(); } } } //and clean up untidy corners using Clipper ... Clipper clpr; clpr.AddPaths(out_polys, ptSubject, true); if (Delta > 0) { if (!clpr.Execute(ctUnion, out_polys, pftPositive, pftPositive)) out_polys.clear(); } else { IntRect r = clpr.GetBounds(); Path outer(4); outer[0] = IntPoint(r.left - 10, r.bottom + 10); outer[1] = IntPoint(r.right + 10, r.bottom + 10); outer[2] = IntPoint(r.right + 10, r.top - 10); outer[3] = IntPoint(r.left - 10, r.top - 10); clpr.AddPath(outer, ptSubject, true); clpr.ReverseSolution(true); if (clpr.Execute(ctUnion, out_polys, pftNegative, pftNegative)) out_polys.erase(out_polys.begin()); else out_polys.clear(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private: void OffsetPoint(JoinType jointype) { m_sinA = (normals[m_k].X * normals[m_j].Y - normals[m_j].X * normals[m_k].Y); if (std::fabs(m_sinA) < 0.00005) return; //ie collinear else if (m_sinA > 1.0) m_sinA = 1.0; else if (m_sinA < -1.0) m_sinA = -1.0; if (m_sinA * m_delta < 0) { AddPoint(IntPoint(Round(m_p[m_i][m_j].X + normals[m_k].X * m_delta), Round(m_p[m_i][m_j].Y + normals[m_k].Y * m_delta))); AddPoint(m_p[m_i][m_j]); AddPoint(IntPoint(Round(m_p[m_i][m_j].X + normals[m_j].X * m_delta), Round(m_p[m_i][m_j].Y + normals[m_j].Y * m_delta))); } else switch (jointype) { case jtMiter: { double r = 1 + (normals[m_j].X*normals[m_k].X + normals[m_j].Y*normals[m_k].Y); if (r >= m_miterLim) DoMiter(r); else DoSquare(); break; } case jtSquare: DoSquare(); break; case jtRound: DoRound(); break; } m_k = m_j; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AddPoint(const IntPoint& Pt) { if (m_curr_poly->size() == m_curr_poly->capacity()) m_curr_poly->reserve(m_curr_poly->capacity() + buffLength); m_curr_poly->push_back(Pt); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void DoSquare() { double Dx = std::tan(std::atan2(m_sinA, normals[m_k].X * normals[m_j].X + normals[m_k].Y * normals[m_j].Y)/4); AddPoint(IntPoint( Round(m_p[m_i][m_j].X + m_delta * (normals[m_k].X - normals[m_k].Y *Dx)), Round(m_p[m_i][m_j].Y + m_delta * (normals[m_k].Y + normals[m_k].X *Dx)))); AddPoint(IntPoint( Round(m_p[m_i][m_j].X + m_delta * (normals[m_j].X + normals[m_j].Y *Dx)), Round(m_p[m_i][m_j].Y + m_delta * (normals[m_j].Y - normals[m_j].X *Dx)))); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void DoMiter(double r) { double q = m_delta / r; AddPoint(IntPoint(Round(m_p[m_i][m_j].X + (normals[m_k].X + normals[m_j].X) * q), Round(m_p[m_i][m_j].Y + (normals[m_k].Y + normals[m_j].Y) * q))); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void DoRound() { double a = std::atan2(m_sinA, normals[m_k].X * normals[m_j].X + normals[m_k].Y * normals[m_j].Y); int steps = (int)Round(m_Steps360 * std::fabs(a)); double X = normals[m_k].X, Y = normals[m_k].Y, X2; for (int i = 0; i < steps; ++i) { AddPoint(IntPoint( Round(m_p[m_i][m_j].X + X * m_delta), Round(m_p[m_i][m_j].Y + Y * m_delta))); X2 = X; X = X * m_cos - m_sin * Y; Y = X2 * m_sin + Y * m_cos; } AddPoint(IntPoint( Round(m_p[m_i][m_j].X + normals[m_j].X * m_delta), Round(m_p[m_i][m_j].Y + normals[m_j].Y * m_delta))); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- }; //end PolyOffsetBuilder //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void StripDupsAndGetBotPt(Path& in_path, Path& out_path, bool closed, IntPoint* botPt) { botPt = 0; size_t len = in_path.size(); if (closed) while (len > 0 && (in_path[0] == in_path[len -1])) len--; if (len == 0) return; out_path.resize(len); int j = 0; out_path[0] = in_path[0]; botPt = &out_path[0]; for (size_t i = 1; i < len; ++i) if (in_path[i] != out_path[j]) { j++; out_path[j] = in_path[i]; if (out_path[j].Y > botPt->Y) botPt = &out_path[j]; else if ((out_path[j].Y == botPt->Y) && out_path[j].X < botPt->X) botPt = &out_path[j]; } j++; if (j < 2 || (closed && (j == 2))) j = 0; out_path.resize(j); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void OffsetPaths(const Paths &in_polys, Paths &out_polys, double delta, JoinType jointype, EndType endtype, double limit) { //just in case in_polys == &out_polys ... Paths inPolys = Paths(in_polys); out_polys.clear(); out_polys.resize(inPolys.size()); IntPoint *botPt = 0, *pt = 0; int botIdx = -1; for (size_t i = 0; i < in_polys.size(); ++i) { StripDupsAndGetBotPt(inPolys[i], out_polys[i], endtype == etClosed, pt); if (botPt) if (!botPt || pt->Y > botPt->Y || (pt->Y == botPt->Y && pt->X < botPt->X)) { botPt = pt; botIdx = i; } } if (endtype == etClosed && botIdx >= 0 && !Orientation(inPolys[botIdx])) ReversePaths(inPolys); OffsetBuilder(inPolys, out_polys, delta, jointype, endtype, limit); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SimplifyPolygons(const Paths &in_polys, Paths &out_polys, PolyFillType fillType) { Clipper c; c.StrictlySimple(true); c.AddPaths(in_polys, ptSubject, true); c.Execute(ctUnion, out_polys, fillType, fillType); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SimplifyPolygons(Paths &polys, PolyFillType fillType) { SimplifyPolygons(polys, polys, fillType); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline double DistanceSqrd(const IntPoint& pt1, const IntPoint& pt2) { double Dx = ((double)pt1.X - pt2.X); double dy = ((double)pt1.Y - pt2.Y); return (Dx*Dx + dy*dy); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DoublePoint ClosestPointOnLine(const IntPoint& Pt, const IntPoint& linePt1, const IntPoint& linePt2) { double Dx = ((double)linePt2.X - linePt1.X); double dy = ((double)linePt2.Y - linePt1.Y); if (Dx == 0 && dy == 0) return DoublePoint((double)linePt1.X, (double)linePt1.Y); double q = ((Pt.X-linePt1.X)*Dx + (Pt.Y-linePt1.Y)*dy) / (Dx*Dx + dy*dy); return DoublePoint( (1-q)*linePt1.X + q*linePt2.X, (1-q)*linePt1.Y + q*linePt2.Y); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool SlopesNearCollinear(const IntPoint& pt1, const IntPoint& pt2, const IntPoint& pt3, double distSqrd) { if (DistanceSqrd(pt1, pt2) > DistanceSqrd(pt1, pt3)) return false; DoublePoint cpol = ClosestPointOnLine(pt2, pt1, pt3); double Dx = pt2.X - cpol.X; double dy = pt2.Y - cpol.Y; return (Dx*Dx + dy*dy) < distSqrd; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool PointsAreClose(IntPoint pt1, IntPoint pt2, double distSqrd) { double Dx = (double)pt1.X - pt2.X; double dy = (double)pt1.Y - pt2.Y; return ((Dx * Dx) + (dy * dy) <= distSqrd); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CleanPolygon(const Path& in_poly, Path& out_poly, double distance) { //distance = proximity in units/pixels below which vertices //will be stripped. Default ~= sqrt(2). int highI = in_poly.size() -1; double distSqrd = distance * distance; while (highI > 0 && PointsAreClose(in_poly[highI], in_poly[0], distSqrd)) highI--; if (highI < 2) { out_poly.clear(); return; } if (&in_poly != &out_poly) out_poly.resize(highI + 1); IntPoint Pt = in_poly[highI]; int i = 0, k = 0; for (;;) { while (i < highI && PointsAreClose(Pt, in_poly[i+1], distSqrd)) i+=2; int i2 = i; while (i < highI && (PointsAreClose(in_poly[i], in_poly[i+1], distSqrd) || SlopesNearCollinear(Pt, in_poly[i], in_poly[i+1], distSqrd))) i++; if (i >= highI) break; else if (i != i2) continue; Pt = in_poly[i++]; out_poly[k++] = Pt; } if (i <= highI) out_poly[k++] = in_poly[i]; if (k > 2 && SlopesNearCollinear(out_poly[k -2], out_poly[k -1], out_poly[0], distSqrd)) k--; if (k < 3) out_poly.clear(); else if (k <= highI) out_poly.resize(k); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CleanPolygon(Path& poly, double distance) { CleanPolygon(poly, poly, distance); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CleanPolygons(const Paths& in_polys, Paths& out_polys, double distance) { for (Paths::size_type i = 0; i < in_polys.size(); ++i) CleanPolygon(in_polys[i], out_polys[i], distance); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CleanPolygons(Paths& polys, double distance) { CleanPolygons(polys, polys, distance); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Minkowki(const Path& poly, const Path& path, Paths& solution, bool isSum, bool isClosed) { int delta = (isClosed ? 1 : 0); size_t polyCnt = poly.size(); size_t pathCnt = path.size(); Paths pp; pp.reserve(pathCnt); if (isSum) for (size_t i = 0; i < pathCnt; ++i) { Path p; p.reserve(polyCnt); for (size_t j = 0; j < poly.size(); ++j) p.push_back(IntPoint(path[i].X + poly[j].X, path[i].Y + poly[j].Y)); pp.push_back(p); } else for (size_t i = 0; i < pathCnt; ++i) { Path p; p.reserve(polyCnt); for (size_t j = 0; j < poly.size(); ++j) p.push_back(IntPoint(path[i].X - poly[j].X, path[i].Y - poly[j].Y)); pp.push_back(p); } Paths quads; quads.reserve((pathCnt + delta) * (polyCnt + 1)); for (size_t i = 0; i <= pathCnt - 2 + delta; ++i) for (size_t j = 0; j <= polyCnt - 1; ++j) { Path quad; quad.reserve(4); quad.push_back(pp[i % pathCnt][j % polyCnt]); quad.push_back(pp[(i + 1) % pathCnt][j % polyCnt]); quad.push_back(pp[(i + 1) % pathCnt][(j + 1) % polyCnt]); quad.push_back(pp[i % pathCnt][(j + 1) % polyCnt]); if (!Orientation(quad)) ReversePath(quad); quads.push_back(quad); } Clipper c; c.AddPaths(quads, ptSubject, true); c.Execute(ctUnion, solution, pftNonZero, pftNonZero); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MinkowkiSum(const Path& poly, const Path& path, Paths& solution, bool isClosed) { Minkowki(poly, path, solution, true, isClosed); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MinkowkiDiff(const Path& poly, const Path& path, Paths& solution, bool isClosed) { Minkowki(poly, path, solution, false, isClosed); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ enum NodeType {ntAny, ntOpen, ntClosed}; void AddPolyNodeToPolygons(const PolyNode& polynode, NodeType nodetype, Paths& paths) { bool match = true; if (nodetype == ntClosed) match = !polynode.IsOpen(); else if (nodetype == ntOpen) return; if (!polynode.Contour.empty() && match) paths.push_back(polynode.Contour); for (int i = 0; i < polynode.ChildCount(); ++i) AddPolyNodeToPolygons(*polynode.Childs[i], nodetype, paths); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void PolyTreeToPaths(const PolyTree& polytree, Paths& paths) { paths.resize(0); paths.reserve(polytree.Total()); AddPolyNodeToPolygons(polytree, ntAny, paths); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ClosedPathsFromPolyTree(const PolyTree& polytree, Paths& paths) { paths.resize(0); paths.reserve(polytree.Total()); AddPolyNodeToPolygons(polytree, ntClosed, paths); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void OpenPathsFromPolyTree(PolyTree& polytree, Paths& paths) { paths.resize(0); paths.reserve(polytree.Total()); //Open paths are top level only, so ... for (int i = 0; i < polytree.ChildCount(); ++i) if (polytree.Childs[i]->IsOpen()) paths.push_back(polytree.Childs[i]->Contour); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream &s, const IntPoint &p) { s << "(" << p.X << "," << p.Y << ")"; return s; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream &s, const Path &p) { if (p.empty()) return s; Path::size_type last = p.size() -1; for (Path::size_type i = 0; i < last; i++) s << "(" << p[i].X << "," << p[i].Y << "), "; s << "(" << p[last].X << "," << p[last].Y << ")\n"; return s; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream &s, const Paths &p) { for (Paths::size_type i = 0; i < p.size(); i++) s << p[i]; s << "\n"; return s; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef use_deprecated bool ClipperBase::AddPolygon(const Path &pg, PolyType PolyTyp) { return AddPath(pg, PolyTyp, true); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool ClipperBase::AddPolygons(const Paths &ppg, PolyType PolyTyp) { bool result = false; for (Paths::size_type i = 0; i < ppg.size(); ++i) if (AddPath(ppg[i], PolyTyp, true)) result = true; return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void OffsetPolygons(const Polygons &in_polys, Polygons &out_polys, double delta, JoinType jointype, double limit, bool autoFix) { OffsetPaths(in_polys, out_polys, delta, jointype, etClosed, limit); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void PolyTreeToPolygons(const PolyTree& polytree, Paths& paths) { PolyTreeToPaths(polytree, paths); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ReversePolygon(Path& p) { std::reverse(p.begin(), p.end()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ReversePolygons(Paths& p) { for (Paths::size_type i = 0; i < p.size(); ++i) ReversePolygon(p[i]); } #endif } //ClipperLib namespace